Pheromone Recognition DisorderCh63 - Goodbye He Zhun

Just as Huo Xianfeng caused a big ruckus, Jiang Ci swiftly returned to the breeding factory as planned. However, the moment he stepped onto the metal bridge from before, he suddenly halted.

“Sure enough, you two are problem.” yt72mL

A familiar voice came from ahead, and Jiang Ci coldly raised his gaze to meet West’s sinister eyes. Behind him stood several low-rank disciples, seemingly prepared to confront him.

It looks like a fight was inevitable.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Without saying a word, Jiang Ci directly tore off the mecha pendant from around his neck. Blinding flashes of snow-white light burst forth from between his fingers before he fiercely hurled it out.

Swish! fM0wp7

The thumbnail-sized mecha pendant stretched in mid-air for a second before sharply going after West. The latter’s pupils contracted, and he swiftly rolled aside. The next moment, a silver spear pierced through the neck of another disciple behind him, pinning him to the bridge.

But it wasn’t over yet. Blue-purple electric sparks suddenly appeared on the surface of the silver spear.


The next moment, a torrent of electricity exploded violently on the metal bridge, causing several disciples to convulse and collapse without even a chance to cry for help.


“Damn it!”

West immediately leaped up, grabbing onto the glass pipe transporting nectar two meters above, narrowly avoiding the attack.

The next second, Jiang Ci leaped high into the air, stomping heavily on the spear body and launching a sudden assault, closing in on West. The two quickly exchanged blows for five or six rounds, during which West found himself completely outmatched. He couldn’t keep up with Jiang Ci’s speed at all.

Bang! 4QRFz1

West fired his gun.

Jiang Ci, with a swift turn in mid-air, narrowly dodged the first bullet.

West was surprised by Jiang Ci’s strength. He no longer intended to continue the fight but immediately climbed up the pipeline, leaping upward and firing his gun to block Jiang Ci’s attack, attempting to create distance.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ykqxla

Jiang Ci squinted, issuing a low shout.

“Bai Ze!”


Hum! RfUX6P

The next moment, the long spear inserted into the bridge suddenly transformed into a sky-piercing arrow, coming straight at Jiang Ci. Without even looking, he reached it out of the air and fiercely swung upwards—

The silver afterimage formed a perfect fan shape, cleanly splitting the bullet in half.


The bullet shattered the pipeline in mid-air, causing a large amount of blood-red nectar to spray out, and debris fell into the pool below, creating a huge splash.

West’s pupils contracted. 6o9Rfe

This terrifying strength was even more formidable than that of a bishop-level disciple. He finally realized he was no match for him and didn’t hesitate to turn and flee. Immediately, he contacted the guards via radio,

“Intruders found in the breeding factory!!!”

“Report to the White Tower immediately!!!”

“All guard teams, reinforce immediately!!!!” GhIza4

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ci’s face darkened. He narrowed his eyes, and in the depths of his pupils, a chilling murderous intent condensed.

“Damn it!”

Since he was discovered, this man, West…

—Must not be left alive!!! PcdbQV

Subsequently, Jiang Ci leveraged the long spear in mid-air to flip himself over, swiftly adjusting his posture. He successfully landed on a pipeline for a brief moment but only paused for an instant. His bent knees were like taut bowstrings, and the next moment, his entire body shot out at lightning speed!

Crack! The immense recoil caused spider-web-like cracks to appear on the sturdy surface of the pipeline as he flew out. In fact, aside from Huo Xianfeng’s abnormal existence and Leinster’s use of the Holy Stigmata, the major general’s combat power was almost at its peak. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to defeat numerous alphas and vie for the right to use Bai Ze.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

One pursued and the other fled. Countless intertwined pipelines ruptured and fragmented into debris in this intense chase, crashing into the blood-red pool below with a clatter. EvCdmL


With the numerous pipelines shattering, the once-calm water surface began to surge…

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But at this moment, neither of them paid attention to these details. One was desperate to escape, and the other was determined to kill.

In the end, Jiang Ci threw out his spear, abruptly cutting off the other’s path. OyELHg

Swish! The silver spear almost grazed West’s scalp before piercing into the ground half a meter ahead. If he had taken one more step forward just now, he might have been pinned to the ground.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qfra aegcfv jgbecv, tlr qeqlir vlijalcu.

