Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch180 - Teacher Dagen’s Special Transformation Effects


Editor-Pierce, Proofreader-adjective odaC71

Ren Jianmo handed the small gashapon to Mo Tiangen.

Teacher Dagen considered himself as a mature, older single member of society. Naturally, unlike some of the younger kids on the team who spent all day trying their luck on their phones, he had little interest in drawing cards. As such, he had never really “evaluated” his own luck.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This was also his first time using the [Pedigree Identification Machine], so he was feeling a bit uncertain.

“Alright, you guys stand back.” uohp1A

After saying that, Mo Tiangen promptly activated his ability and transformed into a towering figure with a dark complexion.

Seated in a cross-legged position on the ground, he balanced the palm-sized twist egg machine with the tip of his right index finger.

“Now comes the question.”

With a serious expression, Mo Tiangen said, “In this form, cutting off a finger wouldn’t be easy, right?”


Indeed, in Teacher Dagen’s colossal form, his hands had palms larger than palm-leaf fans, and even his smallest pinky finger was thicker than a woman’s wrist. The thought of chopping it off was not only excruciatingly painful but also uncomfortable to imagine due to the bloody scene it would create.

“…By the way, do we necessarily have to get injured?”

Ji Dong mused, rubbing his chin. “As long as there’s a ‘cost,’ the [Pedigree Identification Machine] should accept it, right? Does this imply that we can impose additional conditions to make the ‘cost’ more significant?”

Mo Tiangen looked down at Ji Dong, not quite understanding the meaning behind his words. “Xiao’niao, what are you trying to say?” B3QtYS

Ji Dong met his gaze with a hint of embarrassment. “Have you heard of a joke?”

Mo Tiangen: “??”

Ji Dong continued, “It’s an old meme that was popular years ago, it goes like… ‘I became bald, but I also became stronger’…”

T/N- one punch man anime meme Vq4XUW

Mo Tiangen: “!!”

He nearly jumped up, almost hitting the ceiling. “No way! I can’t go bald!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Wait, wait, calm down!”

Al Gbcu delmxis gfjrregfv tlw, “Tbe vbc’a cfmfrrjglis tjnf ab ub mbwqifafis yjiv! Tbe mjc rfa j ifrr raglma mbcvlalbc, ilxf tjnlcu j mgfk mea ogbw cbk bc!” WER7Ot

Kfjmtfg Gjufc: “…”

Al Gbcu mbcalcefv, vfafgwlcfv, “Qtfc kf olgra wfa, sbeg tjlg kjr jigfjvs delaf rtbga, jcv P atbeuta sbe ibbxfv mbbi! Ljcvrbwf!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Tiangen reached up and touched his head. As a high school biology teacher, he found it troublesome to maintain his hair, so he always kept it short. With his strong and sturdy appearance, students who didn’t know him often mistook him for a physical education teacher.

At that time, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with having a crew cut. After all, his face was not bad-looking, and his head was round enough. Even though it may have seemed a bit plain, at least it made him look energetic. Loly5t

Since entering [Peach Blossom Spring], every aspect of life has been catered to by attentive artificial intelligence, offering comprehensive services. As a result, Mo Tiangen found himself gradually growing out his hair, immersing himself in a lifestyle akin to that of an Emperor, where clothes materialize at a gesture and food arrives with the opening of the mouth. Consequently, Mo Tiangen also began to let his hair grow into a particular style.

After three and a half months, his hair had grown considerably, and he even fashioned a small quiff at the front.

Mr. Dagen was very satisfied with his current hairstyle. He believed that while he may not be exceptionally handsome, he certainly looked dashing and refined…

His heart began to struggle intensely as his eyes involuntarily drifted towards Fan Hemian standing nearby. 39RP5g

——But, but…

——If he were to use his hair as a price…

——Would she look down on him?

“Tsk!” 8DTKS

Seeing Mo Tiangen in such a dilemma, the older sibling from the Fan family couldn’t bear it any longer. She reached out and nudged the knee of the black giant, which was as large as a washbasin, saying, “I think a close-cropped style looks handsome too. Let’s go with that!”

“Alright, I’ll do it!”

Upon hearing Sister Fan’s suggestion, Mo Tiangen made his decision. He retrieved a 30-centimeter-long military knife and swiftly shaved his hair into a buzz cut, resembling a dog’s nibble. Then, he gathered the clippings and scattered them on the [Pedigree Identification Machine]. “From now on, my hair will never grow longer than five millimeters!”

As soon as he spoke, a fantastical scene transpired. SFNTXr

The hair that had fallen on the bloodline identification machine, along with the stubble on the ground, vanished in an instant.

“…Alright!” Despite feeling heartbroken about his hair, Mo Tiangen gritted his teeth and pressed the handle of the Pedigree Identification Machine] with his fingernail. “It better give me a red bead!”

The dual-colored beads inside the [Pedigree Identification Machine] started spinning and rolling. After a few rotations, a red bead dropped out.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. 6CTvjd

Mo Tiangen clutched his chest, experiencing a blend of sorrow and joy. He mourned the fact that he would be forever confined to a close-cropped hairstyle but found solace in the fact that his substantial sacrifice had not been in vain.

Then, Mo Tiangen removed the ugly silver bodysuit and lay down on the ground, completely naked. He let the old man connect him to the array of peculiar devices.

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However, the old man encountered some trouble while attempting to insert the intravenous catheter for him.

