The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch62 - His bad brother was really miserable

“Can we go together to your house?”

“Wait, what about me?” bWi9oL

“I got here early too!”

“Pick me! Come to my house, we’re having chicken tonight!”

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“We’re having a goose at my house!”

You Wusi quickly held down his little wife’s slightly raised hands, which seemed eager to grab the shiny decorations. He squeezed them firmly and then subtly moved his wheelchair half a step back. MYzlZh

The people in the town were really tough.

Someone like him, a dead corpse who was already married, wasn’t worthy.

“Why are you running?”

“You can go by yourself, but why are you taking the girl with you?”


“Why not let the little girl make her own choice?”

Some of the male townspeople, upon noticing You Wusi’s actions, reacted swiftly. They walked over to Jiang Shishi with purpose, their expressions friendly and eager.

As they approached, they smiled warmly and extended the bracelet to her, their sleeves lifting slightly in the process. This inadvertent action revealed their strong, muscular arms, their skin gleaming with a smooth, bronze tone under the sunlight.

There has never been a girl this beautiful in town before! How can they let her go? DjtKzJ

Other residents on the street who seemed to have heard the news quickly gathered around. Seeing the crowd forming around You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, they didn’t want to miss out. They too hastily removed their bracelets from their own wrists, they moved closer to get a better view.

In the blink of an eye, You Wusi and Jiang Shi Shi found themselves surrounded.

Initially, just a few curious onlookers gathered, but soon the crowd swelled as more people arrived. The circle of spectators grew larger and larger, expanding rapidly as word spread. It seemed as if every young and middle-aged resident in the town had come out, eager to witness the scene. Faces filled with curiosity and excitement pressed closer, their chatter creating a buzz in the air. The once quiet street was now a lively sea of people, all focused on the couple at the center.

Some villagers who couldn’t squeeze into the crowd carefully observed the other players. Quickly selecting their targets, they began to take off their bracelets to give to them. TMBdgr

“My wife and I have already recognized each other as our one and only, and we cannot accept your kind offers,” You Wusi politely declined.

At the same time, he firmly squeezed his wife’s little hands, which were eager to grab anything offered to her. He wasn’t afraid of being devoured by some green-eyed monster!

“Think about it again!”

“It’s just a quick rest on the bed, no big deal!” 8FLnd4

“You outsiders are making such a fuss about it unnecessarily.”

“If you don’t want to, forget it. Let the girl make her own choice; I saw her raising her hand.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Yeah, perhaps your wife is interested!”

“Let her choose.” cwUe91

“Since your wife is willing, you should reconsider! We have plenty of girls here; you can choose any one of them or even all of them!”

These strong words made the old players sweat, especially those who were being forced to accept bracelets that were in front of them.

They didn’t know why, but for some reason, all the younger ones rushed towards You Wusi and Jiang Shishi. While the people standing before them were generally older and less attractive.

The most unique situation was Cheng Wei’s. It was unclear how he caught the eye of a certain villager, or if that person had a particular preference. s703Cy

In front of him, besides several female villagers, there was also Xu Yi who was standing in front.

That’s right, it was Xu Yi, the one he had exchanged a few words with during the fight between You Wusi and Shang Qingyun.

Not only was Xu Yi male, but he also appeared to be half a head taller than Cheng Wei.

Even the comments were buzzing, saying that Cheng Wei might follow in the footsteps of a certain Player No. 7. CpPQlj

Cheng Wei’s expression darkened as he looked at Xu Yi. He flatly stated that he was not interested in sleeping with anyone, no matter who they were. From that day forward, he was strongly committed to being indifferent to romantic relationships!

You Wusi’s face showed no sign of emotion as he carefully observed his little wife, who blinked innocently. He relaxed his grip on the claw and spoke with a meaningful tone, “Do you want to accept these bracelets? If you do, Gege will eat the last half bunch of grapes all to myself while Shishi goes with them for bedtime.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shishi quickly hugged the little mermaid An An and shook his head vigorously.

No, he doesn’t want it. dTYKUm

It was better to eat a few grapes. No matter how shiny something looks, it has no taste when you eat it!

Besides, he already had a shiny watch on his wrist given by his bad brother!

Engaging in such unprofitable business was not worthwhile.

You Wusi smiled and affectionately touched Jiang Shishi’s clever little head. Then, he turned to the other villagers and said, “You’ve all witnessed our strong bond as husband and wife. It’s better to quickly find someone else.” BkGQjZ

The villagers wanted to keep bothering him, but when they heard You Wusi say they should find someone else soon, they understood they might end up with no one if they waste their time on a couple.

