The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch58 - Welcome to Xishi Town

Welcome to new arc ๐Ÿ˜Šย 




Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was clear that the other person wasn’t having a good time in Endless.

He had a messy beard, looked very depressed, and his back was a bit hunched. It seemed like he had gotten much older. His eyes, which used to be full of confidence, were now tired and cautious. 0yPLZT

If it was someone else from Black Pearl, they probably wouldn’t recognize him right away. He had changed so much that it might take them a moment to realize who he was.

“Police officer, long time no see.” Seeing Zhou Qingxing looking at him with vigilance, You Wusi smiled and greeted him.

Jiang Shishi also remembered the man who had been a guest at An An’s house. Realizing that the little mermaid had been asleep for a while, he picked up the doll lying in his arms, took the chubby hand of An An’s, and waved it obediently towards Zhou Qingxing.

Seeing the familiar faces, Zhou Qingxing’s tense heart instantly relaxed. a somewhat awkward smile appeared on his stiff face as he said, “Brother Si, Miss Jiang.โ€


After that, he smiled self-deprecatingly. He continued, “I’m not a policeman anymore, so you can just call me by my name.โ€

Upon hearing this, You Wusi didn’t ask any more questions.

Whether it was new players or kind-hearted people with firm beliefs, Endless was never an easy place to live.

Or perhaps, it was simply treating everyone equally without any special treatment. kAJ8WF

Zhou Qingxing then smoothly changed the subject.

He looked at Jiang Shishi, who was waving the mermaid doll’s hand at him energetically, and smiled “Miss Jiang seems much livelier than before.โ€

“Shishi is smart. She learns things quickly,” You Wusi chuckled as he patted his little wife’s head.

Jiang Shishi, who was pleased to hear his bad brother praising his smartness, felt very good. He hugged the mermaid doll that always seemed to be asleep and emphatically nodded his head. VOcfxu

He knows a lot of things now!

He can figure out how much water to add to a pool while making sure it wouldn’t overflow! Although it was still a bit tricky, he had no trouble figuring it out!

Seeing this, Zhou Qingxing smiled and complimented Jiang Shishi for her intelligence.

Observing You Wusi’s continued doting treatment towards his wife, unchanged in demeanor, Zhou Qingxing was suddenly reminded of the Black Pearl dungeon which felt like a distant memory. qtRLHN

The only one who has changed might be him…

Yan Tianyu seized the moment after the big shots had exchanged pleasantries and introduced himself to Zhou Qingxing with a smile.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Having watched the live broadcast of Black Pearl, he was familiar with the policeman who activated the special identity card.

Honestly, Zhou Qingxing’s profession, which was full of strong beliefs and justice, was still not well-received or liked by experienced players in Endless. HPJodv

After all, the majority of players who have participated in Endless have succumbed to darkness or negative influences.

Of course, they find it difficult to accept anything that shines a light on their imperfections or shortcomings.

So, after watching the live broadcast, he really liked this policeman a lot. He won’t comment on other matters much, but at least the other person behaves like very human.

Unlike other players who were more like a monster than the actual monsters themselves in the Endless dungeons. wWJK2t

After they talked briefly, almost half of the waiting time had gone by. This time, there were no new players who were shouting or making noise.

While other players nearby were quietly watching You Wusi and his companions.

Even those who weren’t well-informed could tell from the continuous red barrage that You Wusi and Jiang Shishi had destroyed two special white dungeons in a row.

Soon, besides appraising looks, their eyes began to reveal other sentiments. nHmjCQ

[Dungeon extraction ends]

[Welcome all the players to the new copy, this time the dungeon world is – Xishi Town]

The familiar system voice echoed in the pure white waiting space.

As the voice trailed off, a transparent bubble hovered high above everyone’s heads like the sun. Impatiently, black and white liquids quickly filled the entire bubble, colliding and grappling with each other. TY0sik

In the blink of an eye, the black completely overwhelmed the white, leaving only a tiny dot at the very center that was barely visible.

