Superior PositionChapter 3

Edited by Zaki

At Wei Guangkuo’s house, Jiang Zhan and Qi Meng exchanged WeChat information. OQWPL2

Jiang Zhan still didn’t agree. Qi Meng didn’t give up, but he didn’t continue to press. This was his good friend’s Nephew, and he was a good-looking boy. He needed to be cared for and remain patient.

Qi Meng sat for a while and then left. He was a producer, and he had no vacation or leisure time 365 days a year. Before leaving, he stood outside the gate and winked at Wei Guangkuo desperately: Brother, dear Brother, please, please help me persuade him again!

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Wei Guangkuo felt a headache, and after asking him to leave, he didn’t persuade Jiang Zhan.

As an Uncle, he knew Jiang Zhan’s temper very well, and persuading him was useless. Olkf1q

Jiang Zhan turned Qi Meng’s business card in his hand, lost in thought for a while, and suddenly said: “Being a celebrity is not as good as he said.”

Wei Guangkuo was calm and composed. He had been a professor at the Academy of Arts for so many years, and he saw it most clearly: “To regard being a celebrity as a profession certainly has advantages and disadvantages.”

Jiang Zhan gestured to the business card in his hand: “What do you think Uncle?”

Wei Guangkuo: “I have no say, it’s up to you, you decide for yourself.”


Jiang Zhan smiled.

He didn’t really care about the benefits of being a celebrity.

When he was young, his family was well-off, he had everything he needed, and his character was well-nurtured from a young age, so fame and fortune had no temptation for him.

But life was full of ups and downs, the company went bankrupt, and his parents passed away one after another. Jiang Zhan always felt that he had a long life ahead of him, and he couldn’t just muddle through. k 7y40

Returning to China was just to have a new beginning.

Finding a regular job was a new beginning.

Opening a shop or starting a business was a new beginning.

Participating in a talent show as an amateur was also a new beginning. eOL5WN

Besides, he didn’t know anything, and it was not certain whether he could pass the interview.

Let’s give it a try.

That night, Jiang Zhan asked Qi Meng on WeChat: “Where can I register?”

Two days later. zDT1mn

Jiang Zhan took the subway to the Tencent Building.

Tencent was indeed Tencent, and the company building was magnificent.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Zhan registered at the front desk and received a temporary entry and exit badge.

After a while, Qi Meng also arrived. l7v0dw

His hair was slicked back as usual, but the color had changed, today it was wine red.

Qi Meng even specifically pointed at his head and said to Jiang Zhan: “Entrusting you good luck, this is called a good luck hairstyle.”

Jiang Zhan looked at the red head, which looked like a cockscomb.

Qi Meng took Jiang Zhan to take the elevator, as the interview room was on the 22nd floor. QR2Gm5

Qi Meng kept talking all the way up: “The program will start recording next month, and today is the last interview, so you should seize the opportunity.”

“Don’t be too nervous, just act normally. The interview team generally does not have too high requirements for amateurs. If you have characteristics, can be remembered, and have audience appeal, you can get high scores.”

“I believe in you and my own vision. You can definitely do it, no problem.”

“Do you want some water? The waiting time may be a bit long later, so don’t just wait, remember to drink water and moisten your throat.” p97yYJ

“Are you hungry? I’ll ask my assistant to get you something to eat.”


22nd floor.

This was Jiang Zhan’s first time entering the office building of a video platform, and also his first time waiting for an interview. 6cuwfe

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rajoo ujnf Aljcu Itjc jc lcafgnlfk cewyfg jcv jrxfv tlw ab kjla lc atf kjlalcu gbbw. Hl Zfcu ifoa jr rbbc jr tf gfjmtfv atf 22cv oibbg ab jnblv rerqlmlbc.

Qtfc Aljcu Itjc uba atf cewyfg jcv kjixfv ab atf kjlalcu gbbw, Hl Zfcu jqqfjgfv jujlc jcv abiv tlw: “Ktfgf jgf j iba bo qfbqif abvjs, sbe kjla qjalfcais.”

Jiang Zhan nodded.

Qi Meng patted his shoulder: “All the best.” YgQmU8

Jiang Zhan tilted his head and smiled: “Thank you.”

It was a completely polite smile, with a hint of gentleness, the tail of his eyes was slightly curved, and his eyes were bright.

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Qi Meng was shocked by this smile, clenched his fist and pursed his lips, his expression intoxicated: “Yes, yes, that’s it, wait for the interview, if you encounter something you don’t understand or don’t know how to answer, just smile.”

