It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch66 - He chuckled extremely softly.

Seeing the NPCs on the hillside, the players became excited.

There were many diverse tasks on the Bounty Board. Quite a few wild monsters and NPCs were created specifically for this board. JZrLhe

Especially since most of the Tier 9 and above tasks were locked, letting the NPCs stand around idle on the map constantly was too chaotic. As such, a refresh mechanic was designed for this— The corresponding target would only appear after accepting the task.

Watching the advancement of Tier 9 into Tier 10 was already extremely hard to come by, the advancement of Tier 9 into Tier 10 in the 2-man section of the Bounty Board was even less. Many players have never even seen the quest NPCs of the hardest task in the 2-man Tier 9 section. Naturally, they cherished the rarity of this sight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Horn] Mercury Fate Observer: Report—! The Ace has successfully found the Bounty target [screenshot]

[World] Tone Deaf: I’ll be there soon. Can you guys chat with the Aces to stall for time [Wailing] nGuTq3

[World] Flying Anxiety: Wah, a Wardcaster and Swordsman combo. That Swordsman looks so domineering!

[World] TangHuLu: The Wardcaster in a black shirt is actually somewhat good looking. Does the shop have this kind of fashion? I want to see the Ace wear it [drooling]

[World] Uncle Is Here: Come, let Uncle explain it for you guys. The special effect for when an attack build Wardcaster kills consecutively is that their shirt turns black. It’s not a fashion.

[World] I’m a Dumb: Oh damn cool!


[World] Gloomy and Depressed: Want to watch the Ace kill [Waiting in anticipation]

[World] Seeking God For Life and Soul: Ace, come kill all of us. I want to see your shirt turn black.

[World] Together Forever Through Old Age: Me too, Ace, don’t hold back.

[World] Wishing Bottle: What are the names of those two NPCs? J1dBgS

[World] Uncle Is Here: For Chen. They don’t have individual names, it’s combined.

[World] Gossip Consumer: Oho, the one above knows so much, keep talking [microphone]

[World] Book Collection: Is there some kind of story here [starry eyes]

Wandering Dreams has always been very sentimental with plenty of small stories and easter eggs that delighted people, not to mention, a lot of the stories were connected. o3Vh07

There were plenty of people like Du FeiZhou’s group who enjoyed digging up all sorts of information. That’s why they’d inquire about the NPCs’ names, wanting to know if they could make any discoveries.

But no matter what the people said, that Uncle did not speak again.

The Old But Vigorous members reached the hillside in haste, found a pretty nice observation spot under Du FeiZhou’s lead, and stood together to watch the people over here.

Fang JingXing was standing right next to Jiang Chen. ci2jHo

When Jiang Chen stopped, he already had a vague guess. After hearing the reply, he knew his instincts weren’t wrong and asked: “Created specifically for you?”

Jiang Chen replied with a soft ‘en’.

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Fang JingXing looked at the NPCs standing next to each other and couldn’t help but ask: “Was it really just friends?”

Jiang Chen said: “Otherwise?” TG6LkF

Fang JingXing said: “I was just asking out of curiosity.”

He felt a bit sour inside, but considering someone was willing to go to this step for Jiang Chen, he also felt happy for Jiang Chen. Adjusting his own emotions, he asked: “The Chairman and the others should be coming to watch as well. Do you plan to fight them?”

Jiang Chen said resolutely: “Yes.”

He looked at the Swordsman and still remembered him in his prototype phase. 5SvUjN

At that time, he had just won the Season 1 championship. Wandering Dreams was also just starting to expand the Bounty Board, about to add the ‘human imitations’.

He met a group of friends, which included Du FeiZhou and the others. One of them was a genius student who, after testing into college, deferred his studies to play competitively.

He had registered for a game related major, claiming that after he retires, he will return to school and work in Wandering Dreams in the future to develop a 5 star solo bounty. Not to mention, he had vowed vehemently: “I will put him in the hardest Tier to kill you with its difficulty.”

Jiang Chen said: “That’s impossible.” mbC3dZ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He had already crushed that person several times in the competition, but the guy was still high spirited and zealous: “Just wait and see. The class will be a Swordsman like me, wearing the same fashion that I’m wearing right now. When you come to fight him in the future, I will have him crush you.”

Aljcu Jtfc rjlv: “Cigluta, P’ii yf kjlalcu.”

Ktlr kjla fcvfv eq ijralcu 30 sfjgr.

Ktf qgbwlrfv rbib ybecas eialwjafis uba qijmfv lc atf 2-wjc rfmalbc. Ktfgf’r fnfc j yijmx Qjgvmjrafg jvvfv cfza ab tlw. 0HiFl3

Mbg Jtfc.

