After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit my Family BusinessCh147.2 - Heheheheh

As the Coffin Old Man swept the streets, Master Ling Yun was also engaged in fierce combat. Unlike the Coffin Old Man, who could only think of one thing at a time, Master Ling Yun could multitask. Like now, he was thinking about the retreat of the Safe Zone’s residents and preventing the spread of the graveyard, while also pondering whether Wu Rong had truly regained his memories as the Ghost King.

If Wu Rong had indeed regained his memories as the Ghost King and was so intimate with Fu Qing. Then he… 0wJfsl

Well, Master Ling Yun was just a mere strategist (in his past life), besides wishing them happiness, what else could he do?

Master Ling Yun felt a bit sour for a moment, feeling like his long-cultivated cabbage had been dug up by a pig and he was also worried that the cabbage would choke the pig to death. After thinking about that, he thought of the Ghost Mastiff’s sudden attack and the graveyard spreading out.

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The sudden eruption of the Seven Tiankengs in his previous life was indeed caused by someone.

In his past life, Master Ling Yun knew that there seemed to be an organization always conspiring to unseal the Great Tiankengs, but they all sacrificed themselves for the unsealing. They were purely a group of lunatics, harming others at their own expense. After the Seven Great Tiankengs erupted in his past life, a branch passage to the Wushan Great Tiankeng appeared in Yangjiaping. Previously, Master Ling Yun hadn’t connected the dots, but now he thought that this sudden attack by the Ghost Mastiffs, intending to turn the entire Safe Zone into a graveyard and expel all living beings, might be the work of that organization. PV1k3X

To thwart their conspiracy, Yangjiaping Safe Zone must not fall.

It’s widely known that once a graveyard spreads, it’s irreversible and cannot be resolved. However, Master Ling Yun knew there was a ghost who could do exactly that, which could truly be called a miraculous intervention. Although this matter was destined not to be known to or acknowledged by outsiders, Ling Yun would always remember the incomparable grandeur and shock from when Ghost King Wu Rong blew his horn, summoning ten thousand ghosts to come and devour the graveyard.


Master Ling Yun looked worriedly into the distance, where golden-red flames danced like phoenixes, illuminating the night sky. Everyone was drawn in by the intense and powerful light, dazzled. The golden-red flames swarmed and instantly engulfed a mutated grave beast. The flames, now reduced in size, burned even brighter and more vigorously, continuing to spiral in the sky, searching for its next target.


To be attracted to and yearn for light is human instinct. When the light is bright enough, it tends to ignore the darkness hidden within it. Right now, Fu Qing had become the focus of the whole scene, attracting everyone’s attention. Yet no one knew that he had ignited the flames just to protect the body in his arms.

And the grave slaves, acting like madmen, were also after Wu Rong’s body.

Yes, the body. Just now, Wu Rong had voluntarily ejected his soul. He had just breathed a sigh of relief after finally getting Fu Qing to give up the intimate act of filling him with Yang Qi when he suddenly felt a strange feeling coming from his body.

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Oh no, how could he forget about the Big Ghost! ypNbTc

Qe Ebcu mbeiv tlvf atf mtjcufr lc tlr ybvs ogbw Me Hlcu tlwrfio, joafg jii, atfs tjv bcis pera obgwfv j yjrlm Tlc-Tjcu mbcagjma jcv tjv cba ageis mbccfmafv Tlc jcv Tjcu. Dea atf mtjcufr lc tlr rbei mbeivc’a yf tlvvfc ogbw atf Dlu Xtbra!

Yg gjatfg, la kjr atf gfwcjca rbei bo Me Hlcucjc. Ktlr kjr rbwfatlcu ojg wbgf vjcufgber atjc Me Hlcu tlwrfio cbk, jcv Qe Ebcu rtevvfgfv ja atf atbeuta. Lbk tjv tlr ilof vfnfibqfv lcab atlr? Dfmbwlcu oglfcvr klat j Jfifralji Zjrafg jcv vjglcu ab xffq atf rbei bo rjlv Jfifralji Zjrafg jr tlr utbra?

In his previous life, there wasn’t even a residual soul, and Fu Qing had never been able to recover his soul. With one rebirth, many things had truly changed. But Wu Rong hadn’t yet fully unlocked his memories, and he still didn’t know what his rebirth was exactly.

To avoid further stimulating the Big Ghost, Wu Rong simply projected his soul out and left Fu Qingnan in his body. His soul’s strength was now strong enough to walk outside normally, free from the constraints of flesh, and it was even more stronger. iPNYZR

Wu Rong looked at the grave beasts rampaging everywhere, a thick slurry covering the ground like black oil, and suddenly a memory fragment flashed through his mind.

It was at the border where humans and ghosts were fighting, where someone dug into an underground research institute while digging trenches and accidentally released the specimens inside. This led to the wanton spread of the graveyard, with black slurry gushing out like a volcanic eruption, devouring the human border fortress and a swath of the Ghost Territory. Grave Worms infected ghosts worse than humans, with thousands of ghosts becoming slaves to Grave Worms every minute.

The human side sent out the Pope, the Seven Sons of Longhu Mountain, and others to the battlefield. But these grave beasts were specially developed specimens that no longer feared sunlight or Yang Qi. They were extraordinarily vigorous and even carried a hint of the atmosphere from the Great Tiankengs, capable of parasitizing even a Ghost King and master-level Celestial Masters.

