It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch64 - Let me light a candle and make a wish……

As Fang JingXing walked back, he contemplated Jiang Chen’s personality. He was pretty much certain now that Jiang Chen knew his intentions. That’s why the other had deliberately handed the binoculars to him and mentioned the streets outside, then left immediately after dropping these words.

He couldn’t help but recall the events of that day…… That day he thought Jiang Chen wouldn’t be logging in anymore, so he agreed to live stream with his friends. Later on, upon learning that Jiang Chen could play again, he added the other as friend right in the middle of the stream and said he liked him. 8B2XyO

For a second, Captain Fang almost lost his composure.

He took over a minute to recover before finally opening the door and returning to the room again.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Chen was eating fruit on the sofa. Seeing Fang JingXing come in, he shot over a cool glance.

This one glance was enough to make Fang JingXing’s heartbeat pick up. He calmly closed the door behind him. n60ubs

Jiang Chen said: “Done looking?”

Unable to tell if he meant the ducklings or the street, Fang JingXing said: “Done.”

Jiang Chen gave an ‘En’, picked up another piece of fruit, and continued to eat.

Fang JingXing looked at him: “You go there everytime it rains?”


Jiang Chen said: “Pretty much.”

Fang jingXing resisted the urge to keep asking and placed the binoculars back on the stand. Catching a glance of the Wardcaster statue nearby, he found a new topic: “You also ordered one?”

Jiang Chen said: “En, ChengYan also has it.”

He had filled in Jiang ShiLan’s address for his two items. When the items arrived, Jiang ShiLan brought it over for him. VBQGXq

The character and pose of the stand were personally selected by him. The store had designed a simple background scene that he liked very much. He asked: “Did you receive yours?”

Fang JingXing said: “Received it.”

He walked over to sit next to Jiang Chen, feeling like since they had gotten through that conversation, the minute sense of awkwardness a second ago has disappeared without a trace. He started to ponder about this matter and thought it was pretty nice. At least, Jiang Chen won’t misunderstand his words and actions in the future.

However, what exactly was Jiang Chen’s attitude on this matter? NTDqWO

It shouldn’t be disgust, Fang JingXing thought.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen definitely would have used the conversation to point out that he wasn’t a homosexual.

In other words, this meant he…… had a chance?

Fang JingXing’s thoughts instantly turned somewhat light. Looking at the person beside him and seeing him with slightly droopy eyes, Fang JingXing asked: “Drowsy?” sj1Omr

Jiang Chen said: “No.”

Fang JingXing didn’t believe him, but also knew that there’s no way Jiang Chen would abandon him to sleep. After contemplating for a few seconds, he said: “This rain won’t be stopping for quite a while. How about we watch a movie?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Chen didn’t have any objections: “Alright.”

It was already late autumn, but the heat won’t be turned on for a few more days. Now that it was raining outside, the temperature inside the room was very low. NoXpte

Jiang Chen found a blanket, wanting to throw it over their legs. Upon seeing Fang JingXing’s pants, however, he paused.

Fang JingXing had arrived before the rain started so his pants were very clean.

But perhaps Jiang Chen had gotten too accustomed to living in the research institution, he was now a bit mysophobic, unable to stand using the blanket before changing pants.

Fang JingXing has always lived very meticulously and was unable to stand this even less than him. ykaLAz

Looking over following Jiang Chen’s gaze at this moment, Fang JingXing said voluntarily: “Do you have extra pajama pants? I’ll switch.”

Jiang Chen said politely: “No need. Can just cover us directly.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fang JingXing said: “I’m not used to it.

Aljcu Jtfc lcrajcais rabqqfv vlrrejvlcu tlw jcv obecv cfk qjpjwj qjcar obg tlw. Ac4UjN

Mjcu AlcuWlcu kjr rilutais ajiifg atjc Aljcu Jtfc, rb atf qjpjwj qjcar mbeiv yf kbgc jr mgbqqfv qjcar.

Lf kfca ab atf yjatgbbw ab mtjcuf. Coafg mbwlcu bea, tf ibbxfv ja Aljcu Jtfc jcv atfc ibbxfv ja atf yfv, jrxlcu: “Qtfgf vb sbe erejiis kjamt wbnlfr?”

Jiang Chen said: “On the bed, with the screen projector.”

Fang JingXing said: “How about we watch on the bed? I switched clothes anyway.” k1CyUK

Jiang Chen said: “No.”

Fang JingXing said: “I can switch my shirt as well.”

Jiang Chen said: “No.”

