Marry my iron buddyCh15 - This is really “considerate”

Zhong Cai, seeing Zhong Guanlin so “filial piety” towards him, opened his mouth “frankly” without him needing to ask.

“I won’t hide it from you, Dad. Besides these that I’ve given you, I’ve also refined 160 pills. I gave 80 to Shaoqian, and he helped me sell the other 80 to the Wu family’s pill hall. I’ve kept all the silver coins from the sales.” He raised two fingers and his eyes sparkled brightly. “My pill success rate is 20%.” 1Ch9o3

Achieving a 20% success rate at the outset! Zhong Guanlin rapidly calculated in his mind, feeling remorseful—Even if Xiao Liu’er’s talent for refining other types of pills is slightly weaker, his future achievements will still be limitless.

If only he hasn’t married him off…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, Zhong Guanlin was a man of deep thought and did not show any emotion on his face. Instead, he smiled and put away the box. Then, he raised his hand and stroked Zhong Cai’s head, praising him affectionately, “Truly my Zhong Guanlin’s son!”

He thought to himself: It’s fortunate Xiao Liu’er has a good relationship with him. As long as he supports him vigorously in the future, even if the benefits that the Zhong family can gain are limited, he can still benefit a lot as a biological father. pZdrKV

Zhong Cai continued chatting with a grin, “Next, I’m planning to refine a pill that protects the skull, the ‘Hu Shou Dan’. You know what that is, right, Dad? Once I refine it, it’ll be very profitable.”

Zhong Guanlin was very generous, “If you want to learn, Dad will support you! How about this, I’ll gather ten thousand pairs of medicinal materials for you. Take your time, and don’t worry about the materials being insufficient.”

Zhong Cai hurriedly shook his head, pretending to refuse, “How could a married man keep asking his father for money? There’s no need to spend more; I have plenty of savings, and Shaoqian has given me tens of thousands of gold. It’s enough for me to buy medicinal herbs.”

Zhong Guanlin was initially just shocked, but now he realized, from the tone… Xiao Liu’er and Wu Shaoqian are already so close?


But thinking about it, it made sense. Wu Shaoqian used to be such a figure; how could he not recognize Xiao Liu’er’s value? Moreover, their relationship is already like that of a married couple, making it easier to get closer.

Many thoughts crossed his mind, but on the surface, Zhong Guanlin laughed heartily, “Your husband giving you money is his business, but as your father, knowing my son has talent, how could I not help? Listen to your father, you should get what you deserve.”

Zhong Cai pretended to ponder, hesitantly saying, “I can’t always take from my father’s resources, but I understand your concern… At most five hundred batches. If, after refining these, I still see no hope, it means I’m not suited for this and should stop the losses in time and switch to refining other pills.”

Zhong Guanlin found this reasonable and nodded with relief, praising, “My son has a plan in his mind, that’s excellent.” e4o627

Zhong Cai was very satisfied. Indeed, he couldn’t take too much, but a steady flow would be fine, with moderate amounts.

“If I manage to refine them, I’ll still give some to you, Father.”

Zhong Guanlin said kindly, “Alright.” That’s how it is. When he can refine higher-grade pills in the future, he shouldn’t forget him.

This led to another display of fatherly kindness and filial piety. Qfvjbh

When Zhong Cai returned to the Wu family, he brought along medicinal herbs worth a thousand gold for making Hu Shou Dan.

Wu Shaoqian raised an eyebrow as he looked at the few baskets of medicinal herbs piled on the ground.

Zhong Cai began to speak eloquently.

“I’ve thought about it. No one around here has seen Yangji Dan. If I refine them and sell them in the surrounding towns, it would be easy for people to find out that I made them, and the Wu family would know too. So this time, I’m planning to learn to make two types of pills simultaneously. If it goes well, I’ll present the Hu Shou Dan publicly and sell the Yangji Dan privately…” 9S2sZM

Zhong Cai described his plan with animated enthusiasm, showing no doubt about his ability to refine the pills, exuding confidence.

