The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In ProgressCh97 - Males who fight, always win

The Males were always the beneficiaries, be it flowers or praise. However, today, at Minister Palanti’s birthday banquet, Tang Yan’s praise of Shelayn in an age when Females were undervalued was exceptional.

Sirio’s face burned with humiliation, feeling as if his face had been ripped off and stepped on. His facial muscles twitched with rage and he stood mute for a while. The Female Attendant in his arms was being hugged so tightly by the shoulder that he nearly screamed in pain. JFrLYx

The guests were totally shocked by this dramatic turn of events. After the shock, they felt extreme envy, which gave rise to a hint of jealousy because to 99% of the Females, Tang Yan was flawless.

Tang Yan did not like verbal confrontations, he preferred physical actions. Although he had never done something like putting a sack over someone’s head, he thought it would be worth a try. He took a glass of wine from a waiter’s tray, toasted the surly Sirio, and meaningfully said, “Sirio, I apologize. We’ll talk later.”

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At the time, Sirio had no idea what ‘talk later’ meant.

Shelayn slowly recovered from the praise Tang Yan had just given him. He looked at him with a slight smile on his lips, unable to hide his joy, “Are you telling the truth?” eEqDx0

Tang Yan replied, “I never lie.”

Shelayn looked up slightly, scanning the room and suppressing the anxious glances that were directed toward them. He raised an eyebrow and said, “I must admit, your appearance attracts too many Females, which is not necessarily good for me.”

Guiding Tang Yan towards his colleagues, Shelayn introduced him, “His Highness Tang Yan. I’ve been wanting to introduce him to you for a long time, but I’ve never had the chance.”

With Tang Yan’s arrival, Shelayn’s gloomy expression dissipated and he regained his usual elegant and reserved demeanor. Although he had no intention of showing off in front of his friends, the smile on his lips and the slight tilt of his chin revealed his pride, almost like a wagging tail.


Win and the others felt somewhat overwhelmed and hurried to bow to Tang Yan, “General Win of the Third Army. It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.”

“Lieutenant General Roland of the Second Army. A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.”

“Marshal Yuan of the First Army. Congratulations on your awakening, Your Highness.”

Tang Yan did not feel that his status was particularly high. He only thought that the only benefit of his awakening was to be able to calm the agitation of Shelayn’s SS-level mental power. He returned their greeting politely, “If you are Shelayn’s acquaintance, you are also mine. Please, there is no need for formalities.” yndoPO

Being closer, Win and the others felt Tang Yan’s captivating presence and attractiveness even more, each secretly a little nervous. Oh dear, why didn’t Shelayn tell us earlier that his future partner was His Highness?!

Qin Yang, who had a favorable impression of Tang Yan, completely unaware that he was a character created by Tang Yan, felt a sense of familiarity, ”Qin Yang, nice to meet you.”

Tang Yan looked at him, briefly shook his hand, and replied, “I know, you are Marshal Yuan’s partner. Pleased to meet you.”

Tang Yan had no intention of acknowledging him as a relative. Perhaps it was not necessary. Qin Yang’s life in the original novel was already full and happy enough and required no outside interference. bUJ2lV

The only tragedy was Shelayn.

Yuan was somewhat taken aback, not remembering when he had introduced Qin Yang to Tang Yan, “Your Highness, do you know my Male Master?”

Tang Yan hinted, “I’ve heard of him. You two are a perfect match.”

Yuan smiled, unable to hide his happiness, “Thank you for the compliment. Your Highness and Marshal Ayashley also make a perfect match.” ZXnIpx

Shelayn watched in silence for a long moment. His critical gaze fell first on Qin Yang and then slowly on Tang Yan, but no matter how he compared, he felt that his Male was a thousand times better than Yuan’s Male.

Tang Yan was an S-level, while Qin Yang was merely an A-level, completely unbalanced.

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But as soon as this thought arose, Shelayn realized that it had nothing to do with levels. Even when Tang Yan was still a C-level, he believed he was superior to Yuan’s Male.

So what was it that made him superior? kZ78IG

Shelayn couldn’t explain it…

He only knew that when Yuan said that he and Tang Yan were the perfect match, something in his mind began to clear. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but he felt as if the tension he’d been clinging to for years was finally released, as if a thorn was being pulled out of his throat.

At that moment, all competitive thoughts vanished.