Fang JingXing said, despite knowing the answer: “Why?” qrpJyQ

Jiang Chen looked at him expressionlessly, thinking, don’t you already know why?

Originally he had thought by mentioning the street incident, this guy would moderate some restraint, but he ended up revving up the intensity.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fang JingXing reasoned: “Watching on the sofa, our legs will be so uncomfortable, and our feet will be cold. Sitting on the bed, we can even stretch our legs.”

He suppressed his smile and said with a serious and earnest expression: “Besides, we’re both men, it’s not going to hurt if we sit on one bed together. What’s the matter, Uncle, afraid I’d eat you?” jU xbk

Jiang Chen: “…….”

The two people stood in the room, staring at each other.

A few seconds later, Jiang Chen pulled out a shirt with a cold expression and threw it at Fang JingXing.

“……” When Fang JingXing came here, he had never imagined that today, he’d develop and reach to the point where he could sit together with Jiang Chen under the same blanket. sTwaqc

However, he knew that he had reached his limits and didn’t dare to rush ahead recklessly. Suppressing his frisky thoughts, he picked a boring artistic film, told Jiang Chen that this was a good movie, and started playing it.

Twenty minutes later, he felt a weight on his shoulder. Turning his head slightly, he saw that sure enough, Jiang Chen had fallen asleep.

He lowered the volume and let Jiang Chen sleep for a while, then gently picked him up and laid him down flat.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but open his eyes briefly. 3mMN5v

Fang JingXing said softly: “Just sleep.”

Jiang Chen didn’t actually wake up so he didn’t resist the drowsiness and shut his eyes again.

Fang JingXing stared at him for a while and then leaned closer: “Jiang Chen, I like you.”

A warm voice entering his ears, Jiang Chen moved his head slightly and whispered: “……I know.” wKLvHS

Fang JingXing took a sharp inhale: “Do you think I have a chance?”

Jiang Chen didn’t answer this time. Drowning once again by sleep, he sank into dreamland.

Fang JingXing figured he had entered a deep sleep and couldn’t help but reach out to touch the beauty mark next to the corner of his eye. Not taking any other advantages, he covered Jiang Chen well with the blanket, quietly leaned back next to him, and watched him.

When Jiang Chen woke up, it was dark inside the room. It was still raining outside, but much lighter. k53Chn

He laid in bed reflecting for a few seconds before remembering Fang JingXing. Getting up hastily, he caught a glimpse of the note placed on the bedside table and turned on the lamp.

The rain has subsided. I’m going back now. Will come visit you another day.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Jiang Chen looked at the time and discovered that he had actually slept two hours. GZeLfg

It’s all because of the movie that a certain person had selected, talking about who knows what. Contemplating this, a thought came to mind. He pulled out the records and checked the ratings and summary. Seeing that Fang JingXing also didn’t finish watching the movie, he slowly realized in the aftermath that Fang JingXing might have recognized that he was sleepy and had purposely picked this.

Even though this League Adonis was occasionally an asshole, he was actually quite heart-warming to the people he cared about.

Jiang Chen fell silent for a few seconds. Then he put down the note and got out the bed to go to the bathroom. Walking halfway, he suddenly stopped.

When he woke up halfway, didn’t Fang JingXing ask him something? 5LprA1

Or did he sleep too deeply and dreamt that?

He thought for quite a while but still couldn’t figure out which one it was. Temporarily putting aside his questions, he went to eat when it was time and entered the game at night.

Fang JingXing had already logged in. Seeing Jiang Chen, he said with a smile: “Did you sleep well?”

Jiang Chen said: “Pretty good.” NlRA9X

Fang JingXing said: “Play in the PK Arena?”

Jiang Chen took two glances at him and nodded.

However, the two of them didn’t even walk to the entrance of the PK Arena when they saw Xie ChengYan log in.

As such, they backtracked. Hearing Xie ChengYan say he could play for the entire night, they called a few people and went to play the hidden dungeons with him. j9xukf

While Xie ChengYan followed them killing mobs, he listened to them narrate the Young Miss’ dungeon and story quest plotline, expressing the same emotions as 5cum: “A milk pup, the dev team really knows how to play.”

5cum said: “Right? I think so as well.”

Xie ChengYan was very invested: “Did you guys record the ending?”

5cum said: “Yes. I’ll send it to you.” RW CjN

After watching the video, Xie ChenYan felt it was quite aesthetic. Then listening to them describing his uncle’s different tactics, he instantly felt proud and followed after the other closely.

Jiang Chen patted him on the head.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Gou Cheng and the others silently glanced at these three, thinking— here it comes, the familiar feel is back again.

