The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch60 - His little zombie only had a brother

Cheng Wei watched the two players fighting intensely in the distance without showing any emotion on his face. He then said, “I believe so. We might need to move quickly to the next location after the recording is done.”

Afterward, he kept staring at the two players fighting with fans as weapons. 26JsWA

It wasn’t the flashy, showy kind of fake moves meant to display skill. Even though they were holding back slightly, the sharpness of each move couldn’t be concealed. Their techniques were lethal. Any distraction could lead to serious injury or even death.

Thinking about this, he glanced at Shang Qingyun. Then he turned his gaze towards You Wusi and his eyes narrowed slightly.

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Shang Qingyun had been in Endless for a long time and had faced many deadly dungeons.
Her skills must be impressive to survive. So, It was no surprise she had such abilities.

However…… 7JSvGi

You Wusi, on the other hand, was different…

According to the comments in the barrage, he was still a novice who had been in Endless for less than two months. Despite this, he had managed to destroy two special dungeons in a row!

Even though Black Pearl and Black Factory were both categorized as white dungeons, in the eyes of Endless players who had experienced players, these two dungeons were no less difficult than those other dungeons of other colours.

Moreover, this player named You Wusi has a wisdom value of 97.


Not only was he incredibly smart and powerful, but he was also able to break through special dungeons that had extremely low pass rates.

What a coincidence.

The only difference between the conditions for the endless God's Fallen and You Wusi was that he could live longer than those players. He really didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

Probably not very lucky.

Otherwise, how could You Wusi end up in this dungeon with this group of high-ranking players, in Shishi Town, where the dungeon’s color has changed? dOQ2cu

Cheng Wei slightly narrowed his eyes and turned to Jiang Shishi, who was sitting in a wheelchair with innocent eyes.

He didn’t see anything that justified the live audience’s description of the player as “mentally retarded.” Observing the other party’s agility, it was clear he had nothing to do with being called “mentally retarded” or an “idiot.”

With 90-strength power, he should not be underestimated.

Then his eyes shifted to Zhou Qingxing, who was also a new player. He didn’t stare for too long, just glanced at him briefly. Even so, Zhou Qingxing still noticed it. unat0i

Now he understood completely.

Players who had come from the light, possessing strong will and extraordinary potential, had always been disliked by the abyss.

Other veteran players were just merely passive observers as their eyes fixed on Shang Qingyun and You Wusi who were engaged in a fierce battle using fans as weapons.

Yan Tianyu stood on the sidelines, his chubby hand trembling slightly as he hesitated. Anxiety was evident on his face as he observed Shang Qingyun and You Wusi fiercely battling with fans. Pwknva

He wanted to step in and stop their fight, but he grappled with uncertainty about how to effectively persuade them to stop their deadly match.

He was afraid that the two important big shots would get really angry and end up fighting each other until one of them died.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

How could he not feel afraid? It was just the start of the dungeon! There were still fourteen days remaining until the dungeon was finished!

If anything happened to anyone, it would affect the success rate. hAlwY8

As he observed the two players in front of him engaged in a heated fan fight, he couldn’t help but sigh silently.

It seemed clear to him that the days ahead might be far from peaceful.

The two fans with their spinning blades crashed into each other and bounced off in different directions.

Suddenly, You Wusi and Shang Qingyun grabbed each other’s fan blades and started fighting with the handles of the fans. y0NhKL


“What an impressive technique!”


The villagers clapped and cheered enthusiastically, captivated as if they were witnessing a rare performance.
In fact, it was no different from street performance. RDao0f

You Wusi and Shang Qingyun both noticed the cheers and applause from the audience.

Their fans collided again together and quickly both exchanged them once more. Afterward, they held their respective fan handles again, and then they carefully handed the fully extended fans to Jiang Shishi, who was watching the scene with great seriousness and attention.

“Shishi, don’t you like this lovely fan? It has glowing lotus and can even transform into a bunny bracelet,” Shang Qingyun said first.

