I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh167 - Many Habits  

A grave silence spread in the office.


In an instant, a bone-chilling coldness erupted from Yu Kongyou’s body and spread outward. The sudden drop in temperature made Xu Zhongping shiver, instinctively curling up his body, a look of panic crossing his face. The howling wind abruptly paused, then dissipated without a trace.


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Forget it.


Yu Kongyou thought, blinking away the blood tears that tainted his vision, and tapping the butterfly that flew out of the shadows.


“It’s just a small matter, no need to worry,” he said, as the butterfly landed on his hand and nonchalantly flew out of the window as if it were just passing by to supervise whether he was working properly, completely unconcerned about his momentary emotional turmoil.



Third Flora is not a tsundere, and she looks extra cute when she acts awkwardly like this occasionally.


Yu Kongyou’s bad mood instantly cleared up, and he persistently poked Xu Zhongping, who was still hiding under the desk, muttering, “It’s really useless.”


Xu Zhongping obviously couldn’t hear his voice, but for a moment, it seemed as if he could feel something, so he curled up under the desk with a look of grievance.


From the perspective of Blake, who had landed on the windowsill and witnessed the scene directly, the imagery it evoked could only be classified as X-rated.


Tsk, tsk, tsk, humans really are energetic creatures, even after death, they can still cause so much trouble.


Yu Kongyou turned his head and met the gaze of Blake, raising an eyebrow. “What’s up?”


After wandering around the hospital for so long, have you finally gathered enough intelligence to come knocking on my door?


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Blake straightened his wings and adopted a gentlemanly demeanor, saying with a refined tone, “I have a few small tricks, perhaps Your Excellency would be interested in hearing them?”


At this stage, most of the intelligence that could be collected has already been obtained, but as a newcomer, it’s still prudent to keep ambitions hidden and remain low-key.


Although this human soul is young and fragile, not even worth the weight of a hunting dog’s meal, it must still be treated with caution as a potential rival on the path to supremacy.


Blake’s mind twisted and turned, and he rehearsed the thirty-six strategies in his belly, but unfortunately, Yu Kongyou was currently not in the mood to play mind games with Blake. After pulling Xu Zhongping out from under the desk, he turned back to engage in a confrontation with Xu Zhongping.


“If you have any business, go directly to the dean, I don’t care.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dijxf milmxfv tlr abcuef ilxf j yijmx yfjc, abemtfv ys tlr rqffmt, atfc qjerfv atgfjafclcuis, “Qjla.”


Te Bbcusbe rfcrfv rbwfatlcu kgbcu lc tlr abcf jcv aegcfv la lcab j kjgclcu abcf, “Vqfjx qgbqfgis, bg P’ii ifa atf xlvr ylaf sbe.”


“…Yxjs.” Dijxf lccbmfcais yilcxfv, jcv mbcrlvfglcu atf batfg mbiifjuefr tf tjv rffc—remt jr atf boolmf gbwjcmf fcaterljra Ojkgfcmf, bg atf bqfcis lvif vfwbc rajaef Vlifcmf—tf ofia tf tjv j ugjrq bc atf kbgxqijmf fmbrsrafw.


Very well, the opponents are no match, and the day of becoming the master’s confidant is approaching.


Blake straightened his feathers, transforming from a dignified bird of death into a down-to-earth crow. It fluffed its chest feathers and then spoke in a much more straightforward and relaxed manner, “The master’s cub is preparing for a second transformation, and the master currently doesn’t have time for me. You’re more familiar with the situation here than I am. Let’s discuss it and then inform the master together; the chances of the master agreeing will be higher.”


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“Don’t call him ‘master,’ that’s your master. My relationship with him is purely hierarchical.” Yu Kongyou rejected this kind of affectionate term that could lead to complications, gesturing for Xu Zhongping, who still refused to come out, to take the table and casually taking a seat on a chair. “Come on, tell me about your tricks.”


He wanted to see how much ink was in this big crow’s belly, so he could estimate how to squeeze the labor it offered.


As for Blake’s coveted position as Xu Yintang’s confidant?

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Rest assured, in this hospital, regardless of whether they were alive, dead, or something else, no one wanted to compete with him.



In the blink of an eye, several more days passed.


Fourth Joy finally finished consuming the World Heart from the gift box and entered the next stage, transforming from a puddle of liquid back into a plump solid.


The whole body remained a beautiful, crystal-clear blue, but now there was a small light cluster within the soft, moist body, like a giant magnet, instantly “attracting” the internal data flow that would fluctuate wildly with Fourth Joy’s emotions and movements.


The fish-headed monsters living inside its body had no idea what had happened, but they keenly sensed that their environment was changing—a slow yet irresistible transformation that would inevitably change them as well.


They howled in terror at this omen, and those individuals unable to adapt to the environmental changes soon screamed and dissolved into the seawater, turning into large patches of foam. Before long, a blinding white mist rose from the sea, and the water boiled, churning with thick white foam.


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But for those outside this little world, everything was simply Fourth Joy tumbling around in the gift box, transforming from a blue ball into a blue and white ball, and then falling asleep from being too full.