So they all turned to other players.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The more attractive the player, the more villagers gathered around them. It was clear that both humans and NPCs are creatures judged based on appearance.

An older player with the ID “Field Staff 2” looked somewhat less attractive, and the quality of the villagers standing in front of him noticeably declined. They appeared to be in their forties or even fifties. CBPcUI

Eventually, a younger person arrived, but due to arriving late and other areas being crowded, they couldn’t find a space and had to switch to someone else.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It seemed that NPCs were very aware of which outsiders they were capable of taking down.

“Yt, P’w cba lcafgfrafv lc wfc. Po la kfgf j rlrafg, P wluta ulnf la j rtba,” Vtjcu Hlcusec rjlv, rafqqlcu yjmx klat atf mjwfgj ab jnblv atf wfc ktb kfgf ralii qegrelcu.

Vfflcu Itbe Hlcuzlcu kjnlcu tlr tjcvr lc fwyjggjrrwfca, rtf rtloafv tfg qbrlalbc. Pvd4q9

Vtjcu Hlcusec kjixfv bnfg ab atf batfg rlvf bo Itbe Hlcuzlcu jcv rjlv ab atf vbhfcr bo fcaterljralm ofwjif abkcrqfbqif klat j rwlif: “Jtbbrlcu tlw lr ybglcu. Qts cba mtbbrf wf lcrafjv? Ktf wbgf atf wfgglfg—kf mjc qijs mjgvr abufatfg lc atf fnfclcu.”

The idea of playing cards together was naturally not liked by the female villagers.

Seeing that they couldn’t persuade the tall and strong Zhou Qingxing, they turned to Yan Tianyu. Despite his shorter and slightly chubby stature, at least his face was pleasing! He wasn’t a bad choice after all!

Despite Zhou Qingxing being wary of this peculiar player who showed excessive interest in Jiang Shishi, he had to accept the gesture since he had been rescued. He quickly said, “Thank you.” Y02uc7

“You’re welcome. I hope you can be less prejudiced against me,” Shang Qingyun said, shaking the camera she carried and continued fanning herself with it. She leaned against a nearby pillar to catch her breath, then glanced at the other players still surrounded by NPCs.

She was in a good mood, so she asked, “Are you really not going to choose one? Oh, right, you’re a new player. Look at them, do you know why other players didn’t refuse directly?”

Zhou Qingxing made sure there was no one around before acknowledging that the person leaning against the pillar was speaking to him. He furrowed his brow in thought. Soon, he responded, “To get more information?”

“No wonder you managed to survive in a past dungeon,” Shang Qingyun remarked, glancing at Zhou Qingxing. She aimed her camera at the lively townspeople and players around her, ensuring that this vibrant folk custom was captured on film. uNjVHL

She smiled and remarked, “It’s not easy to gather information in an exclusive dungeon. Without You Wusi’s special abilities, players wouldn’t even have the chance to speak with villagers. So, with the opportunity right in front of them can they still deny?”

Seeing that Zhou Qingxing was listening attentively, she was inclined to be helpful. After all, she had encountered many positive experiences in her not-too-short life.

She continued, “As long as you’re not too unlucky, there are usually clues and tasks on your identity card. Is your identity card the one you requested from Xiaopang earlier? Is there a hidden special identity since he exchanged it with you?”

Zhou Qingxing understood that events in the waiting area couldn’t be kept secret from other players, so he openly admitted to it. f2xgQO

He didn’t specify the type of task on the identity card he received. He just simply acknowledged that it was indeed connected to the police.

“Oh? This is interesting. I suppose the task must be related to drugs, right? After all, the NPC in the office mentioned it at the beginning of the plot. However, do you think such a remote and poor mountain town is really involved with drugs? Special identity cards are often not given without reason…” Shang Qingyun said but she didn’t finish her assumption.

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She noticed that the other players had mostly chosen the townspeople, and even those who hadn’t were tidy. So, she picked up the camera and headed toward the group of female villagers.

Even if they didn’t want to play cards with her, they can still complain about men together. GBlL36

Only Zhou Qingxing, who stood still with a serious expression, was deep in thought.

The identity he got acted as undercover in various crews for half a year, Only Zhou Qingxing, who was standing still, still had a serious face and was thinking quietly.

The identity he got had been undercover in various crews for half a year and was trying to find a batch of drugs. The identity card also received information that many people in this program group had contact with the target, so he came here a month ago. The clues he received indicated that the guide in the crew was also very suspicious.

