The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch53 - A place with no end

Jiang Shishi watched intently as Yan Tianyu and Qian Dabao chatted under the locust tree. More specifically, his eyes were fixed on the bag of compressed biscuits in Yan Tianyu’s hand.

He hadn’t had any snacks for many days! kpN47A

You Wusi refused to give him even the hard and tasteless biscuits! It was so frustrating!

Unhappy Jiang Shishi turned his head, opened his mouth, and bit You Wu Si’s wrist that was holding the wheelchair. He pressed his sharp teeth down hard.

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He wants small grapes and small biscuits!!

He knew that his bad brother must have more! c69URD

You Wusi just smiled. He patted his little wife’s head, and said nothing. He extended his bitten hand, doing his job as a good teether toy.

Yan Tianyu was trying really hard to trick Qian Dabao so he didn’t know what big boss and his wife was upto.

He listened to Qian Dabao talk on and on about how nice Sister Nu was to everyone who worked, but something didn’t seem right to him.

If Qian Dabao didn’t lie, then logically speaking, the employees wouldn’t have such a negative opinion of her!


Not to mention anything else, just seeing the big spoonfuls of food she gave out every time, they should have praised her for her kindness and generosity.
Instead, they kept saying things like she wasn’t around much, she wasn’t filial, she was blinded by the outside world, and she was cheated by men.

What’s more, this “Sister Niu” often helped them out.

To be more specific, words about not coming to home and not being filial seemed to be often said by Qian San and his wife.

Old employees who were often treated badly by mean bosses wouldn’t sincerely defend Qian San and his wife. Even if they gossiped about the boss’s daughter being cheated on, they wouldn’t honestly support them. They’d probably just complain or stay quiet instead of saying nice things. qQxz3n

“Even so, Sister Niu must really miss me! She gave me a toy car the day before yesterday! And she also gave me lots of new toys and the latest Tomato mobile phone. But I don’t know why my phone can never reach Sister Niu’s phone.” Qian Dabao took out a new phone from his pocket, proudly showed it to the new employee, and grabbed the bag of biscuits from Yan Tianyu’’s hand.

He wasn’t in a rush to leave. After receiving new toys, he definitely wanted to show them off. Before, the new employees didn’t pay attention to him, so he couldn’t show these cool things to anyone! Since he had a bunch of them with him, he took them out and showed each one!

Yan Tianyu stared at the brand-new toys Qian Dabao was holding, feeling surprised, and asked, “You got these the day before yesterday?”

Wasn’t that when a faceless female ghost was burning paper money on the roadside? lQbrF1

That ghost in a white dress was really Qian Dabao’s sister?

That night she not only burned paper money but also brought Qian Dabao the latest paper toys.

“Of course! My sister loves me the most! Even if she doesn’t come back, she always brings me gifts!” Qian Dabao quickly stuffed all the new toys back into his pocket. Then, he grabbed a small biscuit from the bag and said, “Unlike you employees, I don’t know where my father found these from. Every time, it’s just a few same people, batch after batch… Ugh, how disgusting! Is this even a biscuit? It’s like a rock!”

Feeling deceived and slightly angry, Qian Dabao contemplated discarding the cookies in frustration. iDVC 6

However, he refrained from doing so for reasons he couldn’t quite grasp at the moment. Instead, he shot a fierce glare at the overweight employee who had annoyed him. Swiftly grabbing the bag of belongings, he made a hasty retreat.

Yan Tianyu, upon hearing Qian Dabao’s remark about “it’s always the same few people,” felt a flicker of curiosity. He wanted to pursue Qian Dabao and probe further, but by then, the NPC had already bolted away, disappearing without a trace before Yan Tianyu could even catch a glimpse of him.

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He took out the special props from his backpack to check the live broadcast. When Qian Dabao said those words, he saw the camera disappear. He lowered his head quietly, hiding his not so confused face.

Who said that NPCs were just programs? qdu4lw

Before entering the endless game, Yan Tianyu was a happy local from a family with modest wealth in the capital city, owning a house and a car. Despite living in a remote area, as economic development progressed, the village came under the jurisdiction of a large city!

When he was five or six years old, an elderly grandfather from his family returned to the village. He was not young and held a high rank, but he seemed a bit odd. It was said that he had served as a eunuch in the palace for several years.

The children in the village were somewhat afraid of the old grandpa. Only Yan Tianyu felt that the grandpa with the white face and no beard was full of stories about life’s ups and downs, so he eagerly sought to be near him.

