After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit my Family BusinessCh146.2 - Chirrrrpppppp

“The graveyard’s being controlled by someone,” Master Ling Yun said solemnly. They had now all retreated to the second defense line, less than a hundred meters from the Safe Zone. The first defense line, which had bravely withstood attacks from both the ghost tides and Ghost Mastiffs, had completely collapsed and was engulfed in thick, tar-like black sludge. Looking beyond the second defense line was like gazing into an endless, pitch-black ocean, eerie and deathly silent.

Even more chilling were the monstrous creatures slowly moving through the viscous black sludge, each two to three meters tall. Yx6ORm

“The grave beasts are forming too quickly,” Master Kuchan said with a world-weary expression, shaking his head. “The formation of a graveyard depends on its range and its host. Most Ghost Mastiffs draw energy from tantric artifacts. Without them, they become empty shells formed by resentment and Yin Qi. They shouldn’t be able to form this many grave beasts.”

Most people had only heard of terrifying things like graveyards and had never seen them with their own eyes. Now, hearing Master Ling Yun and Master Kuchan speak like this, they finally realized that there was actually another trick to it.

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“Who would dare to play with something so sinister and evil, disturbing the natural order!” zjVD1Z

Chen Xueshou couldn’t contain his anger. His whole body flushed red and sweat dripped like a Fergana horse


, impatiently saying, “I’ll watch the south!”

“I’ll go east.”

Master Ling Yun continued solemnly, “The graveyard is expanding too fast, and the people in the Safe Zone can’t retreat in time. We must intervene to stop it.”

“The Master has a high sense of righteousness, this old lady can’t stay behind either.” D7U2YG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Grandma Hua Shen sighed, “I’ll go west.”

Xgjnf Qbgwr mbeiv qjgjrlalhf tewjcr jcv utbrar jilxf, wjxlcu atfw cfjgis lwqbrrlyif ab vfji klat. Snfc qbkfgoei wjrafgr ilxf tlut wbcxr jgf rermfqalyif ab Xgjnf Qbgwr lo atfs gfijz veglcu mbwyja. Ds qfgrbcjiis ublcu ab lcafgmfqa, atfs kfgf glrxlcu fnfgsatlcu, vlrgfujgvlcu atflg ilof jcv vfjat ab fcregf atf rjof gfagfja bo atf qfbqif lc atf Vjof Ibcf. Coafg atf yjaaif, atfgf wjs yf defralbcr jybea ktfatfg rjmglolmlcu abq-alfg fzqfgar ab qgbafma atf kfjxfg bcfr kjr kbgat la.

But those who actually step forward won’t think so much; they take on risks with their heads held high, without considering whether it’s worth it or not.

It wasn’t just the celestial masters who came out to stop the spread of the graveyard; previously, Federal Special Police Officers who resisted the ghost tide and those who had been staying in the Safe Zone as Ghost Keepers each took the initiative to confront the spreading graveyard. At the same time, government personnel deployed large quantities of previously reserved lime water, talismans, black dog blood and rooster blood to support the battlefield, slowing down the spread of the graveyard. VIsdXy

Grave Worms weren’t true insects but rather manifestations of Yin Qi and resentment. They preferred darkness and disliked Yang-fluids like black dog blood, instinctively avoiding areas sprinkled with such fluids. Thus, the battlefield was quickly divided into smaller sections with the help of the least number of Celestial Masters and Ghost Keepers. Those with abilities set aside past grievances and gave their all to stop the graveyard’s spread.

Soon, the graveyard’s smooth expanding line at the forefront began to twist, like the tide. Where Yang fluids were sprinkled, the spread of the graveyard slowed down, while in places with weak Yang Qi, it spread faster.

But if someone were sitting in a helicopter overlooking the entire situation from the sky, they would see a large area resembling the surface of the moon in the dark and pitted graveyard to the east, the largest area untouched by the thick slurry of Grave Worms. Golden-red flames flickered in the dim sky, bringing it a touch of brightness.

Under the flames, Wu Rong was tired and lazily closed his eyes, raising his hand to block Fu Qing’s face that was approaching his. After caressing his fingers, the soft thin lips stubbornly moved down like their owner. Seeing that his hand couldn’t block it, Wu Rong had to endure and said in a low voice: “I’m almost okay, no need to…” R8e0Mm

No need to inject Yan Qi mouth-to-mouth.

Wu Rong was originally monitoring the Yin Fire’s eclipse while recuperating. Although it was slow and painful, it wasn’t unbearable. But Chunyangzi……Fu Qing, since he found him frowning, would feed him a mouthful of Yang Qi from time to time.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fu Qing’s Yang Qi was, of course, the best.  There was a Yin-Yang bond between the two of them, and feeding Yan Qi to Wu Rong wouldn’t cause any of the Yin Qi in his body to resist. And, to be honest, his Yang Qi as a supplement could indeed soothe the restless and strong Yin Qi in his body, giving it a buffering time

However, this overly intimate, frequent, close contact was something Wu Rong couldn’t quite accept for the moment. soYAG1

Not to mention that although they had registered their marriage, it was only a temporary measure. Wu Rong still regarded their relationship as good brothers — now recalling many memories from his time as Ghost King, remembering the deep enmity with Fu Qing. Even Wu Rong felt like he had Chunyangzi PTSD, instinctively feeling like Fu Qing was about to launch a deadly move whenever he approached, and anticipating that Fu Qing was going to spit out Zhengyang Fire to burn his soul to ashes.

