No Confession Between FriendsChapter 50

“…Ha…. Really….”

“Ha….” Q15dGj

“Can you really take responsibility?”

“Yeah. I’ll take full responsibility.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Hyun Gyujin’s nervous face turn into a smiling, handsome one, Yuwon’s heart softened. His mind, eyes, and heart were filled only with Hyun Gyujin. Yuwon carefully raised his arms, their long sleeves covering his hands, and wrapped them around Hyun Gyujin’s neck.

“…Then… you can do it.” nvBaoV

“I can do it?”


Yuwon looked up at Hyun Gyujin, whose face bore a faint smile, feeling a strange, growing anxiety. He couldn’t understand why he felt so restless, but the only thing he could think of was that he was eager for Hyun Gyujin to do more.

“You want to do this with me too, right, Yuwon?”


Hyun Gyujin’s voice was lower than usual, trying to keep the sound from leaking outside, and it stirred Yuwon’s heart deeply. How could it not?

“…Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I liked you first… why are you asking that?”


“…Something so obvious….” mte6Ch


“…I’ve never skipped class when I wasn’t sick, so I’m really scared and worried right now. So… do it quickly…. When I’m with you… I can’t think of anything else, and I feel….”

Good…. Yuwon’s last words, whispered softly on Hyun Gyujin’s lips and slowly rolling off his tongue, melted into the heat of the moment. They were absorbed somewhere in the kiss, leaving no room for other thoughts.

Hyun Gyujin wrapped his arms tightly around Yuwon’s whole body. The embrace was so strong it hurt a little, so Yuwon gently tapped his shoulder, and Hyun Gyujin loosened his grip slightly. Without needing to say a word, Hyun Gyujin understood everything, which made Yuwon smile through the kiss. XCjQLB

“…Ha…. Why?”

“No, I’m just happy.”

Yuwon shook his head and pressed his lips against Hyun Gyujin’s again. Warmth and breath mingled once more.

Yuwon, who had always been physically weak, often found himself exhausted after a long kiss. Since childhood, he would feel drained after just a little physical activity, so it wasn’t surprising. However, feeling drained from kissing was a different experience altogether. oDAik2

Though it was a bit tiring, he felt like he could keep going, and the sensation was so pleasant that he found himself surprisingly willing to keep feeling weak if it meant he could continue.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Here, drink this.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tekbc abbx atf atlc ragjk bo atf yjcjcj wlix Lsec Xseplc boofgfv jcv rlqqfv atf sfiibk ildelv. Ktf rkffa yjcjcj oijnbg rqgfjv lc tlr wbeat, iloalcu tlr jigfjvs ubbv wbbv fnfc tlutfg.

“Cgf sbe bxjs?” 1o7qa6

“Let? Tfjt, P’w bxjs. P’w cba rlmx….”

“Tbe ibbx algfv.”

“Rb, P’w cba algfv. P offi ubbv.”

Yuwon smiled at Hyun Gyujin’s concerned gaze and took another sip of the banana milk, pulling the slipping sleeves up over his hands. szDfn8

“Let me roll them up for you.”

Hyun Gyujin laughed, watching Yuwon look like he was drowning in the oversized gym clothes, as he pulled a chair closer and folded the long sleeves up twice.

“Teach me how to exercise during the vacation.”

“Exercise? Why suddenly exercise? You hate it.” bkim1d

“I think I should build some stamina. I don’t know where to start on my own. There’s a big fitness center in our apartment complex. Should I get a personal trainer there?”

“Do it with me. I’ll teach you. Let’s start with walking. We can wear thick clothes and walk for an hour every day. We can make it a walk-and-talk. When it gets colder, we can go to the fitness center and walk there together.”

Hyun Gyujin rolled up both sleeves and the pant legs for Yuwon, then pulled up a chair and sat down, watching Yuwon sip on the straw. Being in the cozy counseling room, even smaller than the art room where the kids would smoke, made him feel a warm, fuzzy sensation.

“Why the sudden interest in stamina?” tw6OW4

“Though I’ve improved a lot, I still get sick too often, and even a little strain gives me a fever. I seem fine, but then I suddenly faint.”

“At least it’s nothing serious. Things will get better from now on.”

“Yeah… When I collapsed last year, the doctors said I could start light exercises as long as I don’t overdo it. I knew I had to, but when I started, I’d get dizzy, and once I went out for a walk and caught a terrible cold. It made me scared to try again.”

