Long Live HateChapter 6

After the unwanted pairing with Chiyoung, Ki Baek-han, who returned to Korea after ending his six-year deployment, fell into a state of imploding.

It was because he had been marked, and the guiding supplement did not suit his body. If he forced himself to take it, it would be painful even for him, and from then on, the esper waves flooded abnormally, causing other espers who entered the area to suffer from headaches and tinnitus. R6gXyt

However, receiving another guide’s guiding was strangely tasteless.

Any other esper would have been dismissed for being such a picky esper, but the problem was that Ki Baek Han was a high-ranked esper.

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The guiding wavelength that did not fit the body slowly broke down the esper’s wavelength system.

That was why the warning signs of imploding occurred, even though the guiding effects have not been depleted. Y1VuAl

The higher the level of esper, the more stages it takes to reach imploding.

The implosion of high-level espers proceeds in the order of pre-implosion, temporary implosion, and implosion. The signs of implosion start to show in the first stage.

If the esper weren’t confined in the Wave Suppression Intensive Care Unit, the building itself, where the esper was located, would be shaking like the wave of a 5.0-magnitude earthquake, causing cracks in the building’s walls.

That was exactly Ki Baek Han’s situation at the time. The center was under ”Hatch 3” emergency alert.


Right now, the unconscious, high-ranked esper could evaporate the entire city of Seoul, Gyeonggi, and even parts of Chungcheong.

In that situation, Chiyoung was forced to go into the Wave Suppression Intensive Care Unit without any protective gear.

“Is there really a need for protective gear? If Lieutenant Ahn entered, Colonel Ki would immediately wake up. No, I am not saying that he will stand up; I’m just saying that he will regain consciousness.”

The researcher laughed at Chiyoung for asking for protective gear. Even though code blue could lead to code black, the researcher even showed some signs of sexual harassment. The intention was clear: to go in and die with him. sFQELB

(He showed some level of touching, it seems.)

However, Chiyoung could not do anything with his attitude. The esper was in a critical condition, so Chiyoung couldn’t leave and report the researcher.

In the six months since Baek Han left, Chiyoung has been bullied like never before.

Bark Han was forcibly marked by “a candy shell” of a guide from the anti-government unit who came in with a compatible rate higher than any other guides. pdFHPV

The rumor, which was neither entirely true nor entirely false, spread all over the center and created a sense of envy in the hearts of the guides who worshiped Baek Han like he was something divine.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Until then, Baek Han had only enjoyed his relationship with other Esper. Due to the center’s belief that the relationship between Esper and Esper is no different from that of sports teams,. In the end, no guide was able to win Baek Han’s heart.

Ktf uelvfr tjnf aglfv ab vfcs Jtlsbecu’r fzlrafcmf obg atf qjra akb sfjgr, yea atflg foobgar tjnf yffc lc njlc atjcxr ab uloar Jtlsbecu gfmflnfv fnfgs ylgatvjs jcv ifaafgr rfca ys Djfx Djc ab atf mfcafg jrxlcu atfw ab ajxf ubbv mjgf bo Jtlsbecu.

Ktbrf yifrrlcur kfgf jii pera Al-sbecu’r cjlnfaf. Ktbrf uelvfr kfimbwfv atf cfkr atja Djfx Ljc tjv mbwf ab tjaf Jtlsbecuwbgf wbgf atjc jcsbcf firf. LO8ow7

And, of course, their bullying was directed at Ji-young.

Espers were no different. Who could accept the fact that the mighty Esper Baek-han was marked by just a shell?”

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The espers who were paired with a C-grade guide and those with a D-grade guide especially found it ridiculous.

Espers whose grade is low can only propose after high-ranked espers have all submitted a pair request to the guides. YtQg6H

Even so, it was common for ungrateful espers to be dissatisfied with pairing up with low-level guides.

‘That bastard will get some ‘killer good’ guides. His grade is higher than mine, so all the guides will all want him.’

Those who lived with such a sense of inferiority and were only good at consoling themselves without saying anything about self-development were all whispering about the colonel’s guide.

“Ki Baek Han’s guide has worse rating than my guide. In that case, Baek-han is no different from me! Ha, called it.” Az9UES

It was absurd logic, but the less capable a person is, the more delusional they tend to be.

Chiyoung was exposed to their delusion several times. In places he knew, places he didn’t know, and even places he didn’t expect, Chiyoung had to face a lot of hate.

“That candy shell can satisfy the all-powerful Ki Baek-han. Are you saying “it” is great in that respect?”