According to the clues ge suspect that the drugs might be hidden in the old town where few outsiders came. adGVPY

Now, after hearing what Shang Qingyun said, he couldn’t help but ponder: is the role of his identity card in the copy really related to drugs?

If it’s not drugs…

Considering there are no children in the town, could it be human trafficking? Or is it some kind of vulgar and ignorant sacrifice?

Zhou Qingxing, who had no new clues, could only guess blindly. But when Yan Tianyu walked over to You Wusi and Jiang Shishi with an embarrassed look on his face, he stopped guessing. gve1fQ

“Brother Si, I won’t go back tonight!”

Yan Tianyu hesitated for a long time before finally speaking. Afraid of being misunderstood, he quickly explained, “I have a prop that can create a short illusion! Although it lasts less than two minutes, it’s enough! I also want to find some clues!”

He had no choice.

The two big bosses were so close that they would never sell their bodies, and Zhou Qingxing looked too upright to sell his soul. dd2F16

Now, he was the only fat guy suitable for the prop.

He could sell both his body and his soul.

Shang Qingyun, who happened to turn around, heard this from afar and couldn’t help but quickly walk back. She held the camera in one hand and opened the fan with the other, covering her mouth to hide her smile.

She walked over, her eyes glinting with amusement, and said, “Props for less than two minutes? Little Fatty, you’re really sacrificing so much for this!” aDV9GO

She waved the fan theatrically and added, “You’re willing to put yourself through so much just to find some clues. I’m impressed!”

Although You Wusi wasn’t a person, he still had human knowledge in his mind. Seeing Yan Tianyu’s flushed face, he silently raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In some ways, it was indeed quite a sacrifice.

Even Zhou Qingxing couldn’t help but pat Yan Tianyu’s other shoulder, intending to provide spiritual support and comfort through practical actions. nGwrNc

He knew how difficult it must have been for Yan Tianyu to make such a sacrifice and admit it so openly.

Shang Qingyun finally suppressed the smile on her lips and gently tapped Yan Tianyu’s empty shoulders twice with her fan.

“I wonder which woman will be so unlucky,” she said with a teasing tone.

After all, after tonight, would anyone really dare to choose Xiaopang tomorrow? s9d5jl

“Then…I… I’ll go first!” Yan Tianyu had a resolute look on his face, like he was heading to the battlefield. Ignoring the expressions of the people around him, he walked directly towards the woman who was waiting for him not far away.

What’s wrong with two minutes? Can’t he try his best to arrange a beautiful dream for the NPC?

Yan Tianyu tried to reassure himself as he approached the NPC.

He thought he could definitely make those two minutes memorable and valuable for the NPC. zOwSit

Jiang Shishi stared at Yan Tianyu’s back with curiosity, not quite understanding what was so significant about a prop that lasted less than two minutes.

Why did everyone have such strange expressions?

While Yan Tianyu looked like a little animal who was about to face a life-and-death duel in a harsh world with sword in hand… and ready to die?

He turned his head and thought hard, trying to make sense of it all. It wasn’t until You Wusi gently pushed him back to the inn, where only a few people remained, that he finally began to understand a bit of what was going on! n 6yrF

It seems like it was because he was going to sleep with the others!

As for why he had to show such an expression when sleeping with others, Jiang Shishi didn’t understand. He had already opened the “Director Quick Course” in his hand, so he set aside his confusion and focused on watching the video.

Today, the beautiful sister was also studying with her. But as the lessons grew harder, the beautiful sister spoke less and less, and her stories became stranger and stranger. Eventually, she used the excuse of needing to cook to escape.

Smart Jiang Shishi silently watched as the beautiful sister left. He kept looking at her until he couldn’t see her anymore. Then, he hugged the little mermaid tightly and continued to watch the complicated and strange course. VXs3lF

Alas, it was too difficult to be a good director.

Not everyone can become a good director like him….

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The dinner with only seven players ended soon.

It was getting dark. So, after cleaning the dishes, they didn’t say much and went back to their rooms. iodkmG

Even Shang Qingyun just waved her fan at Jiang Shishi and went straight into her room before the little cutie looked at her.

On the other hand, Zhou Qingxing wanted to share some clues with You Wusi. Since it was not convenient to talk outside, so after getting consent, he walked into You Wusi and Jiang Shishi’s room.

Ignoring some very inappropriate girlish furniture in the room, he directly shared the clues he had, including what Shang Qingyun said during the day and his own guesses.

Faced with such a sincere Zhou Qingxing, You Wusi, who originally only wanted to be a little assistant, had to be more serious. He opened his and his little wife’s suitcases, checked them carefully, and then looked through the mobile phone on the identity card. T KMsu

After all, one should give a peach after hard work.

