Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch67 - The discussions were lively

Regarding Yan Changlan’s “ambition,” Ye Shu naturally encouraged it and said, “Then I’ll await your triumphant return.”

With this encouragement from Ye Shu, Yan Changlan’s eyes shone slightly, and he felt even more determined to win. He must work hard and not disappoint Ye Shu. nl05bL

The next moment, the inner disciples’ competition began.

This inner disciple competition was generally more straightforward than the outer disciple competition. All participants were paired off and engaged in duels.

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The number of inner disciples was far fewer than that of outer disciples, but due to their higher cultivation levels, their sparring inevitably took more time. Therefore, although they started with pairs, there were still more than ten pairs competing on the field at the same time, with a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator controlling the arena to prevent the disciples from harming each other during the match.

Soon, more than twenty people entered the arena, each with their pre-assigned match opponents. With the competition now underway, those holding the same match cards called out their numbers and stood up together. z71dsQ

At this moment, the first round of duels began.

Ye Shu extended his divine sense outward.

In his previous life, he had reached the third level of Golden Core, and his divine sense could extend up to five hundred zhang. Although not comparable to Nascent Soul cultivators, he was much stronger than Foundation Establishment cultivators. Even though his current cultivation was only at Qi Refining Realm, his divine sense remained intact. Seeing the Foundation Establishment cultivators paying attention to the inner disciples, he also took precautions.

As soon as his divine sense was released, even though Ye Shu was limited by his cultivation level and could only extend his divine sense fifty zhang, it was still far more powerful than the ten zhang spiritual sense of the strongest person in the Baixiao Sect, a third-level Foundation Establishment cultivator. If a Foundation Establishment Master were to probe with their divine sense, Ye Shu would definitely be able to detect it early and prepare accordingly. If they relied on their naked eyes, they might not even recognize his disguise.


Yan Changlan was unaware of what Ye Shu had done, and Ye Shu had not detected the spiritual consciousness of the Foundation Establishment cultivator either. He thought it was probably because the cultivation techniques of the cultivators here were rudimentary and they were not accustomed to constantly releasing their spiritual consciousness, relying more on their physical senses. This thought eased his mind… Although he was not afraid, being relatively safe in this place meant fewer troubles, which was naturally better.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfc, Tf Vte erfv tlr rqlglaeji mbcrmlbercfrr ab fzqibgf atf reggbecvlcur ktlif fzqijlclcu atf yjaaifr yfakffc atf lccfg vlrmlqifr yfibk ab Tjc Jtjcuijc. Lf cb ibcufg mjgfv jybea yflcu vlrmgffa. Wljb Zlcu jirb ilrafcfv jaafcalnfis.

Pc atf olgra jcv rfmbcv gbecvr, atfgf kfgf wbgf atjc afc qjlgr bo yjaaifr. Pa kjr bynlber atja atf meialnjalbc afmtcldefr jcv rqfiir bo atf lccfg vlrmlqifr kfgf wemt ragbcufg atjc atbrf bo atf beafg vlrmlqifr. Vbwf bo atf rqfii mtjcufr kfgf jirb wbgf fzdelrlaf, frqfmljiis jr atf lccfg vlrmlqifr ugjvejiis yfmjwf kfjiatlfg, jcv wbgf bo atfw qbrrfrrfv wjulmji abbir. Yo mbegrf, atfrf wjulmji abbir kfgf cba lcrmglyfv klat fcmtjcawfcar ilxf atbrf Tf Vte kjr ojwliljg klat; atfs kfgf wbgf ilxf qgbabasqfr bo wjulmji abbir. Lbkfnfg, klat atflg bkc mtjgjmafglralmr, atfrf qgbabasqfr mbeiv ugfjais lcmgfjrf atf ragfcuat bo meialnjabgr. Zbgfbnfg, atf qglmf bo atfrf qgbabasqfr kjr boafc jgbecv rfnfc bg fluta atberjcv rlinfg ajfir, ktlmt kjr cba vloolmeia ab jmmeweijaf. Qlat rb wjcs lccfg vlrmlqifr, la kjr cjaegji atja rbwf bo atfw tjv fcbeut rlinfg ab yes qgbabasqfr.