Perhaps Shelayn did not envy Yuan for marrying an A-level Male, nor did he envy the gentleness and thoughtfulness of his Male Master. He only envied Yuan for being able to marry someone he loved. That was all. jahUye

Marrying someone who loves you…

[Ding! Attention, Host. The villain’s blackening level has dropped to 40%. Congratulations!]

During Tang Yan’s coma, Shelayn’s blackening level had once reached 99%. Now it had finally dropped significantly, and System was so excited that he wanted to set off fireworks.

Hearing System’s notice, Tang Yan instinctively glanced at Shelayn, who was looking thoughtfully at Qin Yang. He turned Shelayn’s face towards him, asking, “What are you looking at?” QES5dC

Shelayn finally reacted, slowly swirled the wine in his glass, and leaned towards Tang Yan’s ear, lowering his voice and feigning mystery, “I’m looking into the future.”

Tang Yan was startled, “What future?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtfijsc rwlifv rilutais, “Yo mbegrf, ws oeaegf.”

Ccsbcf kbeiv olcv la lcmgfvlyif. Vtfijsc tjv yfaafg ibbxr atjc Tejc, j tlutfg rajaer, jcv j wbgf qgfralulber ojwlis yjmxugbecv. Lbkfnfg, fnfgs alwf tf ibbxfv ja Tejc, tf ofia lcfzqilmjyis vfofjafv. rVLqvp

Pa kjr jr lo… jr lo tlr qgbev ilof kjr vfralcfv ab ojvf jkjs, cfnfg yflcu jyif ab regqjrr Tejc.

Shelayn hated Yuan because he could always see his own tragedy through Yuan’s happiness. But today was different. Today, he finally didn’t feel that way. He intuitively felt that he would live better than Yuan in the future.

“Marshal Ayashley, you shouldn’t look at Marshal Yuan’s Male. You should only look at me.” Tang Yan said meaningfully. He finished his glass of wine and looking around, noticed Sirio sneaking out of the banquet hall with his Female Attendant.

Shelayn saw him too and let out a sneer, “The descendants of the Sirio Family have gone from sages to mere rats. Would you like to see what he’s up to?” LxdzZQ

Tang Yan, impatient for a chance to confront Sirio, naturally followed him. After scanning the hall, where the nobles were gathered in small groups discussing politics, he took Shelayn’s hand and slipped through the crowd.

As they passed the dessert area, they saw Topaz eating enthusiastically. Yes, Tang Yan’s adoptive father had also come. When they arrived, all the attention was focused on Tang Yan, so people had unconsciously ignored him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Topaz didn’t mind, he thought that being able to eat was a blessing.

Outside was a courtyard with a large and meticulously groomed lawn that could accommodate all the guests for dancing. The fountain statue was realistic, with clear water cascading from the urn it held, creating a soothing sound. To the right of the lawn lined the guests’ flying cars. CRgdVP

The night seemed like a black veil covering the planet, but the luxurious mansion was so brightly lit that it dazzlingly glowed. Sirio and his Female Attendant had manipulated the surveillance cameras and snooped through the flying cars, finally stopping at Tang Yan’s. Sirio then removed his facade, cursing viciously, “That Shelayn! He thinks he’s so great just because he found an S-level Male? Let’s see him crawl naked at my feet once he runs out of his support!”

He kicked the Female Attendant handling the flying car and cursed angrily, “You idiot! Can’t you go any faster?”

The Female Attendant, frightened and anxious, replied, “Male Master, His Highness is S-level. If anything happens to his flying car, I’m sure the higher-ups will investigate…”

Sirio’s gaze was poisonous, “Dead men tell no tales. If the Empire has never had an S-level Male, it shouldn’t have one now. Unless one day I awaken to SS-level!” 1UyoCK

A quiet voice suddenly rang out behind him, “SS-level? Forgive my boldness Sirio, but it seems rather impossible to me.”

Sirio was startled, feeling a shiver run down his spine. He turned in fright and saw Tang Yan standing there, expressionless. Surprised, he took a step back and stammered, “Y-y-you…”

Caught in the act, his mind went blank, not knowing how to explain himself. Instinctively, he wanted to hide behind his Female Attendant, but then two thumps sounded as Shelayn knocked him out on the grass.