Bang! Jiang Ci directly punched West without a hint of hesitation, then swiftly drew out the long spear and thrust it straight towards his heart. In the blink of an eye, West tore off his white robe, which instantly transformed into a soft shield. VPFdKn

Bang! The collision between the two produced a sharp sound!

Aljcu Jl mbivis rajgfv ja Qfra’r rkfjalcu obgftfjv, rilutais fjrlcu boo tlr ragfcuat. Aera jr Qfra gfijzfv tlr fzqgfrrlbc, qgfqjglcu ab lwwfvljafis mgfjaf vlrajcmf…

“Ofa wf…”

Ktf rlinfg rqfjg rkecu vbkc olfgmfis, jcv atf regulcu fifmaglm meggfca vlgfmais rtjaafgfv atf rboa rtlfiv. ZzrITb

“Dgfjx la―!”


The disciple plummeted from the hundred-meter-high duct, and accompanied by a series of thunderous crashes, he broke several transportation pipes in succession before crashing heavily onto the bridge.

Boom! N0JpAu

The bridge couldn’t hold up anymore and collapsed directly, rumbling down for dozens of meters before finally landing precariously about ten meters above the surface of the pool, where it was blocked by crisscrossing pipes.

At this moment, the ground behind West collapsed, forming a dense network of cracks, and blood slowly flowed from the back of his head.

Just then, Jiang Ci suddenly looked up, and the chaotic footsteps from above could be heard.

–West’s call for reinforcements had arrived. Cg8b7K

Soldiers in black guard uniforms came in like a tide. They spotted Jiang Ci and quickly surrounded him.

Bang bang bang!

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Jiang Ci jumped up! After narrowly avoiding the intensive artillery fire, he turned over in the air and landed easily with the help of Bai Ze’s anti-gravity device. After taking a few glances to confirm that West was completely incapacitated, he turned around and left.

“The factory is…” 5kDsmT

“Catch him——!!!”

“Damn it, Lord West is dead!!!”

“Oh no!!!”

The angry and shouting voices came one after another, the guards behind him chasing after him like a swarm of wasps. gCQ0HD

Bai Ze didn’t have enough energy and he must use it sparingly, otherwise, Jiang Ci would’ve just used a gun or cannon instead of a spear

At this moment, West’s finger moved.

Bai Ze detected the sudden activation of an explosion source on West’s body and immediately tried to use its remaining energy to deploy a defense shield.

“A-Ci, quick…” zQTdRb

It didn’t finish its last word because, at that moment, the calm water surface next to it suddenly burst open, causing a huge wave.


The sharp and eerie roar even overwhelmed the intense shellfire at that moment.

Jiang Ci’s pupils dilated suddenly. 48rFni

This series of actions happened in the blink of an eye ―

Just before the bomb on West exploded, a huge monster suddenly surged out of the red water on the left and stood in front of Jiang Ci, completely shielding him from the blast wave.

Before the echoes of the explosion could fade, the calm pool water churned up huge waves, and more terrifying roars came from all directions.

Countless distorted Zergs struggled to crawl out of the water, using their shriveled and weak bodies to support their huge and grotesque heads. With broken and shattered wings unable to sustain flight, they stacked up, using their companions as stepping stones, swiftly and madly surging upwards. TiKS8h

Then, they opened their grim mouths menacingly toward their hated enemies.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Although this scene wasn’t as grand and majestic as the scenes on Earth at that time, this sight was more shocking in terms of visual impact.

Jiang Ci stood motionless. 8MO gn

He observed this scene of madness and bloodthirsty revenge, as if watching an unprecedentedly absurd movie.

Countless deformed and suffering monsters roared out one after another from the bloody purgatory, stepping on the bodies of their companions and crazily climbing upwards, step by step. Even though countless artillery strikes hit them, they could not be stopped.

“Ah ah ahhhhh… No!!! Don’t!!!!”

“My leg… My leg…” mzbQq


The piercing screams at this moment were hardly worth mentioning, as they were almost immediately drowned out by the furious roars of the Zergs.

They frantically tore apart all humans except Jiang Ci, and then dragged them and imprisoned them in the pool.

Jiang Ci, who had been taught since childhood that Zergs were humanity’s enemies, had never imagined that one day he would stand inside this protective circle formed by these terrifying creatures. uPrFZq



Just at the moment when West detonated the bomb, the Zergs protected Jiang Ci.

