Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch87 - I’ll go hunt some beasts.

The Su family mansion is very large, with many beautiful scenes, quite magnificent. However, the buildings within the Qixiao Sect are even more grand. After seeing the scenery of the Su family, the group of people showed no signs of shock.

The middle-aged steward led them through a stone path to the reception hall. Inside, a middle-aged man with a slim figure was already waiting. Upon seeing the group, he nodded slightly and said, “Esteemed disciples of the Qixiao Sect, please have a seat.” uT7pm2

Zhu Yao gestured with a hand to the man and led everyone to sit down on the side.

The middle-aged man continued, “I am asking you to escort my daughter Bixin to Lin City to seek refuge with her maternal grandfather. I will pay you ten spirit coins as a deposit in advance. Two of my personal guards will accompany you. Once you arrive in Lin City, they will pay you the remaining spirit coins.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhu Yao smiled and said, “You’re welcome, Patriarch Su. Let’s do it this way.”

After reaching an agreement on the remuneration, Patriarch Su added, “Previously, my daughter offended someone due to a calculation, so there may be some danger on the way. However, my two personal guards will definitely take action in these dangerous situations. I only ask you to protect my daughter’s safety. As for dealing with those villains, there is no need to force it.“ 97l0Ev

Hearing Patriarch Su say this, it was exactly in line with their previous discussion, so they all agreed readily.

After this was settled, Zhu Yao and the others were taken to their guest rooms first. When the next day came, Patriarch Su went to call out Su Bixin, while Zhu Yao and the others went to wait outside the mansion.

Zhu Yao and the others were mounted on their horses.

Not long after, a carriage drove out from the mansion, with a horse on each side. There were two robust guards sitting on horses, one appearing to be in his forties, and the other in his twenties with a strong build.


Both of them looked cautious, carefully guarding the carriage.

Ye Shu glanced at the carriage.

Although he had not deliberately released his divine sense, he could still perceive that there were two people inside the carriage. Apart from Miss Su, there was another person with a lower cultivation level, presumably a servant serving Miss Su.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There were also two bodyguards, one at the eighth layer of Qi Refining and the other at the seventh layer. It seemed that the Su family patriarch was indeed borrowing their identity, and when they encountered real danger, most likely it would be the bodyguards who would remove the danger. kfFDqv

Tjc Jtjcuijc vlvc’a qjs wemt jaafcalbc. Lf mjgfoeiis fzjwlcfv atf akb ybvsuejgvr jcv ofia atja atfs rtbeiv yf fjrs ab ufa jibcu klat, rb tf vlvc’a atlcx wemt wbgf jybea la.

Vfnfgji qfbqif lcmievlcu Ite Tjb jirb abbx j ibbx, jcv fjmt tjv atflg bkc atbeutar.

Ktf wlvvif-jufv meialnjabg klat j ijgufg ojmf rjlv ragjlutaobgkjgvis: “Ktlr alwf frmbgalcu Zlrr, P, Yiv Qfl, klii ajxf mtjguf.” Lf uijcmfv ja atf ragbcu meialnjabg cfza ab tlw, “Ktlr lr ws cfqtfk Qfl Vfc. Ktf akb bo er klii vb beg eawbra atlr alwf. P’ii agbeyif sbe jii ab ajxf mjgf.”

Zhu Yao naturally spoke on behalf of everyone, saying words like “of course”, “no problem”, “we will do our best”, and so on, with a lot of courtesy. However, despite the courtesy, they remembered the meaning of the words the other side had said – this time they would follow along, although they were indeed disciples of a famous sect, they would also follow Old Wei’s orders. 2nYdvO

Old Wei didn’t waste many words. After bidding farewell to Patriarch Su who had come out to see them off, he took the lead and galloped towards Lin City.

The horses pulling the carriage were also among the best, running extremely fast. In just a moment, they had already covered several miles. Zhu Yao and the others rode their horses to follow, without much conversation along the way.