While a large amount of red spread out from the edges of the sphere, blending into the dense black, with no distinction between them..

[Xishi Town? Why is there a red sign in this dungeon now? It didn’t look like this last time I checked.]

[Maybe players caused a lot of chaos previously, so the difficulty level has been upgraded.] D2JOKY

[There’s nothing exciting about this dungeon, it’s quite old-fashioned.]

[It doesn’t matter if the setup is old, as long as it does the job with killing the players. Besides, fewer and fewer people are clearing this dungeon.]

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[Why are those two players here again? So unlucky!]

[Hey, to the person complaining about bad luck, how much did you lose on the last live broadcast?] XOAjYK

[NCP Qian San was so useless and weak that even the Black Factory got blown up! It was definitely easy to clear!!]

[Yeah, what you’re saying is true. If you’re so capable, why didn’t you clear the copy before the Black Factory disappeared?]

You Wusi glanced at the massive barrage of text that blocked his vision once more, and then he remembered about the prop which could block the barrage.

He looked over at Yan Tianyu, who was staring intently at the floating ball beside him with a furrowed brow. Ih10lX

After careful consideration, he made the decision to refrain from taking advantage.

It was already challenging enough to earn points as it is. Sometimes, it’s better to maintain one’s own resources and advantages rather than taking unnecessary risks.

After all, even sheep need to grow their wool before it’s sheared.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ycmf atf mbibg bo atf yjii rajylilhfv, j yijmx lvfcalas mjgv klat j ojlca gfv mbibeg jqqfjgfv lc ogbca bo fjmt qijsfg. kPwdaN

Cibcu klat atja, gbkr bo rsrafw afza lc ecereji mbibgr jirb oibjafv bea bo atf rqtfgf.

Ktf atgff kbgvr “Wlrtl Kbkc” lwwfvljafis mjeuta tlr jaafcalbc.

Tbe Qerl mjrejiis qlmxfv eq atf lvfcalas mjgv jaajmtfv ab tlr kglrakjamt. Ejatfg atjc tjralis mtfmxlcu tlr lvfcalas, tf mjgfoeiis rmgealclhfv atf regojmf bo atf yijmx jcv gfv mjgv.

After noticing a small area of white on the card surface, he flipped it over that had “Assistant Director.โ€ written on it. DQg AR

He leaned down slightly to inspect the sturdy card that his little wife was tapping with her sharp nails. On it, he saw : “Director.โ€ on it.

Jiang Shishi also recognized the words on the card.


He knew this! 2LZ4zM

Whether it’s “Little Animals Traveling the World with Swords” or any other videos, a director was very important!

The director’s name would always appear at the beginning and end of the film!

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He likes it!

Jiang Shishi held the identity card in his paws. When he looked around, he saw that the bad brother was staring at the card in his hand, and Instinctively, he tightened his grip on it. Rbd7e8

This was his!

He won’t let anyone else have it, not even his bad brother!!!!

Seeing his little wife’s guarded look, You Wusi gently pinched his soft cheek and said with a smile, “Since you want to be a director, you need to study hard. Otherwise, when the time comes, you won’t even know what to do.โ€

Seeing Jiang Shishi nodding seriously, You Wusi felt that being the director’s assistant was also a good position. RqOIEs

On the other hand, Yan Tianyu, who was frowning, also looked at the ID card in his hand.

It read: No. 3 Field Staff.

Although he hadn’t followed the live broadcast of this dungeon, he had gathered some information by purchasing low-priced tickets while wandering around the black market.

This No. 3 field staff seemed to be associated with the police. uQfvCF

Thinking about this, he glanced at Zhou Qingxing, who appeared somewhat dejected and seemed to have lost his sense of justice and righteousness which he had initially during the Black Pearl copy.

Looking at the other party, Yan Tianyu hesitated for a moment. However he still proposed, “Brother Zhou, what do you think about swapping our ID cards?โ€

How could this person’s conviction disappear so easily?