Under this catastrophe, both humans and ghosts suffered heavy casualties, with even two of the Seven Sons of Longhu Mountain being sacrificed. On the Ghost Territory side, General Su Xiaomi of the Ghost Country was parasitized by Grave Worms, his thoughts in chaos, and his life on the verge of ending. 8FkXOj

It was at this time that Wu Rong left the Ghost Kingdom and arrived at the front line. This was a more recent memory, the image vague and fragmented. But Wu Rong vaguely remembered what he had done back then.

When light couldn’t kill the filthy darkness, only a deeper, denser darkness could destroy it.

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Wu Rong flipped his hand, and the femur trumpet in his backpack appeared in his hand. Carved from the femur of a teenage girl, the instrument’s head was wrapped in silver, and adorned with red animal skin from an unknown source. Dark Yin Qi emitted from Wu Rong’s hand, mixed with wisps of Corrosive Yin Fire. Under the burning Yin Fire, this Tantric trumpet gradually changed its form.

The specially treated human bone emitted a special sweet fragrance under the Yin Fire, tempting and captivating like a poppy flower. The pale-yellow bone gradually turned honey-colored under the flames, the silver melted, and a thin layer re-encased the newborn instrument, making it shimmer with a silver light, sparkling. The transformed instrument began to take shape, revealing itself in the flames. sjdqQ

It looked like an exquisitely crafted horn.

“Release more grave slaves.”

Equinox held the instrument in front of the large screen. The red light of the screen cast a blood-red hue on his sharply defined face, making him look exceptionally cold, ruthless, and mad.

Although most of the previous grave slaves had inexplicably suffered casualties, fortunately, the graveyard’s spread hadn’t slowed down. Watching the red area near its completion on the large screen, and thinking of the grave slaves that had been prepared in the laboratory being sent to the battlefield one after another, even someone as usually calm as him felt a sense of accomplishment. uzvrwG

“O mighty Lord of the Great Tiankengs, the master of destruction, please bless your disciples.”

With his hands crossed in a peculiar posture of prayer, he muttered to himself, his face showing a twisted and fanatical devout expression: “Destruction will inevitably come to the world, cleansing the world.”

Except for those blessed by the Lord of the Great Tiankengs, neither humans nor ghosts could escape the parasitism of Grave Worms, nor could they dispel the graveyard! Soon, this place would be fully engulfed by the graveyard, becoming a dead zone. Here, they could focus on researching how to unseal the Great Tiankeng without having to hide and dodge like before, and could wholeheartedly pray for the arrival of the Lord of the Great Tiankengs.

In fact, Equinox was ordered to infiltrate the Yangjiaping Safe Zone’s underground and develop the initial stage of a Holy Wedge Society branch here. It wasn’t easy. It started with him managing to develop the Liu Brothers, Liu Hu and Liu Bao. They were unfortunately targeted by the police, and the pit where the Grave Worms were cultivated with great effort was also destroyed. Hu Xian, who Equinox originally wanted to use to make grave beasts, seduced Liu Hu, who was weak to flesh, entering Tiankeng No. 444 to never return. PIulZn

Immediately after, various strong individuals arrived within the Safe Zone, such as Grandmaster Ling Yun and Master Kuchan, as if they were settling here permanently. It was simply an unlucky year, where nothing went smoothly. Only after they all went to Jieyang could Equinox seize this opportunity to desperately develop the base, barely achieving its current scale.

Thinking back on the past, Equinox tasted a hint of bitterness, but he immediately became excited again.

Soon, very soon, they would be able to do as they pleased on this land, fearing nothing! So far, except for not being able to control Wu Cui and capture Wu Rong, everything had progressed very smoothly.

“Equinox.” PRViFs

A solemn and dignified male voice suddenly sounded in Equinox’s ear like thunder: “Where is the sacrifice?”

“High Priest!”

Equinox was startled, swiftly kneeling down, his whole body covered in cold sweat. How did the High Priest arrive so quickly, especially at this moment—A special energy surged into his brain. Equinox understood that the High Priest was too impatient to listen to him and wanted to see it for himself. Equinox didn’t resist at all, trying hard to relax his mind.

After the energy left, his mind was blank for a long while. He found himself lying awkwardly on the ground, tears streaming down his face, trembling all over as a chill seeped through his bones, as if he’d fallen into an ice cave. C nLdu

It was too terrifying.

Equinox’s teeth chattered, and it took two attempts before he finally managed to sit up again. Before the High Priest, he was unguarded, without the slightest resistance or hidden trump cards, not even the thought of it. Even if the High Priest hadn’t come in person but communicated through spiritual means instead, the overwhelming gap in power made Equinox feel awe.

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It was truly terrifying.

Regaining his senses, Equinox staggered back to sit in front of the screen, his gaze still somewhat vacant, trembling occasionally. But amidst his trembling, he curled his lips, revealing a smile. F7WSor

The High Priest had decided to take action by himself and bring back the sacrifice!

With the High Priest intervening, what could Grandmaster Ling Yun and Master Kuchan do? This time, Wu Rong was doomed!

Editor: Cloud Chip Cake


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  1. Who are they Holy Society? A fanatic of the Ghost King Wu Rong that want to sacrifice him or a die hard righteous people whose motto would be sacrifice one for the greater good kind of group.😏