No Confession Between FriendsChapter 62

As they passed through the quiet stairwell and reached the central entrance, Hyun Gyujin moved Yuwon further inside to avoid the cold air coming in. Despite the low temperature inside the school, it was better than outside. He quickly closed the door and pulled out his phone to open the taxi app.

He set the pickup location to the central entrance and called a taxi. The app indicated the taxi would arrive in three minutes, and Hyun Gyujin watched as it began to move on the map. wvUqAm



Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

An awkward silence settled between them again, contrasting sharply with the intense argument they had earlier. It was hard to believe these were the same people who had fiercely debated and clashed just moments ago.

“…You can let go now. I’m okay.” kdQGjP

Though Yuwon’s face was still pale and he looked unwell, he didn’t seem like he would collapse if Hyun Gyujin let go. Slowly, Hyun Gyujin released the firm grip he had on Yuwon.

“You’re not going to the academy, right?”

“…No. I don’t think I can today.”

“What about aunt?”


“…She’s filming.”

“When will she be back?”


Hyun Gyujin wanted to ask if Yuwon could be alone, but the words stuck in his throat. He just stared out the door, anxious for the taxi to arrive. It felt like more than three minutes had passed, yet the app still showed three minutes remaining. He worried about Yuwon’s aching legs and the cold weather, especially since Yuwon didn’t have a scarf. AP5UtV

Growing increasingly irritated, Hyun Gyujin kept refreshing the app, hoping the taxi would move. He realized that all his thoughts inevitably led back to Yuwon. Shaking his head in frustration, he refreshed the app again and saw the taxi approaching the school gate. The estimated arrival time finally changed to one minute. Watching the taxi approach, he glanced at Yuwon, who stood with his hands in his coat pockets, looking cold.

“Let’s go.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They waited until the taxi completely stopped in front of the central entrance before stepping out. Hyun Gyujin quickly got in with Yuwon to avoid the biting cold. Despite the weekend not being this cold, the temperature had suddenly dropped, making the air feel sharp and biting. na3JDv



Ktf afc-wlceaf glvf ab Tekbc’r tberf kjr oliifv klat raloilcu rlifcmf. Lsec Xseplc rajgfv raeyybgcis bea atf klcvbk, ecjyif ab rqfjx. Ktf fjgilfg jcufg tjv reyrlvfv, yea atf ecgfrbinfv lrrefr tecu tfjnlis yfakffc atfw. Ccs rwjii kbgv bg jmalbc mbeiv kbgrfc atf rlaejalbc, rb tf gfwjlcfv rlifca.

P rtbeiv tjnf vbcf atlr fjgilfg, sbe lvlba. Qtja ubbv lr la cbk joafg fnfgsatlcu’r tjqqfcfv? Lf yfgjafv tlwrfio, gfralcu tlr tfjv jujlcra atf mbiv klcvbk. Lf ofia Tekbc’r ujhf yea vlvc’a aegc ab ibbx. Ktf rlifcmf jcv jkxkjgvcfrr gfwjlcfv ecygbxfc. 4ZPvI

When they arrived, they entered the apartment and took the elevator to the sixth floor without speaking. Hyun Gyujin, holding onto Yuwon, punched in the door code and opened the door.

“…Thanks for taking me home.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Do you have dinner? Anything to eat?”

“…I think so. Give me my bag.” hBeqVP


Hyun Gyujin handed Yuwon his bag, feeling awkward and taking a step back.

“I’m leaving.”

“…Okay.” ogbWPd

In the stark, emotionless atmosphere, Hyun Gyujin closed the door behind him. The sound of the lock clicking into place mirrored the chaotic thoughts swirling in his mind.

After being friends for 18 years and dating for a month, it was hard to believe that they had suddenly become nothing to each other.

Hyun Gyujin had poured his heart into becoming Yuwon’s best friend and had eagerly embraced Yuwon’s feelings when they started dating, which changed their relationship. He should have stopped there, but he couldn’t, and his impulsive actions contributed significantly to them becoming strangers. The thought made him chuckle bitterly.

Yeah, damn it. I knew my mouth would get me in trouble one day. Blurring the lines between what I should and shouldn’t say, I just spat everything out in anger, and now I’ve messed up my life. Hyun Gyujin pressed the 12th-floor button irritably and leaned against the elevator wall with a thud. Unable to contain the sudden surge of anger, he banged his head against the wall a few times. s9lhFA


With a sigh, his pocket vibrated. Hoping it was Yuwon, Hyun Gyujin quickly pulled out his phone, but seeing Choi Haeyoung’s name on the screen made him tilt his head.