Seeing his friend like this, Wu Shaoqian felt good as well, listening and nodding in agreement.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Receiving the response he wanted, Zhong Cai was even more elated.

At that moment, Zhong Da suddenly came in to report, “Young masters, there is a guest outside.” F5x1mb

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian exchanged a glance.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This must be the follow-up to selling the pills; the response is quick.

Lbkfnfg, ybat bo atfw ecvfgrabbv atja ktlif wlcuilcu klat atf Qe ojwlis jcv yflcu ecvfg atflg qgbafmalbc, la kbeivc’a tega ab jmalnfis rtbkmjrf atflg jylilalfr. Yatfgklrf, lo atf Qe ojwlis vlrmbnfgfv Itbcu Jjl’r ajifcar ijafg jcv ofia jcs gfrfcawfca, la kbeiv yf agbeyifrbwf.

Itbcu Jjl rjlv, “Ofa atfw lc.” 7Pmsxd

Itbcu Gj delmxis kfca bea ab bqfc atf vbbg.

Wu Shaoqian and Zhong Cai also stood up and walked out to the second gate.

After the courtyard gate opened wide, a robust middle-aged man dressed as a steward entered.

Following him, a group of graceful beauties stepped in, each with a distinct charm—some were elegant, others vibrant, alluring, or gentle, encompassing all types of beauty. WdK3Vj

Wu Shaoqian unconsciously frowned.

The middle-aged man, despite being a servant, exuded great strength. He cupped his hands in salute and respectfully said, “Greetings to Young Master Shaoqian and Alchemist Zhong.”

Wu Shaoqian introduced the man to Zhong Cai, “This is my father’s loyal bodyguard, Steward Da.”

Zhong Cai smiled and returned the greeting with Wu Shaoqian, politely asking, “Has the master of the house given any instructions for Steward Da to convey?” U5CBO

Steward Da, despite his rough appearance, was quite eloquent. He courteously replied, “The master has heard of Alchemist Zhong’s outstanding abilities and feels he has been neglectful. Thus, he instructed me to bring some maidservants for Alchemist Zhong to use. Alchemist Zhong may select any that you find suitable, and they can stay to assist you.”

Zhong Cai glanced over the group and asked, “What skills do you all have?”

He had expected resources, but additional help would do as well.

The beauties were momentarily stunned. Fh2MAd

Wu Shaoqian, initially feeling somewhat displeased, paused at these words and couldn’t help but smile.

Zhong Cai, not being foolish, immediately realized the situation and his face turned livid.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Looking more closely, he noticed that among the group of beauties, besides the seven or eight youthful and beautiful girls, there were also quite a few stunning cross-dressing men. What the hell is this? Are they trying to send him bedwarmers and insult his friend?

Zhong Cai struggled to stay calm and refrain from cursing. KG0Upc

After all, this was the Wu family’s so-called “good intentions.”

How “considerate” of them. If he is a straight man forced into this marriage, he can pick any maid he wants, and once the doors are closed, who will know whom he is with? If he likes men, the Wu family fears he won’t be satisfied, so they bring a selection of cross-dressers, whether for top or bottom roles! And they even have the men dressed as women—what, are they fooling themselves? Just because they are in women’s clothing, they are considered maids?

This made him furious!

Suppressing his anger, Zhong Cai forced a smile and said, “My feelings for Shaoqian are as clear as day and night. I’ve been thinking I didn’t have enough help to take good care of him. The master of the house has been very considerate. Please leave those skilled in sewing, making snacks, and preparing medicinal diets. It would be even better if they are quick and good at doing chores.” KcSz5s

Steward Da understood, casting a deep look at Wu Shaoqian.

Wu Shaoqian smiled. Though no longer exuding his former cold arrogance, he didn’t seem sickly but rather a young man full of vigor and still far surpassing the other young members of the Wu family in demeanor.

