I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh176 - To Find Him

Xu Yintang looked forward to the art class, even though the cafeteria meals were often lacking in oil and salt – after all, he never failed to finish them without changing his expression.


Similarly, while others found it strange and even malicious to say that young people were ignorant and cruel, Xu Yintang found it amusing.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was like a flock of sheep having a meeting.


However, Shi Yuebai watched for a while and expressed that such psychological tactics, the so-called power of words, were formidable, with invisible malicious words hurting more than knives.


If some psychological defenses were not strong enough or if one’s perception was overly sensitive, unprepared players might be influenced by such insidious whispers, causing a certain degree of interference in judgment.


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It wouldn’t necessarily lead to a sanity check, but it would definitely result in mood swings comparable to those of girls during certain days of the month.


Don’t ask Shi Yuebai how he understood the impact of female physiology on emotions; when it came to those days of the month for their teammate Zhang Yixin, his mouth became as silent as a mute.


It was all a tale of blood and tears.


Unfortunately, Xu Yintang had anticipated for half a day, but as he entered the classroom with the bell ringing, it wasn’t the eagerly awaited Teacher Yu, but instead several math teachers who had already taught consecutive classes in the morning.


“Teacher Yu is on leave, so let’s continue with math. We’ll have a quiz during this class.”


The math teacher started distributing papers without paying attention to the widespread lament below.


“It’s math class again! Save the children!”


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“It’s been three weeks! Will we ever have art class again this semester?”


Furthermore, some students whispered about not seeing Teacher Yu for three weeks—


“Is Teacher Yu not coming back? I heard he’s planning to resign…”


“Yes, I heard that too. It seems like he’s moving to another city!”


“I heard from the office that he handed in his resignation letter!”


“No, I don’t want that—I really like Teacher Yu…”


Xu Yintang listened attentively to the murmurs of every student while handing the last paper to Xu Zhongping. Seeing Xu Zhongping staring blankly at others discussing Teacher Yu’s resignation as if he had heard some unbelievable bad news, it was as if the sky had fallen.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


We Tlcajcu rtbbx atf qjqfg ab wjxf j rbecv, jcv bcis atfc vlv We Itbcuqlcu mbwf yjmx ab tlr rfcrfr, ajxlcu atf qjqfg jcv rajglcu yijcxis ja la obg j ktlif yfobgf qlmxlcu eq tlr qfc ab kglaf.


Fcvfg remt mlgmewrajcmfr, tlr jmmegjms gjaf wluta cba fnfc regqjrr Olaaif Gjgilcu’r tjyla bo rfifmalcu jii bqalbcr J.


Not having art class and not seeing Teacher Yu didn’t disappoint Xu Yintang much. Taking exams was nothing new to him, so he enthusiastically filled out the despised math papers, not caring about the score since he didn’t need to get them signed by his parents anyway.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

However, Xu Yintang didn’t forget his mission as a student. During break time, he seized every opportunity to talk to Xu Zhongping. Having experienced one-on-one tutoring with Shi Yuebai, Xu Yintang was very skilled at engaging in conversation and probing for information. Besides, this chubby version of Xu Zhongping was much more lively than the withdrawn version at the hospital. Even if it was just small talk like “hello” and “have you eaten,” at least he got a response.


By the time everyone said goodbye, Xu Yintang had successfully managed to make Xu Zhongping smile awkwardly and politely reply, “See you tomorrow.”


They were among the last students to leave the school. Xu Zhongping was assigned as a duty student and had to stay until this late hour, while Xu Yintang and a few others openly claimed they still had paperwork to handle, so they stayed behind under the guise of completing transfer procedures. Meanwhile, Xu Yintang kept an eye on Xu Zhongping while surveying the situation both inside and outside the school building.


In theory, this task should have been done as soon as they entered school, but with the crowded and chaotic daytime environment, it wasn’t convenient to carry out. Also, the vague sense of being watched by someone targeting Xu Yintang made it seem threatening, so it was safer to investigate after everyone else had left.


Starting a fight wasn’t out of the question, but with the gray part-time job, one only got paid upon successful completion. If the school ended up being the second Jiangcun, and they couldn’t find anyone to pay, they’d end up working for free. That wouldn’t do.


Adhering to the principle of low-key development in the early stages, Third Flora didn’t aggressively infiltrate the entire school campus. Instead, they lightly surveyed their own class, teachers, along with the principal and vice-principal, leaving a slight shadow akin to the one in the hospital. It felt as if their nest had easily taken root deep within, permeated by a sense of blood-soaked softness, but not as intense as the accumulated century-old aroma in the hospital.


Third Flora licked her lips and, after some maneuvering, managed to squeeze onto her mother’s arm, her delicate doll-like face adorned with a sweet smile, with faint glimmers of butterfly wings shimmering beneath the surface, giving her eyes a mysterious depth, extremely charming.


Unfortunately, this face only evoked words like “smelly little brother getting ahead” when seen by Second Treasure. So he snorted with a cold face and grabbed Little Darling’s arm to make do with it.


Although mother’s other arm was empty, but with the male mistress walking on that side, holding mother’s hand, their fingers intertwined, palms pressed together, leaving no chance for other cubs to sneak in. There is no chance to take advantage of any loopholes.

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Truly a cunning little male mistress.


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Second Treasure kept on grumbling, and Little Darling comforted it by stroking its hair. There was a subtle difference between human hands and its tentacles—the little brother’s hair was soft and fluffy, giving a different tactile sensation.


Little Darling kept stroking a few more times.