“Shelayn!” Sirio felt shocked and furious, with a sense of danger washing over him and his legs shaking, “How dare you!” zXcn75

Shelayn calmly removed his gloves and, without hesitation, delivered a hard punch to the side of Sirio’s face. The window of the flying car cracked immediately.

Looking coldly at Sirio, Shelayn smiled, “What are you afraid of, didn’t you just say you wanted me to crawl naked at your feet and beg for mercy? Why don’t you say anything now?”

Sirio, feeling the sudden force of the punch, nearly fainted from fear and tried to run away. But after taking only a few staggering steps, he felt a tug on his neck as Tang Yan pulled him back.

Sirio was terrified, forgetting that it was he who had first tried to harm Tang Yan, he shouted, “Harming a Male is a major crime! Tang Yan, even if you’re an S-level Male, you can’t hurt me!” dqMprz

“Too bad for you, I’m already guilty of many crimes.” Tang Yan said indifferently before delivering another punch. With a thud, Sirio’s left eye swelled up, and before he could cry out in pain, his other eye received the same treatment, leaving him unconscious.

With a pair of matching black eyes, Sirio lay on the ground with panda eyes. Despite this, Tang Yan felt he had been too gentle. Remembering Sirio’s earlier threats to make Shelayn crawl naked, Tang Yan decided to rip off his clothes.

The sound of cloth tearing was crisp in the silent night.

Watching Tang Yan’s actions, Shelayn realized his intentions, leaning on the flying car with a faint smile, his slender fingers playing with his neck as he commented, “I must say, your actions are making me a little jealous…” Jm2fR3

Tang Yan, tossing the now naked Male into the bushes like he was trash, looked up, “Jealous of what?”

Shelayn’s purple eyes, which looked like stars in the night, contained a hint of envy, “After all, you’ve never ripped my clothes off like this…”

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Tang Yan pinned him against the flying car and his fingers ran over the spot where Shelayn had once been injected with suppressors, “Marshal Ayashley, I think your memory is failing you.”

Tang Yan had not only ripped off his clothes once, he had done it several times. aP i4q

Shelayn’s fingers traced Tang Yan’s abdomen through his shirt, probing repeatedly, his voice husky, “But never like now, right?”

Tang Yan’s breath faltered for a moment, but it was barely noticeable. He shortened the distance between them, “Shelayn, are you insinuating something?”

Shelayn’s face flushed and whispered in Tang Yan’s ear, “Not at all, you misunderstood me…”

His soft lips brushed Tang Yan’s earlobe, then his tongue flicked out to lick it lightly before slowly moving down to Tang Yan’s cold lips, playing and teasing. SJVdfR

Tang Yan remained motionless, watching silently.

Shelayn waited for a response, his long eyelashes fluttering as they lightly brushed Tang Yan’s skin, causing a tingling sensation, “After all this time, don’t you even want to give me a ki-”

Before he could finish, Tang Yan suddenly kissed him, pressing him against the flying car. Shelayn let out a choked gasp and wrapped his arms around Tang Yan. He felt Tang Yan’s hands running down his back, fingers sliding under his shirt and pulling off his belt. Panting, Shelayn pressed his hand against Tang Yan’s chest, his voice provocative, “You don’t intend to rip my clothes off here, do you?”

Actually, Tang Yan didn’t intend to tear anything off, but compared to usual, Shelayn seemed a little too ‘conservative’ today.  After thinking about it, he could only attribute it to the fact that they were in a public setting, “Do you really want me to?” xDABNf

“You won’t…”

Shelayn suddenly hugged him. This embrace carried no provocation, no desire. With eyes closed, submerged in Tang Yan’s arms, Shelayn finally let a small glimmer of vulnerability show through.

The world imposed too many limitations on Females, and even an exceptional individual like Shelayn struggled against external pressures. All he could do was grit his teeth and hold on, knowing that the worst outcome would be mutual destruction, sacrificing his life if necessary.

During Tang Yan’s coma, Shelayn felt like he was making a big bet. Winning would be great, but losing meant total defeat. No one else in the entire Empire would dare to take such a risk. 78wJpE

Tang Yan said nothing. He recalled Shelayn’s blackening level, which had once reached as high as 99%. Silently, he tightened his arms around the Female, planting a series of light kisses on his ear and saying in a low voice, “Of course not.”

