Transmigrated into a Sadistic Novel as the Male Supporting Character [Book Transmigration]Ch3 - Accident Scene

Seeing Ji Chen’s car accident, Gu Xingyou felt a shock in his heart. He looked down and saw only a blank page. He quickly flipped through the remaining pages, finding that the last two-thirds of the book’s pages were all blank.

He was stunned for a moment. Was it because Ji Chen died, so there was no continuation? V1yt7H

This scene had never appeared in the book he had read. Gu Xingyou had a vague guess—it might be related to him. Ji Chen’s accident could be linked to him.

He had almost been run over by a truck once. Although he only suffered minor injuries, the fear he experienced was real. That was the first time he tried to deviate from the path the original Gu Xingyou had taken in the book.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Gu Xingyou closed his eyes, pressing his palms to his forehead, and recalled the version he had read before, specifically the plot on the night before October 1st.

He used to only pay attention to his part of the story and didn’t deliberately remember the rest. Fortunately, he had read the book repeatedly, so he could vaguely recall many parts of the plot. Ya5tel

In the book, Ji Chen and Gu Xingyou’s relationship was not as strained as theirs was now. Gu Xingyou fell for Ji Chen at first sight and had gone out with him several times. On the night at the end of September, he had stayed by Ji Chen’s side. They didn’t leave the bar; Ji Chen got drunk, and they booked a room in a nearby hotel, so the car accident never happened.

Gu Xingyou abruptly opened his eyes to darkness, hearing Wei Qiangwen’s snores. He lay on a cool mat with cold sweat on his back.

He was awake, his mind clearer. He reached for his phone on the pillow, turning it on to see it was 11:30 PM. He had only slept for an hour and a half, and the text he saw in the dream was still vivid in his mind. He didn’t think it was an ordinary nightmare.

Taking a deep breath, he wiped his face and opened his contacts to call Ji Chen, only to realize he didn’t have his number. Cursing softly, he put on a T-shirt, stepped down from the bed, and with his phone light, walked to Xu Lian’s bed.


“Xu Lian, Xu Lian, wake up,” he whispered, shaking the sleeping Xu Lian.

Across the room, Wei Qiangwen turned over and continued snoring. Xu Lian woke up groggily, seeing a face illuminated by the blue glow of a phone, and almost had a heart attack.

Gu Xingyou couldn’t worry about that now. “Do you have Ji Chen’s number?”

You scared me in the middle of the night for a phone number!? TQAd e

“…Yes,” Xu Lian muttered, swallowing his scream, and handed his unlocked phone to Gu Xingyou.

“Go back to sleep.” Gu Xingyou copied the number and dialed it, stepping onto the balcony.

The call went through but wasn’t answered. He tried again, still no answer. Returning to the dorm, he saw Xu Lian had fallen back asleep. Quietly, he left the dorm and continued calling Ji Chen while walking.

As the holiday approached, the dormitory rules were lax. On his fourth attempt, the call was answered with a different sound—a gentle female voice stating, “The person you are calling is on another call, please try again later.” JpXHfL

Gu Xingyou hung up, relieved. According to the book, Ji Chen should be on the phone with his father. He went downstairs, found the dorm supervisor asleep, and the main door locked.

Turning left, he remembered from the book that he could exit through a first-floor bathroom window. With regular exercise, it wasn’t difficult for him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf cluta kjr vffq, jcv atf rmtbbi kjr rlifca. Xe Wlcusbe mlgmifv rfnfgji qijmfr yfobgf remmfrroeiis ufaalcu bea. Ktf cluta ygffhf mbbifv tlr rkfja. Lf xfqa mjiilcu Al Jtfc, yea atfgf kjr cb jcrkfg.

Ljlilcu j mjy bc atf ragffa, atf vglnfg jrxfv ktfgf ab ub. Lf kjr wbwfcajglis raewqfv. Coafg cfjgis j wlceaf, atf vglnfg jrxfv jujlc, jcv tf rjlv, “Cyrbieaf Jbibg Djg.” IDJFdZ

Fortunately, his excellent memory from the dream recalled the name.

Time ticked by as the scenery outside flew past. The window was open, and the wind tousled his hair, clearing his mind.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Chen wasn’t supposed to suffer this fate originally. Regardless of why, Gu Xingyou couldn’t ignore the impending danger. From the moment Ji Chen appeared, he was a living person, not just a character in a book.