So, only Fourth Joy and the equally half-forgotten soul, Casey Cat, were left. Casey Cat stole glances at Fourth Joy, whose face combined the advantages of Xu Yintang and Shi Yuebai, looking so good that it softened Casey Cat’s heart. It attempted to say something but retreated under Fourth Joy’s cold gaze, reminiscent of scrutinizing goods in a store, which made Casey Cat feel defeated.


Fourth Joy admitted that it was indeed coveting Casey Cat’s face, which resembled its mother’s skin. It wanted to tear it off and wear it itself to have a face that looked more like its mother. But doing so would surely make its mother very angry, so it could only bite its finger and desperately resist the urge, satisfying its craving by taking a few more longing looks.


I really want it…


I really want it…


Mother… Mother’s face…


Xu Yintang, sensing something, turned his head back, and a tentacle extended, wrapping around Fourth Joy’s figure. Affectionately, it tapped Fourth Joy’s cheek, then pointed at the nose, reminiscent of when Fourth Joy was a little humanoid, resembling Shi Yuebai. Fourth Joy immediately smiled in surprise, revealing shallow dimples on his cheeks and a slightly chubby baby fat, making anyone who saw him unable to resist the urge to pinch.


Mother touched it…


Fourth Joy took a few steps forward, reaching out to tug at the hem of Xu Yintang’s clothes, his face expressing childlike contentment.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

With such expertise in being adorable, it wasn’t surprising when Shi Yuebai and Casey Cat were squeezed into another car on the way back to the hotel. Little Darling also came over, having been promised by mother that they could sleep together at night, so the eldest son didn’t need to compete with his younger brothers. Little Darling calmly sat in the car, watching the other side where his brothers fought to occupy the left and right sides of their mother, trying to claim the best spots.


But when the car arrived, Xu Yintang took the driver’s seat, clearly assigning the three siblings to the back.



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Meanwhile, Xu Zhongping, carrying his backpack, walked back to his home hidden in the cramped alleys of the old city.


Standing at the mouth of the alley, hearing the familiar quarrels echoing as they did every day, made Xu Zhongping’s stomach churn.


Although no neighbors were walking in the alley, hidden eyes glued to the air, the deep and dark alley seemed like a passage to a monster’s stomach. Walking in, it would rot and stink, turning into a disgusting, sticky mess.


Unable to bear it, Xu Zhongping retreated, suddenly feeling a surge of energy in his body, propelling him to turn around and sprint out of the alley as if fleeing for his life.


Left behind in the dim alley, the sounds of men’s curses and women’s cries continued, enveloped in the dim night like a long sigh.



At midnight, after returning to the hotel, full and content, Xu Yintang went back to the school once again. Taking off their school uniforms, the siblings reverted to their original forms. They each nestled against their mother, and only one taxi was needed for the outing.


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“You can’t take off the school uniform at school, but it’s good to take it off when you’re out, otherwise you can’t take a bath.” Xu Yintang pinched Second Treasure, who was acting cute in his arms. The infantile hair was fluffy and soft, carrying the scent of hotel shower gel.


“A lot of restrictions disappear once you leave the school.” Shi Yuebai pondered. “However, there may still be repercussions. Some students have become noticeably more aggressive towards Xu Zhongping, but it hasn’t escalated to violence… The main restrictions are still within the school. If there’s a fight, it’s best to take it outside.”


“For the sake of getting paid, the principal won’t die.” Xu Yintang said, “Third Flora let the Butterfly keep an eye on him, trying to ensure he stays alive… If something unexpected happens, let Fourth Joy try to invade his account. Before being discovered, transfer the money out. That should count as getting paid.”


Third Flora’s butterfly flapped its wings and protested against her mother’s distrust of herself.


Umbrella-like protection enveloped their mother as Fourth Joy extended a tentacle, indicating that they were ready to empty the principal’s bank account right now.


It was very determined!


Shi Yuebai looked at Fourth Joy who was eager to show off and thought about it for a moment, then whispered to Xu Yintang about his ears. As he spoke, he really bit the tip of Xu Yintang’s ear gently and asked for a lip-to-lip kiss for himself.


He had just given Xu Yintang a good idea, so he should taste a little sweetness.


After exchanging a few more kisses with Shi Yuebai, Xu Yintang assigned a task to Fourth Joy—”Go find out what’s going on with the principal’s report and bring back any records you find.”


Glancing at the dimly outlined school not far away, Xu Yintang paused and added, “Little Darling, when we get off the car later, make sure to bring Xu Zhongping down first.”


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With that, he finally rescued Xu Zhongping, who had been crouching on the wall for hours.


Trying to climb over the wall into the school, but unable to climb down, Xu Zhongping was trembling with fear and almost driven mad. Even though he wanted to scare himself by being grabbed by Little Darling’s tentacles, he felt powerless, only sniffling with a sense of helplessness.


Facing the strange and unfamiliar figures, the timid teenager, who had been shrinking during class, suddenly appeared calm and resolute.

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“I want to go in and find someone,” Xu Zhongping declared.


“Who do you want to find?” Xu Yintang asked.


“Our art teacher, Yu Kongyou,” Xu Zhongping replied.


“Didn’t they say he resigned?”

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“He didn’t,” Xu Zhongping said, sniffing and feeling his eyes welling up from the wind. “I know he didn’t. He’s still in the school, and I have to find him.”


He had to… he absolutely had to find him.



Author’s Note –

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


At this moment, Yu Kongyou in the hospital sneezed. pSn1Ph

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