Even Fu Qing’s stern and dignified face seemed somewhat hateful.

Under normal circumstances, Wu Rong could have temporarily distanced himself from Fu Qing, giving himself some personal time to sort things out, maybe even shaking off the influence of the Ghost King’s memories and treating Fu Qing with a normal attitude again. But Fu Qing didn’t do that. He behaved as if he couldn’t perceive Wu Rong’s subtle changes in attitude or his occasional scrutinizing gaze, acting like a serious doctor dealing with a disobedient patient and resorting to forceful methods.

After being pressed down and injected with Yang Qi and close contact several times, Wu Rong gave up struggling altogether. This “fight fire with fire” method of treating Chunyangzi PTSD inevitably shifted his thoughts away from the Holy Wedge Society to another delicate extreme. W zx8j

Anyway, this lifetime was different from the last, and he didn’t need to be confined by the changes in his relationship with Fu Qing — generally speaking, things had improved. Without the antagonism of their previous lives, he wouldn’t encounter too many obstacles in his early development. Of course, with so many reborn people around, no one could predict how the future would unfold.

Instead of focusing on emotions, he should think about dealing with the Holy Wedge Society and regaining his strength. So long as he could regain his strength… at least he wouldn’t be kissed by others like this now. Even if he really wants to develop something different with Fu Qing, he should keep its control within his own hands.

“I’m really fine.”

Wu Rong exerted a slight force and firmly pushed Fu Qing away. “Someone’s coming.” j8YnIx

Yun Zhongke arrived, and Wu Rong had something to entrust to him. He couldn’t meet his subordinates with a mouth full of golden light (Yang Qi). Especially since Yun Zhongke had also been reborn. Wu Rong subtly raised his eyebrows, deciding to temporarily conceal that he was the reincarnation of the Ghost King from most people. At the least, he had to wait until he fully recovered his strength to do as he pleased, and then he could challenge other forces with confidence.

“Your body is on the verge of collapse.”

Fu Qing disregarded his hot-and-cold attitude and kept his face stern, just like dealing with a child who was trying to be smart and who refused to take medicine.

He easily grabbed Wu Rong’s hand with one hand, and instead of persisting in injecting Yang Qi into him, he kissed him on the chest, sending some Yang Qi to the Zhong Gu. The contact between the lips and chest calmed Wu Rong’s irritable Yin Qi. He then heard Fu Qing say: 5gYrqU

“Unless Yin and Yang are balanced, your soul will inevitably leave your body.”

Wu Rong did indeed think so.

He was doing pretty well now and didn’t intend to give up his body. However, with a strong soul inside him, his body was constantly injured and in a state of repair. It’s better to just project his soul out and come back after his body is well, so that he can deal with the Ghost Territory.


I didn’t expect me and Fu Qing to think of something similar.

Fu Qing: “For now, it’s necessary to give the physical body sufficient Yang Qi. Let the body be Yang and the soul be Yin, to balance Yin and Yang. My Yuanyang —”

Wait, how did the topic suddenly get to this? arO50Y

Wu Rong suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart. He quickly opened his eyes and held Fu Qing’s face. Remembering the good relationship between them in this life, he put aside his opposition and firm persuasion: “Your Kung Fu is about to be completed, and you can’t abandon your previous achievements. Moreover, now that the graveyard is spreading and the mastermind behind it hasn’t been found, you should conserve your strength even more. My problem is not important.”

As he secretly struggled, he finally broke free from Fu Qing’s embrace. His feet touched the ground again, but he felt a sharp pain and numbness. Because of his powerful soul, his body was tortured for a long time, sensitive and fragile like a newborn. Even walking on the ground felt painful, and the feeling of wind blowing on his face was clearer than ever.

It’s still necessary to separate the soul and treat it separately.

Wu Rong made a decisive decision and said, “I’m fine,” “It’s okay,” “You’re busy,” while looking at Master Ling Yun, who had arrived earlier and silently observed the entire scene, his expression numb. He signaled to him with his eyes. 1lHex9

It’s inconvenient to use the soul contract directly, and he couldn’t directly transmit a command to his heart. But Wu Rong believed that with Yun Zhongke’s cleverness, he would understand his meaning and take him away from Chunyangzi—

“I’ll go over there to take a look.”

Receiving his gaze, Master Ling Yun reluctantly looked at Wu Rong with a somewhat aggrieved and resentful look: “I won’t bother you anymore.”


Wait a minute!

Editor: Cloud Chip Cake

Translator's Note

do things offensive to God and reasondo things that are against reason and nature

Translator's Note

Ferghana horses were one of China’s earliest major imports, originating in an area in Central Asia.

the text refers to the fact that they had huge veins, so they bulged up when stressed out

Translator's Note

Kidney Yang also known as True Yang, True Fire, Mingmen Fire, and Innate Fire. It is the driving force of the physiological functions of the kidneys and the source of human vitality.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Aka if they smash wu rong can receive fu qing’s yuanyang

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  1. lol wu rong, you remembered too late, now your subordinate are all used to Fu qing being lovey-dove with you 😆😆😆

    Thanks for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️