Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch177 - Capture the Dual-Headed Dragon


Editor-Pierce, Proofreader-adjective hTmtfy

Ji Dong couldn’t afford to be distracted at this moment.

He stood firmly on the dragon’s head, truly feeling the texture of its scales beneath his feet.

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It was an unusual sensation, akin to touching moss-covered pebbles.

The scales of the [Dual-Headed Dragon] were gray-black, exceptionally hard, and rough to the touch. They resembled layered basalt but had a mysterious sheen on the outer surface. When touched, they felt as though coated with a slippery, oily layer, rough yet extremely slippery. Ji Xiao’niao tried multiple times to step on the gaps between the scales but kept slipping. wYoH2k

So, his only point of support was his left arm.

Ji Dong had never been more grateful for his archery training as his arms were the strongest part of his body.

Just then, the [Dual-Headed Dragon] began swinging its heads from side to side.

One long neck spun like a windmill, completing a 180-degree turn. The centrifugal force lifted Ji Xiao’niao’s body completely off the ground, like a car on a pendulum ride at an amusement park.


Ji Dong had never pushed his dynamic vision to such an extreme limit before.

His mental focus was heightened for a long time, with adrenaline and dopamine causing his blood pressure and heart rate to rapidly soar. His eye sockets, temples, and the back of his head throbbed faintly due to congested blood vessels. He could only hear the slowed-down whistling wind and the rumbling sound of blood rushing against his eardrums.

But, at this moment, his brain became unusually calm and clear.

Ji Dong tightly gripped the horns of the flying dragon with both arms, clenched his teeth, and let it toss him around. He refused to let go, no matter what. B2Quz7

After enduring for about 20 seconds, he finally waited for the moment when the dragon, dizzy from swinging its head, had to slow down the frequency of its shaking.

Ji Xiao’niao used his elbow to secure himself, freeing up his forearms, and struggled to retrieve the [Dragon-Binding Rope]. He tied the ends of the rope around his wrists.


He took a deep breath and commanded the [Dragon-Binding Rope] to extend until the rope between his wrists was about two meters long. Taking a risky move, he released his right arm, relying solely on his left hand for support. Then, with a strong swing, just like throwing a hoop, he tossed the rope loop, allowing it to loosely encircle the head of the [Dual-Headed Dragon]. Nm6Ib8

[Be careful, cutie!]

The [Dragon-Binding Rope] chattered incessantly in Ji Dong’s mind, saying, [I can feel it, this big lizard is about to take off!]

—-—Thank you!

Ji Dong silently thanked the rope in his heart. 79Jzov

To maintain control of the [Dragon-Binding Rope], Ji Xiao’niao had to ensure that at least two points of his body were in contact with it, leaving him no choice but to take this risky approach.

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Lf obmerfv lcafcrfis, gfjmtlcu j rajaf bo mbwqifaf mbcmfcagjalbc.

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Qlat atf jlv bo tlr tflutafcfv vscjwlm nlrlbc, tf mbeiv gfjma wemt ojrafg atjc jc bgvlcjgs qfgrbc lc j rtbga rqjc bo alwf.

Aera yfobgf atf vgjubc oijqqfv lar klcur, Al Wljb’cljb tecu ogbw bcf bo lar tbgcr erlcu bcis bcf jgw. Qlat ugfja vloolmeias, tf vgfk tlr rlifca ibcuybk, qijmfv atf jggbk klat atf alfv gbqf bc la, jcv, lc jc fzagfwfis jkxkjgv qbrlalbc, jlwfv, qeiifv atf raglcu, jcv gfifjrfv atf jggbk. sfQcyp

The arrow flew towards the signal tower.

At the same time, the dragon finally let go of the signal tower it had been fussing with and took flight, flapping its wings.

“Whoa! Ahhh!”

In his attempt to shoot the arrow moments ago, Ji Dong ultimately found himself unable to maintain his grip on the dragon’s horn and was thrown off by the sudden ascent of the dragon. Yl5wje

Fortunately, the [Dragon-Binding Rope] remained secured around his wrists.

As he found himself suspended in midair, Ji Dong’s mind raced with one urgent thought:

“Quick! Retract! Retract! Retract! Ahhhhhh!!”

[Understood, sir! Got it, sir!] 70OeKF

At this critical moment, the [Dragon-Binding Rope] remained calm, even managing to throw a sarcastic remark at the frantic Ji Xiao’niao.

Nonetheless, its retraction speed was remarkably swift, rapidly dwindling into a small loop and tightly encircling the lower jaw of the two-headed dragon.

Just as Ji Dong was being propelled outward, he was forcefully yanked back by a powerful force, his body slamming uncontrollably against the tough and rough scales on the back of the dragon’s neck.

The impact carried significant force. pJcnPg

Ji Dong only had time to use his arms as a buffer, shielding his head and face, but his chest absorbed the brunt of the impact, momentarily knocking the wind out of him and causing his mind to momentarily blank out.

[Hey, handsome guy, your friend is calling you!]

Despite the dull ache in his chest, Ji Dong persevered and fought to regain his composure.

Even without checking, Ji Xiao’niao could discern from the pain that his two arms had been scraped by the dragon’s scales. WG2XbF

However, he couldn’t dwell on that at the moment.

Ji Dong quickly lowered his head and looked towards the signal tower below.

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As expected, the arrow he had just shot was lodged in the ground beside the signal tower, and Mo Tiangen already had the other end of the [Dragon-Binding Rope], tied to the arrow’s tail, in his hand.

Ji Xiao’niao quickly went over his plan in his mind. 5KFXyp

Then, the [Dragon-Binding Rope], always eager to participate, promptly transmitted its thoughts to the other man on the ground.