In such a low realm, the turbulence caused by the collision of magical tools during the battles seemed more exciting than ordinary battles. However, after two rounds of battles, both the victorious and defeated cultivators had somewhat damaged their magical tools. Some of them felt embarrassed due to the loss, and couldn’t help but show a hint of pain on their faces. R6zEyb

However, in order to win the rewards after the inner sect competition and to impress many peak masters and elders, ordinary inner disciples had to endure the pain and perform well.

After the battles, the winners advanced, and the losers left the field. Some inner disciples who lost the battles were mentally weak and left disappointedly, while others were resolute and remained to watch, even if they lost miserably, in order to learn from the experience.

Ye Shu glanced at them but didn’t care. Those with a firm mentality might still advance further, while those with weak minds would inevitably not go far on the path of cultivation.

However, none of this concerned him. 4myKTd

After about three rounds, it was finally Yan Changlan’s turn.

Yan Changlan, with swords at his waist, leaped into the arena.

Across from him stood a burly cultivator, wielding nothing more than a cleaver. Looking like a rustic brute, he seemed almost comical compared to the dignified and imposing Yan Changlan.

However, none of the cultivators outside the arena dared to mock. F3DiJa

While Ye Shu’s spiritual consciousness was extended, he heard many whispers.

“Which unfortunate cultivator is this, to have encountered Ge San?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ge San? Is that the famous Ge San among the inner disciples, known for his powerful techniques? I’ve heard his cleaver is extremely sharp. Any disciple who has fought against him has had their weapons destroyed by his hands, and some have even come close to having their arms severed!”

“That’s right, Ge San is fierce. Just look at the cleaver in his hand. It looks crude, but it’s actually a magical weapon engraved with an enchantment. Ordinary people can’t resist it.” aqX37S

“Anyone who encounters him really has bad luck. It’s better to admit defeat and withdraw from the competition quickly than to have your weapon destroyed and get injured.”

Upon hearing these whispers, Ye Shu frowned slightly. Soon, someone else spoke up.

“Hey! Hold your tongue. Do you know who that person facing Ge San is?”

“Why does he look unfamiliar? Could he have some special background?” v9pn o

“Haha, don’t you remember? Last year, when our sect recruited new disciples, we got a top-tier genius with dual mutated spiritual roots from the mortal realm…”

“Are you talking about that top disciple of Xiaoyu Peak, Yan Changlan? The one who advanced to the third level of Qi Refining within a year, is known for his integrity, and is highly regarded among many senior brothers and sisters, but often misses out on socializing because he frequently goes out to train?”

“That’s right! Look at the double swords on his waist; he practices the Wind and Thunder Sword Technique. Even though ordinary disciples struggle to participate in the outer sect competition after joining, he is different. His cultivation improves rapidly, and this time he has been tasked with participating in this grand competition!”

Hearing this, Ye Shu slightly raised an eyebrow. Yan Changlan’s talent was indeed remarkable. With Ye Shu’s guidance and his own diligence, he could have already reached the Foundation Establishment stage in the Spirit Realm. What was the mere third level of Qi Refining in comparison? ESXBLG

“I’ve heard that this Junior Brother Yan not only has a high cultivation level but is also strong in actual combat. He often goes alone to the Kumei Forest to hunt. Occasionally, other disciples see him slaying century-old beasts as if he were butchering livestock. He’s truly formidable!”

“That’s true. It’s said that his twin swords are also extraordinary, a gift from a close friend, made of iron essence. However, it’s uncertain if they are inscribed with enchantments and whether they can counter the cleaver.”

“Considering he is a direct disciple of a Foundation Establishment master, his weapons should be exceptional…”

“Not necessarily. After all, he has only been in the sect for a year and probably doesn’t have much in the way of savings…” sj6xDu

Finally, someone suddenly said, “They’re starting! Quiet down!”

In the next moment, everyone indeed fell silent and focused intently on watching the duel between the cultivators in the arena.

After Yan Changlan leaped into the arena, he gripped the hilts of his swords with both hands, one on the left and one on the right.

He quickly activated his cultivation technique and, looking at Ge San opposite him, his eyes were calm, his heart as still as water. yloN4c

Yan Changlan was aware of Ge San. Ever since he decided to participate in the competition, Xiao Ming and other junior disciples had been gathering information on the formidable inner sect disciples who were also competing, and they had compiled and delivered this information to him.

With such support from his fellow disciples, Yan Changlan would not disappoint them and had reviewed all the information… Ge San was one of the individuals he needed to pay particular attention to.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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