The elders in the village also respected the grandfather. When they saw children willing to keep him company to accompany him, they would send fruits and melons with kids to enjoy at the grandfather’s house. C7XQn3

The grandpa didn’t let Yan Tianyu down. He always told strange and exciting stories about ghosts, gods, and lots of different people that were good and bad.

He had never heard stories about the so-called palace from Grandpa.

Only stories of groups of people that kept dying in different places, struggling to find a way out of the darkness, whether they were good or evil.

Yan Tianyu once asked Grandpa if all these never-ending struggles were like being in a place called hell. VxopgA

Old man smiled kindly and replied, “Child, hell means different things to different people. Maybe this is just how fate tries to help us get through tough times.”

The grandfather was very old when he returned to the village.

As Yan Tianyu got older, he couldn’t visit Old Grandpa as often. Over time, his visits became less frequent.

He also heard from his parents and other villagers that the grandfather seemed to be losing his mind more and more. v5GPOD

They noted that he would often talk about having friends over and entertaining them, yet no one outside the family ever came to see him.

But the strange thing was, every time Yan Tianyu visited Grandpa, the old man was always in high spirits. Even at his age he didn’t even need a cane; he could still laugh, walk, tease him, and then he would tell him a new story.

The story was always about a group of people entering a mysterious place, just like before.

They were solving puzzles and fighting tough challenges together. Finally, their close friends managed to solve all the mysteries. Some of their friends felt sad about leaving, but they all departed together, walking into a bright light. Iv0djN

Yan Tianyu greatly admired grandpa’s imagination and often encouraged him to write down these stories. However, the old man would just smile and shake his head, saying that these tales would stay with him until his grave.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Tjc Kljcse kjr 18 sfjgr biv jcv tjv pera olclrtfv tlr mbiifuf fcagjcmf fzjw, tlr ojwlis lcobgwfv tlw atja Yiv Xgjcvqj kjr cba kfii. Llr ugjcvojatfg tjv yffc yfvglvvfc obg atf qjra akb kffxr jcv mbeivc’a fja. Lf kjr bc j vfjv yfv ygfjatlcu tlr ijra ygfjat. Gfrqlaf atlr, tf kjr ralii tbivlcu bc, kjlalcu obg tlw ab gfaegc.

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He hurried back to his village which was now partly enveloped by the expanding city.

At the entrance he saw Old Grandpa standing at the door with a cane. A group of elders wanted to assist him but hesitated to do so. yIS4de

Finally, Old Grandpa asked everyone else to leave, leaving only Yan Tianyu with him.

Inside the room, there was a sturdy coffin that the old man had picked out himself. It wasn’t made of any expensive material; instead, it looked quite old and worn, as though it had been used for many years.

When Yan Tianyu entered the room and saw the scene, tears streamed down his face.

But his old man smiled gently and asked Yan Tianyu to help him quickly place the coffin, so they wouldn’t delay the peaceful rest he was preparing for. zYL0O7

When the old man lay down in the coffin with a shiny gold charm in his hand. Which seemed like it was given by someone. The charm looked like it was heavy because it was made of gold, but when he held it, it felt incredibly light, as if it weighed almost nothing. He could barely feel it in his hand because it was so light and delicate.

“Your grandpa has received some bad news recently, but unfortunately, I can’t do anything with my old bones. You, kid, you always wanted to hear so many stories from me. It used to be enjoyable to tell them, but now I’m worried it might upset you,” Old man said with a frown and a sigh.

It seemed like he was troubled by the bad news he had heard, and he appeared concerned about his (Yan Tianyu) future.

After a long pause, the Old man spoke again, his voice filled with concern and urgency. “I’ve done what I can to prepare for what’s ahead. If things don’t go well, you can blame me, your great-grandpa! As for what will happen in the future, well, I don’t have much time to explain everything in detail. You need to be smart and find refuge under large trees to stay warm. Remember, trees come in many types, so choose wisely and carefully. If needed, don’t hesitate to seek help from spirits, ghosts or monsters. This longevity charm is important; keep it with you at all times, or I won’t rest peacefully.” He looked at Yan Tianyu with a mixture of seriousness and affection. FD6GIe

The elderly old man with cloudy eyes gazed at Yan Tianyu and said, “You can always find a way out, as long as… as long as you survive… that’s an unbreakable rule. You…. have to survive.” He appeared to have more to say, but hesitated, cautious not to explain further.

In the end, he simply smiled and mentioned that many old friends might come to bid him farewell. He urged Yan Tianyu to treat them kindly when they arrived, then peacefully closed his eyes.

Yan Tianyu wasn’t sure if his great-grandpa sometimes mixed up real life with his stories before he died. But he always wore a special charm. He got the old man’s house and some of his things. Now he had lots of time to work and wait for the old grandpa’s friends who would come say goodbye to him someday.

