The passerby, he turned out to be the world-ending bossCh116 - “The moonlight is beautiful tonight.”

“Mr. Zong, do you know what ‘the moonlight is beautiful tonight’ means in many literary works?”

The candles on the table burned quietly, and the bouquet of flowers in the vase emitted a faint fragrance. 4VpcEy

Zong Lin looked at the young man sitting across from him. The other party came to the restaurant today for their appointment, not wearing the usual white research uniform but a beige coat, with a scarf around his neck, and his black hair loose, looking very gentle.

“It should mean ‘I like you’,” Zong Lin replied, hesitating for a moment, “Do you usually like reading?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shen Jie blinked, “Yeah. I read almost all types of books and can learn a lot of knowledge I haven’t encountered before.” He picked up his coffee and took a sip, “What about you, Mr. Zong? What do you like to do?”

“I… don’t really have anything I like to do,” Zong Lin said, his body stiffening. He was never good at communicating with people, and dating was even more difficult for him. iCpEed

Yes, they were on a date now.

After the incident with the suppressor coordinator, he agreed to the bold request of the young man in the hospital room, “Do you want to give it a try?” So now he was… his boyfriend.

Shen Jie chuckled, “Well, that makes sense. Mr. Zong is usually busy with missions, probably doesn’t have time to develop hobbies. But in the future, when we’re together, we can try some new things. Maybe we’ll find you a hobby.”

Zong Lin: “…”


He didn’t know how to respond to Shen Jie’s words because he hadn’t thought about his future with Shen Jie yet.

For someone like him, who spent more than half of the year on missions, with unstable infection levels, and could even harm others when out of control, it was very difficult to become a qualified partner.

And someone as outstanding as Shen Jie, surrounded by admirers, might only have a fleeting interest in him now, perhaps just a momentary whim of a young man.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Although I’ve never met Mr. Zong, I’ve been watching you on TV for many years. In a sense, Mr. Zong, you’re my idol.” Yvh9PJ

Lf ralii gfwfwyfgfv kts Vtfc Alf rjlv tf ilxfv tlw.

Ktf kbgv “lvbi,” rqbxfc ys j sbecu wjc tf tlwrfio tjv offilcur obg, kjr jmaejiis delaf fztlijgjalcu.

Dea atf tfgb qbgagjsfv bc KN jcv atf qfgrbc lc gfjilas kfgf eialwjafis vloofgfca.

With Shen Jie’s intelligence, he should soon realize this, and then lose interest in him, right? d36Qbn

Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, Ibcu Olc’r tfjga revvfcis ofia ilxf la kjr yflcu rdeffhfv.

Shen Jie seemed completely unaware of Zong Lin’s distraction, didn’t mind not getting an answer, and casually brought up another topic to maintain the harmony of the conversation.

With his beautiful appearance, gentle tone, broad knowledge, and respectful demeanor, no one would dislike being around him.

In fact, Shen Jie was quite popular among the ability users at the research institute. aCd5yT

“Looking forward to the next time I see you, Mr. Zong.”

As he left, Shen Jie waved to him with a smile.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zong Lin never imagined that his relationship with Shen Jie would actually last steadily. B2y79v

Shen Jie was like water; Zong Lin couldn’t feel any prickliness about him. And it seemed that Shen Jie fully understood what he needed and desired. Sometimes mischievous and playful, Shen Jie only made him feel adorable.

In the first week of their relationship, they held hands. On the thirtieth day, they kissed in the back row of the cinema.

Six months into their relationship, on his birthday, Shen Jie bought ingredients and cooked a big meal for him. Lamb hot pot, oxtail soup with deer blood rice, and finally, a bottle of whiskey and some gaming.

He couldn’t resist; while drinking, he ended up biting Shen Jie’s collarbone. During the process, Shen Jie, perhaps due to being intoxicated by the alcohol fumes, kept laughing. His laughter gradually turned into what seemed like sobbing. aZo9Kx

Zong Lin panicked. Despite being extremely cautious and placing Shen Jie on top, is the power of an ability user just too overwhelming for an ordinary person?

He looked up at Shen Jie, who was also looking down at him.

That beautiful face was as red as a sunset, with deep black eyes glistening with tears, so touching.

No one could question the emotions hidden in Shen Jie’s eyes at that moment. Not even Zong Lin. f8Nc0M

He was almost drowning in those eyes, about to reach out to wipe away the tears at the corner of Shen Jie’s eyes, when he saw Shen Jie slowly leaning down, his long hair cascading over his chest, and saying to him, “Happy birthday, Lin Ge.”

