Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch178 - Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device


Editor- Koneko, Proofreader-adjective xrfLRH

Once the [Dual-Headed Dragon] was bound by the [Dragon-Binding Rope], the outcome of the battle had already been determined.

If they could, Ji Dong and the others didn’t want to waste time killing such a large and tough monster.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Moreover, their earth-shattering fight just now had already alerted a good portion of the newly formed individuals in Site 7.

At this moment, around twenty to thirty people dressed in white robes emerged from various buildings. However, due to the size of the [Dual-Headed Dragon] and the black giant, they instinctively hesitated to approach. Instead, they gathered in small groups, like ants hunting, to strengthen their fighting power. Dg3CPa

But if they ignored the dragon, they wouldn’t be able to retrieve the [Dragon-Binding Rope].

Forced to do so, Ji Dong and the others had to find a way to kill the [Dual-Headed Dragon] while also guarding against the white-robed people who were becoming restless from all directions.

Luckily, they still had Ren Jianmo and Fan Hemian, who were skilled with knives.

Mr. Dagen was responsible for using brute force to restrain the struggling dragon, while Ren Jianmo and Fan Hemian each dealt with one head, using [Wind Blade] and [Frost Blade] and [White Dew], three A-grade collectibles, to cleave through the dragon’s tough scales.


However, what surprised them was that instead of the sticky gray-green substance, dark brown blood flowed from the dragon’s wounds.

“What’s going on?” Fan Luming, who was observing from the side while tending to Ji Dong’s scraped arms, asked in astonishment, “Could this dragon be the original instead of a clone?”

As he said that, he furrowed his brow.

“Is this dragon really that strong? Strong enough that even the newly generated individuals from the twelve light waves couldn’t kill it?” mCxI u

What they didn’t know was that the [Dual-Headed Dragon] only produced a new individual when it was first exposed to the light waves of the [Queen Bee].

At that time, the two dragons fought for a long period of time, all the way from the Beta containment center to a hill three kilometers away, finally determining the winner.

The new clone was killed by the original, and as a result, the dragon suffered some injuries.

Normally, according to the typical behavior of living creatures, a released SCP should immediately fly away. K7DUak

However, the [Queen Bee]’s psychic control was not only effective on humans but also on such massive creatures as the dragon.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The dragon was completely unable to resist the allure of the nest, just like a tamed and obedient homing pigeon. After flying away from the site multiple times and circling, it uncontrollably flew back.

Although the [Dual-Headed Dragon] couldn’t escape the [Queen Bee]’s mental control, it possessed a unique attribute that most SCP items don’t have, which is the ability to fly rapidly.

Ever since Site 7 fell, every time the [Queen Bee] released a light wave, the dragon would quickly take off with a strong sense of danger, swiftly escaping the range covered by the light. YwpevK

Unfortunately, this time, Ji Dong and the others happened to encounter the dragon as it returned right after the [Queen Bee] released the light wave. They unexpectedly collided head-on with the massive creature, leading to a sudden and unexpected battle.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Dong stared at the [Dual-Headed Dragon]’s bleeding wounds, being lost in thought.

Snfc atbeut tf tjv cb kjs bo xcbklcu kts atf vgjubc kjr ralii jilnf, j mfgajlc lvfj revvfcis qbqqfv lcab tlr wlcv. CVimSY


Al Gbcu lcafggeqafv Efc Aljcwb jcv Mjc Lfwljc yfobgf atfs mbeiv mtbq boo atf vgjubc’r akb tfjvr.

“Gjufc, ugjy j rmjif ogbw la!”

Zb Kljcufc: “???” oEb3gJ

Lf vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv atf xlv’r qijc ja olgra, yea tf ralii obiibkfv Al Gbcu’r gfdefra jcv qffifv boo j rmjif jybea tjio atf rlhf bo tlr qjiw ogbw atf yjmx bo atf vgjubc.

Then, Ren Jianmo and Fan Hemian swiftly beheaded the dragon’s two heads.

“Alright, let’s make a quick getaway!”

When Mo Tiangen returned to his normal state, he and Ji Xiao’niao worked together to retrieve the [Dragon-Binding Rope]. rf57FM

The five of them, along with the old man and the [Snowflake Rabbit], ran swiftly, leaving behind a group of white-robed people who were gathering nearby. They found the nearest building, climbed through a window, and hid inside.




The building that Ji Dong and the others chose was a two-story small building not far from the Beta containment center.

Everyone remembered from the site’s floor plan that this place was not far from the parking lot and served as a temporary resting room for the drivers and security personnel.

After the recent battle with the [Beautiful Serpent] and the [Dual-Headed Dragon], everyone’s white robes were in a terrible state. They were either dirty and torn like rags or covered in blood stains.

Mr. Dagen went even further and wore a shiny metallic-colored tight suit from head to toe. He looked like someone with a certain special fetish, exposing himself excessively. It was quite unsightly. JL8U19

The group found a few white-robed individuals nearby and silently took them out, taking off their clothes, changing into them instead. They also brought a set for the old man.

