Transmigrated into a Sadistic Novel as the Male Supporting Character [Book Transmigration]Ch7 - Ice Rink

At the ice rink, Gu Xingyou helped Ji Chen put on ice skates. They sat on a bench, and Gu Xingyou turned his head to ask him, “Do you know how to skate?”

Ji Chen pressed his lips together. “No.” uFSsOw

“I’ll teach you. Come on.” Gu Xingyou, acting as if he hadn’t noticed Ji Chen’s reluctance, reached out his hand to him.

Gu Xingyou led him onto the ice. Ten minutes later, Ji Chen was holding onto the railing with an unpleasant expression. Since stepping onto the ice, he had already fallen five times. The culprit skated up to him, talking incessantly.

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“It’s not hard, just focus on keeping your balance.”

“Why don’t you try again with me? I’ll stay closer, and you won’t fall again.” AjSfnC

“Come on, hold my hand.”

Gu Xingyou reached out his hand again, but Ji Chen turned his head away, exhaling. He began to suspect Gu Xingyou was deliberately trying to make fun of him.

Ji Chen’s whole body was tense. “I don’t want to play anymore.”

Gu Xingyou skated over to him, leaned against the railing as if it were solid ground, and asked, “Tired?”


“Mm.” Ji Chen lowered his eyes, not daring to move. It wasn’t that he was tired; he just felt embarrassed. It was the first time he had been so clumsy and awkward in front of others.

“It’s your first time on the ice; you’re doing pretty well.” Gu Xingyou comforted him softly, then suddenly laughed. “Let me tell you something funny. Want to hear it?”

Ji Chen looked at him silently, which Gu Xingyou took as consent, and continued, “The first time I went to an ice rink was when I was fifteen. I learned quickly. I had a friend who was really clumsy and couldn’t learn. He asked me to lead him, so he grabbed the back of my jacket. He still fell, and not only did he fall…”

Gu Xingyou paused, covering his face with his hand. “That fool pulled my pants down. Can you imagine? In such a big ice rink, everyone was looking at me.” uzkTMm

Ji Chen showed some interest. “And then?”

“And then?” Gu Xingyou clicked his tongue. “I didn’t go back to that ice rink for a year.”

As for the other person in the story, it was Xiao Yan.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He turned to Ji Chen and asked, “So, feeling a bit better?” IiRD7j

“Vbga bo,” Al Jtfc rjlv rboais, tlr lwqjalfcmf ifrrfcfv. Lf revvfcis ofia atja Xe Wlcusbe kjr delaf ufcaif. Bcbklcu tf kjr lc j yjv wbbv, Xe Wlcusbe abbx tlw bea ab tjnf oec klatbea qgslcu lcab kts tf kjr eqrfa.

Ktlr jqqgbqgljaf vlrajcmf kjr nfgs mbwobgajyif.

Xe Wlcusbe abbx Al Jtfc jgbecv atf glcx akb wbgf alwfr, jcv Al Jtfc mbeiv rxjaf lc j ragjluta ilcf bc tlr bkc. Ktf klcv iloafv tlr tjlg, jcv atbeut tlr yjmx kjr rilutais rkfjas, tf ofia nfgs gfogfrtfv lcrlvf.

The large ice rink was quite crowded, with people coming and going. After having their fun, the two were about to leave to change their shoes. Just as they were near the exit, someone screamed and came crashing from Gu Xingyou’s left. Gu Xingyou couldn’t dodge in time and was knocked to the ground. OVW 08

Since learning to skate, Gu Xingyou hadn’t fallen on the ice. The sensation was quite unpleasant, with a sharp pain in his wrist, causing him to gasp repeatedly.

The girl in the short shorts fell on top of Gu Xingyou. Thanks to the cushion, she was unharmed. Her friend screamed and hurried over to pull her up, apologizing profusely.

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Their attitude was sincere, and it wasn’t intentional, so Gu Xingyou, as a man, didn’t hold it against them.

“Why don’t we exchange contact information? If you feel uncomfortable later, you can contact me,” the girl in short shorts suggested. Dcs58t

Gu Xingyou grinned. “If I feel unwell, I’ll need to see a doctor.”