It was impossible for him not to give a constructive suggestion when others have given him clues.

Perhaps the two previous consecutive breakthroughs put a certain amount of pressure on the endless system. In short, the identity cards that You Wusi and Jiang Shishi drew this time were as ordinary as could be. So ordinary that there weren’t many things related to the recording of the program in their suitcases or on their phones.

Fortunately, after a careful search, some useful things could still be found. biddGc

For example, the identity card held by field staff 4, Cheng Wei, was added after the program team learned they were going to Xishi Town.

And the process was not done in an ordinary way, but was through paying money.

The reason was very obvious. The target was to come to Xishi Town.

In addition, there was information about the identity of the guide who led them to Xishi Town. The guide did have some distant relatives in Xishi Town, but that was several generations ago. JsPSAg

It didn’t look like they would contact each other often.

In any case, these two people must have different clues in their hands, and they are very likely to be key clues.

Jiang Shishi was eating grapes and listening attentively. It was too difficult to complete the “Director Quick Course,” so he decided to focus on thinking about the strangeness of this dungeon with You Wusi!

He already knew that he was in an endless game. Every time he went to a different place, he would enter a new dungeon. The bad brother would always be very poor. Not only did he owe the little light ball a lot of points, but he was also so broke that he couldn’t stay in the place called Endless Space for long. UQ2qRJ

Even when his bad brother went into the dungeon, he hoped to find a place with all-inclusive accommodation and meals.

His bad brother was really miserable.

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Thinking of this, he felt a pang of guilt and gave the next grape to the bad brother.

You Wusi, who was looking through the director’s mobile phone, noticed the extra grape in his palm. He looked up at his little wife and soon understood that the little zombie wanted him to eat it quickly. XMHpl9

Looking at the innocent eyes he was slightly stunned for a moment.

This was the first time the little zombie, who was usually so protective of food, actually shared something.

He was a bit surprised but didn’t refuse. He took the relatively small grape from Jiang Shishi’s hand and put it into his mouth. As he savored the sweet flavor, he smiled warmly and said, “The grapes picked by Shishi are very sweet. I like them very much.”

Jiang Shishi patted You Wusi’s empty palm with satisfaction. Dulc7e

Just eat it!

After finishing the grapes, his bad brother would have to work harder to earn more points and buy all kinds of delicious food. Then he could feed him more grapes!

Although Jiang Shishi still didn’t understand why or how he had become You Wusi’s wife, he embraced his role with determination.

Since he was the wife, his bad brother, as the husband, had to work hard to make money. Just like the video said, he had to buy all kinds of delicious, beautiful, useful, and even useless things and give them all to him! zWmCdo

Zhou Qingxing, who was sitting on the side, was even more silent than before.

He felt out of place, like a transparent figure in the corner of the room. His presence seemed to intrude on the tender moment between the young couple. He could see how Jiang Shishi’s smile lit up at the simple act of sharing grapes, and how You Wusi’s appreciative smile made the atmosphere warm and intimate.

Feeling like a third wheel, Zhou Qingxing shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to avoid breaking the sweet connection between them.

After saying goodbye politely, he quickly fled from the space that did not belong to him. yq86dC

The night deepened.

You Wusi watched cartoons with his unusually well-behaved little wife tonight, and then he hugged her and lay down on the bed. He was about to go to sleep.

His unique non-human senses made him acutely aware of the sounds of movement in the inn. He couldn’t tell if it was accurate or intentionally misleading, but from time to time, he heard the footsteps of one or two people moving in the corridor.

Even Shang Qingyun next door slipped out of the inn under the moonlight at midnight, her figure casting a fleeting shadow on the floor. R7lqjM

You Wusi, who was lying beside Jiang Shishi, noticed that he was staring at the door wide. His little wife’s curious eyes reflecting the moonlight coming through the window.

He gently raised his hand to cover his little wife’s curious eyes and said with a smile, “If Shishi doesn’t sleep, how will you brush your teeth tomorrow?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Shishi was no longer the same Jiang Shishi from the past. He wasn’t going to be easily fooled by You Wusi’s words anymore.

Determinedly, he pulled his bad brother’s hand away from his eyes, which had been covering his view of the door. Then,
he raised his other hand and pointed at the empty rooms of the other players down the hallway. 7mO6xF

Many players were not here! They all went out to play!

Even he wants to go too!

