It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch73 - Jiang Chen: “…….”

“Please wait a moment first.” The live streamers in the squad stopped him from speaking temporarily. They had to verify his identity first.

It wasn’t convenient for Vice-CEO Tang to publicly announce that he was the Vice-CEO of Wandering Dreams. However, there were two people to vouch for him here. The most trustworthy one for them was Fang JingXing. PVD8Go

He instantly felt this kid looked more pleasing to the eye: “If you guys don’t believe me, you can ask Fang JingXing.”

Fang JingXing couldn’t feign ignorance, so he had no choice but to say: “En, this one is indeed a senior.”

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He pondered briefly and attempted to guide the topic elsewhere: “Oh right, senior, how come an attack build Wardcaster has not appeared in the League for so many years now? Before the skills were adjusted and optimized, was the Wardcaster a very hard class to play?”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “It can’t be counted as hard to play, but if you want to play it well, it requires very fast hand speed.” EFdpoX

He said: “Actually, according to the skills back then, the attack build Wardcaster should have fallen out of popularity already. It’s just ChenChen played it so illustriously that more people played it after him.”

Fang JingXing fell silent briefly before responding: “ChenChen?”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Chen Hui Lan Le. Sometimes I find four syllable names to be annoying to say, so I called him Chen God or ChenChen.”

Fang JingXing glanced at the certain taciturn Wardcaster beside him and ‘Oh’d. He continued this topic: “Now it’s not that hard to play it.”


Vice-CEO Tang said: “But there’s still a hand speed requirement. Not to mention, Wardcaster as a support class has already been carved deeply into people’s hearts. It’s very rare for people to play the attack build.”

He’s not the type of person to be easily led off track actually, so he said: “Alright, let me tell you guys a story.”

Before Fang JingXing managed to think of countermeasures, the live streamers called him to a stop again.

“Senior, give us a few minutes of time.” The group said: “Let us take a look at the forums.” 2cr0P7

Otherwise, he’d be speaking half the day and they still won’t know who’s Chen Hui Lan Le.

It wasn’t only them. The fans were also very curious and ran off to the forum one after another to comb through the threads.

Chen Hui Lan Le, the number 1 Wardcaster of Wandering Dreams back then.

He played over a year of competitive matches, obtained two championships and a seasonal MVP. Unfortunately, he contracted a terminal illness and retired during the 2nd season. After this, strong attack build Wardcasters have never appeared in Wandering Dreams ever again. In a blink of an eye, 30 years passed. QLK4cT

Within the thread, there were videos of his competitive matches where he slaughtered people and obtained heads consecutively, the white color of his shirt dying black. There were also several pictures of him back then.

In addition, the NPC of the hardest 2-man Tier 9 task of the Bounty Board, was also created just to commemorate him.

A group of people ran back.

“Ahhhhhh I finished reading it all, what a pity damn!” FqlxGZ

“If you haven’t read it, I suggest you go take a look. His looks are out of this world.”

“Playing two seasons and obtaining two championships, amazing!”

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“It’s really such a pity. If he didn’t die, perhaps he would have obtained the first world championship as well.”

“That NPC is a bit touching QaQdNW0pv

The live streamers also felt somewhat amazed and asked: “Don’t tell us, that swordsman NPC is you, senior?”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “How can that be, as if I’m that strong.”

He said: “However, I also helped during testing back then.”

This time the live streamers and fans were interested in hearing his story. gN9hfo

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Such a legendary figure, they’ve all developed a curiosity towards him.

Ycf bo atf ilnf ragfjwfgr rjlv: “Qjr tf gfjiis jkfv ys sbeg rxliir?”

Nlmf-JSY Kjcu: “Rjaegjiis.”

Cr tf rqbxf, atfgf kjr j ygluta ubiv oijrt; atfs tjv kbc atlr gbecv. t4wxFl

According to the PK Arena mechanics, people who were too far apart in Tiers couldn’t team up together.

Po sbe wera rdejv eq abufatfg, tbkfnfg, sbe mjc rfifma atf wlzfv wjamt wbvf. Mbg fzjwqif, ijra alwf Mjcu AlcuWlcu’r rlvf jmmbeca kjr bcis Klfg 2. Zfjcktlif atf ilnf ragfjwfgr kfgf jigfjvs Kbq Klfg, rb atfs mtbrf j wlzfv wjamt.

The mixed match mode was available at different times everyday. Winning a match gave half the points of a normal ranked match.