She delicately shook the feather tips on the fan, capturing Jiang Shishi’s clear and bright eyes, which resembled those of a cat. nBr8Eg

Upon seeing Jiang Shishi’s adorable reaction, the feathers on the fan’s tail began to shake even faster.

On the other hand, You Wusi was not happy.

He didn’t even look at Shang Qingyun. He wondered if she had been in Endless for too long because she acted like a weird auntie who felt the need to use strange things to get the attention of his well-behaved little wife.

Not only did she refer to his little wife in such an intimate manner, but she also called herself “Sister”! uSlqad

Was this strange-looking auntie even familiar with his little wife?

His little zombie only had a brother like him!

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His little zombie didn’t know any strange sister (auntie) who had appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing that Jiang Shishi’s head had turned towards Shang Qingyun, You Wusi shook the fan in his hand. A colorful butterfly with long tail wings, surrounded by light spots, fluttered past Jiang Shishi’s eyes. It circled around, and soon the little zombie’s beautiful eyes moved to his hand instead. 2BYdO5

He smiled gently as he turned the fan handle toward his little wife, and said, “Shishi, you can play with the little butterfly for a while. We’ll have dinner soon.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yan Tianyu, who was standing behind You Wusi and Shang Qingyun, was visibly anxious!

Vfflcu Aljcu Vtlrtl’r ilaaif ojmf aegclcu ifoa jcv gluta, tf ofia j ilaaif yjv obg tfg jcv tf kjcafv ab rafq obgkjgv jcv wjxf j mtblmf obg tfg.

Dea tf vlvc’a gfjilhf atja Aljcu Vtlrtl tjv jigfjvs wjvf eq tfg wlcv ibcu jub. fqReWU

Ycis mtlivgfc wjxf mtblmfr! Cveiar mjc tjnf atfw jii!

Aren’t they intentionally teasing him? If he weren’t clever, he might have been a bit confused.

Jiang Shishi, who was holding the mermaid doll, was turning his little head around. He swung his raised paws left and right until the little housekeeper An An in his arms tilted.

He carefully laid the sleeping little mermaid flat on his lap. eLTh12

It was only then that he freed up his two hands!

Jiang Shishi stared at his empty hands with excitement in his eyes. He stretched out his paws and grabbed two fans that he liked a lot. He happily shook his head, first looking at the bad brother and then at the beautiful sister, clearly delighted.

He wants both!!! He liked both the fans!!!!!!!

He gently pulled on both fans, but he struggled to successfully take them from the bad brother and the beautiful sister, so he silently increased his strength. eu6t8n

Eventually, You Wusi and Shang Qingyun let go of the fan simultaneously, then pulled chairs from the left and right to sit next to Jiang Shishi.

Without saying a word, they seemed like two door gods standing guard.

They had slight smiles at the corners of their lips, but the aura around them was extremely cold. Their eyes were also very aggressive, exuding a fierce intensity.

Only Jiang Shishi was genuinely happy.

He grabbed a fan with one paw and shook it, and colorful butterflies and lotus flowers appeared. Seeing the bad brother and the beautiful sister sitting beside him, he turned around and waved the glowing fan in front of his face. y4wFrQ

Coincidentally, the lotus hit You Wusi’s cold face, while colorful butterflies kept fluttering in front of Shang Qingyun.

Yan Tianyu hadn’t even had time to feel happy about Sister Shishi’s cleverness when he was almost ‘moved’ to tears by this scene. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

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Forget it, the big bosses’ matters were beyond the understanding of someone like him, who just carries bags and pushes wheelchairs. Let everything go with fate!

The villagers initially wanted to come over and praise both of them for performing such a good street performance. But seeing that the performance didn’t appear to be over yet, they decided to wait a little longer. vgY0tw

Maybe they can see more exciting performances again?

This wait continued until the villagers, who were preparing dinner, brought over the food and pots.

Seeing this, the villagers invited You Wusi to eat with them. Perhaps because the performance just now was really good, many villagers also engaged in conversation with Shang Qingyun.

As for the other players, the villagers didn’t even spare them a glance. ei0KFz

Soon all the dishes were placed on the long table.

