Transmigrated into a Sadistic Novel as the Male Supporting Character [Book Transmigration]Ch12 - Jealousy

The next day was sunny. Ji Chen finished his medicine, and his cold was almost gone, so Gu Xingyou stopped sending him reminders on time.

After his last morning class, someone came over to tell him that there was someone waiting for him outside. He packed up his books and left the classroom, seeing Zhang Lingyu standing in the corridor outside the door. qt3Qdc

“Hi!” Zhang Lingyu smiled brightly, and Chen Qiaolin, standing behind her, smiled and nodded at him.

“Finally, you’re done with class.” Zhang Lingyu complained in a soft, girlish voice that sounded almost like she was whining.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

They were blocking the doorway, drawing the attention of others. Gu Xingyou moved aside and asked, “What’s up?”

“There is something.” Zhang Lingyu said playfully, like a lively little girl. “We borrowed your umbrella the other day…” 0jKoAq

She touched her nose a bit awkwardly, looking cute and embarrassed. “I meant to return it to you today, but I forgot it in the dorm. Do you have classes this afternoon? If not, I can bring it to you later?”

“I have classes this afternoon. How about this, you leave the umbrella with the dorm supervisor, and I’ll pick it up when I get back tonight.” Gu Xingyou had almost forgotten about it until she mentioned it.

“Okay.” Zhang Lingyu bit her lip hesitantly, “Or…”

“Gu Xingyou.” A cold male voice interrupted their conversation.


Ji Chen stood in the passage on the right, leaning against the wall, holding a few books at his side. His clean black hair fell over his forehead, and his upturned eyes looked sharp and intimidating. His raised eyebrows made him even more unapproachable.

He was dressed simply in a white T-shirt and black pants, but he stood out in the crowd like a noble cat, exuding an air of elegance and pride.

He spoke in a down-to-earth manner, “It’s lunchtime.”

Gu Xingyou waved his book and smiled brightly, “Coming!” 7SkEGr

He quickly walked over to Ji Chen and asked, “Did you get a haircut today?”

“Yeah.” Ji Chen replied, brushing his hair with his hand, “It was getting too long and in my eyes.”

“It looks good…”

Students were walking up and down the corridor as the two walked side by side along the outer path. They were about the same height but had entirely different temperaments. They walked farther and farther away, leaving Zhang Lingyu feeling a bit resentful. She had planned to ask Gu Xingyou out for lunch but was interrupted midway. DA7nJi

She was too shy to chase after them in front of so many people, so she left with Chen Qiaolin.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Q University had four dining halls, two of which were outsourced. Each dining hall had its unique features, and every food stall offered delicious and visually appealing dishes. The aroma of food filled the air as soon as one entered.

Xe Wlcusbe jcv Al Jtfc kfca ab atf rfmbcv vlclcu tjii. Coafg ufaalcu atflg wfjir, atfs obecv j qijmf ab rla jcv fja. Coafg j ofk ylafr, Xe Wlcusbe gfwfwyfgfv ab jrx, “Glvc’a sbe tjnf mijrrfr atlr wbgclcu?”

Po Al Jtfc tjv mijrrfr lc atf wbgclcu, tf kbeivc’a tjnf tjv alwf ab ufa j tjlgmea. dG1zD6

Ji Chen paused, surprised that Gu Xingyou remembered his schedule. He replied casually, “I skipped.”

“Why?” Gu Xingyou asked, looking up.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The dining hall was noisy, and they were sitting at a four-person table. Just after he asked, two girls sat down next to them, chatting and laughing.

It wasn’t a good place for a conversation, so Gu Xingyou didn’t press further. They ate quickly, and after finishing their meals and clearing their trays, a girl called out to Ji Chen. LavSEt

“Excuse me—”

The girl had a low ponytail and bangs, and she smiled with dimples. “Can I add you on WeChat?”

Gu Xingyou thought to himself that no wonder he had seen the girl looking at Ji Chen earlier. He had assumed she knew him, but she was just trying to chat him up.

He looked at Ji Chen, who suddenly turned to him. Gu Xingyou raised an eyebrow playfully, knowing Ji Chen probably wouldn’t add the girl on WeChat. Ji Chen wasn’t the type to give his contact information easily, especially to someone of the wrong gender. 8z0duk

Ji Chen’s Adam’s apple moved, and his ears turned slightly red. He turned to the girl and said, “Sorry, no.”

