Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch11 - Each harboring sinister intentions

Ye Shu said, “Has sister Hong Yuan arrived? I just caught a few sparrows here. One of them sings melodiously. I’ll give it to sister Hong Yuan to take home and enjoy.”

Seeing his concern for her everywhere, Hong Yuan couldn’t help but smile. “Young Master Shu, thank you very much.” dkUA9N

As they spoke, the two of them found a place to sit as usual.

Hong Yuan looked at Ye Shu, wanting to speak but hesitating.

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Ye Shu encouraged her, “If sister Hong Yuan needs my help with anything, feel free to ask.”

Hong Yuan quickly shook her head, “It’s not about asking for help, but…” 4okZgr

Ye Shu looked at her, seeming concerned, “But what?”

Hong Yuan was very hesitant, stammering, “If… if someone admires another person, and that person happens to have something that would greatly benefit the person they admire… Young Master Shu, what do you think that person should do?”

Ye Shu thought to himself, Just as I suspected!

Although Ye Shu believed that Hong Yuan was selfish and wouldn’t immediately inform Ye Jun about the ‘Divine Arts’ she obtained, if she truly admired Ye Jun to the point of offering this item without hesitation, it could be considered sincere towards Ye Jun. He couldn’t be sure if he needed to change his original plan. Now seeing that Hong Yuan had indeed kept it hidden, a coldness flickered in his eyes, as if he didn’t need to intervene, as she had her own plans…


Ye Shu originally harbored a deep dislike for this woman, and now he felt even less pity for her.

Following Hong Yuan’s thoughts, he said, “If it were me, I would use this item as a betrothal gift and marry the person I love. Although this may take advantage of someone’s vulnerability, human hearts are made of flesh. In the long run, it will soften her heart. Moreover, in my heart, if I admire someone, no one else can treat her better than me. How could I bear to let her be mistreated by someone with insincere intentions?”

Hong Yuan listened and found his words resonated with her own thoughts. She couldn’t help but think: Indeed, that’s true. Who else under the heavens could love Young Master Jun as much as I do? With this thing in my hand, I can be of more help to Young Master Jun than those young ladies. I’m worthy of him.

She also thought: It must be that heaven has favored my sincere heart, otherwise how could I find this divine art? However, she needed to be cautious and not let others notice her intentions. 0owal1

With these thoughts in mind, she felt urgent and somewhat impatient while talking with Ye Shu, feeling as if she were sitting on pins and needles. After struggling for a while, she felt she had concealed her feelings well and quickly took her leave from Ye Shu.

Ye Shu pretended not to notice and let her leave.

After she left, he resumed his cultivation.

In the days to come, he only needs to descend the mountain a few more times, and he will likely gather plenty of information. X9lWA8

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C ofk vjsr ijafg, Tf Vte vfrmfcvfv atf wbecajlc klat atf tfgyr tf tjv ujatfgfv ogbw atf olfivr.

Fqbc fcafglcu atf mlas, tf kfca ab atf biv vbmabg’r milclm jr ereji ab fzmtjcuf rbwf rlinfg mblcr, atfc rbeuta bea j ajnfgc ab rla lc jcv ilrafc ab jcs gfmfca ecereji fnfcar. Ccv lo tf kjcafv ab lcdelgf, atf yerailcu ugbecv oibbg kjr atf wbra relajyif qijmf.

Ye Shu found a corner to sit in, ordered a pot of tea and two dishes. o5Hnd0

Perhaps because Lord Yan was a reasonable person, the atmosphere in this city, apart from the major noble families, was still quite good. Despite his rustic appearance, when he dined at this tavern, the servers were quite attentive.

After the tea and dishes were served, Ye Shu slowly ate while listening carefully to the conversations of those around him. His hearing was excellent; if there was any news he was interested in, he could hear it clearly, and if not, he could easily ignore it.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Before long, indeed, some related discussions reached his ears.

“I heard that recently, young master Ye Jun from the Ye family made a name for himself. At his tender age, he went to the neighboring county and captured a notorious river pirate who had been on the run for over ten years, and presented his head to the Lord’s Mansion for a reward.” ryjQLE

“That’s right. That river pirate was extremely ferocious. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have escaped for so long. Even if his whereabouts were sometimes revealed, the people who pursued him were all killed by him. The deaths were extremely brutal. Over time, no righteous person dared to capture him. I didn’t expect that young master Ye from the Ye family could have such ability. It’s truly…”

“In my opinion, it may not necessarily be the ability of this Ye Jun. I’m afraid the Ye family followed a master and let Ye Jun take the credit?”

“Hey, you can’t say that! I heard this news is indeed true. Although the Ye family had accompanying experts, it was indeed Ye Jun who took action!”

“Ye Jun’s martial arts are indeed impressive, but that river pirate is even more ferocious. How could he be captured by him alone?” MzdjNS

“It is said that someone saw it with their own eyes, saying that Ye Jun suddenly made a great improvement in strength, so he was able to do this.”

Next, there were discussions about why Ye Jun’s strength had greatly improved, whether the Ye family had paid a great price for a divine art, or if Ye Jun had encountered some kind of extraordinary opportunity.

Finally, someone said, “I heard that it wasn’t Ye Jun who had an extraordinary encounter, but rather a beautiful maid who took out a secret manual of divine arts passed down from her ancestors and handed it over to Ye Jun for practice…”

Upon hearing this, many people couldn’t help but laugh, saying that Ye Jun was quite fortunate and wondering if he had taken the maid into his service? Some joked that Ye Jun should not disappoint the beauty’s kindness and so on. q04cFs

However, since the topic turned to beauties, the conversation quickly shifted to more vulgar and lewd topics among the men, all discussing the beauty and allure of women.

