It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch70 - A single word flashed across all four people’s hearts

Tonight was destined to be a tumultuous night.

The players of Mercury Reflects Fate picked up all the hard Tier 9 and Tier 10 tasks and ran off to take photos with the bounty targets. They posted the pictures one by one, attracting the envy of a crowd of spectators. 60YmZ

Simultaneously, the topic of “The 2-man Tier 10 Bounties have been unlocked” very quickly rocketed up the trending searches. More and more people knew about it.

As such, after Fang JingXing sent off Du FeiZhou, more people found him.

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The League was only missing a few more matches to determine the playoff spots tomorrow. Those teams that were eliminated early were already on break ahead of time.

After hearing about today’s event, they gathered together to study the video recording. Screenshotting the image of the kill, they @Fang JingXing in group chat. This was because they were very familiar with his playing style. Not even needing to ask if it were him or not, they already confirmed it was him after viewing the video. s5bqBL

Fang JingXing took a glance and said with a smile: “Not accepting interviews.”

The people’s focus was completely elsewhere. Ignoring his words, they asked one after another.

“That Wardcaster is your gaming organization’s newcomer?”

“Where did he come from, so strong?”


“My hands itch watching that. I want to PK with him.”

“I want to as well. I’m going to buy an account, can I arrange a match with him?”

“Is Captain Fang really in a relationship?”

Fang JingXing said: “No, I’m still pursuing him.” j0GtuN

The group chat fell silent for an instant and then exploded.

The League Adonis has been single for so many years, finally someone was going to bag him.

“It’s over. All of your girlfriend fans are going to be heartbroken.”

“What does he look like, do you have any photos?” LD1jZ2

“Is he really a guy, and not just playing a male account?”

“Originally I thought you wouldn’t eat grass next to the nest, who would have thought.”

“How come you haven’t won him over yet? Do you need us bros to help you?”

“No need.” Fang JingXing said: “And don’t come searching for us. Disturbing normal players from playing the game and enjoying  precious time together, careful not to get struck by lightning.” SJ 7MH

He was usually good tempered. Besides the newcomers who didn’t dare to act wantonly, everyone else all spoke up. For a moment, the group chat was extremely rowdy.

However, despite being rowdy, people familiar with Fang JingXing all knew he’s not one to mess with. Seeing him telling them not to come, they couldn’t help but say: “Can’t even PK a round?”

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Fang JingXing said: “You’ll have plenty of opportunities to PK on the competitive stage.”

The crowd couldn’t accept this. 5BVgd

“I’m going to the PK Arena to play rank with random selection. If I randomly encounter you guys, you’ll have to accept, right?”

“It’s just creating an account anyway, I’m going to Mercury Reflects Fate to spectate the Ace.”

“Can even help the Ace play dungeons, story quests, and stuff.”

“Speaking of which, your family’s Wardcaster has a pretty similar style to that NPC, did you notice?” RE2x6

Fang JingXing wasn’t surprised.

Esports competitors were pretty sharp-eyed. Du FeiZhou had managed to notice it, so naturally they could as well.

He said somewhat flabbergasted: “Really? I’m a bit busy in game and haven’t watched the video yet. I’ll watch it later. If there’s nothing else, I’m going.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He replied a bit more and then closed the group chat. Returning to the game and giving White Dragonbone and the others a heads up, he logged off. nMJSzk

Zfjcktlif, j mfgajlc Cmf, ktb tjv jaagjmafv fnfgsbcf’r jaafcalbc, kjr jigfjvs riffqlcu ja atf wbwfca.

Inside his dreams was his exciting and happy online gaming life of past years, plus the transition from keyboard mode to VR mode— his old friends accompanied him. For some unknown reason, Fang JingXing and his new acquaintances were also present, gathered together; the scene was lively and animated.

Lf bqfcfv tlr fsfr klat j rwlif jcv rjk j ojwliljg gbbw. Oslcu bc atf yfv obg j ofk rfmbcvr, tf olcjiis uba bea bo yfv jcv kjrtfv eq, atfc ragbiifv bearlvf ab offv atf vemxilcur.

After eating breakfast, he logged in promptly. Fang JingXing was already waiting for him. cteV71

Waiting at the same time were also Du FeiZhou and the Vice-CEO.

Du FeiZhou had Total Annihilation on his friends’ list. He said: “He logged in.”

The Vice-CEO said: “Hide well.”

According to the information Du FeiZhou possessed, the Wardcaster played the Bounty Board during the day. m3M0BW

The 2-man Tier 10 bounty rewards were so tempting, the Wardcaster should be continuing with it.

