Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch57 - Lan Feng Zhuo Lei

After the left-hand sword, the right-hand sword was much easier to handle.

Previously, when fighting those bandits, Yan Changlan used Xiao Ming’s magic sword. That magic sword was inscribed with an explosive enchantment, which complemented the Thunder Sword technique perfectly, making it incredibly powerful. Therefore, he now only needed to inscribe another explosive enchantment. However, whether it was an explosive enchantment or a tearing enchantment, there wasn’t just one type. Ye Shu didn’t choose one randomly; he selected the two strongest ones he knew to increase the power of the magic sword. p7YtNe

In this way, the magic swords were completed.

However, after a bit of thought, Ye Shu slowly infused more mana into the back of the sword hilt and inscribed another enchantment.

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It’s an iron rule that a low-grade magic weapon can only bear one complete enchantment, but if a magic weapon, regardless of grade, is meticulously crafted by a skilled artisan, it might be able to bear an additional half encroachment. Such a weapon would be considered top-tier within its grade.

As Ye Shu worked, a second enchantment slowly began to take shape on the Wind Sword. At the same time, the Wind Sword hummed and vibrated, as if it couldn’t bear the strain. Thus, at the moment Ye Shu completed the second enchantment, the mark of the enchantment suddenly became shallow. The marks quickly shortened, forming a half-complete enchantment, and the trembling finally stopped. J6rywt

Next was the Thunder Sword. Ye Shu repeated the process, and indeed, he inscribed an additional half enchantment on it, just like the Wind Sword!

At this point, the two swords were finally finished.

The additional half enchantments were a gravity enchantments. Activating it required twice the mana of a complete enchantment, but its power was weakened by half. In other words, using two units of mana would only produce half the gravity effect that one unit of mana would normally generate.

But even so, Yan Changlan could use these two half enchantments to enhance his arm strength and disrupt the enemy’s rhythm at the right moment, potentially killing them in an instant!


After finishing the two long swords, Ye Shu let out a slight sigh of relief.

Low-grade magical weapons have limited potential; achieving the top tier of low-grade is already considered perfect. If he wanted to take these weapons a step further, the next time he crafted, he should gather wind-attribute and thunder-attribute materials for forging.

After successfully crafting this pair of swords, he needed to start planning the materials for the next forging session. He couldn’t wait until he reached the appropriate level to start figuring it out.

With the swords completed, there were still the scabbards to make. yqdDm5

Ye Shu had already prepared high-quality demon python skin. With some slight carving, he made a pair of scabbards.

But if they were just ordinary scabbards, how could he showcase his skill? So, he also forged the scabbards into magical items, each inscribed with a unique sword-nourishing enchantment.

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This enchantment was quite obscure and considered superfluous, effective only for magical long swords. However, if used for sword maintenance, it could keep the sword’s edge sharp and the blade free of bloodstains. Even if there were minor damages on the sword, prolonged nurturing could gradually eliminate the marks.

Coafg mbwqifalcu atf rmjyyjgvr, Tf Vte qfgrbcjiis kfca ab Djlzljb Vfma. PpNfth

Ktlr alwf, tf kjr lc vlruelrf, jqqfjglcu jr Vtl Iteb, rqfcvlcu rbwf rlinfg ab tjnf rbwfbcf qjrr bc j wfrrjuf.

Jeggfcais, wjcs bo Tjc Jtjcuijc’r wlrmfiijcfber ajrxr kfgf tjcvifv ys Wljb Zlcu, ktb ifv atf ofiibk vlrmlqifr. Fqbc tfjglcu atja j meialnjabg klat atf regcjwf Vtl tjv mbwf, Wljb Zlcu vlv cba vjgf ab yf cfuilufca jcv lwwfvljafis kfca vbkc atf wbecajlc ab ugffa atlr qfgrbc tlwrfio.

However, Ye Shu did not wish to enter the sect—his disguise could fool cultivators below the Foundation Establishment stage, but not those at the Foundation Establishment stage. If he went to the Xiaoyu Peak and was discovered by Master Sun, it would be difficult to explain.

When Xiao Ming saw Ye Shu, he quickly said, “Taoist Shi, are you here to see Senior Brother? Please follow me inside.” GQ90kd

Ye Shu replied calmly, “I will not go in. Just hand this item to Changlan.”

Xiao Ming looked down and saw two long swords in their scabbards, one thick and one thin, with ancient and unadorned scabbards. He reached out to take the two swords, but as soon as he held them, he felt a heavy weight and almost couldn’t hold on to them.

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He couldn’t help but exclaim, “These swords are so heavy!”

Just holding them was so difficult; if they were to be wielded… CZurf4

Ye Shu said, “These swords were forged by my master at my request and are a gift for Changlan. The narrow sword weighs 168 jin, and the heavy sword weighs 332 jin, making a total of 500 jin.”

Xiao Ming gasped in shock.

The narrow sword alone weighed over a hundred jin—how terrifying!

One must understand that it is already quite difficult for ordinary people to use swords weighing ten or eight jin. For cultivators, swords weighing several tens of jin are manageable, but swords weighing over a hundred jin, or even three hundred jin—how could anyone possibly wield them? zWQCeT

However, these swords were not meant for Xiao Ming, but for Yan Changlan. So, although Xiao Ming silently lamented for his senior brother in his heart, he solemnly said, “I will certainly deliver them to Senior Brother.” Then, suddenly remembering something, he asked, “What are the names of these swords?”

Ye Shu replied, “They have not been named. Let Changlan choose the names himself.”

Xiao Ming understood. After exchanging a few more words with Ye Shu and watching him descend the mountain, Xiao Ming quickly returned to his own peak.