Ye Shu stopped listening and quietly finished the remaining food, then drank his tea and left.

— Hong Yuan also knew some tactics and stirred up this matter, making it widely known, so that the people of the Ye family would not immediately break off the bridge after crossing the river.

However, if that is all, it might not be enough. YpmyNd

The Ye family, in a chamber.

The sound of lingering water was incessant, the woman’s voice was tender and affectionate, while the man let out a low roar, and then the sound of water stopped.

There were still some murmured words of affection inside, when suddenly someone outside the door shouted, “Young Master Jun, the master requests your presence!” K83QPt

A slightly hoarse young voice came from inside the door, “Understood.”

Then there were a few sounds of comforting kisses, and the door opened.

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A handsome young man walked out, his clothes slightly disheveled, his eyes filled with satisfaction from recent release, and a hint of displeasure.

In the dim light of the doorway, a beautiful girl was seen adjusting her clothes, her face flushed, with an infinite expression of shyness and admiration. She gazed foolishly at the young man’s back, unable to hide her shy and affectionate feelings. z0ewDv

The young man turned back, smiled at her, then strode away, quickly crossing the corridor and entering a hall.

There, someone was already waiting—a dignified middle-aged man and an elegant and noble beauty.

Upon seeing the young man, the elegant lady who had been sitting on the high-backed chair hurriedly got up and walked over, grasping the young man’s hand. “My child, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through!”

The middle-aged man also asked in a deep voice, “How is it? Did that lowly maid say anything?” UVEZ0f

The young man snorted coldly, “She still hopes to marry me as a legitimate wife, how could she be willing to speak?”

The elegant lady’s eyebrows immediately furrowed, and she scolded sternly, “She dares to aspire to that? If it weren’t for this divine art manual, even if she were a concubine, she wouldn’t have any standing!”

The middle-aged man’s eyes showed a strong sense of displeasure. “That lowly maid has quite the nerve.” He couldn’t help but look at the young man again and asked, “Jun’er, you’ve practiced it, how is it?”

The young man casually picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and sighed, “This divine art is indeed worthy of its name. I have just practiced the first layer, and my internal strength has doubled compared to before, and I’m still progressing. However, the first layer is extremely easy, and I’ve already mastered it. If I want to progress further, I’ll have to learn the second layer.” 2CwtK3

The elegant lady gritted her teeth, “It’s despicable that such a good divine art fell into the hands of that lowly maid! She claims it’s her family’s ancestral divine art. If it really were ancestral, could it have survived until now?”

Both the middle-aged man and the young man shared the same sentiment.

That despicable maid could never possess such a precious divine art. It is likely she obtained it through some fortuitous encounter and resorted to using it as leverage.

These three individuals are none other than the head of the Ye family, Ye Zhen, his wife Tang, and their son Ye Jun. 3JjFuM

Ye Zhen asked, “She has already given herself to you, why hasn’t she spoken yet?”

Ye Jun replied, “This woman is quite cunning. Initially, she only mentioned having an ancestral divine art to offer to me. Because she had done a few things for me before, I gave her some face and glanced at it. Unexpectedly, the divine art was indeed profound, but it only had the first layer… Initially, I thought that if I took her body, it would make her give up, but although she allowed me to manipulate her, she still refuses to speak about this matter. A lowly maid is just a lowly maid, truly doesn’t know how to appreciate favors.”

Madam Tang angrily said, “Lock her up and torture her severely. I don’t believe she won’t speak.”

Ye Zhen waved his hand and said, “No, no. She is not proficient in martial arts. If she dies under torture, where will the divine art come from? We must not take risks.” pnTzOP

Ye Jun unwillingly said, “Is it true that I have to marry that despicable woman?”

Ye Zhen patted Ye Jun’s shoulder, “I know, this is unfair to you, but when you have fully mastered this divine art, it will not be too late to deal with her. By then, with your martial arts mastery, sweeping away any opponents, what does it matter if your wife passes away?”

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Madam Tang was displeased, “That wretched maid is still going to defile our son… What if she becomes pregnant? How would it be then? Our son forced to marry such a despicable maid, wouldn’t it be a great loss of face?”

Ye Zhen chuckled, “It’s alright, with a little adjustment, this matter can become a good story.” His voice turned slightly malicious, “If that wretched maid doesn’t get pregnant in the future, just let her die of illness; if she does get pregnant and the child has good aptitude, then let the child stay with the mother; if the aptitude is not good… how can a lowly maid be qualified to give birth to my son’s legitimate heir? It’s only right to let that bastard follow its mother.” 0Tqp2v

Upon hearing this, Madam Tang felt much relieved and said, “Indeed, our son is a man. Even if he marries a suitable wife a few years later, it’s not too late.”

Ye Jun felt somewhat eased by his parents’ words, “Then I’ll endure for a while longer.”

A few days later, when Ye Shu inquired again, he heard another piece of news. Vx2G8o

It was rumored that Ye Jun and that beautiful maid were actually in love, but due to their disparate statuses, the elders of the clan did not approve. However, Ye Jun persisted, and later when the maid presented the ancestral martial arts, she moved the elders of the Ye family, who then allowed her to marry Ye Jun.

In five days, on an auspicious day, Ye Jun would marry the beautiful maid, and from then on, he would be devoted to her alone, with no other thoughts.

Translator's Note

The addition of “er(儿)” to a name is a common way to express affection or endearment in Chinese. It is often used for children, close friends, or romantic partners.

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