I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh170 - Like Rose Petals

Second Treasure laughed at the male mistress’s little belly and almost laughed out loud, but Shi Yuebai gave up on himself and gave up on breathing. Tighten the abdomen and try to make amends.


The hot and soft flesh on the young man’s body was very much like Second Treasure’s furry belly, and just the combination of such soft flesh with Shi Yuebai made Xu Yintang unable to help but rub it a few more times.


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This is Shi Yuebai – the same Shi Yuebai who beat him until he vomited on the training field yesterday.


Xu Yintang felt like he would lose 100 million if he didn’t touch Shi Yuebai a bit more.


But Shi Yuebai was not a weak young master who would collapse with just a push. Instead of showing weakness, he raised his hand and embraced Xu Yintang’s neck to kiss him.



The clearly protruding vertebrae on Xu Yintang’s back and the scattered scars crawling on his body breathed with his fingertips, and the rough, cold touch felt like touching shattered glass, revealing a beauty that he had never seen on Xu Yintang before, sharp yet reminiscent of fragility.


Young people always seem to be covered with a layer of pure filter for any action.


Even when Xu Yintang and Shi Yuebai kissed each other, rolling on the bed until most of their clothes disappeared, their breath intertwined and their skin touched, it was just like two cats licking each other’s fur, or two happy little dogs rubbing against each other in the grass, without any hint of the kind of… erotic atmosphere that would make people’s hearts race just by looking at it after they became adults.


Xu Yintang’s lips were moist, bitten like rose petals, filled with happiness that made the cubs want to climb into bed and roll around together.


The young mother of the little ones welcomed the cubs with open arms, his physical changes perhaps affecting his psychology to some extent. On one hand, the adult part of him kept muttering nonsense like “this is not suitable for children, can’t teach the little ones bad things,” while on the other hand, the teenage part of him held the little cubs in one hand and held Shi Yuebai in the other, filled with a lot of self-satisfaction, thinking, “I am truly amazing!”


The little ones sensed the signal their mother was sending them at this moment—it was indescribable, but just like when they were chicks chirping for their mother.


It was like an order from the womb that gave them life, or like an instinct carved into their souls before they were born.

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Snfc Mbegat Abs, ktb aglfv rb tjgv ab ybjra jybea yflcu wjaegf, raemx bea tlr afcajmifr jcv kgjqqfv atfw jgbecv tlr wbatfg, fzmlafvis fwlaalcu j ojlca fifmaglm meggfca.


Snfc atbeut We Tlcajcu, lc tlr affcjuf nfgrlbc, kjrc’a erfv ab fifmaglm rtbmxr, tf vlvc’a olcv la nfgs qjlcoei. Pa kjr pera ilxf j rmjg revvfcis mbwlcu jilnf jcv ylalcu tlw, ralweijalcu tlw. Lf mbeivc’a tfiq yea rilutais rtglcx tlr ybvs, mieamtlcu atf agjcriemfca ewygfiij tjcvif bo Mbegat Abs.


“Don’t bite me,” the hoarse voice of the teenager during his vocal change was firm and uncompromising. “Or I’ll throw you out.”


The umbrella handle he held turned gray, representing low spirits and fear. Fourth Joy shrank his toes pitifully and confessed his momentary loss of composure to his mother.




Xu Yintang raised his eyebrows and looked at the other three cubs one by one. Logically, the lily version shouldn’t have a mother figure with authority, but as soon as his gaze swept over the cubs, they reflexively trembled, quickly adopting the appearance of well-behaved children with tails tucked and eyes lowered.


Shi Yuebai was also glanced at by him, like a big wild cat judging a domesticated milk cat that had intruded into its territory.


—Soft and tender, and even shorter than him by a head, with a fighting power that seems to be less than five.


But judging from the fact that no one really pinned anyone down when they were rolling around just now, appearance doesn’t necessarily represent actual combat power.