That day, Zong Lin received the most unforgettable birthday gift of his life.

In the seventh month of their relationship, Zong Lin invited Shen Jie to the restaurant where they first met for dinner. xX iv1

After dinner, they took a walk together in the nearby church.

The night was as clear as water, with the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Surrounding the church was a large field of lavender, with swathes of purple lavender gently swaying in the breeze.

They walked side by side in the sea of flowers. wBd01y

“…The moonlight is beautiful tonight,” Zong Lin suddenly spoke, his voice slightly dry with nervousness.

Shen Jie turned to look at him, seeing the fine sweat on his stern face, and suddenly smiled, softly replying.

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“Yes, and the wind is gentle too.”

Zong Lin knelt down on one knee, took out a box from his pocket, opened it, revealing a ring inside. 1YlwrF

He said, “Xiao Jie, will you be my partner?”

“I will respect you, protect you, take care of you, accept all of you, entrust you with everything I have, and love you with all my life.”

Shen Jie looked down at Zong Lin.

At this moment, the long years seemed to rush past him like a torrent. 9GjOPY

He looked at his lover, as if many years ago, the demon king looked at his knight, and the alien looked at his mortal enemy. They met at the other end of time, and reunited at this moment, making a promise to never leave each other in this lifetime.

Shen Jie said, “Yes, of course, I am willing!”


Translator: Thank you for reading until the end :blobhearteyes:. I hope you like it!!! Please let me know if there are any mistakes, and I will fix them 🙂 l74XoG

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  1. thank you soooo much for translating this novel i loved it so much 😭 seriously what would i do without kind translators like you to discover gems like this

  2. What do I do without this novel now 😭😭😭😭😭

    Thank you so much for translating this amazing novel that I will proceed to read millions of times because I am unable to let go

  3. Thank you so much for translating this novel. It is amazing! One of the most (if not the most) touching stories I have read. ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 Amazing story and amazing translation!

  4. Thank you for the translation !

    This story excel my expectations ! Good writing, characters grow, and no loose end !

    Hope we’ll see more of the author’s works

  5. Oh my gosh, I cried again because of the beautiful ending. Thank you so much for translating this Novel and sharing it with us. 🥰❤️💜

  6. Sob sob sob such a beautiful ending for these two. No matter the time, space or being they will always love each other

  7. How wonderful, everything fall nicely into place. Thank you for translating this novel. It has been a joy waiting for the new chapter each day ☺️☺️

  8. Thanks for the translation! I found this when it was already almost finished, but I think it’s easily in my top 3 favorites now…

  9. Thanks for the translation! Crying n dying because I didn’t have time to read recently, school sucks man

  10. Thank you so much for translating this novel. Such a wonderful story and one of my favorite. This is my first time ever commenting on a book but I couldn’t help it this time around 🥹

  11. My heart can’t handle this 🤧🤧 Everything about this novel is beautiful, thanks for translating this masterpiece. I want to forget everything and read it again 🥹🥹

  12. ¡Muchas gracias por traducir esta novela! ¡una maravillosa elección! Me encantó y me encariñé mucho con la pareja, ¡estos extras me enamoraron aún más!

  13. Thank you for the translation!

    I got into this thinking it would be cute and funny and while it is, it was also a beautiful story with a beautiful ending. these extras had me in constant tears and I loved it ❤️

  14. im not crying you are

    to the tls: this was beautiful, thank you so much for your work

    ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧

  15. Thank you for the translation!

    I cried with this novel, can’t tell if I’m traumatized or my memory is just that bad because I can’t remember some parts very good even though I just finished it. I started one or two days ago and it’s a good novel.

  16. !!!!! Q-Q this novel is so cute they’re love is so strong, i wanted to see them find hobbies together!!! why did it have to end T^T

    thank uu for translating o( ≧ ▽ ≦ )o reading it was super smooth!

  17. waaaaaaaaah wu wuu wuuuu it was so beautiful! I’m not crying! Their backstory was so bitter-sweet. Sigh i wish there was more, like they would have a baby at least yeah? Sigh

    Thnx for translating this! Big kisses

  18. That was truly a surprise novel. the end was good and the turns and twist were fantastic.

    The mood also was good all the time.

  19. 💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭💔😢😭 I have nothing more to say, the ending still rounds up to bittersweet though, if only in another alternate universe they lived happily as a couple in a completely normal non-apocalyptic world where Xiao Jie is just a human with love EQ who eventually fell in love and learn to express feeling thanks to Captain Zong 🤧😭❤