Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch77 - Treat him as you would treat me

The items in these rooms greatly surprised the new servants.

One room contained an alchemy furnace, another an iron furnace, and there was one with a row of talisman brushes and a pile of talisman paper, along with another room that felt oddly unsettling upon entering. There was also a room with several large rows of bookshelves. eO5ycU

Although these people were now servants, they were all cultivators at the sixth level of Qi Refining and were not overly timid.

Ai Jiu tentatively asked, “Master, what are these rooms for?”

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Ye Shu replied, “For making a living.”

Hearing this, the servants were quite astonished. 3CqPEm

Making a living? Could it be that their master is proficient in all these crafts?

Given his age, it seems unlikely… Perhaps he intends to hire some alchemists or craftsmen? But that is very difficult, as those who achieve success in alchemy or crafting are usually already supported by major powers and work primarily for them. Hiring them is exceedingly difficult.

Ye Shu, however, did not concern himself with their thoughts. In time, the servants would naturally understand his abilities. With their essence blood in his possession, any disobedience would allow him to end their lives instantly, leaving no room for concern.

After arranging the items, Ye Shu instructed, “Qi Zhuang, Lu Song, Hu Yuan, you three go and purchase the items on this list. Do not draw attention to yourselves.” As he spoke, he handed Hu Yuan a small chest containing fifty thousand taels of gold leaves.


After Hu Yuan took the small chest, Ye Shu went to the alchemy room to concoct some medicine. He then said, “This is for changing your appearance. You should travel separately.”

Following Ye Shu’s orders, the group, who had once been itinerant cultivators, quickly used the medicine to alter their appearances, even changing their clothes and modifying their gait.

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Seeing their meticulousness, Ye Shu nodded slightly in approval.

Tf Vte atfc aegcfv ab atf akb ofwjif meialnjabgr jcv rjlv, “Kljc Wlezlc, Te Alcutej, sbe akb ub ab atf njglber ufcfgji rabgfr jcv ybbxrabgfr lc Aleajl Jlas. Des jii atf agjnfibuefr, ifufcvr, wlrmfiijcfber cbafr, jcv jcmlfca ybbxr gfijafv ab njglber mlalfr. Ygujclhf atfw ys mjafubgs jcv qijmf atfw lc atf raevs.” i08 R5

The two female cultivators solemnly replied, “Yes,” and accepted a pouch filled with gold leaves from Ye Shu.

Finally, Ye Shu addressed Ai Jiu, “You go to the Qixiao Sect and find out if they have recently accepted a male disciple named Yan Changlan, who possesses the Wind and Thunder mutated dual spiritual roots and is around fourteen years old. If such a person exists, gather detailed information about his situation after joining the sect.”

Ai Jiu accepted the gold that Ye Shu gave him for expenses and respectfully agreed.

After giving his instructions, Ye Shu waved his hand, dismissing everyone. 6KvyAq

The six servants had just arrived and were eager to demonstrate their skills to their new master. They also wanted to observe the master’s reaction to get a sense of his personality and make plans for the future.

Once everyone had left, Ye Shu returned to the house and began setting up formations.

Since arriving in Jiutai City, he had noticed traces of a Spirit Gathering Formation. Thus, he decided to set one up in his residence as well. Given the number of people around, he also needed to establish a Concealment Formation to mask the dramatic influx of spiritual energy that the Spirit Gathering Formation would attract.

These materials had been prepared long ago. After arranging them in his room, Ye Shu activated the formation. With the materials he was currently using and his current cultivation level, the formation could double the density of the spiritual energy from heaven and earth. If one were to cultivate in this room for an extended period, their cultivation speed would be three times faster than before. Lb 8Qj

After setting everything up, Ye Shu activated the formation.

Instantly, countless strands of spiritual energy from heaven and earth converged into the room like clouds, momentarily thinning the surrounding spiritual energy. However, once the Spirit Gathering Formation stabilized, it began drawing spiritual energy from distant areas continuously and subtly, much like a gentle breeze, ensuring it would not attract undue attention.

