Pythagoras Theorem (+18)Chapter 3

Xia Xuan studied at home for a while and in the end, he learned thirteen tricks, but he still thought it was more reliable to use a passionate and direct attack to catch Gu Qian.

Night was the time of sensuality for countless bachelors and bachelorettes, and Xia Xuan, lying on the bed, nervously took out his cell phone, editing messages nonstop. TfBLhC

[I think of you on lonely nights]

And send. Xia Xuan pressed the cell phone to his chest, his heart excited and anxious. He expected Gu Qian to reply and at the same time, he didn’t expect him to reply. Although it was contradictory, he was too worried that Gu Qian would be distant because of his feelings, making the loss outweigh the gain.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Time was passing, and Xia Xuan’s mind was like a clock, ticking, fingers clenched tightly around the cell phone.

Why isn’t he answering? YVWo U

Is it because he didn’t see it? Or is it because it’s offline?

Damn it, what should I do!!!!

Xia Xuan felt himself going crazy, frantically rubbed his head with his hands until he turned his hair into a bird’s nest before stopping, and then, looked at the ceiling with blank eyes.

Since you don’t respond, I will continue to harass you!


Xia Xuan sat up in the darkness, picked up his cell phone, pulled himself together, and started sending flirtatious messages one after another.

[I’ve liked you ever since we met]

[I always fantasize that you pin me under you]

[I want you to play with me, play hard, I don’t mind] vj7lyS

The more Xia Xuan blushed, the more he felt that he was a pervert with capital letters or the kind who begged to be fucked every day until he’s satisfied…

Just as Xia Xuan was self-criticizing, the cell phone suddenly rang. The screen lit up showing an unread message from Gu Qian. Suddenly, his heart beat faster, as if it was about to jump out of his throat. He opened the chat trembling, and the contents of the message appeared immediately.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Xiao Xuan? What’s wrong with you?]

What’s wrong with me, it happens that I’ve been thinking about you for years and I want you to fuck me! qrR8FE

Wlj Wejc megnfv tlr ilqr jcv mbcalcefv ab jaajmx.

[Brother-in-law, everything is fine with me. I just like you! I want to be your man!]

Coafg rfcvlcu atf afza, Wlj Wejc ralii ofia atja la kjrc’a mifjg fcbeut. Yc rfmbcv atbeuta, tf delmxis mtjcufv lcab atlc gfv qjcalfr yfobgf wjxlcu ktja tf atbeuta kjr j rfvemalnf qbrf lc ogbca bo atf oeii-ifcuat wlggbg jcv ajxlcu j mibrf-eq bo tlr jrr. Lf atfc fvlafv la yglfois jcv rfca la boo delmxis.

If asked which part of his body he was most satisfied with, Xia Xuan would undoubtedly say his butt. He had always had confidence in his buttocks, which were voluminous and firm, with just the right amount of elasticity and softness. It was the perfect place to show off to his beloved. INkxfE

After the picture was successfully sent, there was silence for a few minutes before a reply came.

[Xiao Xuan, don’t waste your time, go to bed early]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With such a serious tone, Xia Xuan could even imagine the decent expression on the man’s face. However, from the words alone, Gu Qian seemed to have no particularly negative emotions, which made Xia Xuan feel relieved. And made his desire to seduce him stronger. So he got down to business and sent a few more close-ups of his buttocks before going to bed satisfied.

Xia Xuan looked forward to the next day. He thought of a million possibilities, like Gu Qian kissing him domineeringly and telling him they could be together, or continuing with business as usual but developing a clandestine romance. Either way, all possibilities were that the prince and princess would live happily ever after. But what he didn’t expect was that everything would go on as usual, with Gu Qian treating him as always without any ambiguity or embarrassment, as if last night’s harassment and confessions had never happened, like a pebble thrown into the sea, without raising even a ripple. NaWU8O

A choked breath came from Xia Xuan’s heart.

“Pal, he’s trying to play idly! He may act like he doesn’t know anything, but you don’t! You’ve reached this point, you must continue to work hard and melt him with your enthusiasm!!!” Lei Mingchuan seriously analyzed, and encouraged him, “Not being firm in your rejection means there is hope, at least your brother-in-law doesn’t hate you, he may even have good impressions of you in his heart! This kind of prudish man won’t tell the truth unless under pressure.”

Xia Xuan thought carefully and it was right, so he intensified his harassing messages, a spicy photo every day before bedtime, a screen full of his buttocks. So hot, even immortals watching through the mortal world, must have yellow thoughts! But Gu Qian was mortal, except for “go to bed early”, he did not respond to anything else, like an old calm monk. Xia Xuan could only scratch his ears and cheeks.

But giving up was not an option. Besides, Xia Xuan never stopped trying wholeheartedly until he got what he wanted! I0w15i

Xia Xuan continued his efforts and, in the middle of the night, he made a call.

When the ringtone reached the third ring, it was answered, followed by a deep and sexy male voice, “Yes?”

Xia Xuan opened his mouth and said in a flirtatious tone, “Brother-in-law~ it’s me.”

Gu Qian was not surprised at all and replied while flipping through a book, “Well, it’s so late, why is Xiao Xuan still awake?” bhAwGM

“I can’t sleep…” Xia Xuan licked the corners of his lips and said, half aggrieved and half flirtatious, “I miss you so much…”

Gu Qian was silent for a few seconds, and put the book down on the bedside table before replying, “Xiao Xuan, don’t cause trouble, go to sleep early.”