Hyun Gyujin clearly remembered what happened to Yuwon last year. Yuwon occasionally suffered from syncope, and when he overexerted himself or felt extremely unwell, he would suddenly say he couldn’t see and then collapse. Last year, when Yuwon fainted while getting up, Hyun Gyujin had to carry him and call an ambulance. Even now, thinking about it made his heart race. ZItRd5

After spending about half a day in the hospital, Yuwon was discharged and, following the hospital’s advice, started some very basic exercises. However, Yuwon’s weak stamina and poor immune system meant that after just one exercise session, he fell ill for a week.

Since then, Hyun Gyujin hadn’t brought up the idea of exercising seriously until recently. Seeing Yuwon with a high fever and barely conscious was too painful.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“But we went for a walk on Sunday. Doing it with you, thinking of it as a stroll rather than exercise, made it not so hard, and I actually enjoyed it.”

“Really?” cG7JWr


“Let’s do it more often then. It’s not hard, and I like spending more time with you.”

Hyun Gyujin grinned and affectionately ruffled Yuwon’s hair. Yuwon, enjoying the touch, stayed still, basking in the warmth.

“Just doing that should make things better, right?” 8C9Np

“Of course. Absolutely.”

“I hope so… I want to do so much more with you.”


“Right now, there are so many things he can’t do because of me. Even doing a little bit makes me dizzy and hurts… Even when traveling with family, we have to go where it’s easier because of me.” LQFpVj

Hyun Gyujin knew that he had a kind and deep personality, and he had always felt sorry until now, but he didn’t expect to hold it in his heart so deeply, so he couldn’t easily open his mouth. The reason he couldn’t just say everything was because he knew that Yuwon’s words weren’t just to comfort him.

“Let’s take it slow together. And what I’m going to say to you now, it’s not to comfort you, and it’s not to make you feel better. I just want you to hear it as it is.”

“…Okay. I’ll do that.”

“I’ve never been annoyed or disliked taking care of you all this time. There was never a time when it was hard.” tZ8oHd


“And the same goes for traveling. What’s important is that you can come along. Nothing else matters.”

Seeing Hyun Gyujin’s serious face without a hint of mischief, his heart trembled mercilessly once again. Yuwon gently wrapped his hand around Hyun Gyujin’s cheek, who was looking at him, raising his hand.

“You’re like an adult.” V42woh

“Do you understand now? I’m naturally so mature. Just look at how tall I am.”

“Let’s not talk about height.”

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“Why? Did you want to be taller?”

“I thought I’d be as tall as you…” MuIKqf

“Your dreams were too big.”

Afraid the atmosphere might become uncomfortable, Hyun Gyujin, with a mischievous smile, firmly held Yuwon’s cheeks with both hands and gave him a big kiss that made a loud sound.

“I like you small. You’re cute. It would be better if you were even smaller. So small that I could carry you around in my palm.”

“Ew… creepy.” qiUfAr

“Do you receive other people’s sincerity like that?”

“I don’t know… it’s cringy.”

“Yes or no? Answer me. Seriously, Yuwon. Yes or no.”

Hyun Gyujin tried to playfully poke him, and wanted to tickle Yuwon, but the latter stood up and ran inside the counseling room. And then, Yuwon, who ran inside, raised his hand to block Hyun Gyujin, who followed him. eRi6kh

“Why are you running away without answering?”

“You were trying to tickle me.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Yes, you were, just at my waist…” c5jAlD

As Hyun Gyujin approached with a face devoid of laughter, Yuwon forgot what he was saying. The air around them suddenly felt a bit colder, as if it had touched the tip of his nose. Stepping back once more, he felt his back hit the cabinet, making a creaking sound even with just his touch.

“At your waist, and then what?”


Hyun Gyujin lifted Yuwon as if he were a child, holding his waist with both hands, and effortlessly placed him on the desk. Then, he grabbed his knees, spreading his legs, and stood between them. bj SNE

“It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve seen you dressed like this, but I feel really weird.”

“…How so?”

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“I don’t know. It’s just weird. You even seem a bit naughty.”

At the unexpected words, his ears burned instantly. Yuwon pushed Hyun Gyujin’s shoulders, who stood between his legs, but Hyun Gyujin didn’t budge even a bit, not even 1 cm. yF4VA5


“But even if I’m a pervert…”


“You like me.” lfT7dv

The words “you like me” were quite amazing. Just with that one sentence, his heart softened, and he found himself nodding quietly. Yuwon nodded his head, completely taken aback by Hyun Gyujin’s words. He didn’t want to argue at all.

“Just say you like me, Yuwon.”

Bending down, Hyun Gyujin placed his arms around Yuwon’s body, gripping the edge of the desk, and looked into his eyes, waiting for the confession to pour out.

“…I like you.” 9RND1Y

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  1. Ahhh…I feel like there are knives just around the corner though… It’s so sweet, but full of foreboding! I feel like something bad is going to happen. (⁠⁠﹏⁠⁠;⁠)