Yan Changlan was meditating at the edge of a cliff, contemplating the subtleties of the mountain wind to integrate them into his Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, aiming to master it better. When he came out of his meditation, he saw Xiao Ming standing by, waiting. dBwK8v

Yan Changlan stood up and asked, “Why are you here, Junior Brother Xiao?”

Xiao Ming presented the two long swords and said, “Taoist Shi came by earlier and brought these two swords. He said they were forged by his master and are a gift for you, Senior Brother.”

Yan Changlan hurriedly took the swords, his eyes brightening, and asked, “Where is Azhuo?”

Xiao Ming replied, “Taoist Shi did not want to enter the sect. He only said that you should name these two swords yourself and then left.” BbQk7m

Yan Changlan sighed softly, “This is indeed Azhuo’s nature.” Then he weighed the long swords in his hands and couldn’t help but say, “Azhuo truly knows me; these swords are just to my liking.” After a brief contemplation, he continued, “Since these swords are gifts from Azhuo… the left-hand wind sword shall be named Lan Feng Sword, and the right-hand sword shall be named Zhuo Lei Sword

Xiao Ming silently repeated the names, Lan Feng Sword and Zhuo Lei Sword, finding them quite interesting.

Yan Changlan held the swords in both hands, and with a flick of his wrists, the scabbards naturally loosened, and he drew both swords. Then, he spun his arms, crossing them left and right, and with a leap, he stepped into the cliff wind, immediately executing the Wind and Thunder Sword Technique!

As the fierce wind howled, Yan Changlan raised the Lan Feng Sword, his body spinning and dancing with the wind, moving against the wind. Wherever the sword’s edge passed, it stirred up powerful gusts, layering upon each other like swirling whirlwinds. Then, he brought the Zhuo Lei Sword in his right hand into the mix. Lightning flashed, merging with the wind, and streaks of purple light appeared within the whirlwinds. The whistling sound was continuous, making him seem like a dragon in the wind, stirring the sky with every move. GxMTtB

It was still the same Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, but its power was now several times greater than before. If someone were to spar with him, they would likely be defeated in a few moves!

Xiao Ming watched in astonishment.

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He had always known that the Wind and Thunder Sword Technique was powerful, but he never imagined that using this pair of long swords would be so terrifying. Even more surprising was that despite his senior brother not usually showing off, he could wield such heavy swords with ease, as if he didn’t notice their weight at all.

Such progress, such power, could this be the terrifying aspect of the mutated dual spiritual roots? 9NYD1y

Xiao Ming was also unaware.

In this barren land, ordinary mutated dual or single spiritual roots simply can’t compare to the solid foundation of Yan Changlan. After all, with a limited perspective and lower-level techniques, it’s difficult to unlock one’s full potential.

However, Yan Changlan is different. He practices an extremely powerful cultivation method given to him by Ye Shu. Even in the Spirit Realm of the past, this method was extraordinary. Naturally, through cultivation, not only can he absorb more of the world’s spiritual energy due to the method’s intricacy, but his mana also becomes more solid. Furthermore, as he absorbs more spiritual energy, it purifies quickly, significantly enhancing his physical strength. As his body becomes stronger, his physical power also increases. Moreover, Yan Changlan possesses dual wind and thunder spiritual roots. When the spiritual energy enters his body, other types of energy are expelled, and the needed energy transforms into wind and thunder attributes, refining his body and meridians, akin to body tempering, thereby greatly increasing his strength.

Ordinary cultivators at the second level of Qi Refining find it difficult to wield even tens of jin, let alone over a hundred jin. But for Yan Changlan, this weight is just right. JCHLMV

As long as Yan Changlan wielded his swords, Xiao Ming watched breathlessly. By the time Yan Changlan sheathed his swords, Xiao Ming almost felt like he couldn’t catch his breath.

He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Senior Brother, you have great strength and excellent swordsmanship!”

Yan Changlan walked out of the wind and said, “These swords are just newly received. To master them fully will require much more practice. In the future, I must work harder so as not to disappoint Azhuo’s efforts for me.”

Xiao Ming, somewhat envious of their close relationship, said, “Taoist Shi truly cares for you, Senior Brother. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.” Then, he hesitated slightly, seeming a bit shy, “Senior Brother, may I… ?” XnxKvP

Understanding his intent, Yan Changlan handed over the Lan Feng Sword first and said, “The hilt has a tearing enchantment inscribed on it.”

Xiao Ming took the Lan Feng Sword and asked, “May I try it?”

Yan Changlan replied, “Go ahead.”

Only then did Xiao Ming feel at ease. He held the Lan Feng Sword with both hands and gave a fierce chop towards a nearby rock— sSjvMl

With a dull thud, a deep gash appeared on the rock where the blade had swept across. The edges stretched outward in a jagged pattern, looking extremely terrifying.

Such power made Xiao Ming gasp in awe.

If this sword were used against a cultivator instead of a rock, wouldn’t the strike not just cut through flesh but rip the entire person apart?

Swallowing hard, Xiao Ming returned the Lan Feng Sword to Yan Changlan and then took the Zhuo Lei Sword. Y3Q19A

The Zhuo Lei Sword was extremely heavy. While Yan Changlan could still use it to perform sword techniques, for Xiao Ming, just holding it was difficult, and swinging it took considerable effort.

However, once swung, the power of the Zhuo Lei Sword astonished him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With a violent explosion, the rock, already split by the Lan Feng Sword, shattered into countless fragments, completely disintegrating in the lightning!


Translator's Note

A jin (also known as a catty) is a traditional Chinese unit of weight. The modern standard for a jin is approximately 500 grams (or 0.5 kilograms), which is about 1.1 pounds.

Translator's Note

Lan 澜 (lán): Wave. Zhuo 拙 (zhuō): Clumsy. One can understand it as wave-like clumsiness when Ye Shu’s nickname, Azhuo, means clumsy

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