Jiang Zhan smiled again, an irresistible and helpless smile. tEbU9w

He thought that if he could pass the interview by just smiling, then the interview of this talent show would be too easy.

Then he thought again, this Uncle Qi might be joking with him to liven up the atmosphere.

Entering the waiting room, the place was large and there were many people.

The waiting area for the talent show interview was not only equipped with chairs and water, but also various musical instruments and a large mirror to practice dancing. wD8z5h

When Jiang Zhan entered, there were people dancing, practicing songs, playing instruments, and chatting and laughing in the waiting room.

Jiang Zhan walked in from the front door alone, with a hat on his head, and found a chair to sit down casually, without attracting anyone’s attention.

After sitting down, he took out his mobile phone and opened the music software.

Just as he put on his headphones, someone patted his shoulder from behind. 95EhQp

Jiang Zhan straightened up slightly, tilted his head, and his baseball cap blocked the other person’s view.

The man asked: “Which company are you from?”

Jiang Zhan: “I haven’t signed yet.”

The man: “Wow, an amateur.” vrQtoy

Jiang Zhan: “Yes.”

The conversation ended here.

Jiang Zhan could sense that the atmosphere was subtle and the competition was fierce.

That was normal. According to Qi Meng, today was the last day of the interview and the program would start recording next month. There must not be many interview spots left. There were so many people, and only a few could stay. CiY906

Jiang Zhan was actually not nervous at this moment. He was an amateur, had no company, and didn’t know anything. The interviews were temporary. If he failed the interview, it would be completely reasonable.

As he had thought earlier: Just give it a try.

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With this mentality, Jiang Zhan didn’t pay attention to the other people in the waiting room. He just sat there and listened to the songs while waiting.

The conversations around him would reach his ears from time to time. He either ignored them or listened to them casually. b4zc8H

Suddenly, he heard a familiar name amid the noise and music.

“Yao Yufei is also participating in this variety show?”

“What is he doing here?”

“As a mentor.” kFadCQ


“You don’t know, the guy who is a senior brother in the same company as him is now participating in a talent show, and Yao Yufei, as a junior, is serving as a mentor and guiding others.”

“Who made him famous? Don’t be jealous.”

….. e6SLjv

Under the brim of his hat, Jiang Zhan’s expression did not change at all.

It was as if what he just heard was all air.

“Extreme Idol” would be recorded next month, and today was the last selection interview.

Tianlan Culture had sent over many people this time. No matter what, at least one more person from the company must become popular. How can Yao Yufei alone be enough? VFd2Yg

For this reason, Lan Yinhui also came for this last interview today. He had to keep an eye on the people in the company and not let them down at the last minute.

When he got to the 22nd floor, he saw that there were quite a few people to be interviewed today.

He stood outside the window of the waiting room, his eyes fell into the room, and searched for the people from his own company.

Not bad, they were all preparing in front of the mirror, they were quite attentive. j1n3Wi

Seeing that those people were not slacking off, Lan Yinhui did not go in, but stood outside the window with his hands in his pockets.

Just then someone came out of the waiting room, Lan Yinhui instinctively glanced sideways, not knowing which company he was from, but saw the brand name tag on the other person’s clothes

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165 Jiang Zhan

Lan Yinhui didn’t care and retracted his gaze. The man named Jiang Zhan walked towards him, without looking at Lan Yinhui. As he passed by, he raised his hand to take off his hat, smoothed his hair, put the hat back on, and walked past. q90eQw

The whole process took only two seconds, so fast that if you were not observant, you wouldn’t notice anything.

But Lan Yinhui was an agent with extremely sharp eyes.

When the man took off his hat, he saw the other person’s face in his peripheral vision. In shock, it took only half a second to overlap this face with the face on Yao Yufei’s mobile phone screen not long ago.

Jiang Zhan? mihWdA


Lan Yinhui turned his head in disbelief, and Jiang Zhan had already walked over.

Lan Yinhui stared at the back, with a shock expression on his face.

Was that Yao Yufei’s ex-boyfriend? rdeFuo

Didn’t they say he was abroad?

Didn’t they say he was an outsider?

Why was he in the Tencent building?

There was an interview name card on his body? bur01X

Lan Yinhui instinctively wanted to chase him, took two steps, and paused.

He walked quickly in the opposite direction, turned into the building’s safety passage, walked into the stairwell, quickly took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

As soon as the phone was connected, he asked: “Your ex-boyfriend, the one in the photo a few days ago, is his name Jiang Zhan?”

