The Northern Grand Duke's HamsterCh49 - The Hamster Listens in the Day, and Also in the Night V


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Translator's Note

*COUGH* omg like we needed more proof. Dear Shou– I mean Shu, baby no wonder Kyle didn’t even wanna wash his hands after that staircase scene. Jk lol but sorry for the rambling XD. To add some significance to this T/N just a reminder that Shu/Cashew Nut’s real name is Bae Soohyun. I believe a lot of us have forgotten this already hahaha. :blobsmileopenmouth:

Translator's Note

the title “Demonic Beast Specialist” was taken from the previous translator. It’s what Shu introduced himself as to get Kyle to keep him around, and will sometimes be shortened to just ‘Specialist’. It’s a bit awkward for me because the raws don’t automatically mean this and plays around with 학자니까 (scholar) and 마수학자 which can translate to Magician, Demonist, Necromancer (at one point),  Thaumaturgist, Mathematician, Masquerade, and even Masochist (lol omg). Basically it just means someone who studies magic/magical beings. So complicated.

Translator's Note

long So just last chap I was talking about using Klein Duchy, and honestly that sounds better for me but I just realized that technically, Duchy only refers to the territory goverened by a Duke/Duchess, whilst Dukedom is what can apparently also mean the title Duke/Duchess sooo… using Dukedom from now on. Please excuse me.

Translator's Note

You tell him Shu!

Translator's Note

omg it's happening

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  1. CONFESSION WOOOO and honestly I’m a lil bit on the fence for the love triangle/wingman thing (because he shows a lot of interest in Shu) but I’m leaning more towards wingman because of his reaction to Shu’s confession haha

  2. Ahahaha the gif in the t/n really got me 😂 I think belial is just interested in shu from a professional standpoint,, like he wants to hire him lol

    Also I appreciate the rambly t/ns! Just like I enjoy reading the comments hehe ^^

  3. Lmao, don’t tell me She could say something like that and then not be so embarrassed he can’t look anyone in the eyes!

  4. We got Shu’s confession sooner than Kyle’s 😆

    I also agree with the comment upstairs with Belial professional standpoint and t/ns notes as well


  5. Shu: accidentally confesses

    Everyone: I knew it!

    Shu: Huh? Know what?

    Poor baby is the only one who doesn’t know he’s in love with Kyle XD Thanks for the update! <3

  6. OH MY LORD THE CONFESSION HWIXHAJXNS It was probably more of a “whatever as long as it ends the convo” kind of confession, STILL!! THE WAY I HAD TO SILENTLY SCREAM LEST I WAKE THE NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WUAHHH |/>*<|

    Hehee Thank you for the chapter!! <3

  7. OMG! I love this translation sooo much. It’s a real lifesaver to take a break from stressful worklife. I’m sitting here in a café and am smileing while reading it. I also love the comments of the translater, they’re so cheerful! Thanks again for your work. 😍