“Can’t you say anything other than that?”

“Well, what do you want to hear then?” Gu Qian asked helplessly. 7asOG0

Xia Xuan smiled like a cat stealing fish and deliberately prolonged the words, “I… I want to hear you say that you like me, that you want me, and that you want to fuck me.”

Gu Qian, “…”

Xia Xuan knew that the current Gu Qian, could not say these words even if he was beaten to death, and did not force it further, “It’s okay if you don’t say it, brother-in-law. You listen to me.”

Xia Xuan paused for a moment, shook his feet, and spoke again, his voice was covered with a thick layer of temptation, “Brother-in-law, I just took a shower, my body is still a little damp… so under the bathrobe, there is nothing…. ” EGKToq

“…” Gu Qian squeezed the cell phone tightly. It was as if an illusion had appeared out of nowhere, and after Xia Xuan let out the last syllable, a faint feeling of dampness ran through the cell phone, making his ears tingle a bit.

“Brother-in-law……” Xia Xuan seemed to remember something, a faint layer of watery light flooded his pretty eyes as he stared at the ceiling ecstatically, and whispered, “Brother-in-law, you always appear in my dreams, sometimes gentle and sometimes overbearing… but I like everything, hehehehehehe…”

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Xia Xuan’s soft laughter came through the speaker with a fluctuating dragging tone, making Gu Qian’s heartstrings tense inexplicably.

“…I dream that you always bully me, but this kind of bullying pleases me so much that my body goes numb. Whenever you touch me I become weak, as trembling as water. You do what you want, you are mean to me…” cWL0Md

This explicit description gave Gu Qian a strong shallow feeling, and suddenly a fire arose in his heart, which became more and more intense.

Xia Xuan leaned his ear against the cell phone, even if there was silence on the other side, he could still sense the change in Gu Qian’s breathing, the change from light to heavy to slow to panting. Xia Xuan proudly curved the corner of his mouth and continued to describe lustily, “In the dream, you like to kiss me. The forehead, the eyelids, the bridge of the nose, and, of course, the mouth. It’s the kind of passionate kiss, crushing the line of my lips and then dominantly probing every corner of my mouth with your tongue, flicking my tongue to entangle me with you in a frenzy…”

“By the way brother-in-law, you are very perverted.” Xia Xuan’s fingers slipped into his pajamas and began to caress his body, “…You like to rub my ass, you just rub and squeeze very hard, and I play with my chest until it reddens. But I don’t blame you. Because I like it when you play with my ass, the harder the more I like it. I want you to rub it every day, not just my ass, but any part of my body too, as long as it’s you… I’m up for anything.”

The more Xia Xuan talked, the more aroused he became, as if Gu Qian was rubbing his ass right now. He lay on the bed twisting his soft waist, his lips were slightly parted and a sticky moan escaped intermittently. HjAz0U

Reason told Gu Qian that he should hang up immediately, but his body had long since been out of his brain’s control, every cell in his body activated by the explicit description and the high-pitched, low-pitched humming, churning, and stirring in his blood.

“Brother-in-law… mmm… you press me with your crotch, it’s thick and big… ah, hot, but it’s so good when it goes in there. Good from the inside out. That thing fills me up completely, and as soon as you push hard I scream and my ass clenches and hugs you tightly. After that, you’d push into my ass hard and shove it in even more violently and heatedly…”

“Your hands are hot and sweaty, roaming between my waist and hips again and again. You lower your head and kiss my chest, biting my nipples wildly, saying that both are small and that it’s not good to play with them too much. But… but I have a big ass, isn’t it better for you to play with it more? How can anyone have a perfect body all over?”

Xia Xuan’s tone suddenly became soft and clingy, with a tinge of complaint, which made Gu Qian feel inexplicably guilty as if he had disliked Xia Xuan’s small nipples. p5IjGC

“You spanked a little hard, it hurts, it must be red…” Xia Xuan had no idea of the change in Gu Qian’s heart and continued to fall into his fantasy as he played with his lower body, “…I tighten my legs around your waist because then we can get closer. I hold your shoulders tightly, I can’t stop screaming… mm…. brother-in-law… faster…”

Xia Xuan moaned to himself as if they were really fucking, too sensitive to speak. His dick was tense, on the verge of giving up.

“Brother-in-law… ah, fuck me hard… mhmm…… fuck me, no matter if you are rough… ah… brother-in-law…”

At that moment, the title of “brother-in-law” became a forbidden word, making Gu Qian’s heart flutter and his ear tingle. He opened his mouth, but in the end, said nothing. EeAkHD

At the climax, Xia Xuan’s mind went blank for a brief moment. He gasped for air, looked at the whitish viscous substance in his hand, curved the corners of his reddened eyes, and feigned innocence, “Brother-in-law, I ejaculated… Tell me… do you think… Do you think I’m sick?”

“Xiao Xuan…” Gu Qian spoke for the first time in all this time, with a slight harshness in his deep voice, “…. You should go to bed early. ”

Tsk! Again this sentence! Nothing new!

However, since the purpose of flirting had been achieved, Xia Xuan was not reluctant. He smiled sweetly and said, “Brother-in-law, good night.” sb3OEQ

Then he hung up directly, without waiting for a reply from the other side.

Gu Qian looked at the darkened screen, hesitated a couple of times, then unlocked it again and opened the encrypted album, flipped through the saved daily photos one by one, sighed helplessly, got up, and went to the bathroom.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. He has been catched

    Thank you for your translation 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