Perhaps this could lead to triggering a special storyline related to the ID card. Just like he did in Black Pearl. 3JVqdX

“According to the information I got from the black market. It seems that this No. 3 field staff is sent by the police to investigate a smuggling case,” Yan Tianyu said, not waiting for Zhou Qingxing’s response. He explained the situation and handed the ID card to him, indicating that Zhou Qingxing should take a look.

Hearing this, Zhou Qingxing was slightly stunned. He pondered deeply, contemplating whether to accept the ID card.

Because he has learnt from his past experience in Endless it’s not enough to be righteous.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly he realized that he already had Yan Tianyu’s card in his hand, though he couldn’t recall when he had taken it from Yan Tianyu. lZMg7I

Strange bubbles continued to float out of the words.

Seeing that other players had already locked in their main skills to enter the dungeon, Yan Tianyu didn’t want to waste time with Zhou Qingxing. He smiled and reminded him that time was running out.

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Soon, he obtained a host and guest combined identity card.

After confirming the skill “Leaning on a Big Tree for Shade” and selecting its use on Jiang Shishi, the oddly colored text also floated above his head. KXt7VC

This time, there were quite a few participants in this dungeon. There were a total of thirteen players who were moving through the copy of ‘Xishi Town’.

From directors to field staff, and including photographers, lighting technicians, hosts, and advisors, everyone was present. Thus making it the complete setup which was required for recording any program.

Yan Tianyu glanced around at all the players in the group and paused momentarily when he noticed a girl dressed in a cheongsam with a determined expression. He recalled her name was Shang Qingyun and remembered she was ranked around 200th on the list of Endless players.

It wasn’t that the other person lacked the ability to climb higher, but rather that she spent her points too quickly. vx8dPk

Finally, Yan Tianyu moved his gaze towards Cheng Wei, a handsome male player who had recently climbed into the top 100 of the rankings just before they entered the Black Factory.

There were also familiar faces, players whom Yan Tianyu had seen more or less during the live broadcasts.

The sudden appearance of numerous advanced players in this dungeon indicated that there would be a significant increase in difficulty. Which was pretty evident whether comparing it to previous challenges or the ongoing ones.

Yan Tianyu looked around again, checking the personal values of other players, all of which were consistently above 70 even at random, and he suddenly felt more nervous. vfP8Hz

What kind of intense high-level copy had they entered in?

He looked at his value, which was only 67. For a moment he was depressed however when he remembered the figure standing next to him. He was revived again.

So, as a good player he wanted comfort from Zhou Qingxing whose value would definitely be lower than him. After all, Zhou Qingxing had only been in the Endless for less than two months. It’s not like he would have value greater than him.

However, when he looked up, the strength of the other was 85… sI zbH

He suddenly felt that he didn’t really deserve to stand here!

Just as he was feeling inferior, he glanced at the luck values of You Wusi and Jiang Shishi. You Wusi had a luck value of 5, while Jiang Shishi had a luck value of 9, both obtained randomly.

Yan Tianyu had a deeper understanding of luck values compared to other players.

From a young age, his grandfather had briefly mentioned various values, but always emphasized the importance of luck above all else. This had left a lasting impression on him. M vZfL

Because the luck value didn’t just represent luck and fortune; it also encompasses aspects like performing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

If the luck value was not high and was difficult to improve, it meant the character was troubled. In cases where it remained in single digits, it implied they had committed heinous crimes that were unimaginable to most people.

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Yan Tianyu didn’t believe that the two big guys had committed any heinous crimes, and he also trusted that his grandmother wouldn’t make such mistakes.

He could only speculate that changes in Endless might have affected their luck value. hdd0nT

Or was their fate altered?

Didn’t the old Taoist say that Jiang Shishi used to be very evil and wicked? Could this have been the reason behind the lower luck value?