Before falling asleep, Fourth Joy was still thinking about how his mother also wanted to eat the World Heart. Therefore, he only ate enough to support his own shell-breaking and deliberately left some for Xu Yintang. He watched eagerly as Xu Yintang ate it, and only then did he contentedly smack his (non-existent) lips and nestle into the gift box to fall asleep.


Fourth Joy: “Hiss… Ah…”


Second Treasure, staring at his sound-asleep little brother, couldn’t help but yawn as well, curling up in his mother’s arms and closing his eyes half-open.


Xu Yintang silently tucked Second Treasure in a bit more. He also wanted to yawn and take a little nap—the documents in his hands were extremely tedious, and Blake’s chattering about three-year development and five-year plans was more sleep-inducing than a lullaby.


Unfortunately, the privilege of sleeping whenever one wanted was reserved for the little ones. Adults, no matter how tired, had to stay alert and work diligently.


Blake’s talk about expanding territories didn’t hold much appeal for Xu Yintang. To be honest, the only reason he hadn’t just upped and left was that he was too deeply bound to the hospital; breaking this bond would be mutually destructive. He now understood this as a side effect of being expelled from the Void Sea. Without anchoring himself to the reality layer, he would immediately be mistaken by the world’s consciousness as an invading evil deity and swiftly eradicated, with a full cleanse and record wipe.


Compared to the Void Sea, a home where he couldn’t live as a human, Xu Yintang preferred the hospital with its steady supply of cola.


Xu Yintang was quite satisfied with the current state of the hospital, but couldn’t resist when Yu Kongyou and Blake hit it off, envisioning vast farmlands and thousands of miles of water waves (Blake: I didn’t say that). 


Develop the land! Develop the land! Develop the land!


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Yu Kongyou was just complaining that the hospital didn’t have enough land for his planting.


Xu Yintang: …


Let him think… There were still about ten days until the next instance opened, and running some training instances in between wouldn’t disrupt real-world time. Shi Yuebai was busy these days negotiating information exchanges with other player factions and laying the groundwork for potential game system integration. Even if he wanted to apply for some close time with Xu Yintang, it wouldn’t be approved. And as for the little ones…


“Well… it could work…”


Idle hands are the devil’s workshop, after all.


Thus, before Xu Yintang could taste the small piece of World Heart that Fourth Joy had thoughtfully left for him, it was first taken and half of it contributed to the hospital.


Blake demonstrated to him how to use this energy from the world’s essence to expand the space. As a familiar, Blake’s power came from Xu Yintang’s power, and theoretically, Xu Yintang could perform even better than Blake. However, the cognitive gap caused by time couldn’t be quickly bridged through practice. Even though Xu Yintang’s learning talent was outstanding among his peers in the Void Sea, his mere twenty years of experience were far from enough for him to learn to view the “world” from a higher perspective.


The last time Xu Yintang managed world-level energy operations was when he wasn’t even human, and to avoid being exterminated by the world’s consciousness as a virus, he instinctively anchored the hospital in the real world.


In other words, he blundered through it.


For the first time, Xu Yintang, always a top student, experienced what it meant to be genuinely clueless.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

And what it meant for academic performance to affect a student’s mood.


Although the little ones sensed immediately that their mother was in a bad mood and vied to snuggle up to him as a considerate cotton-padded jacket, even Fourth Joy, who had just hatched with all his might, nuzzled him in his mind. But take a look at the male mistress, who was left outside the door by mother without mercy after his first-night attack failed…


You should know that before, the male mistress could at least make it to mother’s bed.


Second Treasure’s eyes rolled as he realized that this couldn’t continue. With his short claws, he began to dig into mother’s network of relationships and quickly locked onto a target.


— Xiao Qing, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a heavy consciousness and was met with countless spinning eyes. If Second Treasure hadn’t held on tight, Xiao Qing would have been scared awake on the spot.

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As the only designated financial supervisor of the sugar daddy group, Xiao Qing had been busy handling the spoils that Xu Yintang brought back from the Sin City dungeon until now. It had been a long time since he last saw Xu Yintang.


Those props and materials piled up into small mountains were indeed a lot, and aside from Huahua choosing to accept those human-skin gloves, no one in the team was interested in the other artistic items, and they sold poorly outside the team as well.

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Generally, as long as there are not too shabby alternatives, players tend to avoid using items made from human materials.


And Huahua accepting those gloves had little to do with Xu Yintang. If anything, it was because their captain had good taste. For the pharmamancer’s mutation, those gloves were the top-tier item with no equivalent alternative available in both the current and next stages, bringing immense benefits. Compared to that, Huahua gritted her teeth and said she could push herself a bit more.


“What’s a little human skin? It’s not like I haven’t worn it before.” Huahua opened her mutated, green-glowing eyes wide, her face showing an expression of serene enlightenment. “Everything in the world is but a dream and illusion.”


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Zhou Qian also comforted her, “When I mutated, I was also stuffed into human skin. Even now, I still feel that way when I transform. You’ll get used to it eventually.”


Like occasionally touching it more to foster feelings, taking care of it by regularly applying skincare products, and over time, you’ll become familiar with the parts that don’t belong to you, and everyone can get along harmoniously.



Author’s Note – jK386U


I still haven’t written about the new instance, darn it! [Pounds ground]


Blake, an overachiever who stands out in a workplace full of slackers at the hospital. pBc2sy

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