Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch182 - Do You Have Any Healers?


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-adjective grdY3D

There were a total of three containment centers at Site 7, namely Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

From the map, these three containment centers were almost in a straight line, with equal distances between them. Starting from the east and going west, they are Alpha, Omega, and Beta.

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According to the detailed information provided by Site 9, the Beta containment center that Ji Dong and the others just searched houses the most SCP items, but most of them were lower-risk and relatively easier to contain biological entities.

After being harassed by the [Queen Bee] for more than ten rounds, apart from the [Tin Can Family], the [Self-Healer], and the [Snowflake Rabbit] who managed to survive by chance, there was no need to consider their containment value. k2Sr6M

As for the Alpha containment center, since it was close to the entrance chosen by the Poseidon Team, Ji Dong and the others speculated that their opponents might have already thoroughly searched it. That’s why they set their sights on the Omega containment center located in the central area of Station 7.

However, the further they walked towards the Omega containment center, the more they realized that something was off.

Because they saw groups of people in white robes.

These new-born individuals were busy transporting the corpse of the [Dual-Headed Dragon].


The newly born individuals created by the [Queen Bee] had physical abilities similar to their original bodies—roughly at the level of an average human. So, when faced with such a massive creature like the dragon, which weighed as much as a tyrannosaurus rex, lifting it directly was out of the question.

Therefore, the group of people in white robes would begin by cutting the massive body from the severed neck of the [Dual-Headed Dragon] and then painstakingly carrying it away, piece by piece.

“It seems like they’re heading to the same place as us.”

Ji Dong and the others, along with the old man and the rabbit, hid in the corner of a building, peering outside from behind the cover of the wall. rGtbh1

Sister Fan’s brow furrowed into a knot:

“So, could it be that the Omega containment center is the [Queen Bee]’s headquarters?”

“Well, that possibility does seem quite high.”

Ji Dong took out the pocket watch hidden in his robe and opened it to take a look. ZxPaHN

As they got closer to the Omega containment center, the deviation of the two rings representing Power and Control became larger and larger. It had already exceeded the limit of resetting the pointer, and they couldn’t make any further adjustments.

“What should we do then?”

After thinking for a moment, Brother Fan suggested:

“Or, how about we don’t go to the Omega containment center and go to Beta instead?” 2FHbsu

“No, that won’t work.”

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Ji Dong shook his head.

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“Fcifrr atbrf olnf qfbqif mbwqfalcu klat er jgf gfjiis ja j mfgajlc ifnfi bo lcmbwqfafcmf, la’r ublcu ab yf vloolmeia obg er ab wjxf jcs ujlcr ja atf Dfaj mbcajlcwfca mfcafg.”

Pc jvvlalbc, atfs mbeivc’a rajs ja Vlaf 7 obg abb ibcu, jcv atfs fnfc tjv ab yf kjgs bo ktfatfg atf Ubrflvbc Kfjw wluta tjnf atflg fsfr bc atf VJU lafwr lc atf Ywfuj mbcajlcwfca mfcafg. Ktfs vlvc’a tjnf wjcs batfg mtblmfr. vHg BZ

Ji Xiao’niao thought for a moment:

“Anyway, let’s try to get closer and see what the situation is before making any decisions.”

They moved forward, taking advantage of the cover provided by the buildings.

When they were about a hundred meters away from the Omega containment center, they could see the whole structure. HYsSKR

Ji Dong and the others were already familiar with the layout of Site 7.

On the blueprint, the Omega containment center was a circular building that somewhat resembled the colosseum in the [Peach Blossom Spring].

The above-ground structure of the Omega containment center was three stories high, forming an almost sealed circular shape. It was mainly used to house relatively safe SCP items or for research experiments. In the center, there was an open-air garden, and underground, there were three more levels that contain SCP items with dangerous levels reaching Keter or even Thaumiel.

However, what Ji Dong and the others saw of the Omega containment center now was far from what they had imagined. A30mTK

Although the exterior of the building still somewhat maintained its circular shape, it was covered in a thick layer of gray-green adhesive.

The adhesive was like some kind of special building material, forming a hexagonal structure similar to a honeycomb. It had completely reconstructed the entire building, creating large tumor-like protrusions.

In the center of these protrusions, there is a circular hole. Some newly born individuals carrying dragon meat crawled into these holes, while other people in white robes crawled out from different holes empty-handed.

It seems that these openings are the entrances and exits arranged by the [Queen Bee] for her worker bees. h3kbqd

“Otherwise, why don’t we learn from them?” Mo Tiangen suggested. “We can also carry a piece of meat and see what it’s like inside. What do you guys think?”

Everyone thought about it and felt that this was probably the best way.

After all, it wad hard to imagine the true appearance inside without seeing it with their own eyes.

If it was still possible to find some SCP items, that would also be great. But if the situation was really bad, they shouldn’t worry about it and should focus on getting out quickly. yo3uPq

Anyway, since those newly born individuals can go in and out, it at least shows that the “carriers” should be safe.