[Dungeon Xishi Town, officially opens now]

The black color mixed with red instantly filled the entire waiting space, resembling a scene from a movie theater. Suddenly, a bright white projection screen appeared in front of all the players. vWnE0M

Soon, a desk appeared on the screen. A chubby man with his back to the camera was smoking a cigarette and holding a mobile phone and spoke casually: “I don’t care how you do it. This episode is about promoting traditional culture. Don’t invite any more artists. There are too many scandals in the industry latelyโ€”tax evasion, drug use, prostitution. The scrutiny is tight. Your team is sufficient. The budget is 50,000, not a penny more. Just name it something like Xishi Townโ€ฆโ€

“Yes, yes, Xishi Town. It’s a modest place, not a pricey tourist hotspot! The car and gear are set for you! For what? They’re known for their unique paper-cutting skill there, that’s why you’re going! The higher-ups are backing traditional crafts now, so you must capture it for me. Otherwise, this project is over! It’s a bit remote and not easy to find, that’s what makes it intriguing, right? Alright, enough talking, I’ll arrange a guide for you. Deliver the finished film in two weeks. That’s all, I’ve got other matters to attend to.” With a click, he ended the call.

He tossed the phone onto a nearby table.

The overweight man waved his cigarette and casually hummed a tuneless song. His movements were slow and relaxed, as if he had all the time in the world. The smoke curled lazily around him as he leaned back, enjoying the moment. zmZbLa

The cigarette gradually burned to the end, its glowing tip shrinking until it was just a small ember.

Soon, the darkness surrounded them. In the blink of an eye, everyone found themselves on a moving bus. Before the players had time to react, a calm female voice spoke from the front of the bus.

“I don’t know how to drive, can someone take over.” Ou Yibai calmly asked. She kept her hands on the steering wheel, not daring to move until Cheng Wei came over to take over the task of driving. Only then did she relax and move her hands and feet.

Looking at the player behind her who had the “Guide” badge, she said, “Lead the way.” T5PbIs

All present were experienced players, so even though there were some minor hiccups along the way, the journey continued.

The bus went deeper into a remote area until there were no more roads. It traveled around main roads and then onto smaller ones, even passing through a cemetery. As it got darker, the players started to question if they were on the right path.

Suddenly, just before the sun completely set, a quaint town appeared before them.

As the bus came to a halt, the familiar system voice echoed in everyone’s ears. I9Oul6

[Congratulations to the thirteen players for successfully entering the town of Shishi.]

[Please complete the recording of the program on popular culture and traditional art within the next two weeks.]

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[Survive until the completion of the program recording to pass this level.]

[Kindly participate in the film seriously. The director has the final say in arranging the program. We currently have a remaining budget of 50,000 and use it wisely.] 3fjI4z

[Current time, first day]

[Endless wishes all participants in the dungeon a joyful experience]

Until the system message lingering in the bus completely disappeared, no one broke the silence that had settled inside the vehicle.

“Director, make the arrangements,” Cheng Wei said. After waiting for a while without hearing from the director, he furrowed his brows and looked straight at Jiang Shishi, saying, โ€œWhy aren’t you saying anything?โ€ 9TCo4J

“Your request seems a bit unreasonable.” Shang Qingyun pulled out a fan from somewhere, opened it with a swish, half-leaning back in her seat. She fanned it leisurely and said, “Our director may not be able to meet your request for the time being.โ€

After saying this, Shang Qingyun smiled knowingly at Jiang Shishi, who was looking up curiously.

Cheng Wei was about to say something when barrage messages about Jiang Shishi’s Wisdom 3 popped up around them.

Instantly, silence fell over the bus. LtXOz7


Did she manage to survive through till now????

You Wusi didn’t say anything. Instead he found a small, unique index finger inside a long stick from the one-click outfit program. He gave it to Jiang Shishi and shook it with his claws.

Soon, the finger pointing the way made a clapping sound. RQdaWt

Jiang Shishi, who received the new toy, immediately became interested and kept shaking the pointing tool. When everyone looked at him, he waved his long stick and pointed at the bus door.

He remembered his role as a director!

Even though he couldn’t speak, he still had to guide others to finish the show!

Yes, smart Jiang Shishi had already figured out from the words spoken earlier and the mocking remarks around him that he was supposed to lead everyone in completing the show! hrsxTR

Directors are so powerful!