The villagers had no plans to stay any longer. It was dinner time, and they needed to return home to eat. After ensuring everything was settled, the players were asked to wash their own dishes and chopsticks, and then everyone departed.

As the villagers left, it felt like they took all the fun with them.

None of the players said anything. They just stood there quietly. 4r dnY

As more and more lotus flowers and colorful butterflies floated in the living room, they quietly found seats and started scooping up rice without needing to be asked.

You Wusi gently held down Jiang Shishi’s two paws that were playing with the fans.

Creating more and more lotus……

He took out two large bowls that were familiar to him. He passed one to his little wife to hold onto, preventing him from creating any more strange lotus flowers, and began preparing food. 5hDzOB

The villagers were very generous. Perhaps they were worried that one chicken wouldn’t be enough, so they made a big pot of chicken stew.
The meat was cut into small pieces and filled the pot, along with plenty of side dishes.

The rest of the dishes consisted mainly of vegetables and some pickled food.

To be honest, the meal looked very simple and homey. Perhaps because the flavors were mild it wasn’t particularly appetizing.

However, the players didn’t mind. After inspecting their utensils and ensuring everything was safe, they all began to eat. 6YyJeo

Only You Wusi put some food into two large bowls with our checking. He mixed the chicken soup and meat pieces and fed Jiang Shishi, who had picked up the Little Mermaid again.

He was not in a hurry to eat himself.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Each time, he patiently waited for Jiang Shishi to finish chewing the food in his mouth before feeding him the next bite.

Whether it was his smiling eyes or every move, they naturally revealed his indulgence and love for his wife. XxVoOK

Shang Qingyun glanced at You Wusi’s affectionate manner towards Jiang Shishi. He observed how Jiang Shishi behaved so well, opening her mouth obediently every time the spoon approached.

Seeing this she simply turned her body slightly, facing away from the two of them.

What a hypocrite dog, pretending like that!

Acting so affectionate, yet only deceiving the innocent little girl. jXpOA

Talking about all this love and care, but she can’t see through it. All she knew was that his excessive affection was so great that she couldn’t even eat her food now!!!!

Jiang Shishi found this meal to be quite enjoyable. It was richer in flavor compared to what they had at the factory, though it lacked his favorite cherry tomatoes. The salty taste was still satisfying.

He ate half a bowl of food and then shook his head thoughtfully while chewing.

The learning video emphasized that it was not advisable to eat too much or completely fill one’s stomach during meals. G5xb I

He also agreed that it was important not to eat too much and to leave some space for dessert, like grapes, after the meal!

After dinner, the experienced players explored the first floor of the inn while simply taking the chance to wash the dishes.

The kitchen was located inside the hall. It was quite large and had all the necessary tools, but everything was covered with dust.

There was a door in the hall that led to the backyard, but it was locked and couldn’t be opened. P4z7NB

Since it was only the first day of the dungeon, no one planned to do much yet. After inspecting the dusty ancient copper lock, everyone returned to the living room.

The distribution of keys for this dungeon went smoothly, with no disputes arising.

As expected, You Wusi and Jiang Shishi chose to live together, while Yan Tianyu chose to live with Zhou Qingxing. Several experienced players who knew each other or had chosen the dungeon together also opted to share rooms.

Eight rooms were just right. 7tF0cT

Meanwhile, Shang Qingyun, Cheng Wei, and Ou Yibai each chose a single room.

As the sky gradually darkened, the players retrieved their keys and proceeded to their designated rooms based on the room numbers indicated on their keychains. They were beginning to feel the weariness that typically the players would usually feel in a dungeon but this time they were also feeling dizzy from the long car ride.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Regardless of what was on the players’ minds, they all appeared extremely sleepy and tired. They were all eager to return to their rooms and rest.

Same time, You Wusi took Jiang Shishi to the end of the corridor on the second floor. Just as he was about to open the door, a certain suspicious auntie with obvious ill intentions approached them, waving a fan. N9oqur

“If Shishi is bored, you can come play with sister,” Shang Qingyun said, waving the fan as soft clouds floated into Jiang Shishi’s arms. Seeing the pretty little cutie, she curiously raised her hand and poked the clouds twice, then blinked at her eyes in fascination.

