Pheromone Recognition DisorderCh79.1 - Tsk, as expected of Minmin’s child, he’s really cruel

Cecilia might be intentionally luring him there.

—Jiang Ci was well aware of this. 1DbKCo

However, if it were a trap designed solely to capture him, it was completely unnecessary.

Because in such a short time, Bai Ze had only charged to 20%, and the surrounding area was filled with hundreds of pursuing mechas. It was just a matter of time to catch him.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

So Jiang Ci gritted his teeth and decided to take a chance.

“A-Ci!” ZvuOjk

Bai Ze’s voice was filled with concern,

“Are you really going? Shouldn’t we wait a bit longer?”

Jiang Ci knew what it meant by waiting.

— Wait for Huo Xianfeng.


Sweating profusely, Jiang Ci tremblingly drank a vial of nutrient solution. In this extreme crisis, his rationality seemed to be separated from his body’s instincts once again.

Now that the communication signal was blocked, they were already out of contact.

Moreover, with Bai Ze being such an obvious target, there was no way the other side hadn’t noticed him, meaning Huo Xianfeng must have also been held up by something.

Besides, he wasn’t the type of person to wait around for an alpha to come and protect him. VPd6I0

“…No more waiting!”

Jiang Ci gritted his teeth and yanked the energy control valve to its maximum.

In the next moment, threads of light rapidly gathered at the muzzle, converging into an incredibly brilliant ball of light, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at.

Boom——! K4mVA1

The entrance of the Central Temple was blasted open, creating a nearly hundred-meter-deep crater. The massive silver mecha broke through the encirclement, plunging straight down, shrinking rapidly in the intense white light before descending to the bottom of the crater.

This scene was caught by Cecilia. She glanced back at Ace, who remained silent and expressionless.

As the first bishop to defect to Cecilia’s ranks,  Ace knew very well what to say and what not to say.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

An omega in heat, even piloting an SS-class mech, wasn’t truly a threat. After all, he was alone and exposed in plain sight. It was only a matter of time before the Security Department caught him. 5K tTR

Ktf wjlc mbcmfgc kjr atja jiqtj, ktb kjr rerqfmafv ab yf jc VVV-ifnfi jrrfa.

Vemt j mbwwbalbc cjaegjiis jaagjmafv atf mlas vfofcrf obgmfr jcv atf rfmeglas afjwr, rb lc jvvlalbc ab atf olgra ijsfg bo iluta yjiir, atfgf kjr jc beafg mlgmif bo wfmtjr alutais qjmxfv abufatfg jcv jlg wbabgmsmifr eclar.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In fact, even the military of Bright City had never seen these strange light balls before.

“What are those light balls?” DBkPHE

“New weapons?”

“They look like drones?”


It’s just that the order conveyed from the superior was for them to stay on the spot,  so they were content to watch the show. NCPz6b

“I’m Just wondering who has the guts to make trouble here.”

“I think that guy is truly awesome. Laozi never thought he’d see anyone single-handedly blow up a weapons storage and then charge into the inner city…”

“Did you see how fast that guy was running? That’s really not human speed…”

“……..” KUSoHp

On the rooftop of a high-rise building outside the training ground, Ace paid no mind to the gossip of the lower-ranked soldiers. Instead, he noticed Cecilia’s indifferent demeanor and quickly changed the topic with great tact.

“You really have a keen foresight, anticipating this and having Kuru activate the special asset capture device in advance.”

Cecilia’s tone was cold,

“There was nothing to predict. The loss of an A-level asset requires such preparation.” w9V6ca

Ace nodded flatteringly,

“This subordinate was dumb, but I must say, it’s truly impressive how Lady Cecilia foresaw they would come to Bright City.”

Cecilia let out a cold laugh, her tone ambiguous,

“Hungry people naturally seek food.” dsQxWE

The freed high-level Zerg needed to replenish energy and based on the last footage of Bai Ze’s fighter jet form leaving the factory, it could be inferred that the mecha’s energy was low, plus, they had He Zhun’s signal receiver.