The standard intravenous needle intended for ordinary individuals was too short for the Mo Tiangen’s large form, it couldn’t even pierce the skin. Fortunately, the Fan’s younger brother devised a solution and located a set of tools for bone marrow puncture from the cabinet, successfully inserting it for Teacher Dagen. xeSlsG

Surprisingly, the following transformation process went smoothly.

The [Self-Healer] crafted a suit of armor for Teacher Dagen using dragon scales, covering the majority of his body.

After checking the panel data and confirming good compatibility, he assured everyone that the success rate should be high. With everyone nervously watching, he pressed the program start button.

Once again, the machine emitted a buzzing sound similar to a swarm of bees flapping their wings. This time, the duration of the sound lasted more than twice as long as Fan Luming’s previous attempt. uRr4Bs

Ji Dong and the others observed as Mo Tiangen’s body began to develop a layer of glossy, gray-black scales. Initially appearing on his hands and feet, the scales then spread to his thighs and arms before gradually ascending his torso. They extended along his neck to his chin, cheeks, and forehead until, aside from his eyes and mouth in the center of his face, the entirety of his body was enveloped in armor-like scales formed from fused rocks.

After the buzzing sound ceased, Mo Tiangen, adorned with his newly grown dragon scales, rose from the ground, stood upright, and tested the mobility of his hands and feet. He then executed a punching motion into the air.

“How does it feel? What do you think?” Ji Dong and Fan Luming, curious like two infants, repeatedly inquired.

“It’s great. I feel completely comfortable, and it doesn’t hinder my movements at all. It’s just like wearing clothes…” Mo Tiangen’s buyer’s review was interrupted midway. uhNEYV

He had been too caught up in excitement earlier and had forgotten about this. Now that he thought about it, how many times has he exposed his body in front of Xiao He?


He thought with a hint of distress, thinking that Xiao He probably didn’t care at all!

“…Ahem, well, in any case, I believe it’s good,” he hastily concluded. 7ihBWb

Ji Dong reached out and touched Mo Tiangen’s foot, then proceeded to scrape it a few times with a military knife. He discovered that the hardness of the dragon scales covering his body was nearly equivalent to that of the [Dual-Headed Dragon]. The texture resembled moss-covered basalt, and not even a regular knife could leave a single scratch on it.

Afterward, Mo Tiangen deactivated his powers and reverted to his usual human appearance. This time, everyone witnessed Teacher Dagen’s dragon scales slowly fading as his body transformed.

Upon fully returning to his normal form, only the skin on the front and back of his chest, the backs of his hands and feet, and his temples remained covered with a layer of light gray, fine scales.

Mo Tiangen donned the white robe he had removed earlier and examined himself from all angles using the reflection in the window glass as a mirror. lcsGdu

“Hmm, this appearance is acceptable now.”

While the scales emerging in the temporal area might seem sudden, they were merely the size of typical snake scales. They resembled a somewhat rebellious tattoo with a touch of teenage angst, yet they weren’t unattractive at all.

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Once Mo Tiangen’s transformation concluded, the sole remaining “biomaterial” was the [Snowflake Rabbit]. jQBo3h

Naturally, in comparison to the [Self-Healer] and the [Dual-Headed Dragon], this adorable little [Snowflake Rabbit] seemed trivial.

Therefore, even if the [Pedigree Identification Machine] was necessary for safety, there was no need to endure the gruesome price of finger amputation or a permanent buzz cut.

The [Snowflake Rabbit]’s shield could be utilized by Ji Dong, Ren Jianmo, or Fan Hemian.

However, Ren Jianmo was the first to decline, stating he didn’t require it, while Fan Hemian believed their team leader had already generously granted the gift of immortality to her younger brother. Thus, it seemed fair and just for her to allow Xiao’niao to try it first. jHDN 9

Unfortunately, at that very moment, Ji Dong’s lucky E attribute kicked in.

They finally saw the blue bead drop from the small capsule machine for the first time.


Ji Dong clutched his head and wailed, “I knew it! I knew it!!” 8rhWzQ

He crouched on the ground, wearing a frustrated expression, and reluctantly handed the [Pedigree Identification Machine] to Fan Hemian, saying, “You do it.”

The older sister sympathetically ruffled his curly hair and accepted the [Pedigree Identification Machine].

Then, unsurprisingly, she drew out a red bead.

With preparations made, Fan Hemian was guided to recline in the egg-shaped chamber of the special transformation device. With coaxing and persuasion, a tuft of fur was trimmed from the [Snowflake Rabbit] to serve as material for the transformation design. LCSUW6

Fan Hemian’s transformation went smoothly, with the buzzing sound persisting for approximately 20 seconds until the process was completed.

However, when she emerged from the egg-shaped chamber, a moment of silence fell over everyone.

Typically, Fan Hemian was quite a perceptive person and wouldn’t overlook the peculiar expressions on everyone’s faces. Yet, in this instance, she was simply too excited and eager to witness her new ability in action. Despite this, Fan Hemian made a concerted effort to gather her thoughts and concentrate her attention.

“Go ahead, punch me and see!” she urged Mo Tiangen. “I’m ready!” 4APygp

Teacher Dagen strived to compose his expression, gathered himself, and as per the lady’s request, he delivered a punch towards her shoulder. His fist connected with an invisible barrier, emitting a crisp “ding” sound.

“It worked!” Fan Hemian excitedly cheered.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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