The girl looked at him, then at Gu Xingyou, and seemed to understand something. She shrugged and didn’t push it, “Alright.”

As they left, the two girls continued talking about them.

“Why did you give up so easily?” The dimpled girl’s friend asked, frustrated. R1D4Va

“Didn’t you notice?” The dimpled girl asked calmly.

“Notice what?”

“They have something going on.” The dimpled girl clapped her hands, “When I asked that guy for his WeChat, he looked to the other guy for approval, like he was afraid of making him unhappy. Friends don’t act like that. It’s so obvious they’re gay…”

“Sigh, are all the handsome guys being taken internally? Ah—what a waste! I actually prefer the one who was sitting next to me, he looks like a sunny and loyal type of boyfriend!” z785iY

The midday sun was bright, casting dappled light through the dense leaves of the camphor trees lining the path. The wind blew from the south, stirring the hems of the passersby’s clothes.

The two main characters from the girls’ conversation in the cafeteria walked one behind the other on the road. Gu Xingyou, looking at the back of Ji Chen’s head, couldn’t resist reaching out to touch his hair. As expected, it was very soft.

Ji Chen turned to look at him. Gu Xingyou coughed into his fist, “You’re quite popular.” C4Acd0

Ji Chen’s hand tightened at his side, then relaxed. He looked down at Gu Xingyou’s shadow and asked, “Are you unhappy?”

Not knowing how the topic shifted to himself, Gu Xingyou’s expression went blank for a moment. “No, I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

His sincere question, heard by a sensitive ear, sounded like jealousy masked by denial. Ji Chen’s lips curved into a smile, feeling very pleased.

“You don’t look happy.” 4ksBMY

“I am happy. How do I not look happy?” Gu Xingyou was puzzled.

“In your heart,” Ji Chen said. He wasn’t going to add random people to his contacts.

Gu Xingyou: “…”

With Ji Chen’s random conversation, Gu Xingyou forgot about asking why he skipped class. When he remembered during the afternoon class, he felt regretful and suspected that Ji Chen did it on purpose. EwCrIm

In the afternoon, when he returned to the dormitory, he specifically asked the dorm supervisor if anyone had brought an umbrella. The supervisor said no, so he guessed Zhang Lingyu had forgotten and sent her a message on WeChat.

It wasn’t until 8 PM that Zhang Lingyu replied.

——Sorry, sorry, I didn’t see your message. Are you in the dorm now? I can bring it to you.

When Gu Xingyou received the message, he had just finished washing his hair. He replied, “Yes.” eEp76d

Zhang Lingyu responded immediately: Okay, I’m coming over now.

In the dormitory, Ji Chen was playing on his phone, Xu Lian was reading, and Wei Qiangwen was video chatting with his girlfriend. Gu Xingyou was drying his hair with a towel when his phone beeped again.

Zhang Lingyu had sent a photo. It showed a dimly lit area with light coming from the front. A slender hand was holding a neatly folded umbrella.

The message below had only two words: Waiting for you. 5K8bmP

Gu Xingyou draped the towel over the table, put away his phone, and headed out. Ji Chen glanced at him and asked, “Where are you going?”

“To pick up something.”

The dormitory door closed with a thud.

Ji Chen refreshed his phone, got up, put his phone in his pocket, and went out. FShuCr

Wei Qiangwen, who had just finished his video call, saw the last trace of Ji Chen’s clothes disappearing out the door and muttered, “What’s with everyone going out for dates at night?”

Gu Xingyou reached the dormitory entrance and immediately saw the two small figures standing outside. Zhang Lingyu noticed him and waved.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“You’re quick!” she said.

Gu Xingyou smiled, “Sorry to keep you waiting.” Mz1AZJ

“No, not at all.” She handed him the umbrella. “Thanks for last time.”

“Yes, thank you.” Chen Qiaolin, standing beside her, said shyly, “You’re very kind.”

Gu Xingyou took the umbrella, understanding that they were thanking him for different reasons. “No problem. It’s late, you should head back to your dormitory.”

“Okay, we’ll go now. Bye!” Zhang Lingyu pulled Chen Qiaolin along with her. ogEnB6

Gu Xingyou turned to go upstairs, feeling a gaze on him. He looked up and saw someone leaning over the balcony railing on their floor. When he looked, the person quickly pulled back, giving him a fright.

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  1. I don’t know who is jealous in this duo 🤭

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