Even when he went to college, Yan Tianyu asked his parents to watch over his old man’s house. In case of the old man’s friends without meeting him. SUnvV5

This wait lasted for seven or eight years. Many visitors came to the house, but none were friends of his great-grandfather.

Then, Yan Tianyu entered Endless.

It was a place that resembled his great-grandfather’s stories in some ways, but also very different.

Yan Tianyu stared at the string of numbers in his hand. When he opened his personal system, he saw the familiar longevity charm securely locked in the information column, along with a few lines describing his skills, also tightly locked. FGIqBE

In addition, he noticed he had three extra equipment slots compared to other players. All of them contained legendary items! But he couldn’t use them! These items were all locked up!

Of course, even if they could actually be used, Yan Tianyu didn’t dare to use them.

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The place Yan Tianyu entered was incredibly peculiar.
It wasn’t the kind of place described by his grandfather with shades of good and evil. Instead, it was filled with pure malevolence that surpassed even hell itself! As for advancing to higher levels, truthfully, after spending so long in Endless, there were very few instances where he could progress.

Even among the players, the idea of “levelling up” didn’t exist. They just thought that if the copy was blown up, the Endless system would have no choice but to shut down. edCOZB

Moreover, based on what Yan Tianyu understood about Endless, whether it was information from the black market or elsewhere, no player had ever managed to walk out of Endless alive!

Even though numerous top players disappeared in the dungeon one by one. But there were no records that ever mentioned that they were able to escape from Endless after their disappearance.

This place was as if it was an eternity without end.

But it was evident that Yan Tianyu’s grandfather did manage to escape from Endless! 3Q26TZ

He also seemed like he was retiring and returning to his roots. The longevity charm in his personal system and the task bar filled with legendary items silently affirmed his grandfather’s identity as a high-level player.

Yan Tianyu felt like there was big secret in Endless. He didn’t dare act weird and carefully looked for clues.

He wondered if his grandfather made the games more dangerous for him.

If It wasn’t for hugging big bosses who had good skills. And if he wasn’t willing to buy helpful props all the time he might not have managed to survive till now. B9cVP2

Perhaps he had been watched constantly.

Yan Tianyu put on a smile again, pushing aside his worries for now, and hurried over to the locust tree. There, he saw Zhang Wenbo and several other players standing by the big boss, and Ning Jingshan, who seemed a bit mentally ill chatting.

He didn’t pay attention to the crowd and squeezed his way to You Wusi’s side.

Taking advantage of a break in Ning Jingshan’s praise about the big boss and his wife, he interrupted and repeated Qian Dabao’s words exactly as he had heard them, including the phrase “same people again and again”. eyU5wG

Out of everyone, who can still spot the differences in Endless now?

No one seems to miss a thing, except for You Wusi, a player with a wisdom of 97!

If he reveals even a little, Yan Tianyu believes the boss will definitely notice more than him!

He believes that Boss would definitely be able to beat Endless one day!!! POla1C

Jiang Shishi, who had just let go of his bad brother’s hand, heard Yan Tianyu mention the biscuits and learned that Qian Dabao, the chubby kid, had snatched them away. In response, he turned around and bit his mean brother’s hand again.

Such a naughty chubby kid can also have biscuits!

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While he was so good and obedient, why can’t he eat them!!!!!

“This doesn’t prove that the lady who stays up at night playing with fire on the roadside was Qian Dabao’s sister. We need evidence to prove it.” You Wusi patted his fierce little wife who was busy biting his hand again. qNoWxl

After saying that, he felt the air under the locust tree wasn’t good, so he gently pushed his wife toward the dormitory. At night, they didn’t sleep much, and during lunch breaks, they had to fight for their time to rest.

The other players also followed You Wu Si’s lead, eager to support the boss. Some wanted to explore further in the game, while others decided to rest in their dorms. Either way, they felt it was a good decision and didn’t want to miss out!

However, for Qian San, who was in the cafeteria, seeing the new employees heading back to the dorm to rest was unacceptable!

Sleeping right after lunch? Were they pigs? 1i 5b3

They used to hurry to work, but now it’s the important time to send out shipments at the end of the month. Why were they still being lazy?

He simply wanted to stop those lazy individuals, but the old-style factory lunchtime music was still ringing in his ears, and he suddenly recalled that it was break time.

In the end he could only suppress his dissatisfaction, unable to express it openly.

Qian San was getting angrier and angrier. He stood by the workshop door, planning to catch some people who were late when the bell rang. FhXWod

Surprisingly, those rascals ran really quickly.