[Choi Haeyoung: Hyun, where are you? Want to come to my place? My parents are both out on business.]

[Choi Haeyoung: Isn’t that great? Kim Junjae and Min Jihoon are coming too.] TnxVMI

[Choi Haeyoung: Minji is bringing alcohol.]

[30 minutes]

[Choi Haeyoung: Okay.]

Hyun Gyujin stared at the messages and sighed softly, replying with a quick “30 minutes.” It seemed better to surround himself with noisy friends and meaningless chatter than to go home and brood over a broken heart. HESP2B


“Your abalone porridge is ready.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Receiving the paper bag, Hyun Gyujin nodded politely and left the porridge shop. He wondered what he was doing but found himself at the shop and ordering porridge without realizing it. In his other hand was a plastic bag from a convenience store containing honey citron tea.

A low sigh escaped him as he looked at the yellow cups of citron tea in the rustling bag. It felt like he was both causing and trying to cure the problem. Despite hearing that they were no longer anything to each other, he still bought these items, which felt odd to him. soPAJS

Holding the porridge and citron tea, Hyun Gyujin anxiously went up to the 6th floor of the apartment again. He felt embarrassed to explain through text why he was bringing porridge, and entering the house to leave it on the table also felt awkward. He was very conflicted.

“…I’m losing my mind.”

Staring at the closed door, Hyun Gyujin eventually hung the bag of porridge and the bag of tea on the door handle. He rang the bell and quickly but quietly ran down the stairs. Doing a doorbell ditch at his age felt pathetic.

If Yuwon was asleep and didn’t hear the bell, he might find the food too late. But it was out of his hands now. He couldn’t enter and watch Yuwon eat the porridge or smile while drinking the tea like before. A doorbell ditch was his only option now. tyGfCR


Forget it. If he can’t eat it, there’s nothing I can do. Hyun Gyujin ran into the cold air, trying to freeze his thoughts. With Yuwon left behind him.

Lying face down on a white rabbit cushion, Yuwon raised himself at the sound of the doorbell. Out of habit, he thought of a familiar face but remembered that Hyun Gyujin wouldn’t come.

With a soon-to-be-teary face, Yuwon reached for the door handle but stopped, recalling Hyun Gyujin’s advice not to open the door without asking first. 8DwzBp

“Who is it?”

He asked and waited, but there was no sound from outside. Yuwon asked again, louder, but still received no answer.

Finally, he cautiously opened the door and saw no one. It was strange, as no one in the apartment complex would play such pranks. It had never happened before, making it even odder.

Did I hear wrong? It was possible, given his dazed and aching head from crying in bed. 5gP7xK

Am I hearing things now? As he was about to close the door with his weak hand, he heard a rustling sound. Yuwon peeked out and looked down where the sound came from.


A paper bag and a plastic bag were hanging from the doorknob. Yuwon, unable to figure it out at first, lifted the bag and immediately teared up again when he saw the citron tea cups inside.

So stupid, really…. Bringing the bag with the porridge and citron tea inside, Yuwon sat at the table and opened one of the two divided containers. The pleasant, savory smell was good, but what felt best was the warmth in his hands from the porridge. Holding the container with both hands, he fetched a spoon and took a bite before it cooled. It was as savory and delicious as it smelled. T6jLdx

Even though Hyun Gyujin could be stubborn and argumentative when angry, he was never a bad person. They had carelessly spoken harshly to each other, turning them into something neither friends nor lovers, an awkward in-between, but Yuwon didn’t think Hyun Gyujin was bad. Just a bit hateful at times.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hyun Gyujin probably hated him a lot too. Feeling sullen and craving something sweet, Yuwon took another bite of porridge and got up to boil water. He poured the boiling water into a citron tea cup.

Sitting back down, Yuwon slowly finished half of the porridge while waiting for the tea to cool to a drinkable temperature. When he took a sip of the fragrant citron tea, it was sweet and very warm. Tr7dHK

Just like Hyun Gyujin’s warmth and laughter that he remembered.


A soft sniffle echoed through the kitchen once again.


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