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But even so, if the accumulated spiritual energy lingered for too long, it would make this place stand out from others. Therefore, Ye Shu set up a Concealment Formation to mask the phenomenon, making the Spirit Gathering Formation undetectable.

After finishing, Ye Shu noticed he still had some materials left and decided to make a Spirit Gathering Formation Disk in the formation room. coMW42

This disk was different from the previous small Spirit Gathering Formation Disk; it was a true Spirit Gathering Formation Disk, capable of Spirit Gatheringual energy three times more efficiently. He made this for Yan Changlan to take to the Qixiao Sect.

After completing the Spirit Gathering Formation Disk, the remaining materials were sufficient to set up a small formation.

After some thought, Ye Shu set up this small formation in the study, allowing the room, though not very large, to gather twice the spiritual energy it did before — a result of the reduced materials.

Having finished all this, Ye Shu meditated in his room for a while. His servants began returning one by one. vxfbwo

Qi Zhuang and Lu Song each carried huge bundles full of various materials from the list, and Hu Yuan also had many large and small packages, ensuring nothing was missing.

Behind them was a large cart, equally piled high with items.

Hu Yuan placed his items aside and approached Ye Shu, saying, “Reporting to the master, I have acquired all the items listed. Please verify.”

Ye Shu scanned the items with his spiritual sense and nodded slightly, “Very good, they are all here.” r3tw96

Hu Yuan and the other two men relaxed visibly.

Next, the two female servants came forward, each carrying a large wooden box. Upon opening the lids, the boxes were found to contain books, some new and some old, numbering over a hundred.

Yu Jinghua bowed and said, “Reporting to the master, we have purchased all the books.”

Ye Shu nodded again, “Well done.” DaNOfp

The two women also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, Ai Jiu rushed back and immediately reported, “Master, I have gathered information on Yan Changlan!”

Ye Shu’s gaze settled on him, “Speak in detail.”

Ai Jiu paused briefly before quickly recounting, “This Yan Changlan is reputed to be a genius recommended from the county town. Upon his arrival at the sect, he was mocked for his low cultivation level. However, the steward who recommended him, Steward Wang, was quite displeased and brought in an elder to assess Yan Changlan’s aptitude. The elder conducted the test in front of many onlookers to determine his potential!” Re6Zwq

Ai Jiu had a knack for creating suspense, and as he spoke, the other servants’ eyes turned towards him, eager to hear more.

Not disappointing them, Ai Jiu continued, “The test results were astonishing. Not only does Yan Changlan have wind and thunder mutated dual spiritual roots, but his roots are also exceptionally pure, with an eight out of ten purity rating! This revelation immediately embarrassed those who had previously mocked him. Furthermore, although Yan Changlan lacks any special bone structure, his meridians are naturally wide, and his dantian is incredibly stable. These attributes suggest he has great potential for cultivation. Additionally, his physical constitution is excellent, with very few impurities in his body, marking him as a rare and promising talent.”

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“With such remarkable aptitude, those who had dared to ridicule Yan Changlan were left speechless. Following this, there was intense competition among the elders of various peaks for his mentorship. Considering his origins, Yan Changlan chose to join Baixiao Peak and has been accepted as a direct disciple by the peak master, promising a bright future.”

Hearing Ai Jiu’s account, the other servants were filled with envy. A2nJIp

They thought: Such a person must indeed be one of those legendary prodigies. But why is the master inquiring about him? Is it out of rivalry, or perhaps…

Before they could finish speculating, Ye Shu spoke, “Changlan is my friend. In the future, if he gives you any instructions, you must execute them with the same dedication as you do for me.”

Hu Yuan and the others were startled, immediately dispelling their earlier thoughts, and earnestly replied, “We will serve Young Master Yan with the same loyalty as we serve you, Master!”

Ye Shu nodded slightly, then his gaze swept over the group. “I have another benefit for you all.” UqwpWC

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