It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch65 - Abyss: For Chen

Coughing a few times, Xie ChengYan grabbed Fang JingXing’s wrist: “—What did you say?”

Fang JingXing signaled the AI to wipe the floor and thoughtfully pulled out a piece of paper towel to hand to his childhood friend: “Wait a second.” WzaK4A

Xie ChengYan accepted the paper towel and wiped his mouth messily, then balled it up to throw it on the table: “Talk.”

Fang JingXing raised his wrist, indicating for Xie ChengYan to release him: “Not this, wait a second first.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xie ChengYan thought to himself, was Fang JingXing only joking with him just now, and released his hand.

As such, Fang JingXing sat upright, leaned forward slightly to blow out the candle. Finishing this ritual, it meant that he was done making his wish. 5J2UeA

Xie ChengYan: “……”

Are you fucking even human(e)?

He asked: “You really like him?”

Fang JingXing nodded: “Really.”


Xie ChengYan said: “Not just lying to play with me?”

Fang JingXing said: “What do I gain from lying to you?”

Xie ChengYan felt a bit chaotic: “But why…why would you like him?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “He’s good looking, very strong and capable, and has a temper that suits my taste. Shouldn’t it be natural that I’d like him?” 6BMe2r

Xie ChengYan recalled his little uncle’s face and thought it sounded reasonable.

But this was Fang JingXing. Over the years, he has seen Fang JingXing’s suitors come one wave after another. No one could withstand this scourge. Here, he thought the other was going to be single for the rest of his life.

Thinking about it this way, his little uncle was actually pretty impressive.

Yet suddenly increasing one generation of seniority over him, this was really too scummy. DY3chV

Seeing his expression change back and forth, Fang JingXing asked with a smile: “If he’s searching for his other half, who would you prefer him finding? Shouldn’t this person have a good temper, with not too terrible looks, and know how to pamper people; best if it’s someone who you know their background and true nature?”

Xie ChengYan stared at him in silence.

Fang JingXing said: “Me and some random person you don’t even know, who do you trust more?”

Xie ChengYan couldn’t rebuke this at all. 39TcsF

After so many years of friendship, he couldn’t be any more clearer of the type of person JingXing was.

Reflecting honestly, if his little uncle and JingXing got together, he would indeed feel very assured. In fact, after considering all the people he knew, reviewing both men and women, JingXing was still the best option. At the very least, they had the same hobbies, a common language.

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He calmed down: “Does he like you?”

Fang JingXing said: “He doesn’t dislike me at the moment, and I don’t see any disgust.” KB0oxR

Xie ChengYan keenly grasped the crucial point: “This means he already knows you like him?”

Fang JingXing said: “En.”

Xie ChengYan said: “You confessed already?”

Fang JingXing said: “Didn’t confess officially yet, just said it to him while he’s sleeping last time.” v8mWet

Xie ChengYan blinked, digesting these words for a moment: “What do you mean by sleeping? In the game or?”

Fang JingXing said: “In real life. I visit him regularly.”

While visiting him, his little uncle would fall asleep?

No matter how Xie ChengYan thought about this, he felt it sounded strange and asked: “How far have you guys developed?” qBkVYD

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fang JingXing said: “To the point where we can get in bed together, under the same covers……”

Wlf JtfcuTjc lcrajcais gfmflnfv jcbatfg tfjns yibk ab tlr qrsmtf: “—Qtja?!”

Mjcu AlcuWlcu olclrtfv tlr kbgvr iflregfis: “Kb rla cfza ab fjmt batfg jcv kjamt j wbnlf. Lf ofii jriffq tjiokjs atgbeut atf wbnlf atbeut.”

Wlf JtfcuTjc qlmxfv eq atf mjxf jcv qblcafv la ja tlw: “P jvnlrf sbe ab atlcx yfobgf rqfjxlcu sbeg cfza kbgvr.” 5XCgWo

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “That’s all. We just watched a movie, I didn’t do anything else. On that day it was raining, the temperature was low, so we watched on the bed.”

He explained what he needed to explain. Looking at his childhood friend, he said: “Not joking around, I’m serious.”

Xie ChengYan fell silent.

Fang JingXing waited for him to recover. Instructing the AI to help the chef bring out the food, he filled a bowl of rice for his childhood friend and placed it in front of him. n6abdI

Xie ChengYan finally looked at him: “Alright, do your best.”

Fang JingXing said: “You’re not helping?”

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Xie ChengYan asked back: “You need me to help you?”