After tidying up, Ji Dong and the others grouped and disguised themselves as ordinary new individuals. They confidently and calmly walked out through the main gate and returned to the Beta containment center.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Their target was containment chamber number 3 on the north side of the first floor.

When they pried open the malfunctioning electronic door lock and entered the containment chamber, they realized that the place was much larger than they had expected. wr 3PY

The containment chamber had two levels, resembling an ICU ward.

The outer layer was an “L”-shaped corridor, and the inner walls were adorned with large glass windows that allowed people to see everything inside.

However, the entirety of Site 7 was currently experiencing a power outage, and the flashlight’s beam reflected off the glass, making it difficult to see the details. They could only barely make out that there was a spacious area inside.

The old man led them to the end of the corridor and found the door that led to the interior. uywTWg

As usual, they pried the door open and entered.

Ji Dong suddenly realized that they were standing in a room that was as big as a small auditorium.

This place was not only spacious, but the ceiling was also very high. The flashlight’s beam needed to be narrowed and brightened to illuminate the top. Ji Xiao’niao estimated that the height was enough for the giant-sized Mr. Dagen to stand up straight.

The [Self-Healer] quickly found the location of the generator and was relieved to discover that there was enough fuel inside to sustain power for at least an hour. tJxG1p

He instructed Mo Tiangen to follow the steps to start the generator and close the circuit breaker, with the entire room lighting up.

Finally, everyone could see the complete appearance of the legendary SCP 444, the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device].

It looked very much like a supercomputer that was commonly printed in a textbook. Besides the complex control panel, oversized chassis, and a display screen wider than a home theater, there were also many miscellaneous wires and components extending from the body with unclear purposes. In the center of the room, there was a strange container resembling a sleeping pod from a space sci-fi movie.

The old man personally stood in front of the control panel and activated the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device]. 14dIXC

The fluorescent screen quickly lit up, displaying a series of small boxes, each filled with dazzling options.

Ji Dong couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

“Alright, let me repeat the principles of using this machine once again,” said the [Self-Healer], enunciating each word.

“First, it must obtain biological tissue from a living donor and can only transplant the characteristics of that tissue onto another living being. Second, each donor can only provide tissue once within 162 hours.” cy2b89

He paused for a moment, then added,

“Suppose the sampled organism is ‘A’, and the organism acquiring its attributes is ‘B’. When the overall strength of ‘A’ is significantly stronger than ‘B’, the failure rate can reach as high as 99%, with nearly 70% resulting in disability or deformity, and a 50% mortality rate.”

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As the old man spoke, his gaze swept across the crowd.

“But when the strength of ‘A’ is comparable to or even weaker than ‘B’, the success rate of transplantation will rise to over 70%.” sXIbaN

The [Self-Healer] had already explained to them the definition of “overall strength” and “stronger or weaker.” It was a very abstract concept.

If we were to describe it in a simple and easy-to-understand metaphor, it was like organ transplantation requiring a match. If the donor’s power was too strong, the recipient wouldn’t be able to withstand the rejection reaction, and the only result would be “failure,” even potentially costing their own life.

According to the [Self-Healer], ever since he was contained in Site 7, researchers had attempted hundreds of times to transplant his super-healing abilities onto other organisms.

But, because they chose recipients—whether animals or D-class personnel—whose physical qualities were not strong enough, the old man’s bodily power was too overwhelming for them, failing every time. gEzj2K

There was once a D-class personnel, the strongest of them all, who received a transfusion of the old man’s blood. They didn’t die on the spot or undergo any mutations, and their healing ability showed a significant enhancement. Aside from the intense pain they described, feeling like their whole body was being burned by flames, there didn’t seem to be any other complications. This case was considered an extremely rare “success” by the researchers.

Unfortunately, that person’s DNA chain began to be “devoured” by the genes of the [Self-Healer] that caused the “mutation.” All of their newly formed tissues turned into malignant tumors that could endlessly proliferate. In the end, their entire body was engulfed by nauseating growths, and unfortunately, they were difficult to execute. They had to be thrown into an incinerator while still alive, reduced to ashes.

This example sounded quite chilling.

And the plan proposed by the old man was to use his own flesh and blood to enhance one of Ji Dong and the others. 8x6PVt

At first, everyone thought it was too risky, but after careful consideration, they realized that although the risks were great, the rewards were also very tempting.

Moreover, the [Self-Healer] repeatedly assured them that they were now strong enough to withstand the power of his flesh and blood.

Indeed, compared to ordinary humans, their bodies had been strengthened multiple times in the [Peach Blossom Spring], reaching the limits that the [Peach Blossom Spring] could provide. Even someone like Fan Luming, who may not seem very powerful, could hold his own against the strongest special forces in a one-on-one fight.

And, each of them possessed extraordinary abilities, which alone sets them apart from any ordinary human being. SOcImw

Not to mention, they also had a prop equivalent to a cheat code—Ren Jianmo’s [Pedigree Identification Machine].

“Alright then, if you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how can you catch the tiger cub?!”

Mo Tiangen spoke first, “Bring it on!”


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