Pheromone Recognition DisorderCh80.2 - Another bombardment

This feeling was all too familiar to Huo Xianfeng. Back on Earth, the Red Lion mecha he had hijacked ended up just as wrecked.

Tsk tsk tsk, it was truly fitting for Major General Jiang Ci. fa7Ide

Despite these thoughts running through his mind, Huo Xianfeng’s actions were swift. Using the mecha for leverage, he jumped through the large hole in the wall, narrowly avoiding the cannonball—so close that a few strands of his hair got singed by the high temperature.

Huo Xianfeng darted inside, grabbed Jiang Ci, rolled to the ground, and kicked open the elevator door, jumping down immediately. As he exited the mecha earlier, Huo Xianfeng had purposely opened the cockpit door and set up a self-destruct system. Meanwhile, Jiang Ci’s cannon shot straight into the cockpit, prematurely triggering the self-destruction.

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The self-destruction of an A-class mecha didn’t just affect that floor; it engulfed five or six floors above and below in flames, even injuring many of the pursuing mechas. H6vuaq

Jiang Ci suddenly found himself in a familiar embrace and then the world was spinning wildly. His right ear was covered by a large hand, while his left ear was tightly pressed against the young man’s chest.

So when the whole world shook violently and the deafening explosions covered the sky, Jiang Ci only heard…

—That person’s heartbeat.




Steady, strong, and inexplicably reassuring.

The protective shell Jiang Ci had been desperately maintaining seemed to shatter at this moment. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling an unbearable stinging and heat in his eyes, as if hot liquid was seeping out. He could only hold it back by closing his eyes, but still, traces of moisture leaked out, dampening his eyelashes.

At this time, Huo Xianfeng, holding Jiang Ci with one arm, grabbed the cable and swung down about seven or eight floors, then kicked open the elevator door and jumped out. qvc3aB


They landed steadily. Fortunately, almost everyone had rushed upstairs to chase Jiang Ci, so this floor, despite being a chaotic mess, was relatively safe.

The echoes of the explosion above gradually subsided. Huo Xianfeng set Jiang Ci down, gently ruffling the omega’s somewhat disheveled hair. Although the Major General usually kept his long hair meticulously groomed, now it was a bit tousled, feeling soft and fuzzy, like a small animal.

Huo Xianfeng couldn’t resist patting it a couple more times. XmsGfd

“Jiang Ci?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Jl kjr ralii j yla vlhhs jcv kjr agslcu ab rbga bea tlr fwbalbcr ogbw atf wbwfca bo neicfgjylilas pera cbk, rb tf obecv la vloolmeia ab rqfjx.

Lbkfnfg, Djl If qgbwqais mbwqijlcfv, “C-Jl, atlr ues kjr bcf rfmbcv ijaf!”

Gfrqlaf ofjglcu atf Xgfja Gfwbc Blcu, Aljcu Jl kjr Djl If’r wjrafg joafg jii, jcv jr j wfmtj, la kjr vfafgwlcfv ab rajcv olgwis ys lar wjrafg’r rlvf! d1j0HB

When they had agreed on one minute, Bai Ze had already started counting down.

To be honest, according to Bai Ze’s programming, an omega in heat was very weak and required inhibitors if no alpha was present, or a private space if there was an alpha.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

But now, the alpha that Jiang Ci found was so “good”, the omega was allowed to fight during heat!

Although there were many uncontrollable factors, Bai Ze still felt that its master was truly pitiful. ihQtlN

That “one second” made both of them freeze simultaneously.

Jiang Ci looked up and stared at him, his lips tightly pursed. Although he didn’t say a word, Huo Xianfeng felt like the omega was so angry and wronged that he was about to cry.


Actually, if it hadn’t been for Jiang Ci’s cannon shot just now, he might have been three seconds earlier. But in the end, the young man didn’t explain himself because he had indeed been late. b7lH50

His fingertips brushed the damp corners of Jiang Ci’s eyes, and he said seriously, “A-Ci, this won’t happen again.”


Huo Xianfeng usually called Jiang Ci by his name, only using “A-Ci” on rare occasions when comforting or being affectionate.