But before they blend in, they had two things to do.

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First, one must find a few gullible people to ask for some pieces of dragon meat. Second, it was necessary to first settle the elderly man and the rabbit in a safe place.

“Look over there.” hAOCly

Fan Hemian pointed to a nearby building. “That water tower… if I remember correctly, there should be a backup water supply center next to it, right?”

Everyone turned their gaze in the direction pointed out by the Fan Hemian.

Sure enough, about twenty meters to the side and back, there stood a water tower about ten meters tall. Next to it, there was a small bungalow, mostly hidden in the shadow of the water tower, looking inconspicuous.

Although the exterior walls of the bungalow were also covered in a lot of gray-green sticky substance, the walls were very well-preserved, and the doors and windows hidden beneath the sticky substance didn’t seem to have much damage. zLr5hG

They patiently observed for a few minutes, and the newly born individuals in white robes continued to move the dragon meat along their designated route, without any of them heading towards the water tower and the bungalow.

“The water supply center should have some hidden rooms. As long as we clear out the newly born individuals inside the building, hiding in there should be safer.”

Ji Dong glanced at the healer and the rabbit in his arms, and said to the four companions:

“Let’s send the old man and the little rabbit over first.” 0ZBGVA

No one objected to the plan.

Ji Dong and the others disguised themselves as six newly born individuals and confidently walked towards the water supply center, without attracting any attention from the other newly born individuals along the way.

They circled to the back of the water tower, intending to enter through the back door of the water supply center.

However, when they found the back door, they noticed something was off. VFTBIU

“Somebody has been here recently.”

The layer of sticky substance that was originally covering the door seemed to have been recently cleared, and the door lock was completely broken, hanging loosely on the door.

The group exchanged glances and saw the same speculation in each other’s eyes.

This couldn’t have been the work of the newly born individuals. 3rPxKt

So, someone had already beaten them to this small backup water supply center.

The only living people in this location, besides them, were the field agents dispatched by Site 9, or the Poseidon Team who were also participants.

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Regardless of who broke in, however, the more important question was whether the person who entered was still inside or not.

In theory, even though Site 9 considered Ji Dong and the others cannon fodder, the Foundation’s special task force were technically their comrades, and they had no reason to fear a few ordinary people. Fxkzne

As for the other group of participants, theoretically speaking, although they were in a competitive relationship, it hadn’t reached the point of life or death. However, if the other side wanted to directly steal from them, that was a different story.

Just as Ji Dong was considering finding a safe place to settle the elderly man, the door suddenly cracked open from the inside.

Everyone immediately stepped back, alert and cautious.

“It’s me.” 6BhgUV

The person inside the room spoke up.

The door opened another inch, revealing half of a person’s face through the crack.

Ji Dong and the others recognized him as the captain of the Poseidon Team, who had a full beard.

The man had a gloomy expression, and looked extremely tired. Jkxam9

“Among you, do you have any healers?”

The Poseidon Team captain asked straightforwardly.

Ji Dong furrowed his brow.

He already guessed the reason why the other person asked this question, “Someone among you got injured?” C4Rqd5

The Poseidon Team captain didn’t answer, but repeated:

“You have healers with supernatural abilities, right?”

Ji Dong hadn’t made a statement yet, but Fan Luming, who was standing behind him, took a step forward and spoke up, “Yes, I am a healer.”

The bearded captain visibly breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door wider, saying, “Come in, then.” 0SPUtm

He looked at Fan Luming and hoarsely said, “My teammate… got injured…”

Ji Dong didn’t move, and neither did the others.

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Seeing their reaction, Poseidon Team captain urged in a low voice:

“It’s true, I’m not lying to you…” lhM84d

His gaze swept over the five individuals with their full beards and intact appearances, his voice filled with frustration.

“I know, you are stronger than me… so I have no reason to deceive you.”

At this moment, Ren Jianmo reached out and gently embraced Ji Dong’s shoulder, while raising his chin to the other four, saying, “Let’s go, we’re going in.”

After Ren Jianmon finished speaking, she swiftly moved and was the first to enter the water supply center. 5IfTVD

Ji Dong, Mo Tiangen, Fan siblings, and the [Self-Healer] followed suit.

The Poseidon Team captain closed the door again, pulled a low cabinet next to the door to block it, and then led the group through the narrow corridor to the deepest room.

He opened the door to the room, and Ji Dong and the others immediately smelled a strong, bloody odor.

The room was not big, only about ten square meters. The outside of the window was covered in a sticky, gray-green substance, blocking a lot of light, so the interior was dimly lit. W OQse

Everyone saw that the right side of the room had been cleared out, and three chairs had been put together to form a crude “bed” with a man lying on top of it.

Two people were sitting under the “bed,” and they immediately jumped up in alarm upon hearing the sound of the door opening.

Ji Dong recognized these people, they were bearded man’s teammates.


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