The espers, who were gossiping, began to “flirt” with  Chiyoung. (flirt here is close to them; they sexually harass and annoy him.) JbSeOu

It was all too much for Chiyoung, who had been overwhelmed by so many things.

Between his Esper, who left even after marking, the guides’ warthful abuse created jealousy. Chiyoung had to also endure many bastards who giggled and teased him, asking him to “touch” them even just once, Chiyoung lostt all of the youthfulness that a person in their early 20s should have.

In exactly half a year.

“There is no time left. Can you, Ahn Ji-young, be held responsible if Colonel Ki imploded? Why are you procrastinating?” x d69k

In the end, titles and positions did not matter to them. Chiyoung, who was even a lieutenant, is still just Ahn Chiyoung.

Chiyoung was so shaken that he couldn’t respond despite the researcher’s words. The researcher clearly wanted to ignore him.

It was his first time doing proper guiding, and iontoas for an imploding esper, an S+ class at that.

It was a situation that even veterans would be shaken by. However, the researcher pushed Chiyoung inside, while the researcher was the only one wearing a protective suit. ACe6Od

Therefore, guide Ahn Chiyoung, who was driven out without any protective gear, had to walk on his own two feet through the esper’s intense wave that could explode in a flash.


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The inside of the suppression unit was filled with intense waves.

It felt like being covered in a blanket made of needles. With the waves condensing as he moved closer, Chiyoung slowly began guiding away the condensed cluster of waves. wybr7k

Looking forward to meeting Baek Han, Chiyoung worked hard to learn about guiding.

Unlike the other guides who were tired from the arduous training and had given up on learning intermediate and advanced guiding techniques at the guide training academy, Chiyoung had a desire to master them.

He thought that hard work was his only weapon. And he thought that those trainings would pay off one day.

Beak-han told him to wait, so he will wait. Although Baek-han returned in a completely different state, he was still Chiyoung’s esper. 6lV5Q9

Chiyoung generously poured the guiding wave on his esper.

The radiation guidance that was slowly released was sucked into Baekhan endlessly. Unlike contact, the radiation guidance, which can be stopped by the esper, was blocked.


A moan escaped. Something was throbbing beneath Chiyoung’s diaphragm. Tears quickly formed on Chiyoung’s eyes. VnmCih

The panels connected to the nodes attached to Baek-han’s body as he lay on the bed still showed a red graph indicating danger, but the danger level had decreased noticeably.

“Guiding is all about compatibility; more than the grade of the guide is important. For that reason, the Center considers the compatibility of the guide first, because the compatibility rate of the guide can make up for the low grade of the guide. For example, if you have an 80%+ compatibility rate with a B-grade guide, you don’t need an A-grade guide with a low compatibility rate.”

Recalling what he learned from the instructor, Chiyoung slowly held Baekhan’s hand. Chiyoung thought his skin would feel cold because of his white skin, but he was surprisingly hot.

(He is switching to contact guide.) dA2Fhm

When Chiyoung held his long, sleek fingers, Chiyoung saw that they were full of calluses. Chiyoung sighed and held his breath.

The compatibility rate between Chiyoung and Baekhan was 95%. This is an unprecedented number.

Not just comparing to the compatibility rate between Baekhan and other guides, but there had never been such a compatibility rate in the center that high.

So Chiyoung was able to receive special treatment during the two years that Baek-han thought of him as a woman, because no one had ever seen such a high compatibility rate. emi2qj

Everyone at the center and even the military valued that match rate. Until Baek Han rejected Chi Young.

The guides could not create “value” on their own.

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It was given to the guide by their esper. No matter how much they value the guides, it is difficult for the guides to achieve such “value” on their own.

Chiyoung knew what was his, had never actually been his. j7DVer


The guidance started to slip away from his grasping hand like crazy. Chiyoung grabbed Baek-han’s hand and flipped over without even realizing it.

The sensation was so intense that blood vessels appeared on his forehead and neck. Baek-han’s monitor panel changed color from showing a red graph to a yellow graph, indicating that the guiding from radiate to contact was working. This meant that the critical level had passed.

It was then. 3t Tyl


A voice boiled in anger. That voice that threatens to reject everything Chiyoung has just done for him.

Chiyoung was unable to move as his breath was swallowed up by the eyes that seemed to be filled with rage.

The feeling of the guide stored inside being all drained out could be felt. VRcXh

‘This is guiding… ’

Chiyoung suddenly thought so.

He was quickly pulled inside the esper’s arms.


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