“They have their own things to do. They will definitely come back in less than an hour.” You Wusi gently pinched his little wife’s cheek, knowing that he would not close his eyes easily. He continued, “If the players who just left come back in an hour, Shishi will go to bed obediently, okay? The night in the town is very boring, even worse than in the factory.”

Jiang Shishi always felt that You Wusi was trying to deceive him again. Despite his struggle and attempts to escape from his embrace, he couldn’t break free. NKc3Ev

In frustration, he rested his head on his bad brother’s chest, sulking. In the end he was forced to agree to this request.

Jiang Shishi was unable to leave the inn to play. Though he was disappointed, he reluctantly stayed put, resting his head against You Wusi’s chest.

True to You Wusi’s words, in less than half an hour, all the players who had left the inn earlier returned.

The corridors started to fill with the sound of footsteps and quiet conversations as they came back from their various activities. xc8Jd5

In less than half an hour, everyone except the players who had gone to sleep in the villagers’ homes came back.
He could only close his eyes and fall asleep unhappily.

The next day, Jiang Shishi brushed his teeth and waited for You Wusi to help him choose a skirt. After picking out a beautiful nail art design with a small watermelon, he happily picked up the pointing tool and went out.

The players who stayed in the inn all got up very early today.

It was not good to be late. The calls of various animals in the town were more punctual than an alarm clock, making it impossible to fall back asleep. yua1F3

Soon, the players arrived in the lobby on the first floor of the inn.

The door of the inn was wide open, but except for Yan Tianyu, who was sitting alone in a corner of the room, there was no one else around.

Yan Tianyu saw the two big guys and Zhou Qingxing enter the lobby, and without waiting for anyone to speak, he said aggrievedly, “She kicked me out just after dawn, even though she said she would keep me for breakfast last night!”

Women’s hearts are like needles in the sea!

You Wusi saw that Yan Tianyu was genuinely aggrieved, with thick dark circles under his eyes. Considering the effort and hard work he had put in, he thought for a moment and comforted him, “You really worked hard.” paJHhy

Shang Qingyun, who was lazily stretching behind them, nearly sprained her waist from the sudden comment, struggling to hold back a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Jiang Shishi curiously turning her head, her beautiful eyes filled with doubt as she looked around and finally locked with her.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It seemed like she was asking something?

Shang Qingyun blinked gently and placed her index finger against her lips, signaling for silence. B2GcH

Jiang Shishi didn’t understand or notice what was happening.
He silently hugged the little mermaid, thinking that when he was smarter in the future, he would also speak in half-truths or say things that no one could understand, pretending to be mysterious.

But he can’t speak.

Jiang Shishi thought to himself. Bad brother said this was a disease, so when he gets better, he will definitely be able to talk, and then he can be mysterious too!

Just like his bad brother!!!!! Dz6dNR

The players who stayed in the inn simply cooked a pot of white porridge and ate a few of the town’s special pickled vegetables to solve their morning hunger.

Coincidentally, the other players who had stayed overnight at the villager’s homes also came back.

Once everyone was there, there was no need for Director Jiang Shishi to wave and point with the tools. The players all consciously began to move the equipment that matched their identities.

The recording of the program was still going on. DnK Xj

Whether Jiang Shishi learned quickly or the director’s quick series of videos was just that good, this time, You Wusi mainly followed Jiang Shishi’s serious and diligent instructions as he recorded various tasks.

The players didn’t quite understand at all, so they carried different tools and adjusted them left and right, moving them back and forth to the rhythm of the clap.

Back and forth, they managed to get a lot of usable shots that looked pretty good.

After working for a while, everyone felt they had enough footage, so they ended the shooting and took a break. wmZjXf

Taking advantage of this break, the players tacitly dispersed in groups of three or five.

They planned to search for different clues in the town.

Yan Tianyu looked around and saw that except for Shang Qingyun, the other players were not there. Thinking that it would be a good opportunity to share his information with two big bosses he began to talk about the clues he had gotten last night.

It turned out that Xishi Town was not just a town, but also a tribe. xU4zca

They had an ancient surname that few people knew about: Xu.

And the ancestor of this tribe was a woman who had mastered superb paper-cutting skills.

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What was puzzling was that all the residents in the town currently had the surname Xu.

To be precise, there wasn’t a single foreigner in Xishi Town with different surnames. qArv1y

Xiaopang is Yan Tianyu

Translator's Note

The phrase Women’s hearts are like needles in the sea means that women’s emotions or intentions can be very difficult to understand or predict, much like how a needle is hard to find in the vastness of the sea. It reflects the idea that understanding women’s feelings or thoughts is challenging and elusive.

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  1. Hard work, clever wife

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