That’s why they reached the Main City bright and early and hid themselves near the Bounty Board, waiting for him to accept a task.

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After a night of quiet contemplation, Du FeiZhou finally walked out of his fixated mental state.

He examined what they, two 40-50 years old men, were doing and felt it was really too ridiculous. He said: “Perhaps he’s truly very good at imitation.” tDmKPX

The Vice-CEO said: “I know, but we’re already here.”

Even though he was an anime fan, after calming down after the initial reaction, he also didn’t believe in such an incredulous thing in real life.

However, since that Wardcaster was Chen Hui Lan Le’s fan and had successfully cleared the task, For Chen, he still cherished the other’s ability and wanted to meet him briefly.

He stood for a while and chatted mindlessly: “Do you know how many types of this situation there are?” zEKufh

Du FeiZhou: “What?”

The Vice-CEO said: “Waking up and finding out that he has transmigrated into the future, he discovers that the original host was actually a newcomer who’s just been kicked out of a gaming organization. Facing the heartless ridicule of coaches and fellow companions, he, the King, has returned. Time to rise.”

Du FeiZhou: “……”

The Vice-CEO said: “Brainwaves floating within the void all of these years, he enters the game incidentally and becomes a player inside the game. However, due to restrictions from the system, he can only appear at fixed times. People all think he’s an Ace, but no one’s aware that in real life, this person does not even exist.” itvsJF

Du FeiZhou: “……”

The Vice-CEO said: “The soul signs a contract with the main God to travel through various worlds and complete missions. Once enough points are accumulated, he regains a human body once again and as such, returns to this world decades later.”

Du FeiZhou said: “…… Try not to read so many of those messed up things in the future.”

The Vice-CEO laughed. puWPJC

As he laughed, his voice quieted down.

“Ai,” He sighed: “How I wish it to be true.”

Du FeiZhou also fell silent.

The two people waited 5 minutes and saw their target. fxYgRb

Fang JingXing and Jiang Chen walked side by side. Fang JingXing was telling him all about the forum, Du FeiZhou, and the esports group chat.

Jiang Chen said: “Someone guessed Chen Hui Lan Le?”

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Fang JingXing said: “Not yet, but it will happen sooner or later.”

The netizens’ battle prowess were very terrifying. 0ykh C

The black Wardcaster, such an obvious symbol— They will probably guess it by the end of today.

Jiang Chen felt a slight regret.

It’s really nothing to dig out that the black Wardcaster was Chen Hui Lan Le.

But if people could see that their styles were very similar, this might be somewhat troublesome. If Team Leader Qin found out, he might cut his net. RudSbg

Jiang Chen said: “Gotta change.”

Fang JingXing looked at him: “En?”

After saying this, Jiang Chen then felt no one would believe such an outrageous thing. Using the idol excuse should be good enough to deal with this issue. As such, he calmed down: “It’s nothing, I was just kidding.”

Fang JingXing pondered briefly and said with a smile: “Even if someone considers the cryofreeze project, they won’t believe it.” MyguJ8

Jiang Chen said: “But you believed it.”

Fang JingXing praised himself: “That means I’m smarter than them.”

Before Jiang Chen could decide if he should retort back, he heard Fang JingXing continue to say: “If I’m your boyfriend, you won’t lose out.”

Heart skipping slightly, Jiang Chen fell silent for a few seconds: “I haven’t considered it properly yet.” Gu1imB

Fang JingXing really wanted to comfort him thoughtfully and say, “It’s no problem, there’s no rush”, but this was the person he liked after all. He tried to fight for it slightly: “If you have any concerns, why not tell me about them?”

As they spoke, the two people arrived at the Bounty Board.

They accepted one of the tasks. After reading the clue provided for the location, they entered the teleportation array.

Du FeiZhou and the Vice-CEO followed over. d3K MC

There were only three Tier 10 tasks. One was a “wild mob”, the other two were “imitation humans”. Du FeiZhou felt like it was most likely that they had accepted an “imitation human” type. As such, he separated with the Vice-CEO at the teleportation array, each teleporting to one of the two locations. Sure enough, they discovered the two people’s whereabout and met up once again to follow behind them slowly.

Jiang Chen and Fang JingXing didn’t head off to find the bounty target yet, but instead went to a quiet place and sat down face to face to have a heart-to-heart.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Vice-CEO: “……”

Du FeiZhou: “……” wYeHNP

The two people in the distance were completely unaware that they were being watched. Fang JingXing spoke up first: “Are you worried that if we break up in the future, as your boss, I’d make things difficult for you?”