Fang JingXing said: “Not at the moment, but who knows in the future.” d4oD6c

Xie ChengYan rolled his eyes and picked up his chopsticks to eat, deciding to leave as soon as possible after eating.

This journey of his was completely superfluous. Like hell the most heartfelt, best bro of the nation— he had purely rushed over here to demote himself in seniority.

Fang JingXing said: “When are you going back?”

Xie ChengYan said: “My flight is tomorrow morning.” 82gOYm

Fang JingXing placed some food in his bowl: “That must be rough, eat some more.”

Xie ChengYan wanted to pick up the cake again: “Can you curb that mouth of yours? You’re not my aunt-in-law yet.”

Fang JingXing laughed out loud: “I’m usually pretty concerned about you.”

Xie ChengYan said: “Like hell. Normally when we eat together, would you add food for me?” dsgdoX

Fang JingXing thought briefly, put away the public chopsticks, and served a bowl of rice for himself.

Enduring the internal injuries he gained out of shock, Xie ChengYan finished eating the meal, chatted casually with Fang JingXing about nothing important, and then immediately bid farewell.

Fang JingXing walked him all the way to the car and watched him leave, then returned to his home happily to cut himself a piece of cake.

After giving Xie ChengYan a heads up, what’s left was making the pursuit. He slowly savored the taste of his childhood friend’s kindness, returned to his bedroom to put on the glasses, then entered the game. MmnXoi

Jiang Chen still didn’t return. His game character was afk by the lake.

Fang JingXing sat next to him and stared at him for a while, then reached out to touch his gold framed glasses, fiddling with the chain.

As soon as Jiang Chen got online, he was greeted by this view. He said coolly: “Don’t want your grubby paw anymore?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Just curious.” diBLYP

Jiang Chen put away the fishing pole and got up. Glancing around and seeing those unfortunate live streamers also returning, he was just about to walk outside when he asked: “Did you stream long enough?”

Fang JingXing said: “No.”

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Jiang Chen thought to himself, negotiating a live stream contract that involved fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, this was probably the only one in the entire league. He asked: “How many months until it ends?”

Fang JingXing said: “Next year in April. I’m fine as long as I stream enough hours before that time.” aFbZSr

He got up and also saw his friends. He said: “I told them we’ll live stream together the day after tomorrow. Will you play with us at that time?”

Jiang Chen said: “Nope.”

Fang JingXing said: “A team battle.”

Jiang Chen considered it briefly. zQKFwX

They had already reached the top of the ranks in the PK Arena. Even though there were no newbs in this rank, it was still more reliable to squad up with friends than strangers. As such, he said: “Alright.”

The two people chatted as they walked, arriving in front of the Bounty Board.

Normally, they played the Bounty Board during the day. However, they had reached the end of Tier 9 today and were only missing one more task to advance to Tier 10. As such, they wanted to finish it in one go.

There were plenty of people nearby. Seeing them come over, they instantly became excited. i z6wd

[Horn] The Strongest Summoner: Oh fuck, the two Aces are going to play the Bounty Board.

The entire server was in an uproar.

The 2-man column of the Bounty Board has been soaring upwards like a rocket. They were all aware of this.

Currently in the 10 VR servers, only Mercury Reflects Fate’s 2-man Bounty Board has reached Tier 9. This was already amazing enough. Who would have expected that these two Aces didn’t halt their momentum at all and looked as if they were going to rush for Tier 10. bpdMu7

They all knew previously that these two Aces only played the Bounty Board during the day. As such, they were all waiting to see a marvel tomorrow. Who would have thought the two people were so forthright and planned to play it tonight.

[World] Gold #16: ! ! !

[World] Walking Bounty: Did they accept?

[World] Kill Harvester: Just accepted, they are about to leave! 5MNt0E

[World] Gossip Consumer: Send the coordinates. If I don’t watch this, I will regret it for the rest of my life!

[World] Tears Are Worthless: That’s right. You guys better follow them closely!

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[World] Disobedient Fox: I’m going also, going to cheer the Aces on [happy]

[World] Lonely Hunter: Can’t follow any more, they entered a teleportation array ahhhhhh [meltdown] fCeuAq

[World] Skittles: Others, look around, quick ahhhhhh!

On Jiang Chen and Fang JingXing’s side, their private messages have exploded.

Besides the huge guilds, the Indulge members were also extremely curious, wanting to follow them and see.

Jiang Chen didn’t really understand this: “There were so many servers before. No one unlocked Tier 10?” mCHifn

Fang JingXing said: “They did, but very little.”