She continued with a smile, “In this world, there are plenty of bad men. Sister has experienced many storms and heard countless fascinating stories. If Shishi is interested, be sure to come find sister!”

You Wusi didn’t pay much attention to the strange auntie’s obvious provocation. He just smiled and said, “I’m afraid Shishi may not understand your kindness…”

“Oh, really? Then I must not have explained it clearly. When I have time, I’ll have to explain it to Shishi in detail,” Shang Qingyun said, not even looking at You Wusi as she waved directly to Jiang Shishi. P4zfXM

Smiling, she touched her red lips with her fan, blew a kiss to the adorable little one, and then spoke, “Bye-bye, see you tomorrow.”

You Wusi politely but awkwardly said goodbye to Shang Qingyun on behalf of his wife. He then inserted the key into the keyhole with precision, turned it, and pushed Jiang Shishi into the room.

As the door closed loudly,

Shang Qingyun gazed at the heavy wooden door, her smile remained unchanged on her lips, yet her eyes instantly turned icy cold. 0dU8Op

He truly was a “perfect gentleman,” wasn’t he?

She turned her head to look behind her and noticed little fatty and Zhou Qingxing had halted their steps. Waving her fan casually, she retrieved her key slowly and said, “Oh, I’m blocking the way! I apologize, it’s entirely my fault. I just couldn’t resist making friends with a cute little girl, but I didn’t expect a pretentious wolf to watch me so closely. That’s why I lost track of time.”

Yan Tianyu didn’t know how to respond either, so he just awkwardly smiled.

It was almost as if he wanted to point at You Wusi and declare whether he was the real wolf or just pretending. ZdENGT

He also couldn’t understand how the big boss managed to offend this lady. He heard her temperament was actually quite good, but she hated scumbags the most.

It was said that she once repeatedly slaughtered all the male NPCs in the black edition’s boss room, simply because they had all harmed the “poor” female NPC. If he remembers correctly, that dungeon even has special properties of time reincarnation.

She was able to defeat the boss directly, unconventionally completing the dungeon.

The big boss couldn’t possibly be a scumbag, right? 9ZTU5W

No matter how he looks at it, there’s no connection right?!!!

The guest room wasn’t too large, but it had everything it needed; it was just all covered in heavy dust.

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You Wusi changed the bed to a new one from a one-click outfit program. He opened the window to let fresh air in and started to sweep away the dust.

As he was busy, lotus flowers began to float in the room… ixtOCn

Turning his head to look, he indeed saw the little zombie playing with that annoying feather fan.

He wasn’t a petty person, and he wouldn’t dispose of gifts other players gave to Jiang Shishi without permission.

Without saying a word he took out a small pack of compressed biscuits.

He turned on the quick-learning directing video on the learning device, waved to the backbone behind the wheelchair, then gave the learning device to it, and said with a smile: “Shishi, stop playing. Didn’t you say you wanted to be a good director? It’s time to study. Don’t be lazy. You have to start supervising everyone’s work tomorrow.” Hm2acV

Jiang Shishi, who was having a good time, felt that what his bad brother said made sense. He wanted to be a good director. If he didn’t understand anything, how could he supervise everyone’s work tomorrow?

Thinking of this, he quickly put away the two beautiful fans in his hands.

Then he quickly took the biscuit bag handed by You Wusi, took out a small biscuit, and while chewing it, he focused on the learning device that the sunny doll was holding.

This learning (struggle) lasted until late at night when You Wusi was done with cleaning the room. r2nsU8

Jiang Shishi felt that his mind had been filled with many things. Although he didn’t understand it yet, it was not a big problem! When he needed it, he would definitely know it!

As the night grew darker, You Wusi held his energetic little wife in his arms and they both lay down on their soft, comfortable pink lace bed. He covered Jiang Shishi with a sky-blue quilt.