Mbg Jtfc.

C rfcafcmf revvfcis oijrtfv jmgbrr Aljcu Jtfc’r tfjv: Xifjwlcu ilutar, ogjmaegfv rajg, jcv atf ybecas kjii— Pc atlr ilof P vbc’a gfugfa mbwlcu ab Qjcvfglcu Ggfjwr.

The Glimmering Lights River and Fractured Star City that have existed for 30 more years, Chen Hui Lan Le’s commemorative statue, the NPCs from the 2-man bounty, the records created by Total Annihilation on the first clear leadership board…… These virtual computer data were like a line that connected his past and his present. V3cpN0

He has never loved a game like this before.

Much less be so privileged to have made such a group of friends, and so lucky to have awoken from his long sleep.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He calmed himself and said: “I will fight the Swordsman, you fight the Wardcaster. The Wardcaster should have been modeled after my stats back then, the difficulty might even be increased slightly.”

Fang JingXing looked at that dashing Wardcaster and said subconsciously: “How could I do such a thing?” k5JtY3

Jiang Chen’s complicated feelings instantly dissipated due to his words.

He looked at this League Adonis, who seemed to have casted away all restraints and was conducting himself unfettered right now: “……Normally when we PK, you’ve hit me plenty of times.”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “When you put it like that, I feel much better.”

Jiang Chen ignored him and turned to take a step forward. 3sEwi5

Fang JingXing said: “You start or I start?”

Jiang Chen said: “I will.”

As he spoke, he raised a hand and sent a basic attack at the Swordsman.

To prevent players from luring away an NPC to fight 2 v 1, the 2-man Bounty was designed as such that whenever one of the NPCs received an attack, both would enter battle mode. TDIZ3r

Therefore, the Swordsman and Wardcaster both started to charge at him the next second.

The Wardcaster behaved as Jiang Chen would usually. Raising his hand, a chain of black symbols appeared, casting a seal skill. Jiang Chen and Fang JingXing dodged nimbly and then separated to fight their respective opponent.

The surrounding players were extremely enthusiastic: “Oh oh oh, they’ve started, they’ve started!”

Seeing the Wardcaster fighting the Swordsman, the members of Old But Vigorous instantly felt very nostalgic. 4ilPsa

“This time I really want to fucking cry.”

“Actually, I kind of want to as well……”

“I’m getting on in age, can’t watch this anymore.”

“Stop talking already, careful your son will laugh at you.” wtjdW0

This Swordsman NPC was created for Chen Hui Lan Le.

Even though Chen Hui Lan Le passed away, that friend didn’t forget and wanted to fulfill his promise. As a result, when the prototype was created back then, it was people like them, ones familiar with Chen Hui Lan Le, who came to help test it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After the NPC was created, it existed like a myth within the lands of Wandering Dreams for almost 20 years. Besides them, no one else noticed him.

It was impossible for him to fight Chen Hui Lan Le now, but his wait has brought forth another black Wardcaster, so ultimately the wait was not in vain. abpB6E

The battle continued.

After Fang JingXing exchanged a few techniques with the Wardcaster, he swiftly made an assessment: “The difficulty level is raised slightly.”

Jiang Chen said: “Or perhaps it’s not.”

Fang JingXing couldn’t help but laugh: “Are you praising yourself?” La8Eug

Jiang Chen said: “You’re the noob here.”

As he spoke, he stacked 5 talismans on the Swordsman. Seeing the other swinging his sword horizontally at him, he hastily backed up.

Sure enough, when the Swordsman swung the sword, he added a charge skill as well. If Jiang Chen didn’t evade, it would have been enough to hit him. He remembered this setting. His friend harped about it before.

The observing players were shocked. eDjwXO

“Oh fuck, that attack just now scared me!”

“A sweep followed up seamlessly by a pierce, amazing.”

“The crucial matter is that he was even able to avoid that.”

“As expected of the Ace!” OkvRnV

There were a few streamers amongst the crowd. They were all live streaming.

Seeing so many observing spectators, not to mention Indulge was present, the five streamers of Indulge gave Fang JingXing a heads up and also started their streams. The number of online observers shot up like a rocket as well.

A lot of them were Fang JingXing’s fans, so they commented one after the other.

“Originally I wanted to watch Total Annihilation, but now I actually don’t know which one to watch.” Uo9RJ7

“+1, if Abyss isn’t Captain Fang, I’ll give you guys my head.”

“Sure enough, he didn’t leave Mercury Reflects Fate.”

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“Then are his feelings for the Wardcaster true or fake?”