Jiang Chen said: “Professional players didn’t join the fray?”

Fang JingXing said: “They joined. For example, me. One of the server’s Tier 10 solo Bounty Board was unlocked by me.”

He remarked impartially: “It was very hard. I played it several times before finally clearing it.” KGsFNS

After the latter half of Tier 8, all the tasks from the Bounty Board were 5 stars in difficulty. There were no longer any tasks that involved gathering materials, only kill missions.

Meanwhile, after Tier 5, all the kill missions were divided into two types: wild monsters and human imitations.

“Wild monsters” were more similar to leaders of mobs or dungeon bosses, possessing the enrage mechanic.

“Human imitations” were made after players, similar to PKing against AI, so it’s a very good way to train PK skills. As a result, people who enjoy playing the PK arena also enjoy playing the Bounty Board. Ny1YvI

Jiang Chen said: “What about 2-man?”

Fang JingXing said: “I’ve never played 2-man.”

When picking to fight human imitations, it’s 1v1 in the solo column. In the 2-man mode, it would be 2v2. The system wouldn’t allow the players to go 2v1.

For the hardest task in Tier 9 of solo mode, even Fang JingXing had to play several times to pass despite his strength. If it were 2-man instead, the combo mode might not give them two with the same skills as Fang JingXing, but it’d still be pretty similar. AdLJEz

He said: “The competitive stage does not play 2v2 matches. Professionals usually play 1v1 or 5v5.”

As he spoke, he received another private message. It was the League Chairman, Du FeiZhou, who was also inquiring about the 2-man Bounty Board task.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[PM] Chasing the Wind: Which task did you guys accept?

[PM] Abyss: For Chen. IN1enb

[PM] Chasing the Wind: It’s located on ShenKong Mountains in the Netherwing Forest.

[PM] Abyss: Thank you, Chairman.

Du FeiZhou closed private messages and looked towards the Old But Vigorous members.

The group also looked back at him: “Which one did they accept?” uCUmJS

Du FeiZhou said: “For Chen.”

The group took a sharp cold inhale in unison.

“Then they’re finished.”

“Let’s go go go. Let’s hurry over and watch.” 2r8dQF

“Why the fuck do I feel a bit like crying?”

Currently the entire server was searching for the two Aces. The Netherwing Forest, however, was rather aesthetically pleasing. Players like to wander around here normally. As such, people discovered their figures very quickly and hastily sent a horn.

The crowd rushed over in waves, some even bought firework sticks, just waiting to cheer them on.

Fang JingXing shot them a glance. Kw9gHk

There were shimmering plants waving in the air, a lively and boisterous crowd, as well as them, who were in the middle of all the people…… He suddenly said with a laugh: “Don’t you think this atmosphere is super fitting for that?”

Jiang Chen said: “What?”

Fang JingXing said: “A marriage proposal.”

Jiang Chen said: “You can try it and see.” Vl fdj

Fang JingXing looked at him: “If I really do it, will you agree?”

Jiang Chen said: “Go stand to the side.”

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Fang JingXing naturally couldn’t be stopped.

He has already been exposed, so there was no need for misgivings. He brought up a previous question once again: “What type do you like?” ncQ5jV

Jiang Chen said: “Someone who’s reticent.”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Are you sure you’re not saying that purposely for me to hear?”

Jiang Chen said: “Certain.”

Fang JingXing wanted to ask more, but he heard other player’s voices. Raising his head to look, he said: “We’re here.” GZ7hNM

Hearing that, Jiang Chen looked over. His eyelid twitched.

He saw two people standing on the hillside, one with red hair, carrying a long Dao on his shoulder and looking rampant and aggressive; the other wore black shirt and black pants, with elegant and refined looks and gold rimmed glasses framed on his nose, looking extremely familiar— a black Wardcaster.

He abruptly looked towards the taskbar: For Chen.

He couldn’t help but stop walking. Av9p Y

Fang JingXing turned to look at him: “What?”

Jiang Chen said softly: “I recognize them.”

For a moment, he couldn’t describe his feelings right now: “My friend… designed this.”


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  1. Ahhhhhh I didn’t expect to see another tribute to Jiang Chen here! Hopefully he can tell Du Feizhou and the rest of his old teammates that he’s not dead one day

  2. Ahhh it all clicked when I saw wardcaster and Chen 😖 I feel like my heart is breaking, no doubt Jiang Chen’s old friends’ heart will too when they find out who he is eventually!