Steward Da turned to look at the group of beauties and said, “Who among you can do these tasks? Step forward for Alchemist Zhong to see.”

At his words, five individuals stepped forward quietly, bowing respectfully, and softly said, “Greetings, Alchemist Zhong.” exiWAV

Zhong Cai couldn’t help but take a step back.

Wu Shaoqian, amused, raised his hand to support Zhong Cai’s waist.

With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, Zhong Cai stated his requirements:

“Usually, the two of us stay in the inner area, and no servants are allowed to disturb us.” WdEjVP

Their bond is as strong as gold – brotherhood is a kind of love too. Outsiders don’t even think about interfering.

“Be honest in your nature.”

Less talking, more working.

So far, it seemed acceptable, and none of the candidates withdrew. fv 50b

Finally, Zhong Cai emphasized with a serious expression, showing he meant it earnestly.

“The most important thing is that they must never upset Shaoqian.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“If Shaoqian is even a bit unhappy, I’ll be ten times more upset. I have no sympathy for delicate beauties!”

Steward Da’s eyes flickered slightly, and he solemnly promised, “Alchemist Zhong, rest assured. If they displease you, just send them back to me, and they will not trouble you any further.” UYmvsW

Zhong Cai said, “In that case, thank you very much.”

Following this exchange, three of the five beauties immediately left.

Among the two remaining, the vibrant young girl in the crimson dress was very respectful and showed no coquettish behavior, acting properly.

“I am skilled in cooking, especially in making snacks. I also have some knowledge of medicine and can prepare medicinal diets. I earnestly request to serve you both.” 3F DAL

The other, a cross-dresser in a green dress, still looked like a charming young girl but remained focused and behaved honestly.

“I am somewhat skilled in sewing and embroidery. I earnestly request to serve you both.”

Steward Da handed over two death contracts to Zhong Cai.

Zhong Cai took them and saw that the terms were standard. The cross-dresser in the green dress was named Bi Cen, and the maid in the crimson dress was named Qiao Hong. Both were seventeen years old, having awakened their soul artifact at fourteen or fifteen, with low-grade Huang-rank aptitude. 26PneH

Steward Da didn’t linger any longer and left the courtyard with the other beauties.

After he left, Zhong Cai handed the death contracts to Wu Shaoqian for review and deliberately complained, “Old Wu, does your father think I have a lecherous face? With both men and women, isn’t he afraid they’ll distract me from refining pills? I’ve just learned to make Buqi Dan.”

Wu Shaoqian reviewed the contracts, then handed them back to Zhong Cai, saying, “Besides being considerate, he’s also testing your self-control, so he sent over attractive ones. Their aptitudes are quite ordinary, so even if you keep them, there’s no need to feel bad.” He flicked Zhong Cai’s forehead and teased him, “Even if you become infatuated with beauty and lose motivation, your current skills are still worth it.”

Seeing that Wu Shaoqian didn’t mind, Zhong Cai felt slightly relieved and began giving instructions to the new servants. vZnA7S

“Bi Cen, you will be responsible for making clothes. Shaoqian needs new clothes every month, the best quality. List the materials you need, and I will allocate funds for you to purchase them.” Glancing at the convincingly disguised cross-dresser, Zhong Cai’s mouth twitched again. “Whether you want to be treated as a servant or a maid, it’s up to you.”

Bi Cen was surprised and quickly replied, “Understood.”

Zhong Cai then instructed Qiao Hong, “Previously, the medicinal diets were handled by Zhou Lin. From now on, you will work with him. Whoever is more skilled will take the lead. Additionally, prepare a variety of snacks daily, ideally incorporating medicinal ingredients to make them more palatable and convenient to eat. How and for whom to make them, you should ask Zhou Lin.”

Qiao Hong immediately responded, “Understood.” BfLXib

Zhong Cai thought for a moment and then instructed, “Alright, ask Xiang Lin where you should stay. You must report before entering the inner area. If Shaoqian and I are busy, report to Xiang Lin.”