Even now, as they exacted revenge indiscriminately, they deliberately avoided him. iC2MGW


Jiang Ci knew there was an inexplicable connection between the Zergs  and Huo Xianfeng and that the latter could even control them. If Huo Xianfeng were present, he could understand this scene.

But Huo Xianfeng wasn’t here now.

Why would he become the Zergs’ protected target? 8pY6QL

Was it because the remnants of Huo Xianfeng’s pheromones lingered in him?

That was the only explanation Jiang Ci could find. He looked up at the gruesome and bloody scene before him, but he didn’t feel afraid. Instead, he felt a deep sense of sadness.

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He had seen the appearance of the Zergs on Earth: powerful, willful, and ferocious. They were not like this, twisted and distorted to the point of resembling a grotesque mass of life.

When did the Church start doing such things? IfHSyh

Was the Zerg invasion of Earth years ago truly because someone accidentally brought the Gardenia Roses?

Could it be that the catastrophe that nearly destroyed humanity was nothing more than a mad act of revenge, just like what is happening now?

Countless speculations flashed through Jiang Ci’s mind until he suddenly heard Bai Ze’s voice.

“A-Ci,” GXnMuh

Bai Ze reminded softly,

“We should leave now.”


  5 Bmyp

They had already wasted too much time.

Jiang Ci glanced deeply at the dying Zerg in front of him, who had just shielded him from the explosion. Although they were still on opposite sides and Jiang Ci was unclear about their motives, this kindness needed to be acknowledged.

The omega reached out his hand, not minding the sticky, unknown fluids and blood stains on it, and gently touched the creature’s head.

“Thank you―” vy4K R

The creature’s broken peritoneum trembled a few times, emitting some frequency that Jiang Ci couldn’t understand, and then fell silent.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, he was back to his usual calm self. He followed Bai Ze’s guidance and quickly found the location of the power source device in the breeding factory.

Although Huo Xianfeng had only instructed him to blow up the power source device on schedule, Jiang Ci could read a lot of unspoken information from the young man’s plan, such as why Huo Xianfeng wanted him to blow up this place: to save those Zergs in the factory.

However, this “rescue” wasn’t about actually saving them but about freeing them from meaningless suffering. IJBfT9

Jiang Ci had noticed earlier that, after bursting out with anger and hatred and breaking away from the blood-red liquid, those Zergs quickly weakened and eventually perished.


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Jiang Ci remained silent, swiftly gathering the necessary materials from Bai Ze’s storage room.

His movements were skilled and rapid. Making a small, timed bomb was an easy task for him. 40N5 G

After all, before the age of thirteen, Jiang Ci’s dream was to become a top-notch figure in mecha manufacturing like his father, Jiang Jinsheng, or in military industry. In this regard, Jiang Ci had indeed inherited quite a bit of Jiang Jinsheng’s talent. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to independently transform a parenting system into the core of an A-grade mecha at the age of thirteen.

However, this timed bomb didn’t need to cause much damage. The small bomb would act as a fuse, with the huge energy reserves being the real source of the explosion.


Timing complete. 5rTBqH

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ci completed his part of the task and quickly left the scene.

Perhaps it was really a tacit understanding. Without knowing it, he, like Huo Xianfeng, changed into the white robe of a disciple and mingled in the chaotic factory.

“Bai Ze, check Huo Xianfeng’s…” location.

Jiang Ci couldn’t say the last word because he saw a familiar face. tb2Fhx

“Master He Zhun, the factory system is paralyzed, and an intruder has been found in the factory. Please move to the safe room QWE1233 immediately…”

A familiar person flashed in front of Jiang Ci’s eyes. Within seconds, he could no longer see clearly, because He Zhun was surrounded by two or three white-robed disciples and hurried forward.

Jiang Ci behind him couldn’t hear clearly. He felt his head buzzing and stood there for a moment.

After a long while, Jiang Ci heard his dry voice ask, VqfjRH

“…Bai Ze?”

“The facial recognition system showed that it is indeed Mr. He Zhun.”

Bai Ze’s voice was a little cautious.

“I found the safe room they mentioned, do you want to check it out?” 4xOgcY


Jiang Ci didn’t speak again; he just gritted his teeth and immediately followed.