“Probably about thirty to forty percent left,” Shi Yuebai assessed, “If I call out Casey Cat, I can barely unleash half, but my current physical strength… half an hour is the limit.”


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Judging from his height, he belonged to a late-developing group, but unfortunately, he was a warrior-type competitor who relied heavily on physical attributes. Once the hardware level doesn’t meet the standard, no matter how advanced the core is, it has to be halved.


Xu Yintang also estimated the strength of his current state, “I still have about half—” He paused, closed his eyes to concentrate on sensing the tentacles sleeping under his skin, and after a while, he opened his eyes and corrected himself, “About seventy to eighty percent.”


Several tentacles, which were very familiar to Shi Yuebai, curiously wrapped around this prey with a new skin. In the concept of tentacles, the juvenile form emitted a fresh and tender breath of life, enveloping the still powerful and boiling soul under the skin, with a complex and novel fragrance that was very tempting to the tentacles.


The tentacles that shouldn’t have awakened at this time rubbed against Shi Yuebai’s neck, each emitting a hungry longing.


So they were reluctantly pushed back into Xu Yintang’s skin, squirming restlessly under the skin for a while before settling down obediently.


As long as he can control these tentacles, he could revert his skin, which had been modified by the instance magic, back to its original version, even though these tentacles were still the ones from his teenage years. Combined with the soul of adulthood, he still had about seventy to eighty percent of his combat power.


Furthermore, Shi Yuebai’s foundation is there. With thirty to forty percent of his strength left, a camel is still bigger than a horse, and with the addition of experience bonuses and items in the system backpack, soloing certain B-grade instances is not a problem.


Their confidence in their own strength is also the capital that allows them to change their skin suddenly without nervousness. After some playful teasing and ordering a local specialty for dinner from room service, they sat by the floor-to-ceiling windows, slurping noodles soaked in bright red and slippery chili oil under the deep night sky, discussing their mission.


“The terrain is all part of Ping City No. 3 Junior High School. Two worlds should have some overlap or adjacency in space,” Shi Yuebai said, his nose turning red from the spicy oil. 


“In the mission information given to us by Wang Laowu, the names of the principals, vice principals, and deans of No. 3 are the same as the intelligence from the national special department, but those people died over a decade ago on the national side.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xu Yintang thought for a moment. “So we can speculate that the No. 3 in this world is the No. 3 where Xu Zhongping was still studying over a decade ago?”


“Yeah, and part of Ping City is also included,” Shi Yuebai said, scrolling through his phone to search for some place names, and then looking at the information that popped up. “Mainly the old city area around No. 3. Over on our side, they started demolishing and rebuilding before Xu Zhongping moved away, but it’s still the same here.”


…What does “the same” mean?


It’s the kind of old that makes it hard to breathe in narrow alleys, with a sky overhead that’s perpetually cramped and dark, devoid of any other color. It’s perpetually damp, murky, with potholed roads collecting green and stinking dirty water.



Standing at the intersection on this side, the teenager could clearly hear the cursing of men and the wailing of women from the end of the road. From the cracks in the doors and windows on this side, mocking gazes that stabbed him with pain could be seen.


Wearing an ill-fitting old school uniform, the teenager with flesh bulging under the tight clothes lowered his head, fingers picking at the straps of his school bag, unable to move forward as if he were a thief. He wanted to close his eyes and quickly run back home, but the sharp laughter from physical education class lingered in his head like a nightmare that couldn’t be dispersed.


“Ha ha ha, look at his fatty!”


“Fatty! Xu Zhongping is a fatty!”


The teenager couldn’t help but cover his ears in pain, crouching down.


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The dim streetlight shone on him, with nothing under his feet.



Author’s Note –


The little Tang is really so sweet, sob sob sob. gf1zlD


It took me a while to try to write out that kind of innocent feeling between young people and puppies, sob sob.

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  1. So XZP had this kind of past…no wonder he’s gloomy all the time, and the mentioned suicidal tendencies some time ago…my heart aches

    …come here my XZP baby (つ╥﹏╥)つ