“……This is quite the question.” JOMxIk

“Does anyone else remember the last time when he streamed, he said he liked the guy?”

“Oh fuck!”

The five live streamers watched the comments silently, thinking last time they were the ones shooting Fang JingXing with fireworks, this time it’s Fang JingXing’s turn to shoot them.

However, even if they didn’t stream, the video tonight will spread anyway; it’s all the same. I2cATf

After thinking this through, their emotions stabilized immediately and they returned their focus to the battlefield.

At this time, Fang JingXing got hit unfortunately and was sealed by his opponent. Feeling like it was truly hard to dodge, he said: “This skill of yours is really very annoying.”

Jiang Chen said: “You can try kneeling down.”

Fang JingXing said: “If I kneel down, will he spare me?” Cx9 Rb

Jiang Chen said: “Perhaps.”

Fang JingXing said: “On one knee?”

Jiang Chen threw him a ‘get lost’. Seeing the Swordsman utilizing his ultimate skill, he pressed explode.

10 warding talismans exploded at the same time. The brilliance from the techniques submerged them simultaneously, both sides suffering a hit. 2wiZ1B

He was about to follow up and press his attack when he saw the Swordsman flash forward with a thrust. Who knows if it’s due to the weapon or something, the damage was actually a critical hit. Caught completely off guard, Jiang Chen’s HP instantly dropped by a large amount.

Close range combat— was most horrendous for squishies.

What’s even more tragic was that his two instant seals were both on cooldown, so he was helpless against his opponent.

With low HP, he lasted at least one more minute before dying. KowCsq

Normally when PKing with him, Fang JingXing won 50-50. Right now, facing the black Wardcaster, whose difficulty level had been adjusted and attack pattern somewhat altered, Fang JingXing didn’t last too long either and died immediately afterwards.

The crowd watched with a sigh.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Advancing from Tier 9 to Tier 10 is, sure enough, hard.”

“All tasks above Tier 9 require multiple attempts to defeat them.” Xv1br7

“That’s normal. They’re unfamiliar with the NPCs, so it’s very hard to clear on the first try.”

“Speaking honestly, to fight for this long is already pretty amazing.”

After killing them, the two NPCs returned to their original positions and stood side by side.

Jiang Chen chose to revive on the spot. Lying on the ground, he gazed up at the splendid starry sky. YkL8Ru

—Utilizing my entire lifetime of blood and sweat, I vow to get revenge for this match.

—I’ll create an NPC just for you, are you proud?

—It will possess the image I have right now and teach you a lesson for everyone in the League.

—When you come to fight it in the future, I will have him crush you. ReZ C3

Jiang Chen chuckled extremely softly.

Fang JingXing heard it clearly. Breath stuttering slightly, he turned to look at Jiang Chen: “Feeling pretty happy getting crushed?”

Jiang Chen didn’t deny it: “En.”

Fang JingXing felt a bit sour again: “Which friend of yours is this? Did you guys have a very good relationship?” INzyk0

Jiang Chen said once again: “En.”

Fang JingXing asked tentatively: “How are they compared to me?”

Jiang Chen glanced at him, sat up, and decided to be a bit more straightforward: “Fang JingXing.”

Fang JingXing sat up as well: “En?” lpv8Sf

Jiang Chen said: “What have you been… thinking recently?”

Fang JingXing’s heart skipped a beat. He thought about the consequences of lying and instantly gave up on the idea. He said candidly: “I’m pursuing you.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He looked at the Wardcaster beside him seriously: “I like you.”

Jiang Chen said: “When did it start?” Gt7gSh

Fang JingXing said: “Discovered it not long after you returned after that disappearance.”

He couldn’t help but move a bit closer: “Can you give me a chance?”

They’ve been using squad chat all this time. The surrounding people couldn’t hear what they were saying. Seeing them sitting on the grass unmoving, they were rather curious.

“Are they still going to fight?” G0OjC8

“Definitely going to fight, they had only fought it once. Not to mention, the two Aces are not people who give up easily.”

“They should be discussing an attack plan. Let’s wait a bit more.”

“Is there any recording? Give it to them so they can see it from the audience’s perspective. Perhaps, it’ll be helpful!”

“Yes yes yes!” The crowd chatted and inquired. c8CvhA

A few seconds later, Gu Wen walked out and stopped in front of them. Then he saw Abyss move his hand and take a hold of the Wardcaster’s hand.

Gu Wen: “……”

He shouldn’t have come over.


Translator's Note

This is referring to the name of the task, which is Wei Chen, which translates to For Chen, as in “For Jiang Chen” but the players don’t know that

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  1. Hahahahaha not only does he need to run around in his underwear, he also need to eat dog food 🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!! <3