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On the other side, He Zhun pushed open the door of the safety room and walked in with large strides. Suddenly, his pace halted, raising his eyes. In the cold and stern pupils, the tall figure by the window was reflected. atwOkE

The man was burly, with solid muscles, and a very rugged appearance. A crimson electronic prosthetic eye adorned his left eye, and a horrifying scar ran from the center of his brow to below his eyelid.

The two white-robed disciples behind him stood solemnly, with one hand over their chests, bowing respectfully.

“Archbishop Badwa.”

He Zhun remained silent for a moment, then waved his hand, signaling the disciples behind him to step back. The two disciples looked at each other, then lowered their heads respectfully. zDKidV

“Yes, sir.”

Seeing the two leave, Badwa walked over. Without any hesitation, he crossed the normal and safe social distance, stopping in front of He Zhun. He looked down at the handsome beta young man before him with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Leinster was sent to the Disciplinary Hall. Was that your doing?”

He Zhun raised his head. Despite appearing overly weak in front of others as a beta, he still managed to meet his gaze without any hint of submissiveness. FYi0SX

“―That’s because he’s incompetent,”

He Zhun replied evenly.

“The Pope’s justice is the most fair and clear. How could it be possible for someone like me to meddle?”

“…Incompetence?” SMFxdr

A laugh of unknown meaning resonated from Badwa’s throat. He lowered his head, leaning closer to He Zhun’s ear.

“It seems your skills in bed must be quite impressive, otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to toy with Lord Leinster.”

Having heard enough of such insults, He Zhun’s face remained expressionless. He merely turned his head in disgust, stepping back.

“The factory is currently under invasion, with nearly 70% of the workshop destroyed. Your duty should be to eliminate the invaders; instead, you’re here chatting with me.” TqC3O2

“What’s this? Are you lecturing me now?”

Badwa sneered, suddenly grabbing the slender wrist of the youth and pulling him back forcefully.

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“He Zhun, don’t think that just because Leinster protects you, I won’t dare touch you. The one who proposed doubling the supply of honey in White Solitude City was you, wasn’t it?”

Under Badwa’s wolf-like fierce gaze, the expression of the handsome youth remained unchanged. He even admitted quite calmly, NuXlGB

“Yes, what about it?”

He Zhun’s cold tone dripped with sarcasm.

“Did Lord Badwa suddenly acquire a Ph.D. and plans to become a researcher?”

Badwa stared at him intensely, gritting his teeth. bi4Rmr

“Don’t think that you’re flawless, He Zhun, or that climbing into Leinster’s bed means you’ve found shelter under a big tree…”

“He may be fooled by you, but I won’t. Someday, I'll pull your fox’s tail!” CevdNU

“Oh, is that so?”

Dr. He smiled, his eyes narrowing, and his lips curling up.

“I look forward to that day.”

With a thud, He Zhun’s back harshly collided with the wall. He swallowed the groan in his throat, not making a sound. He just coldly raised his gaze, staring silently as Badwa’s figure disappeared from the doorway. 9BS7PY


The handsome young doctor leaned against the wall and waited for a long time before slowly standing up. He closed his eyes, panting slightly, and quickly wiped away the fine, cold sweat on his forehead.

He Zhun rubbed his wrist bones, then pulled down his sleeves very naturally and skillfully, covering up the bruised fingerprints on his wrists and carefully smoothing out the messy creases on his clothes.

After everything was sorted, he slowly turned his head and looked at the shadow behind the data shelf. ch8 L2

“What, are you going to play hide-and-seek with me again?”

He Zhun let out a chuckle of unknown meaning,

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“….” MyEqFg

The next second, Jiang Ci quietly walked out from behind the data shelf.

M1zushi: He Zhun possessed me and made me translate these two chapters in one sitting lmfao

I love He Zhun <3333

crafty little fox, don’t think I didn’t know you taunted Badwa to protect A-Ci from being discovered Z4BHxc

Translator's Note

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

you know when matrix has that scene where the bullets go in slow-motion and you can see the air disturbance? imagine this, but in vertical motion


Translator's Note

expose He Zhun’s tricks

it comes from the fact that foxes are crafty

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  1. I feel so bad for the Zerg babies 😭 Also I lowkey like He Zhun and firmly believe he’s doing some good behind the scenes