They neared the Absolute Color Bar. Gu Xingyou gripped his phone, eyes on the streets. Ji Chen shouldn’t be at the bar anymore. He wasn’t sure which direction Ji Chen would go, so he had to start from the bar. Ln gQf

At a traffic light, he saw a familiar figure under a streetlamp and a red truck approaching. His breath caught.

“Open the door!” he yelled at the driver.

“We’re not there yet,” the driver replied.

“Open the door!” Gu Xingyou’s voice was fierce, veins bulging on his neck. 1ojfk2

Startled, the driver opened the door. Gu Xingyou jumped out, and the driver yelled after him, “Hey, you haven’t paid! Come back! You little punk!”

Ji Chen was at the intersection, lost in thought. He saw Gu Xingyou running towards him, surprised and focused. Despite the dim light, he recognized him.

In the streetlight, Gu Xingyou seemed to be bathed in a soft glow, waving and shouting something Ji Chen couldn’t hear. Ji Chen took two steps forward, and Gu Xingyou sped up, running towards him.

Gu Xingyou yelled for Ji Chen to stay put, but Ji Chen took two more steps forward. Furious, Gu Xingyou sprinted faster, hoping to get closer, closer. hPOqMI

At that moment, nothing else crossed his mind. He tackled Ji Chen to the roadside just before the truck passed, feeling the truck graze his T-shirt.

They fell, Ji Chen cushioning the impact.

Then came the crash, accompanied by screams. The truck crashed into a convenience store, shattering the glass door.

Ji Chen couldn’t describe his feelings—surprise at seeing Gu Xingyou, shock that he saved him, and many questions left him in a daze. 2damxV

Gu Xingyou, propping himself up, looked at the stunned Ji Chen. “Are you… okay?” he panted.

His leg cramped.

Ji Chen suddenly covered his mouth and coughed violently from the fall.

Gu Xingyou sat up, one leg bent, hand on his knee, sweat dripping from his hair. He realized his hands were trembling. CMYyAr

The delayed fear hit him. Panting, he felt cold sweat in the cool night air. Ji Chen got up, his clothes dusty but otherwise better than Gu Xingyou.

Soon, a crowd gathered, someone called the police. A middle-aged man approached them, yelling, “Hey, you haven’t paid yet!”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Gu Xingyou: “…”

His phone lay on the street, screen shattered but functional. He paid the driver via mobile transfer and pulled Ji Chen away from the scene. IdTnAj

Face grim, not knowing where to go, Ji Chen didn’t resist. They walked, turned, and ended up in a dirty dead-end alley.

It was quiet, their breaths audible. Far from the accident scene, Gu Xingyou released Ji Chen’s hand.

After a while, Gu Xingyou asked hoarsely, “Got a cigarette?”

Ji Chen said nothing, pulled out a pack, and handed one to Gu Xingyou, who took it, holding it in his mouth. Ji Chen threw him a lighter. 26dqUi

Click, click.

Two tries, then a flame. Gu Xingyou took a drag, exhaling smoke.

Now, how to explain his presence?

“Gu Xingyou,” Ji Chen’s voice was cool. “Were you following me?” PivhV

The accident seemed to alleviate his frustration.

Gu Xingyou toyed with the lighter, replying, “Yeah, as dorm leader, I care about my roommates’ nightlife. You’re always out, it’s a problem for bed checks.”

“…Caring about roommates’ nightlife?”

“Just now… thanks,” Ji Chen paused. Er0vdy

“Tch.” Gu Xingyou’s tone was sharp. “Your eyes can’t see a huge truck? I told you not to come, were you looking for death?”

Ji Chen: “I thought you hated me.”

Seeing Gu Xingyou rush to save him, Ji Chen almost believed he was deeply in love with him, but his shaking body corrected that thought.

“At least you know,” Gu Xingyou said. yf7O0b

“Hey—” Ji Chen’s tone was drawn out, almost coquettish.

Gu Xingyou’s spine chilled, not wanting to discuss further. He stubbed out the cigarette and tossed the half-smoked butt into a trash can, throwing the lighter to Ji Chen.

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“Do you know the way out?”

“You led us in,” Ji Chen countered. owSu3U

Gu Xingyou smirked, “Who was I doing it for?”

Ji Chen, feeling guilty, suggested, “Check the navigation.”

After several turns, they exited the maze-like alley and ate noodles at a shop before taking a taxi back to school.

After the ordeal, they showered and went to sleep. 3fd9Un

Advanced Chapters Available!

While you wait, why not check out-
1. Allocation Object [Zergs] (adventure plot)
2. When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs] (pure fluff)
3. I’m very strong, I know (boyfriends fighting zombies together)

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  1. It’s scary

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