However, Fang JingXing already knew the truth this time and didn’t care at all. Thoughtfully helping his childhood friend complete the two hidden dungeons, he bid farewell to Gou Cheng and the others and went to take a stroll and chat with his friend. tWTOB5

At this time, they saw a message flash and a horn popped up.

[Horn] Gold #16: Amazing, nxk entered the playoffs. Everyone who said ‘now that Captain Fang has retired, they’re done, come out and dance another one for me!

Xie ChengYan looked at his childhood friend: “Your gaming organization was playing the preliminaries today, but you didn’t even watch it?”

Fang JingXing said: “I’m going to watch the playoffs.” mBeQk8

He knew the team’s situation.

After his retirement, it’s very likely they won’t be winning the championship this year, but they should be able to enter the playoffs.

Xie ChengYan said: “Can they win the championship?”

Fang JingXing said: “Will be hard.” lmOH2N

Xie ChengYan said: “Who’s in the playoffs this year?”

Fang JingXing said: “It will be decided the day after tomorrow.”

He glanced at Jiang Chen: “The other teams should be on vacation.”

Those people were busy playing in the league previously and had no time to play the VR game. It was basically only newcomers from the teams that were playing. gkTC6p

However, the regular season was about to end. The teams that didn’t make the playoffs have also become idle. Meanwhile, Wandering Dreams has launched the VR version. The future competitions will definitely switch from keyboard mode to VR mode. As such, these people will definitely buy the equipment and join to get used to it.

As a result, Fang JingXing gave Captain Jiang a warning in advance: “I feel like they will very likely come to Mercury Reflects Fate.”

After all, it had entered trending searches so many times, even people who didn’t play Wandering Dreams have heard of Mercury Reflects Fate’s reputation. It was impossible for them to be completely unaware.

Jiang Chen was very calm: “Then let them come.” 5 If4c

That’s right, why would his little uncle be afraid of them?

Xie ChengYan thought internally, not daring to mutter it out loud. Playing with his little uncle until he logged off, Xie ChengYan looked at his childhood friend: “I will find time to return in the next two days. Will you be home during these days?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fang JingXing said: “Yes.”

He asked: “Weren’t you going to go into the mountains?” Leld Z

Xie ChengYan said: “That’s right. It’s because my company heard that I’m heading into the mountains and staying there for a month that they moved one of my advertisements ahead of schedule. I need to make a trip back, stay for a day, and then return. When that day comes, I’ll meet you for dinner.”

Fang JingXing said: “Alright, I’ll be home both days.”

As such, Xie ChengYan bid farewell to him and logged off. He booked a flight for the next day, reached home at lunch to eat with his mom, and then learned of a major update: “What, JingXing knows?”

Jiang ShiLan said: “He’s already signed the confidentiality agreement.” 8zEu4y

Xie ChengYan hastily inquired what happened. After hearing the story, he deeply felt that his childhood friend was not human, even capable of guessing something like this.

And here he was especially careful to not reveal anything for his little uncle last night, yet this guy already knew!

After tidying, he rushed to the advertisement in the afternoon and then squeezed out time for dinner. Holding a cake and going off to find Fang JingXing, he felt that he must be the most heartfelt, best bro in the nation.

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Why did you buy this?” wWPgVk

Xie ChengYan said: “Didn’t come back on your birthday, so I’m making it up to you.”

Fang JingXing let him in with a smile: “Thanks.”

Xie ChengYan placed the item on the kitchen table and whispered: “My mom said you also know?”

Fang JingXing nodded. GEWYCn

Xie ChengYan instantly felt a weight lifted off him, thinking, there’s no need to hide it in the future anymore.

He explained the incident with the photo briefly and then opened the cake box: “I was in a hurry this time, will give you your birthday gift in the future.”

Fang JingXing said: “There’s no need for presents. Just let me light a candle and make a wish.”

Xie ChengYan said: “Alright, go ahead.” 68oyIK

Fang JingXing looked at him: “Any wish is fine?”

Xie ChengYan pondered for a moment and guessed that Fang JingXing might want his help in signing Jiang Chen into his gaming organization. As such, he answered happily: “Anything is fine. I’ll help in whichever way I can.”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fang JingXing: “Then I’m making my wish?”

Xie ChengYan poured a cup of wine for each of them. Picking up the cup and bumped glass with him, he said encouragingly: “Wish boldly.” KMAZlo

As such, Fang JingXing lit a candle and wished sincerely: “I hope I can marry your little uncle soon and become your aunt-in-law.”

Xie ChengYan: “…….”

Caught completely off guard, he instantly spat out the wine in his mouth.


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