[Ding! Attention host. The villain’s blackening level has dropped to 37%]

System’s notifications always came without warning.

Tang Yan paused, lowering his gaze to Shelayn, seeing only the fluffy silver-gray hair and the reddened tips of his ears. 9xWzuE

“Let’s go.” Tang Yan said, tousling Shelayn’s hair, “We should go back inside.”

Shelayn turned his head to avoid Tang Yan’s hand, saying awkwardly, “I’m not a three-year-old larva. You shouldn’t treat an adult Female like this.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tang Yan looked at the body subtly pressed against his, his tone soft, “Shelayn, you shouldn’t treat a minor Male like this either, right?”

Although Tang Yan had awakened early, he was still a few days away from adulthood. hyzv5V

Shelayn’s body stiffened at his words, and his face quickly heated up to full redness. Damn it, he had forgotten that Tang Yan was yet to reach adulthood!

Seeing Shelayn’s reddened face and awkward stuttering, Tang Yan decided not to tease him anymore. Gently pulling him into his arms and returning to the banquet hall.

However, something seemed to have happened while they were gone. All the guests had gathered in a circle. As Tang Yan approached, he saw a Male in the center facing General Ilvissa. The Male looked familiar; wasn’t he the one who had been beaten and hospitalized in the Military Department?

“Ilvissa, you divorced me only to find this B-level Male! I must say you are incredibly stupid!” ZLgAzt

Males were not known for their intelligence, and Luni was at the lower end of that spectrum. Even Sirio knew how to do nasty things in secret, but Luni was confronting Ilvissa, his “ex-husband”, in front of everyone at the banquet, focusing on Topaz first.

Minister Palanti did not want his birthday banquet to turn into chaos and frowned, “Lord Luni, since General Ilvissa has already settled the divorce with you, it is none of your business who he wants to be with. That is no reason for you to make such accusations.”

Luni was merely dissatisfied. He had not liked Ilvissa when they were married, and now, without financial support, he regretted it. Earlier, he had planned a reconciliation at the banquet, but on discovering that Ilvissa had already found a new Male, he was furious. Fuelled by alcohol, he began to cause trouble.

Most of the Females present were Ilvissa’s military colleagues, and all tried to persuade him, but when a Male like Luni decided to cause trouble, it was difficult to stop him. JP3HSF

Topaz, enraged, glared at him with wide eyes, “You shameless bastard, say that again if you dare!”

Rolling up his sleeves, he looked ready for a fight, but Tang Yan knew that Topaz was barking more than biting, it was just a stance.

Luni didn’t take a B-level Male seriously, and sneered, “Your level isn’t that bad, but picking up my leftovers is really pathetic.”

This comment made the surrounding Females frown. hjGDVL

Topaz, stunned, was about to say something when Ilvissa pulled him from behind and said in a low voice, “Lord, please don’t start a conflict for me.”

Ilvissa’s strength lay in strategy, not direct confrontation. He would rather endure temporary indignities in order to plot for future victories. This was consistent with his usual approach.

However, Topaz could not swallow his anger. At that moment, a strong hand squeezed his shoulder, “Aren’t you going to do anything?”

Somehow, Tang Yan had appeared behind him, exuding a powerful presence. Topaz was stunned and stammered, “W-what should I do then?” BR0pfv

Tang Yan, considering the question absurd, replied coldly, “Go hit him.”

Then, thinking that his words might be too vague, he added, “Beat him up.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shelayn realized that Tang Yan did not like to fool around.

Luni, fuelled by alcohol, continued to hurl increasingly nasty remarks at Ilvissa. Hesitant at first, Topaz saw Ilvissa’s calm demeanor and summoning unexpected courage bit his lip, and punched Luni, “Damn Male!” Jub1lF

The punch was not as powerful as Tang Yan’s, and Luni barely staggered, turning only his head.

The onlookers were momentarily startled by Topaz’s action and rushed to intervene. Ilvissa also stepped in to protect him.

Luni felt the taste of blood on the corners of his lips and became furious. He pushed away the guests who were trying to calm him down and tried to hit Topaz. But halfway there, his arm was caught by a strong, slender hand…

Tang Yan knew that Topaz was not to be trusted and ended up taking matters into his own hands. With a swift movement, he twisted Luni’s arm behind his back. UnjzC

“Lord, you are very lucky.” Said Tang Yan, elbowing Luni’s back hard, forcing him to duck, “You’ll be the first Male I’ve hit twice.”