This place was a chaotic mix of newbies and masters. Normally, if it’s not true love, family and friends, or Aces, not many would be willing to waste time coming here to carry the weak. However, some higher Tier players really enjoyed the praise and flattery of low Tier players, so they’d come here and play. c06pS3

Last time Fang JingXing played with them for half a day and only advanced one Tier.

Originally, he had handed over the account to people in his gaming organization, asking them to help him reach Top Tier, thinking that he could play Top Tier level team fights with Jiang Chen tonight. Yet with Vice-CEO Tang’s arrival, they could only play mixed match mode again.

Vice-CEO Tang’s account here didn’t have any points. Squading together, they could only match with players from low Tiers.

As a result, in the face of noobs, Jiang Chen and Fang JingXing had managed to slaughter the opposing side back to their home base within just a few words of exchanges between them, causing them to surrender and run away. JhGtdN

As agreed in advance, it was time for the roster of the team to rotate.

Fang JingXing looked at Jiang Chen: “Ace, how about we go to a private PK Instance.”

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Jiang Chen kind of wanted to leave, but even more so, he wanted to know how a certain person would slander himself, so he refused.

Helpless, Fang JingXing could only comply with him and stay in the squad. Although the people who rotated out went to the spectator stands, they could still enter their friend’s live stream and continue to listen to the senior’s story here. 1U0SId

Vice-CEO Tang said: “At that time, we were all newcomers of gaming organizations and made side accounts inside the game. My first time seeing him, he was busy tormenting an NPC’s sheep, jumping from the back of one onto the back of another one. Later on, he bugged and glitched the game. Two pigs came up next to him. With a leap, he ended up riding directly on the pig.”

Jiang Chen: “……”

Caught off guard, Fang JingXing instantly laughed out loud. For some reason, he felt like this might be true.

Originally, he was standing on his family’s Wardcaster’s side, but after listening to this, the scales instantly tilted towards Vice-CEO Tang. rBNa0A

The live streamers laughed hysterically as well.

“Is Senior Chen that interesting?”

“Wait, you can’t clip through those models right?”

“It might be because he discovered that you can’t clip through those that he jumped on them for fun.” Vice-CEO Tang said: “It made such a deep impression that I still have not forgotten even now. At that time, I was thinking internally, this kid was built refreshing and unique, very much to my taste, so I threw some flowers for him in the local chat channel and even took a screenshot, asking if he wanted a souvenir.” sGPlIb

The live streamers laughed loudly: “What did he say?”

Jiang Chen reminded: “The opposing side is coming over.”

Vice-CEO Tang came to leech points. Not to mention, he knew all of these people were great gods, so he calmly watched them fight and said: “He didn’t speak because he couldn’t move while riding on the pig. So I took screenshots of him from every angle. I still have those screenshots even now.”

Jiang Chen: “……” PBXYIU

This time Fang JingXing was mentally prepared and forcibly held himself back from laughing out loud.

The live stream comments, however, had gone insane with laughter. The live streamers were extremely curious and hastily inquired what happened next.

Vice-CEO Tang said: “He was bugged so he logged off on the spot. Later on, when my friends and I were farming mobs in the wilderness, we got into a fight with people. Playing the game, you know…… you guys understand. The other side told us to wait while they went to call their leader. At that time, we had joined a gaming organization so we weren’t afraid of no one. As such, we let them go do that. However, when their leader came, oho, it turned out to be that pig-riding bro!”

Jiang Chen: “……” dVcgMk

Fang JingXing’s shoulders shook in laughter as he continued to hold back from not making a sound.

Vice-CEO Tang said: “I was so freaking excited, wanting to make friends. Seeing it was me, however, he activated PK mode immediately.”

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The live streamers said: “Then he was awed by your skills?”

“That’s a must.” Vice-CEO Tang said: “We exchanged 300 blows, the mountains and rivers changed colors, the sun and moon lost their shine. Seeing that I’m also a master gamer, we bowed and became sworn brothers.” hI ZAD

He said: “Then after that, we both felt the people on the two sides were pretty strong and probed their backgrounds. Learning that we were all esports players, we created a guild in the game.”

Fang JingXing didn’t feign death the entire time and asked: “Who was the guild leader?”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Old Du was the guild leader. ChenChen was the deputy leader.”

The live streamer couldn’t accept this: “Who’s Old Du? How come Senior Chen didn’t become the guild leader?” 6kENly

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Old Du is the Chairman of the Wandering Dream League right now, Du FeiZhou.”

The fans exploded, not expecting to hear the past stories of such prominent figures just watching a live stream.

The live streamers, on the other hand, all wiped away sweat frantically, completely impressed.