Seeing that the other person seemed unwilling to close his eyes and sleep, You Wusi said, “Shishi if you don’t rest, you won’t have the energy to handle tomorrow’s tasks well. A good director shouldn’t behave like this.”

When Jiang Shishi heard it. He immediately and obediently closed his eyes. oU1XZd

The learning video once mentioned that people dream when they sleep, but Jiang Shishi had never dreamt before. However, this time, as he closed his eyes, he seemed to see himself as an excellent director, with his name prominently displayed at the beginning and end of the film.

As for what he recorded…

Well, it shouldn’t be much different from little animals walking around the world with swords, right?

The fighting scene with the bad brother and the beautiful sister playing with fans was delightful and would be perfect to include! In the opening, the bad brother could turn the fan towards the sky, revealing the words “Director Jiang Shishi!” At the end of the film, the beautiful sister shakes the fan, and as she does, Director Jiang Shishi appears. FOud0

And so, Jiang Shishi fell asleep in the beautiful Jiang Shishi director’s vision, with his head leaning on the bad brother’s shoulder. A slight, contented arc graced the corner of his mouth.

You Wusi waited until his little wife had completely fallen asleep, and then he looked down at him.

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Seeing Jiang Shishi’s rare slight smile, You Wusi extended his finger and gently tapped on the beautiful smile as he whispered, “It looks like you really want to be a director. So, as your little assistant, I’ll have to work even harder.”

And so, the long night passed with Jiang Shishi dreaming peacefully. Z3CMop

The next day, before the players woke up, lively sounds echoed through the town. It started with a dog barking once, followed by others joining in, and soon the whole town was alive with the sounds of chickens, ducks, and geese chirping excitedly.

When they opened their eyes, it was still dark!

After waiting for all the noises to settle down, the birds started to chirp outside the window, their chirping crisp and pleasant, like the natural music of the morning.

However, this could not mask its unsettling other noises which wouldn’t let them sleep! zmHviw

Fortunately, the players had gone to bed early the previous night, so even though they were woken up, they were only slightly irritable and quickly adjusted.

Deciding there was no use in attempting further sleep, they all got up and made their way downstairs, gathering in the hall of the house. There, they patiently waited for Jiang Shishi and You Wusi to join them, ready to start the day’s activities.

After all, the director has the final say in arranging the program!

They can freely roam around the town, but with the “approval” of Director Jiang Shishi, their actions will be justified. GR Kpr

You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who have also woken up and changed into their new outfits, didn’t keep the others waiting for long. They quickly washed up and headed downstairs.

The old players couldn’t help glancing a few times at the two who seemed to be fully prepared for a trip, as well as at Shang Qingyun, who had also dressed up nicely in new clothes.

It must be said that the style of these three people was quite fitting.

At least in terms of dressing and appearance, their consistency was quite evident. IZXASg

“Shishi looks so beautiful today! That light yellow dress with slightly curly, fluffy hair is really lovely. It’s just that the nail color isn’t well-chosen. Matching it with pink would make it more vibrant and less monotonous as compared to yellow.” Shang Qingyun, in her green dress and high heels, approached Jiang Shishi, while admiring the little cutie’s appearance.

She didn’t even glance at You Wusi’s attire. She simply half-squatted and continued praising the adorable Jiang Shishi with a smile.

Jiang Shishi was delighted to receive praise. He grabbed the pointing finger toy and swung it around happily.

Amid the sound of applause, he took out the small fan given by his bad brother yesterday, fanned out a colorful butterfly, and presented it to the beautiful sister. He directed the little butterfly towards her with a smile. 4A9a83

His bright eyes locked onto Shang Qingyun’s, seemingly asking if she liked the gift.

Shang Qingyun gently held the butterfly’s wings and said with a smile, “Thank you, Shishi. This butterfly is indeed unique, though not as stunning as others I’ve seen. Maybe after this, I could…”

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Before she finished speaking, a sunny doll with a quick-learning director’s device floated over to Jiang Shishi’s side and “accidentally” tapped the pointing finger toy five or six times in a row.