They have so much power!!!!!!

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As for how to complete it…

Jiang Shishi thought about it seriously. Soon, he reached out and tugged on You Wusi’s sleeve. He raised his paw and pointed at his mouth, then blinked his eyes, signaling him to get to work. WEUYdQ

He also has a little assistant!

If the director has to do everything themselves, what’s the purpose of the little assistant?

“Shishi said we should get off the bus now.” You Wusi smiled and gently patted his little wife’s head. He then told the other players, “Shishi also said we should find somewhere to stay first, take care of where we’ll sleep and eat, and then we can think about other things.โ€

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shishi nodded approvingly, shaking the clapping pointer tool, his eyes sweeping over every player present. dTivP2

He then grabbed the pointer tool again and continued to point at the bus door.

Get off the bus! Find a place to stay! Get something to eat!

Yes, that was what he had in mind!!!!

The players present had experienced their fair share of challenges, but this was their first time participating in what felt like a child’s pretend play. g5fCHV

But regardless, the director had the final say in organizing the program.

The system rules were very clear and direct. In the initial days of the dungeon, no one intended to break them from now at least.

Soon, each player stepped off the bus, one after another.

It was at this moment they realized that one large truck, fully loaded with equipment was following closely behind the bus. 5TAML7

Zhou Qingxing, who was sitting alone in the driver’s seat behind the bus, poked his head out from the driver’s seat. When he saw the other players getting off the bus in front of him, he also opened the door and hurriedly walked over to join them.

The people in Xishi Town had already noticed these two strange vehicles. Maybe it was because they hadn’t seen outsiders in a while, or for other reasons, they called out to others to see.

The few minutes that the players were delayed in the car were enough time for the townspeople to call their friends and gather around the two vehicles.

“Who are you?” nBFGE9

“What are you doing here?”

“Did you take the wrong road?โ€

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“The exit is that way. You should leave now.”

“No outsiders are allowed in the town.” dtXibQ

“Go away!โ€

The locals obviously don’t like the players very much. Many of them have defensive and disgusted faces, and some even frowned directly, not disguising their disgust for the strangers.

Experienced players knew that if they couldn’t stay, they would be judged as failing to pass the dungeon directly.

No one knew where the failed players ended up. And they didn’t want to know either. zHnqKM

However they do know that once players are deemed to have failed to pass the level in Endless, their entire existence within the gameโ€”such as their data, progress, and any information associated with themโ€”will be completely wiped out, as if they had experienced a permanent deletion or elimination within the Endless.

So, the players began explaining and then brought out the player who was claimed to have relatives in the town. They assured that they would compensate for any disruptions caused by their presence in the town.

They continued talking like this for a long time.

The discussion went on for so long that Jiang Shishi grew bored and started poking the little mermaid’s tail. It was only then that a man in his thirties emerged from among the villagers and expressed his desire to discuss with the person in charge of the program. 0YZb8S

The players gazed at Jiang Shishi in silence, and eventually, all their eyes shifted to You Wusi, who stood behind Jiang Shishi.

It didn’t matter if their director was unable to speak.

As long as there was someone who could “help” by speaking for them.

You Wusi didn’t disappoint everyone’s expectations. He stepped forward and pushed Jiang Shishi who was in a wheelchair and explained, “My wife is the person in charge of this program. Due to certain reasons, she cannot speak at the moment.โ€ 45KVwF

“If she can take charge, then let her do it,” the man said, waving his hand dismissively. He had already heard plenty from these outsiders.

He directly asked, “What are you planning with this program? Will it impact our lives? Besides, there’s nowhere to stay in our town anymore! There used to be an inn, but the owner, who was like a sister to us, has passed away. Even though her relatives help to maintain the house, it’s still empty!โ€

You Wusi smiled and calmly explained the program objectives. He first talked about traditional culture, then he discussed the development of traditional arts and its craftsmanship and cultural importance. Finally, he expressed sadness that such beautiful art wasn’t well-known to many people.