Jiang Ci didn’t speak, but he suddenly took off his breathing mask, raised his head, and bit Huo Xianfeng’s neck. He was clearly biting hard, but the other person’s skin wasn’t even scratched. OCqs9R

He licked his sore teeth and felt very aggrieved. “Damn it, Huo Xianfeng… Why is your skin so… thick?”

Jiang Ci actually just wanted a bit of blood.

Because his final round of heat had started early, and it was likely to go into full swing in less than half an hour.

Huo Xianfeng chuckled softly and before Jiang Ci got angry, he gently pinched his jaw and lowered his head to kiss him. The omega stiffened for a moment, then immediately wrapped his arms around Huo Xianfeng’s neck, eagerly tilting his head up and kissing him even more deeply. Kc4zsO

Their brief, intense kiss lasted only a few seconds. Huo Xianfeng reluctantly pulled back a bit, thought for a moment, and couldn’t help kissing Jiang Ci’s soft cheek again before breathing slightly heavily, “Hold on a bit longer… it’s almost over.”

It was quite miraculous how Jiang Ci was instantly calmed down. He lowered his gaze, eyelashes slightly damp, and unconsciously licked his lips, his tongue brushing over the faint bite mark.

The omega took a slight breath and spoke softly a few seconds later, “Nora is unconscious. I’ve temporarily… hidden her in a safe place…”

Since the mecha’s spatial folding could only hold non-living entities, Jiang Ci had no choice but to hide Nora first. t6kS0M

Huo Xianfeng nodded, “Hmm, good.”

The next moment, he pulled out a new military-grade water bottle from somewhere and stuffed it into Jiang Ci’s arms, warmly suggesting, “Here, drink more now, replenish your fluids ahead of time.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Ci: “………”

Jiang Ci punched the young man hard in the chest. But after a moment of stiffness, he ended up drinking a lot. ue5CvP

Just then, Huo Xianfeng wanted to hug him, but Jiang Ci stood up on his own. The aftershocks of the explosion outside were not over yet, and some rumbling sounds could still be heard.

Jiang Ci put the breathing mask back on his face and put the water bottle into Bai Ze’s storage space. He glanced at Huo Xianfeng, as if he couldn’t bear it and turned his head away.

God knows how hard he was holding back just now, not to cling to Huo Xianfeng when he came close.

“Aren’t you going to hurry up and leave? Aren’t you… going to do something big?” XkGC6D


The young man was strangely silent for a few seconds, turning his head away as if he was trying to hold back his laughter, but he still responded clearly,


Jiang Ci: “……. ” Pac2tU

At a certain point, he suddenly felt like the other person was thinking about some dirty jokes.

Then, there were dense footsteps from all directions, and the mechas outside also surrounded the Central Temple. Countless searchlights shot in from outside.

Jiang Ci suppressed the subtle feelings in his heart and immediately noticed something:

“——The footsteps are strange.” slHOjU

Just now, under the influence of his pheromone, the footsteps of those people were chaotic and frivolous, but these were clearly not. This meant that the other party had likely taken precautions, such as wearing equipment that blocked pheromones, and was ready to chase them formally.

But it’s very strange. They just escaped from the center of the explosion. It stands to reason that the other party should not be able to locate their exact location so quickly, but listening to the direction and location of these footsteps…

Huo Xianfeng suddenly spoke up, confirming his guess:

“——It’s definitely coming for us.” BpPuA4

The young man frowned.

The surveillance in this area had been destroyed. To be able to locate their exact location so quickly, it must be either a radar system or a tracker.

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At this moment, Huo Xianfeng suddenly noticed the red light flashing under Jiang Ci’s sleeve. He took the omega’s wrist and pulled up his sleeve, only to find that the silver bracelet was flashing a rapid warning light.

“What’s wrong with Xiao X?” sd82Fu


Jiang Ci was stunned.

He was exhausted just dealing with the enemy just now, and he didn’t notice this detail at all.

Jiang Ci’s expression froze, and he immediately said: Hdf17h

“Bai Ze, check its internal program.”

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ze stretched out a thin metal transmission line and inserted it into the docking port of Xiao X to detect it.

The next second, Bai Ze’s voice was shocked:

“A-Ci, it is responding to an unknown signal from the top floor and sending our location to it all this time!!!” qbxdS6


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  1. I, for one, am all for the Forbidden Abyss resuscitating and having Xiao X’s cute personality ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