Cecilia never trusted that little liar from the start, so the moment she got the receiver, she activated it. Even though He Zhun might have triggered an early warning, the location she got in the end was roughly accurate.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Since Huo Xianfeng had boldly blown up the weapons storage, Jiang Ci was either hiding somewhere safe or, less likely, recharging Bai Ze.

— Cecilia made the right bet. RMdxov

The only hitch was that the A-level asset, which should have been successfully reclaimed, was snatched back by Jiang Ci with a single shot.

The woman touched the large burn scar from her cheek to her neck, not showing any pain or resentment. Instead, a hint of pleasure gleamed in her eyes.

Tsk, as expected of Minmin’s child, he’s really cruel. OztChr

It’s just that something was strange…

Cecilia looked at the black-haired young man below, who was now trapped, and her brows slightly furrowed.

“The Church’s SSS-level asset…”

It should be something even more valuable than the high-level Zerg taken from the factory, which was rated only at an A-level. Even Huo Chao, the Son of God, was only rated SS. rmziED

This was something Cecilia had heard from Bai Min, who, as the Saintess, was rated only S-level.

She still remembered the immensely hurt golden-haired girl, with pearl-like tears constantly falling from her beautiful blue eyes, soaking Cecilia’s hands.

[An asset… I’m just an asset… an object… So that’s how the Father sees us, just as objects…]

[I finally understand… finally understand… why Huo Chao-gege is always unhappy… why he always has that sad expression…] nDzKc0

At that time, Cecilia couldn’t understand the Saintess’ words, and could only feel helpless and heartbroken as she tried to wipe her tears, but no matter how much she wiped, they wouldn’t stop.

[Lia… Lia!]

The blonde girl clutched her hand tightly, her voice fierce and desperate, her whole body trembling—

[Let’s escape, leave this place… and never… never come back again!] cn8GLH

The Saintess had been cherished and protected by Huo Chao ever since she was young. She was kind, beautiful, and gentle, but also overly naive and innocent.

Thus, she didn’t understand that Cecilia’s reaction to those words wasn’t joy, but fear. Because almost everyone who tried to escape the Illusory God Church ended up dead. Even Huo Chao.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

So that day, Cecilia said something that she still regretted to this day,

“But… Minmin, isn’t it good to be a cherished asset under the protection of others?” hEcwtl

People like Cecilia could only be considered followers and servants of the Church, and they were not even worthy of being considered precious assets. She had always envied Huo Chao and Bai Min for being favored by the Pope.

Cecilia slowly caressed the girl’s face full with tears,

[Mingming, you were clearly born to be this way.]

[……] xAKpn

Cecilia still remembers the expression Bai Min had after she said those words. Her face turned deathly pale, as if the last life-saving straw had been taken from a drowning person, showing shock, fear, disbelief, and despair.

That was the first irreparable rift between them, like a dark, chaotic abyss.

Bai Min stood on the edge of the cliff, teetering, her expression one of fear and despair, while Cecilia stood in the abyss below, smiling gently and trying to pull her down.

“…….” oNTI6G

Cecilia tightly closed her eyes, pulling herself out of the quagmire of memories and back to reality.

She didn’t understand. How could such a precious SSS-class asset be lost, appear on Winter Day Planet, and even mark Jiang Ci?

Cecilia intuitively felt it wasn’t that simple, but she didn’t have many clues at the moment. So she just suppressed it in the back of her mind for now.

She turned and asked, WdXqnY

“Is the recording still on?”

“It’s been on all the time, Lady Cecilia.”

Ace gestured to the floating camera beside them.

“Good.” yYsm2n

Although Cecilia regretted that this guy wasn’t Huo Chao—otherwise, she could have sent a cheating video to Pei Changyun—at least she could record herself working seriously. When she returned to the Holy White Tower, she would have something to report.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

minmin’s name means “mercy” so it’s pretty ironic a-ci is cruel XD

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