Bi Cen and Qiao Hong naturally responded promptly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Cai didn’t concern himself with them further and took Wu Shaoqian back to the inner area.

Xiang Lin emerged from a corner, directing Miao Hua, Miao Ye, Zhou Lin, and Dong Jin to move together, and assigning a separate room to each of the new arrivals. dtAXOK

The numerous servants had no objections and busily familiarized themselves with one another.

Bi Cen helped Qiao Hong with her belongings, and when their eyes met inadvertently, they both revealed relieved smiles.

The two of them were raised in the same place but not in the same group, so they only knew each other casually.

People like them were either born into poverty and sold by their families, or they were orphaned and picked up, or their parents were servants… They all entered the Wu family at a young age and grew up under their care, allowing the Wu family to arrange their lives. CJ DgF

Those with the character “Qiao” were a batch of beautiful maids, and those with the character “Bi” were a batch of attendants. Their aptitudes were just entering the Huang Rank, so they were classified as third-tier. Unlike the top-tier servants with Xuan Rank aptitudes who had many choices, those with the potential to develop well might even have the opportunity to become legitimate wives or marry into the family, receiving the same treatment as Wu family members.

When Steward Da needed a group of outstanding men and women to be selected by an alchemist, many beautiful people naturally volunteered. Bi Cen and Qiao Hong considered that serving well might earn them rewards of pills, so they joined the selection. Their excellent looks also helped them successfully be chosen.

Bi Cen whispered, “Alchemist Zhong cares so deeply for Master Shaoqian. In the future, we must prioritize Master Shaoqian above all else and never show the slightest neglect.”

Qiao Hong also solemnly said, “Let’s not rush to stand out, nor should we be a bother to our masters. Just focus on our duties. With time, our loyalty will surely be recognized by our masters.” zdEBP2

Neither of them expected that their hard-learned skills would be useful. If they worked hard enough, perhaps they could even become trusted confidants of the two masters. Isn’t that better than being sent to warm someone’s bed?

Bi Cen smiled, “Let’s work together wholeheartedly.”

Qiao Hong also smiled and replied, “Indeed, that’s the way.”

The two quickly discussed their plans, such as what clothes to make for the two masters, what materials were needed, what snacks to prepare, what meals to cook, and what ingredients to use. They carefully noted everything down on paper, making sketches and adjustments as they went along. eh3xdW


In the corner of the roof, an inconspicuous gray figure flashed by, swiftly entering the inner area.

After listening to Xiang Lin’s report, Zhong Cai nodded and said, “As long as they behave themselves and work diligently, they shouldn’t be treated unfairly in their monthly duties.”

Xiang Lin respectfully acknowledged and quickly departed. uZeMGj

Zhong Cai turned to Wu Shaoqian with a smile and said, “Old Wu, are you still accompanying me to refine pills? Cleaning the pill furnace, handling the medicinal materials, all of that will depend on you!”

Wu Shaoqian teased, “Tsk tsk, it’s really something to see. Our extraordinary alchemist Zhong, turns out to be such a lazy bum.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Cai pulled him towards the cultivation room, proudly saying, “Let them look. Am I afraid? As long as I can refine pills, who cares if I’m lazy or not!”

Wu Shaoqian lightly tapped the back of his head in exasperation. lHhJyq

Zhong Cai shook his head. It didn’t hurt anyway.

Wu Shaoqian sighed, “Before the new pills are ready, you still have to handle the medicinal materials yourself. Once you get the hang of it, then you can hand it over to me.”

Zhong Cai grinned, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m not joking about this…”


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  1. Cute mates

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. tsk, super obvious beauty trap. are they saying he’s dumb by playing such an evident scheme? good thing no one knows the depth of zc and wsq’s bond. they can use their brainpower to fruitlessly separate them. less time for other plots.