Vice-CEO Tang said: “If I remember correctly, it was decided by lottery.” wu04fp

He said: “That’s not important. In any case, from that day onwards, we started our happy online life. I led ChenChen all over the land, fighting world bosses…… oh right, the level 60 world boss that respawns in WanHong Grasslands, where there’s a mountain in the distance, do you guys know that one?”

The live streamers said: “We know.”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Initially, you were able to drag that boss up the mountain. We lured him over and used a wind skill to blow him off the mountain, killing him with the fall damage. So the dev team ended up changing his range. However, after the update, there was still a Glimmering Light River next to him.”

The live streamers said: “So you guys lured him into the river and drowned him?” 2QKs3h

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Now we didn’t actually do that. We discovered that he got stuck on some of the rocks by the shore and forced the dev team to change the rocks as well.”

The live streamers said with a smile: “The dev team must have hated you guys to death.”

As the Vice-CEO of the game currently, Vice-CEO Tang said with some restraint: “Not terribly.”

He switched the topic: “ChenChen and I both loved to play with the NPCs and various inconspicuous things, we caused plenty of hilarity as well. Riding on the pig was one of them. I also remember once, he ran off to PK with the guards of the Main City……” oE2fxs

Before he finished speaking, a bright golden light flashed, and they won this round as well.

Hearing him about to bring up black history, Jiang Chen couldn’t take it anymore and looked at Fang JingXing: “Playing this is no fun, let’s PK?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fang JingXing was very considerate: “Okay.”

The comments on the live stream paused briefly and then started scrolling down wildly. 6JkCW4

“? ? ?”

“No way, we were just listening to stories, why are you leaving?”

“So this is true love, right?!”

“I don’t care, let me finish listening to the stories!” tcWo4p

“That’s right, today is my first time hearing about Chen Hui Lan Le this person. Let us learn more about him.”

Vice-CEO Tang also looked over and stared at the Wardcaster: “You’re not happy to hear things about your idol?”

Jiang Chen was very calm and composed: “I’m only a skill mechanics fan, I don’t fan the person, and don’t want to be here crushing noobs.”

Vice-CEO Tang said: “Oh, is that right?” 98yKnd

Before Jiang Chen even replied, a horn swiftly appeared in the chat channel.

[Horn] Meteor Ironwood: The ocean and seas can dry up, the mountains and hills can collapse, but a promise is forever.

Five seconds later, a second horn appeared.

[Horn] Willow & Swamp: The weak-minded cannot be wise; the dishonest cannot succeed. HvLt2V

Another 5 seconds later, a 3rd horn appeared.

[Horn] White Dragonbone: Hahahaha, hurry up, don’t dally!

The players were baffled, asking what’s going on.

Very quickly, an insider revealed the info, saying that the group of guild leaders had made some kind of bet a while ago. The losers needed to run laps around the Main City naked. The three people that spoke up just now were the winners. 1VHzYd

Everyone became enthused and helped with the shout out, telling the guild leaders to stop pretending to be dead.

A moment later, someone spoke up.

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[Horn] Xing TianCheng: Who’s pretending to be dead? It’s just running so running it is!

[World] The Person in the Mirror: Come, I’m prepared. K6FXPw

[World] Gu Wen: En.

[World] Wooden Shackles: I just didn’t have the time to reply a second ago, why are you guys so anxious?

[World] Early Departure: State the location, where are we stripping.

[World] Gossip Consumer: Can you accept a brief interview, what kind of wager did you guys make? 0SAwi2

[World] Tears Are Worthless: I also want to know. Since you guys are going to run, just reveal the truth.

[World] The Person in the Mirror: Don’t ask, it’s complicated.

[World] White Dragonbone: I’ll explain it. We were betting on whether Total Annihilation will get together with Qing Yan or Abyss.

The entire server fell silent for a moment and then exploded. 9qj60R

[World] Gossip Consumer: Hahahaha damn!

[World] Isatis Root: Sure enough, all of the major events of our server are closely related to the two Aces.

[World] Book Collection: I’m amazed, so it was because of this [tears of laughter]

[World] Skittles: The Aces’ lives are so exciting and colorful [tears of laughter] Jy6wdm

Inside the PK Arena, Fang JingXing immediately found a path for his family’s Wardcaster to get out of the awkward situation and said with a smile: “Want to go look?”

Jiang Chen was very forthright: “Let’s go.”

If they stayed any longer, he was really going to hit someone.


Translator's Note

This is just an exaggeration for how amazing the fight was xD

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  1. ‘A group event of some guild leaders publically stripping and running around naked will save Jiang Chen today’ is not a statement i thought i would ever utter yet here we are