The Snowstorm Awaits One’s Return Home

The Snowstorm Awaits One’s Return Home 风雪待归人

RAW Source
Author: 小霄
Total Chapters: 108+5
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Translators: M1zushi
Release Schedule: Monday


BL (247)Romance (233)Modern (192)Doting Love Interest (149)Power couple (122)Fantasy (98)Action (82)Adventure (76)Supernatural (68)Comedic Undertone (48)Mystery (45)Survival (36)Apocalypse (30)


After a mysterious snowstorm, the distortion apocalypse arrived.

An Yun, a person with inferior genes who feared death, was forced to join the “Protectors” because he seemed to possess some mysterious powers.

They were a group of terrible, mutant people who were greedy for power, cruel, and prone to infighting.

Upon his arrival, An Yun immediately caught the attention of the top boss, Qin Zhilu, making the other Protectors so jealous that the number of people who wanted to kill him could form a long line.

Rumors spread that he was the pampered canary kept by their boss, a rumor that An Yun himself started to believe. To survive, he worked hard every day to act coquettish, although his attempts were somewhat stiff.

Qin Zhilu glanced at him and said, “Seems obedient on the surface.”

Yet he couldn’t resist reaching out to pat his head.

In the Canary’s first battle, the Protectors placed bets at the beginning, betting on his certain death. Living up to their expectations, he was severely damaged, but at the brink of death, he burst forth with a sliver of vitality and turned the tables!

The most brilliant hunters often disguise themselves as prey.

If only near-death experiences can awaken him, then he does not mind acting weak.

After awakening, An Yun put out fires all around the apocalyptic world. He originally only wanted to curry favor with his Commander, but inexplicably, he became a savior god step by step.

【Human genes have been compromised; please reclaim the energy core resource and abandon the city!】

【An Yun: Refused. The Commander’s orders are to save everyone.】

【A large number of young girls are missing from the slums, and the people behind this have a deep background.】

【An Yun: Regardless of status, settle accounts with all involved.】

【A super-aberrant entity maliciously altered some people’s time.】

【An Yun: If you like time so much, you might as well fall into an eternal loop.】

【The AI consciousness has awakened, and a large number of humans have been captured.】

【An Yun: Retrieve the server and train it again.】

【A book began to circulate in the main city, and all Protectors have fallen.】

【An Yun: Such foolish mind control tactics, I…】

【The book is titled “God An Yun’s Fantastical Abilities.”】

【An Yun: …What is that?】

【It’s the observations and summaries of you by the Protectors. They have all joined God An Yun’s Church.】

【An Yun: …】

Thank you, he didn’t even know he had those abilities.

From beginning to end, his only goal was to hug the Commander’s thighs and save his own skin.

“He is the last corner of humanity.”
“I will always stay with you, sir, until the moment we both burn out.”

Character Guide
[Professional Wolf Trainer/Double Standard/Cub Protector · Expert at Non-human Cosplay] Gong X [Dark-bellied Little Wolf · Tough and Crazy · Flexibly jumping between Cute and Sadistic] Shou

  1. HE/ Weak to strong MC/Post-apocalyptic wasteland
  2. The protagonist is a god, with the ability to attack others by dimensionality reduction
    ; however, the protagonist also has weaknesses and cannot always use dimension reductions. Caution is advised.
  3. The protagonist is usually stable, but becomes a sadistic when out of control. The two states will gradually merge as he grows, it’s not a case of two personalities.
  4. Two pairs of BL side couples, one pair of BG ambiguous relationship, mainly expressed through fragments of characters within the dialogue, with minimal main content.

SHAOR Fanart Page

Translator's Note

an AI model is both a set of selected algorithms and the data used to train those algorithms so that they can make the most accurate predictions.

Translator's Note

raw is corner (which is also An Yun’s codename) but corner can be interpreted to be the last safe corner(refuge) of humanity as there’s truly no other way out

Translator's Note

Dimensionality reduction, or dimension reduction, is the transformation of data from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space so that the low-dimensional representation retains some meaningful properties of the original data, ideally close to its intrinsic dimension.

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  1. Ohhh, an apocalypse novel


    Just gonna stockpile before starting

    Thanks you M1zushi for the translation 🥰 🥰

  2. AHHHHHHHHH XIAO YUN SOUNDS LIKE THE TOP DOG!!!! I really am too shameless to be suddenly checking out new novels when I still have like 300+ notifications waiting for me 😭, M1zushi-sama wait for me I swear I’ll immediately resume MIAOJIANG after I finish GHG 🙏

      • I can tell you already gave up sorting out ur novels xD tbh I would’ve already have 500+ notifications if I didn’t sort out which one I wanted to read TwT apologies to the other authors I was camping at they’re probably starting a new project by the time I get to those novels 🙏