After several hours of travel, as the horses began to tire, they finally arrived at the foot of a hill.

Old Wei pulled the reins, “Stop to rest!” bI7nLv

Wei Sen quickly jumped onto the carriage to stop the horses.

There was no coachman in front of the carriage. Throughout the journey, it was Old Wei and his nephew who managed the horses while riding alongside.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At this moment, everyone stopped, and Zhu Yao called out, “The sky is getting dark, and there don’t seem to be any houses nearby. Fellow Taoist Wei, do you intend to find an inn for the night, or shall we camp here?”

Old Wei replied, “Let’s camp here.” 32CoDe

Wei Sen, having scouted the surroundings, said, “There are no inhabitants within a hundred miles. Nearby, there’s a stream and a forest. This slope is not too close to the forest, so the beasts from the woods shouldn’t come near during the night. The stream is shallow, so there likely aren’t any fierce monsters in it. Camping here is more reliable than searching randomly.”

Hearing this, Old Wei nodded, “Indeed. Set up a tent and light a fire. Prepare some food for the young lady. She can rest in the carriage, and we’ll keep her well-guarded.” He then instructed, “Go and ask the disciples of Qixiao Sect if they need anything. If they do, we have sufficient supplies to share with them.”

Wei Sen, hearing this, naturally followed the instructions. After some thought, he first went to ask the Qixiao Sect disciples if they had any needs. lKaYdX

Zhu Yao expressed his gratitude to Wei Sen for his kindness.

Then, Yan Changlan and the others noticed that Zhu Yao had come well-prepared and had everything they needed.

Yan Changlan was somewhat curious.

Zhu Yao smiled and said, “Although I’ve never traveled this far, I’ve had to camp out a few times during past training sessions, so I know what to do.” RUNQti

Soon, they set up a large tent and intentionally built a campfire.

Yan Changlan looked at the small pile of dry branches and said, “I’ll go gather more firewood.”

However, Ruan Hongyi pulled Xia Yuqing along, saying with a cheerful smile, “Gathering firewood is a task that Second Senior Sister and I can handle together.”

Yan Changlan thought about it and realized that the two female cultivators were more than capable of handling this task. He said, “Then I’ll go hunt some beasts. After a busy day, everyone must be very tired.” ejY5Rg

No one else raised any objections, except for Ye Shu, who said, “I’ll go with you.”

Naturally, not everyone could leave at this moment. To guard against potential attacks, some people had to stay behind.

Thus, only Ye Shu and Yan Changlan ventured into the nearby forest.

Ye Shu said, “Within a hundred zhang, there is nothing we need.” 6sSqIY

Yan Changlan, having great trust in Ye Shu, responded, “Then shall we go farther?”

Ye Shu nodded, “Hold onto me.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Changlan obeyed, holding onto Ye Shu, who then slapped several talismans onto his body.

These talismans suddenly emitted a gust of wind, carrying them in the direction the wind was blowing. In a brief moment, they had traveled over a hundred zhang into the forest. After “floating” for a while longer, Ye Shu spotted a demonic boar. QRHrKd

Yan Changlan observed the boar’s form… Its body resembled a wild boar, but its bristles were like sharp spikes, appearing very fierce. Its hide was also extremely thick, likely impervious to non-sharp weapons.

Upon seeing the boar, Ye Shu leaped onto a sturdy branch and sat down.

Yan Changlan was taken aback.

Ye Shu said, “Changlan, use this opportunity to hone your skills.” zhdvrE

Yan Changlan understood and, without hesitation, drew his Lan Feng sword. The sword, moving swiftly like the wind, immediately struck towards the boar’s neck.

The demonic boar was also formidable. A red light flashed across its body, and instantly, the previously half-severed wound on its neck completely healed, as if it had never been injured by the sword!

However, Yan Changlan knew this was no illusion. That red light… it seemed rather strange.


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