“Geez, this is difficult!”

Mo Tiangen loudly exclaimed, activating his special ability and transforming into a towering black-skinned giant, standing at a height of six meters.

While his stature didn’t rival that of the [Dual-Headed Dragon], it was enough to draw the enemy’s focus. 049JVO

As expected, the flying dragon swiftly identified Teacher Dagen’s towering figure as the main threat, momentarily overlooking the fact that Ji Xiao’niao was still suspended from its jaw by a rope. The dragon unfurled its wings, hovering in mid-air with both heads directed towards Mo Tiangen, emitting a deep and menacing growl from their throats.

Seizing this opportunity, Ji Dong quickly reached out his right arm, searching for the dragon’s horn, and began climbing with all his strength.

“Come on! Come at me!” Mo Tiangen shouted, vigorously waving his fists toward the two dragon heads, striving to divert their attention.

“Come and bite me!” yGV8wN

The dragon fixated its gaze on his dark and handsome visage, its four bright yellow pupils narrowing into thin slits.

At that moment, Ji Dong finally succeeded in climbing to the back of the dragon’s head. He seized onto the dragon’s horn with his left hand and, with his right hand freed, threaded the rope through the dragon’s horns, tightly wrapping it around several times.

“Tell Brother Dagen it’s done!” Ji Dong instructed the [Dragon-Binding Rope].

Meanwhile, the dragon took flight again, its two heads roaring in unison as it assumed an attacking stance, hurtling towards Mo Tiangen. Btqfbg

“Holy Fuck!”

Teacher Dagen shouted, sprinting around the signal tower.

The flying dragon’s attack missed its mark, resulting in it colliding with the steel support frame of the signal tower with a resounding “clang,” shaking the entire metal structure.

Taking advantage of the dragon’s momentary disorientation, Mo Tiangen maneuvered around to the opposite side of the signal tower, seized its two legs, and with a mighty effort, heaved it away with a loud shout. BYPz p

The dragon weighed as much as a fully-grown tyrannosaurus rex. Despite the immense strength of Mo Taingen, he could only manage to overturn it on the ground with all his might.

“But this should be enough.”

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Before the [Dual-Headed Dragon] could ascend and initiate an attack, Mo Tiangen swiftly seized the rope, completing a full circle around the signal tower and tying a secure knot at the end of the [Dragon-Binding Rope].

“Pull!” Mo Tiangen commanded the [Dragon-Binding Rope]. rph5Gk

[Actually, all you need to do is think about it.]

A genderless voice echoed in Teacher Dagen’s mind, and the [Dragon-Binding Rope] began to contract.

“Grrrrahhhhhh!” The dragon let out a roar.

Because it realized that it was being dragged forward by an unprecedented force, its entire body was forced towards the towering twelve-story steel building. QsONl1

The dragon began to struggle violently.

Its two heads twisted frantically, beating its wings with all its might in an effort to ascend back into the air.

However, as a “truth” class SCP item, the [Dragon-Binding Rope] couldn’t be torn apart by any amount of force as long as it was used correctly.

Meanwhile, Ji Dong lay on one of the dragon’s heads, swaying back and forth with its frantic struggles. It felt similar to being a flying yo-yo, with his body repeatedly colliding with the dragon’s hard and rugged scales, likely resulting in numerous bumps and bruises. MUBgtV

Yet, in this crucial moment, if he didn’t want all his prior efforts to be in vain, he couldn’t afford to let go, no matter the cost.

The [Dragon-Binding Rope] steadily contracted, inch by inch.

The two-headed flying dragon was forcefully dragged to the ground, one head twisted backward, resembling a fish out of water as it thrashed its massive body against the ground.

Taking advantage of the moment the dragon’s body collided with the ground, Ji Dong released its horns and swiftly jumped to the ground, holding onto one end of the [Dragon-Binding Rope] as he made a quick escape. 3jmIRG

“Quick, come over here!” Ren Jianmo called out anxiously, having been waiting nearby. Spotting Ji Dong’s landing, he immediately extended his hand, grasping his child’s arm.

“Hiss!” Ji Dong winced in pain, taking a sharp breath.

Concerned, Ren Jianmo turned around, his brows furrowed. “Are you injured?”

“Just a minor surface wound, nothing serious,” Ji Xiao’niao quickly reassured. “But enough of that. Hurry up and tie the rope!” qIhWRl

With that, he held onto the [Dragon-Binding Rope] with one hand and pulled Ren Jianmo with the other, sprinting around the signal tower and the [Dual-Headed Dragon] for two full laps.

“Alright, tighten everything up for me!”

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Ji Dong commanded the Dragon-Binding Rope, “If it’s tight, make it even tighter!”

[Oops, I already said you don’t have to shout. Just think it, and I can hear it!] qLaIbB

The gender-neutral voice spoke with a mix of amusement and resignation:

[Alright, I’ll listen to you! Tie it as tight as you want!]

Then, everyone saw that the dragon was immediately dragged by an invisible force. Its entire body, along with one of its heads, slammed into the signal tower with a loud crash. Everything except the other head and the long neck beneath it was tightly bound to the tower.

“Raaaarrrgh!!!!!!” 4xboJP

The [Dual-Headed Dragon] let out a heart-wrenching bellow, thrashing wildly and using all its strength to break free from the ropes entwining it.

The signal tower emitted a grating metallic screech.

Under the combined pressure of the [Dragon-Binding Rope] and the [Dual-Headed Dragon], the steel reinforcements of the entire tower began to gradually bend and deform, intertwining with the dragon like twisted spirals.

Despite that, unless the dragon could pull the entire iron tower out of its foundation, it would never be able to escape. MsT2oi

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