Every word of his praised the traditional art. Most importantly, he spoke about each aspect clearly and effortlessly. rlsYaO

When the players heard it, they almost believed that You Wusi had truly come to this remote town with such a strong commitment and dedication to spread traditional culture and art.

“I hope everyone can learn about this traditional folk art of our country! If they get the chance, they should come to Xishi Town to witness this incredible traditional art!” You Wusi’s eloquent speech softened the expressions of all the villagers.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Maybe they truly appreciated this craft passed down from their ancestors. Without waiting for the man who stepped forward to speak, they exchanged glances and encouraged the man to agree.

The man was clearly moved by what You Wusi said. After hesitating for a few seconds, he continued, “You can take pictures if you want, but it’ll cost you at least half a cent! Also, all the art crafts in our town can only be looked at, not touched!โ€ BzP81m

You Wusi smiled and agreed that paying for pictures was reasonable.

He asked the villagers to cooperate and not stop them if they saw them taking photos with cameras and other equipment.

Finally, he also especially emphasized on the fact that the equipment in their car was worth hundreds of thousands and very expensive. He then asked if they could provide a place for them to park.

Since everyone was planning to stay, the villagers reassured them that there was no need to worry about parking, as the town was very safe with no incidents of petty theft. M4G2oS

Yet, the villagers remained quite curious about the outsiders.

Seeing that You Wusi was friendly and knowledgeable about traditional arts, the villagers started chatting with him, realizing he was someone they could talk to comfortably, aside from their fellow villagers.

For every question, You Wusi could provide reasonable and appropriate answers.

As the villagers talked more with You Wusi, he would often mention Jiang Shishi. He talked about how Jiang Shishi was very interested in traditional art, so he specifically went to learn about it. ChP10T

You Wusi also mentioned how he would even cut out a little rabbit to make Shishi happy…

Upon hearing these words, Jiang Shishi tilted his little head and looked at You Wusi with a puzzled expression.

He kept looking at You Wusi, who was talking strangely.

When did he like paper cutting or traditional art? xQAmlU

When did his Bad Brother make a little rabbit for him? He has never seen him doing it!!!

Also, did he know Big Brother before?

As far as he could remember it seemed like they just met two months ago, right?

He didn’t understand, so he could only eat the grapes that were handed over by the other party before. With wide, beautiful eyes, he turned his head and glanced at the players around who were constantly staring at him. wjV4qZ

These people were so strange.

Why were they always looking at him and Big Brother?

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Also, their expressions would change so quickly. Just like magic!!!!

The players didn’t know what Jiang Shishi was thinking; they just thought You Wusi was really knowledgeable. Looking at the other person talking with villagers so eloquently they almost as if his major was paper cutting. 3z6Yfi

When the players saw the barrage mentioning You Wusi skillsโ€”like locksmithing, door repairing, puttyingโ€”they found it strange but they couldn’t say it exactly. Even if they were forced to say they would still not be able to say it.

Why did You Wusi have to learn these strange things for Jiang Shishi?

Leading Paper cutting it was understandable and it made sense, but skill like putting seemed unnecessary, didn’t it?

Why??? jKSbCR

Finally, when You Wusi mentioned Jiang Shishi for the tenth time, they started to grasp what he meant by “my Shishi.โ€

This player was truly perfect for the so-called ‘loving wife more than life’ skill. And he really knew how to put all those skills in use in front of others!!!

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  1. I start to believe that they actually have meet before and actually in love lol.

    … I have been brainwashed! (โ @โ _โ @โ )

  2. I love Shishi so much! And I bet his wisdom value has gone up – he understands that its his job to lead (via pointing), that he wants people to go out and get setup started, and that delegation is important ๐Ÿคฃ

    I really like YT, too – it’s sweet that he gave ZQ the police identity due wanting to see the repair his convictions โค๏ธ

    Did anyone else forget what darling hubby’s (as he would say) skill was? I totally forgot until now ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. You Wusi learnt how to manage the fabric from “The black factory” and started his own production of dog food

    Thank you for your translation ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–