Shang Qingyun’s unfinished words were drowned out by a series of claps. b1x7Rn

“Shishi, you still have something to do, right? I won’t bother you. We’ll play later.”

With a snap of her fingers, Shang Qingyun sent the soft cloud ball into the little one’s arms, then stood up and moved aside. Despite appearing calm she couldn’t help but curse You Wusi who was playing dirty tricks.

Dogman, was this your only dirty trick? How shameless!

Jiang, holding a large bundle of clouds, raised the finger toy that could clap, while pinching the soft new toy in his arms, pointing towards the inn’s entrance. dBPX7V

The sound, which he was familiar with, suddenly faltered.

Seeing this, You Wusi spoke in a gentle tone and said, “Shishi suggests that we take a quick tour of the town today, see what unique features it has, and perhaps check out which paper-cutting is the most special. Of course, the camera should come along to gather more material. You never know when it might come in handy.”

Upon hearing this, Cameraman Shang Qingyun pursed her red lips, a cold gleam flickering in her eyes. Her eyes which were normally warm and friendly, now flashed with a cold light.

Isn’t it just carrying a camera? Ha! Is this dog’s dirty trick to prevent the “free time” she mentioned earlier? qct27S

Shortly after, Shang Qingyun stepped out in ten-centimeter high heels, carrying an extremely heavy camera device, while briskly following Jiang Shishi’s wheelchair.

At the same time, she also managed to snap her fingers to replenish the energy of the cloud bundle in Jiang Shishi’s arms when needed.

After all, it was just a camera.

Old players paid little heed to the conflict between You Wusi and Shang Qingyun as they silently surveyed the town. DIC1SA

The dungeon with color changes was clearly not straightforward, and even if they had clues beforehand, they were cautious not to take it lightly.

Xishi Town wasn’t small. It took the players more than ten minutes of walking to get through it, just from the street into the alleys.

The residents of the small town all woke up early. Those who needed to open their shops did so, while those staying at home opened their doors and began cleaning.

By the time they finally finished wandering down every road in the town, it had taken nearly a full hour. 6 eGUd

Even in the deepest alleys, there were intricately carved beams, painted pillars, and countless paper-cut decorations.

One can imagine how prosperous this place once was.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It’s unclear what caused it, but nowadays, few people visit here, and even fewer know about it.

After walking for so long, the players also noticed that everyone they saw in the town looked quite similar. They were all good-looking, but after seeing so many, they couldn’t even distinguish one from another. WVjGcF

It’s worth mentioning that after walking around the entire town, the players noticed that most of the town’s residents were around thirty to forty years old. There were some older ones, but not many.

Interestingly, they hadn’t seen any children at all. The players walked around the streets, passing paper-cut decorations twice, but still didn’t spot any children in the town. Not a single one.

The author has something to say:

Jiang Shishi: Am I not the one? oeb7Zf

You Wusi: Yes, Shishi is the cutest little baby.



I was not well so couldn’t update. Now I feel better here is new chapter 🙂 Ipaytg

Translator's Note

The sentence suggests that the conditions or circumstances surrounding the endless “God’s Fall” and You Wusi are very similar, with the primary difference being that You Wusi can live longer. This similarity makes him unsure whether his situation is fortunate or unfortunate. The “God’s Fall” likely refers to a difficult challenge or fate, implying that You Wusi’s extended lifespan might be a double-edged sword, bringing both potential benefits and burdens.

Translator's Note

The phrase two door gods standing guard metaphorically suggests that You Wusi and Shang Qingyun are silently and vigilantly watching over or protecting Jiang Shishi, much like mythical guardians stationed at the entrance of temples or homes in Chinese culture. It implies a sense of protective presence and watchfulness without the need for verbal communication.

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  1. 😂😂 those two should keep fighting like that, it’s so entertaining 😉

    Thank you for the chapter and take care of yourself 💚💚💚

  2. Thank you for the chapter !

    Hope we’ll see more of Shang Qingyun in the future 😄

    And You wusi, are you eating vinegar ? 😂