Luni didn’t recognize Tang Yan at first, but when he did, his eyes widened in horror, “You?!”

Before he could say more, there was a loud crack as Tang Yan dislocated his arm. He did not let go, but kicked Luni’s legs, forcing him to kneel before General Ilvissa.

Luni paled in pain and broke out in cold sweat, on the verge of fainting. gHC2mM

Tang Yan, exuding a cold aura, demanded, “Why did he divorce you?”

Reluctantly, Luni, under the intense pain, cried out, “Because I abused larva! Because I abused the larva! Let me go, please let me go!”

Tang Yan remained indifferent, “Do you think it was right of him to divorce you?”

Luni, desperate for Tang Yan to let go, nodded frantically through the pain, “Yes, yes! It was the right thing to do!” ZO9jpx

Seeing Luni’s weak response, Tang Yan coldly continued, “Shouldn’t you apologize for what you just said?”

Luni, mixing anger and fear, shouted, “What, how can I apologize to a Female!”

Another crack sounded as Tang Yan put more pressure on his wrist. He offered him a choice, “Apologize or lose your hand.”

Luni, unable to stand it any longer, blurted out in tears, “Sor… sorry… I apologize for my words…” 4Pyspx

Tang Yan added, “In the future, you will not appear where General Ilvissa is. Understood?”

Tang Yan, finally satisfied, let go and pulled him aside. The Female Attendants of Luni, too frightened to say anything, rushed him out of the banquet hall. That arm would not heal for at least six months.

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Fights between Males were rare in the Empire; usually, their Female Attendants intervened. The other guests were astonished, realizing that this S-level Male was not to be trifled with.

General Ilvissa, surprised by the turn of events, was momentarily bewildered by Luni’s apology. He looked at Topaz and then at Tang Yan, saying sincerely, “Thank you”. ye5s3X

Tang Yan approached, with a cool but engaging demeanor that made some of the Females surrounding General Ilvissa stagger. He spoke with impeccable courtesy, each word resonating deeply, “General Ilvissa, you should not take his words to heart. You have the right to choose and not let rumors cloud your path.”

He bowed slightly, “If there are ever any more problems, please let me know. I will be happy to help you.”

His words offered a glimpse of the freedom and rights the Females could only dream of.

Shelayn, watching the Male in the center of the room, whose glow could not be dimmed by his black suit, suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. gdUFyu

Win, who had silently appeared behind Shelayn, looked at the courteous Tang Yan and remarked, “Shelayn, everyone thought you had done a foolish thing, but in reality, you have won everything, haven’t you?”

Shelayn, deep in thought, unconsciously touched his left shoulder, where the medal of honor personally awarded by the Zerg Emperor had previously been, now feeling somewhat empty after giving it to Tang Yan.

“This is how it should be.”

Shelayn straightened his back, his eyes deep and defiant, with a faint smile, “I’ve always said I would choose the most outstanding Male in the Empire.” Xi3HWr

For the rest of the banquet, no one could take their eyes off Tang Yan. Despite the risk of offending the Ayahsley Family, many still approached him. However, Tang Yan did not respond to any of them and left the banquet with Shelayn.

Shelayn switched the flight mode to autopilot and, hugging Tang Yan, lay down on the back seat, “Where do you want to go? I’ll take you.”

Tang Yan replied, “Home.”

Shelayn, sitting on top of him, seemed to smile, “And who’s at home? R2XmIW

Tang Yan replied, “No one.”

Topaz, who had been whimpering, was carried away by General Ilvissa. Although he failed to knock Luni out with one punch, his bravery was commendable. It was clear that his act had made a deep impression on General Ilvissa.

Now the house was empty.

Shelayn looked at Tang Yan silently, gently touching the back of Tang Yan’s neck with his fingertips, subtly seeking an invitation. auQ4Kl

Tang Yan finally understood and smiled, “Will you come with me?”

Shelayn took off his tie, his hands accustomed to handling precise, elegant, and agile firearms. After a deliberate pause, he said, “Of course. I’ve never refused any of your requests, have I?”

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  1. There’s so many badass moments going on in this chapter and I am living for it!! Tang yan and shelayn sure know how to flirt 👌 🙈