Jiang Chen shot him a glance: “It’s not like I’m lacking money to terminate a contract.”

Fang JingXing said: “En…… then are you uncertain whether you like me or not?”

Jiang Chen nodded. 3qPwCk

Fang JingXing said: “How about this. Let’s give it a try first. If you find anything uncomfortable during our interactions, you can end this relationship anytime you want.”

Jiang Chen fell silent.

Fang JingXing said: “You know my temperament. After ending the relationship, I wouldn’t feel awkward in front of you, so you don’t have to worry.”

Describing having a thick face so tactfully, of course only you would do that. i8dzVg

Captain Jiang looked at him and resisted the urge to retort back.

Fang JingXing waited, then craftily switched to his original voice: “Having a boyfriend like me, you really won’t be losing out.”

“…….” Jiang Chen said: “Switch back.”

Fang JingXing laughed out loud: “Don’t say stuff you don’t mean. You clearly like it a lot.” ba elI

He saw Jiang Chen fall silent once again and said to himself, too fast. Pulling the other up from the ground, he said: “No need to give me an answer right now. Let’s go do the task.”

Seeing them finally ready to move, the two observers continued to follow them all the way to the bounty target. They hid in the darkness and started to record, watching them dying three times repeatedly.

When Jiang Chen died a fourth time, he laid on the ground, not getting up.

Fang JingXing sat next to him, discussing their attack plan. Feeling like he was not too happy, Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Let’s light up some fireworks to ease the mood?” sweDOz

Jiang Chen said: “Why light up fireworks in broad daylight?”


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Fang JingXing said: “So you can pewpewpew.”

Jiang Chen said: “No.” PwF0ks

Saying this, he recalled that he didn’t finish releasing the fireflies that he had purchased the last time after the hidden dungeon. As such, he took them out and released them all, watching them fly about while lying on the ground.

The flickering lights hovered and circled around them. The entire image looked extremely romantic.

The vice-CEO: “……It’s not him.”

Du FeiZhou: “……En.” O2o5uS

The two uncles, who had already bid farewell to their youth, ate several bites of dog food from the youngsters. For a moment, both of them felt somewhat weary.

The vice-CEO suddenly recalled something important: “Do they ever separate?”

Du FeiZhou: “No idea.”

The vice-CEO, with numerous issues to deal with all day and night, didn’t want to wait anymore. P DWVf

He came originally to meet the Wardcaster anyways. No longer planning to waste anymore time, he led Du FeiZhou to sneakily circle behind them. Controlling the sound of his footsteps and walking over, he saw the Wardcaster sit up coincidentally and yelled: “Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen turned his head around subconsciously.

The next second, Fang JingXing also turned his head.

Jiang Chen: “……” d2P1Mn

Fang JingXing: “……”

The vice-CEO: “……”

Du FeiZhou: “…….”

Four pairs of eyes met. tLomDU

The four people looked at each other silently, no one saying anything for a moment.

Regardless whether they were calm and composed, gentle and cultured, cheerful and outgoing, or indifferent and cold— A single word flashed across all of their hearts: Fuck.

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Jiang Chen and Fang JingXing were thinking about how treacherous Du FeiZhou and his companion were.

Du FeiZhou and the Vice-CEO both felt their hearts jump a beat when the Wardcaster turned his head, but then immediately afterwards, they saw Fang JingXing turn as well and thought, why did you turn your head, why did you join in on the action? HBt6xe

Despite this, there was a time difference between these two people. The Wardcaster turned his head earlier.

The Vice-CEO’s heartbeat jumped twice violently. Looking transfixed at the person in front of him, he couldn’t help but want to believe in mysticism for once.

Fang JingXing recovered first and greeted with a smile: “Chairman, you’re here also? Suddenly hearing a person behind us, it really made me jump in shock.”

In other words, they had turned their heads out of surprise. Qd8XIL

The Vice-CEO: “……”

This kid was really very annoying!

Translator's Note

Aka date someone closely related to him in some way— in this case meaning someone part of his gaming organization (or so they assume)

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  1. Fang JingXing recovered first and greeted with a smile: “Chairman, you’re here also? Suddenly hearing a person behind us, it really made me jump in shock.”

    Nice save 👏

  2. Bro the Vice CEO’s monologue bout the various types of transmigration tropes killed me-

    Also now I can’t help but imagine an au where Jiang Chen never got cancer but still got Fang Jingxing to puruse his 40+ year old self 💀 #blursed

    thanks for the chapter! they da sillies