There was silence on the phone. After a while, Yao Yufei’s voice came through. He seemed a little dissatisfied and said in a hard tone: “I said it that day, I didn’t look through the photos on purpose, why are you asking again?” 3vjU0

Lan Yinhui didn’t have time to argue with him now, so he said directly: “I saw him.”

“….” Yao Yufei paused: “Where?”

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Lan Yinhui leaned on the handrail of the stairs: “Tencent Building.”

Yao Yufei: “Why is he there?” fImEkL

Lan Yinhui: “I have another question for you.”

Yao Yufei: “…..”

Lan Yinhui was a man of thunder and lightning, and he was very efficient in doing things. He really didn’t like Yao Yufei’s procrastination.

He said directly: “You didn’t have any unpleasantness when you broke up with him back then?” CdvShO

Yao Yufei: “….No.”

Lan Yinhui: “Did he just return to China?”

Yao Yufei: “It seems so.”

Lan Yinhui: “Did he look for you after he came back?” 4KpEcB

Yao Yufei: “No.”

Lan Yinhui: “Better not.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Lan Yinhui’s idea was very simple: If Jiang Zhan and Yao Yufei had nothing to do with each other after breaking up, that would be the best. I’m afraid he might make some small moves in private. oGHdhd

Lan Yinhui preferred the former.

But the problem was, it was too coincidental.

Yao Yufei was going to be a mentor on “Extreme Idol”, and this ex-boyfriend named Jiang Zhan happened to come for an interview to be a trainee.

How could it be so coincidental? rGo5p3

Lan Yinhui had to think more, and he didn’t have time to call Yao Yufei again to ask in detail. With Yao Yufei’s personality, he wouldn’t say anything if he didn’t ask, and would only say a few words if asked. By the time he figured out the past grievances, the interview here would be over.

Lan Yinhui directly found an acquaintance at Tencent.

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The other party happened to be in the “Extreme Idol” program group, with a high status, and was also in charge of today’s interview.

Lan Yinhui took the opportunity to call the person out and asked him who the 165cm tall Jiang Zhan was. Ztn 3F

The other party flipped through the information on his phone and said: “Amateur, no company.”

Lan Yinhui: “Who stuffed him in?”

The other party checked the information and noted: “Oh, Producer Qi introduced him.”

Qi Meng? 8ZdwOD

Lan Yinhui’s mind was spinning rapidly: He didn’t know Qi Meng well, but Qi Meng and the person in front of him had a slight disagreement. Although they were in the same company, they belonged to different factions. Jiang Zhan happened to be introduced by Qi Meng…..

Lan Yinhui made up his mind and asked the person in front of him: “Can you help me eliminate this 165cm tall person?”

The other party frowned: “What’s wrong? A rival?”

Lan Yinhui said vaguely: “En, there was a little entanglement in the past.” vuEaeW

Although the other party didn’t get along with Qi Meng, this was a big project for the company after all, and today was the last interview, and many people were watching. Qi Meng stuffed in such a person today….

Lan Yinhui: “Since he is an amateur, I’m sure he can’t sing or dance.”

He continued: “Our Yao Yufei will be the mentor this time, and there will be many areas for cooperation in the later recording.”

Mutual help and mutual benefit, the hint was very obvious, the other party thought for a moment: “Let’s see, if the strength is not good, there are sufficient reasons for elimination….” yzO9QD

The other party stopped at that point.

Lan Yinhui smiled: “Thank you, I owe you a favor.”

The other party: “No problem.”

Lan Yinhui was decisive and had placed a lot of expectations on Yao Yufei. This time, he won him the role of a mentor in “Extreme Idol” just to let him reach a higher level. DbLdsX

After all, it was difficult to shake off the background of singing and dancing singers when debuting in an idol group, and the domestic environment determined that singing and dancing idols would not have too long-term development. If you wanted to be popular for a long time, you had to transform.

The mentor of “Extreme Idol” was a key step to show another side to the outside world and gradually transform.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this critical juncture, no mistakes could be allowed at all.

That Jiang Zhan, what ex-boyfriend, let him be unlucky this time. BjtZd

Lan Yinhui dealt with it, thought for a moment, and sent a message to Yao Yufei: “It’s been handled.”

However, two hours later, Lan Yinhui received a message from that acquaintance in the program group: “Forget about the favor, I’ll treat you to a meal next time.”

Lan Yinhui: “What happened?”

The other party: “Can’t be eliminated! This is a treasure!” JT42Oc

Lan Yinhui: “????”


The author has something to say:

Bai: Can my appearance be arranged? iAwSK1

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  1. ML is a little bit appeared

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