The girls laughed at his joke, and they exchanged contact information before leaving.

After changing their shoes and stepping outside, Ji Chen’s gaze lingered on Gu Xingyou’s wrist. Before he could say anything, Gu Xingyou’s phone rang. It was Xiao Yan calling.

He answered the call. tZ46ja

“You heartless guy! I sent you so many messages, and you didn’t reply to any of them. Do you even remember your brother by the Minghu Lake? Do you remember? Huh?!!” Xiao Yan yelled the moment the call connected.

Even without the speakerphone on, Ji Chen could hear it. Gu Xingyou held the phone a bit away from his ear. “What’s going on? Anyone who didn’t know better would think I dug up your family’s ancestral graves.”

“You almost buried me alive!” Xiao Yan shouted loudly. “You said you’d play games with me at 2 PM. Do you know what time it is now? Just look!”

Gu Xingyou seriously looked at his phone and replied, “It’s 2:14. Wait a minute, when did I promise to play games with you at 2?” 3ISdj1

“Are we still brothers?” Xiao Yan tried to appeal to his emotions. “Have you forgotten? When you were sick as a child, I carried you to the hospital in the pouring rain for two kilometers!”

Gu Xingyou responded, “Yeah, I remember. I even played your dad in your essay.”

Xiao Yan: “…”

“Please help me out. I’m chasing a senior. I’ll do anything you ask, even call you Dad.” KHxgT9

“Weren’t you chasing a younger girl before?”

“Any pretty girl is a little sister.”

Gu Xingyou fell silent, making Xiao Yan think the signal was bad.

Gu Xingyou said, “I’m outside. It’s not convenient. You chase the girl you like yourself. What if she ends up liking me instead? I’d be the bad guy.” 2TCh1x

Xiao Yan thought about it and agreed. They say best friends and siblings are the most dangerous people to have around your love interest.

“But, I didn’t expect you to like older girls. I thought you liked little girls?” Gu Xingyou teased.

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Xiao Yan replied logically, “People’s tastes change. I’ve matured—oh, the senior is calling me. Goodbye, Gu Dog!”

“…” No milk, no father; with milk, he’s dad. NGxPdi

Gu Xingyou looked around and saw that Ji Chen was gone. Just as he was about to call him, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Ji Chen stood behind him, holding a white plastic bag.

“Finished your call?”

“Yeah.” Gu Xingyou tilted his head. “What’s that?”

Ji Chen opened the bag and took out a box of spray: “I saw your wrist was twisted. There’s a pharmacy nearby, so I bought some medicine for you. Do you want me to help you?” vJxaXW

“Oh, I’ll do it myself.” Gu Xingyou took the spray, opened the box, and took it out. “Thanks, but it’ll be fine in a couple of days.”

“Applying the medicine will make it heal faster. Remember to rub it in until it warms up.” Ji Chen instructed.

“Okay.” Gu Xingyou agreed. He rubbed his wrist with one hand and, after a moment, asked, “It’s 2 PM. Want to grab something to eat?”

“Sure.” BzoUTd

They ate together before returning to school.

As night fell, the dormitory atmosphere was harmonious. Seeing that Ji Chen was in a good mood, Gu Xingyou said, “Can you not go out tonight?”

Ji Chen turned to look at him. Gu Xingyou rubbed his nose, trying to look sincere. “I’m afraid of the dark. If you leave me alone in the dorm, I’ll be scared.”

Ji Chen looked at him skeptically. Gu Xingyou added, “Really, I heard schools are built on cemeteries. I’m just a bit scared.” Uiqvhd

Scared? Not really. But he found that playing weak worked especially well with Ji Chen. Sure enough, after a while, Ji Chen agreed.

Gu Xingyou didn’t see the faint smile on Ji Chen’s lips as he turned back to play on his phone.

Afraid of ghosts? Who is he kidding? He went out late at night to find him, ready to leave, but came back to school when he saw he was in a bad mood and took him out to have fun.

Ji Chen wasn’t that dense. RuzBby

He thought maybe Gu Xingyou wasn’t as straightforward as he seemed.

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  1. He’s definitely not simple

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