When they saw him by the door, they hurried into the workshop and settled at their desks just before the bell rang. It was perfect timing – as soon as they sat down, the bell chimed.

Qian San was even more upset because he couldn’t catch anyone who was late. He glared at the kids in the factory and said loudly, “I hope everyone will work harder in the next few days. I checked today, and some interns who ran off without a word caused the number of pieces produced to be lower than usual. To make up for this, you have to make 300 more pieces every day than you did the day before. If you don’t make enough… you’ll have to stay and finish until you do!”

Qian San’s word “stay” carried a lot of weight. 5fL7bt

As soon as he finished speaking, more ghostly figures appeared around him, their eyes fixed on the workers became colder.

After patrolling the workshop twice and seeing that everyone was speeding up, the ruthless boss wiped the sweat from his forehead and left quickly.

The work was still hard.

What made it even harder was that the place was already full of ghost employees, with some of them even squeezed into corners and aisles near the workstations. 2PKzUM

When they looked up from the corner, they could see the ghost employees’ faces, which were very pale and had no colour in their eyes.

Jiang Shishi also noticed those weird human-like creatures. Seeing that they couldn’t make any noise and didn’t seem to understand anything, he quickly lost interest after a few glances and went back to watching the educational video that was playing.

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He had already learned that both sides of a road were being repaired simultaneously and the human was asking when and where it could be completed.

Couldn’t it be finished when it was supposed to be finished? And as for where it was, wasn’t it where the repairs were completed? Why was there such a strange question? J8yuV2

Jiang Shishi didn’t understand, and he didn’t want to understand. But his bad brother had forced a pen into his hand, so he had no choice but to scribble and draw.

Why should he study? What’s the point of studying?

He didn’t see him studying ever? Why doesn’t his bad brother study?

He just bullied him all the time!!!!! cv8ZbR

With a frown, unhappily he drew two large horizontal lines on the paper. Then, in the middle of those lines, he carefully added a vertical line.

He felt it was almost time to hand in his homework!

Look, right here, he also finished drawing the construction, and he even marked the spot!

He was about to give the paper to his bad brother sitting next to him when he suddenly felt something attacking him. OUPh3t

Jiang Shishi threw away the pen and used his hands like claws to push away the strange human-like creatures reaching towards him. When he swung his hand back, those creatures disappeared into a grey mist.

But soon, more strange human-like creatures came in to take their place.

Seeing that these stupid yet slow creatures were still trying to attack him with their claws, Jiang Shishi was about to push them away once more. However, he then remembered the boring maths video he had watched earlier. He decided to slow down his movements. First, he retracted his claws, then extended them again. This time, instead of pushing forcefully, he gently poked at the creatures.

The creatures that attacked him turned into smoke. QY2GdN

To be honest, it was quite enjoyable, definitely more fun than the boring maths.

However, before he could have enough fun annoying You Wusi straightened up and placed the pen back into his hand.

“Listen up and let your gege handle these distractions while you focus on your studies.”
How can You Wusi not understand his little wife’s lazy intentions. He gestured to his helper to deal with the annoying things that were disturbing his little wife’s studies, and used his hand to shield Jiang Shishi from those annoying little things.

Looking at the strong and solid transparent figure standing behind him, Jiang Shishi sighed and grabbed the pen. He scribbled two numbers clumsily on the paper and started calculating the troublesome road with his head down. TbA7zY

When he gets stronger in the future, he will catch his bad brother to fix the road!

He will start from both ends and work towards the spot he chooses and let his bad brother see how long it will take to finish the repair!!!!!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

For other players, having more ghost employees around has become a problem.

If they move a bit slower, ghost hands will try to attack them! ijw9kt

The worst were the two players selected as employees with negative attitudes. Among them, the older player was better off, supported by props, while the other was Zhao Siqing who was far worse. Even though her skills can resist the ghost hands, she can’t keep using them all the time. When she wasn’t paying attention, she got stabbed in the back and got a bloody wound.

Luckily, the wound was not deep. She grabbed the iron rod taken from the dormitory and used it as a sword to cut off the ghost hand directly.

The bell rang again, Zhao Siqing, who was struggling, couldn’t take it anymore. She looked pale from losing too much blood. She tried to leave her desk but was blocked by many ghost employees.

Thanks to You Wusi who signalled to backbone and rescued her and managed to leave the workshop. a8OiZU

Even so, many ghost employees followed Zhao Siqing out of the factory. When she used the iron rod like a sword to fight off all the ghosts, she was completely exhausted.

If Yan Tianyu hadn’t been close by to help, Zhao Siqing would have collapsed.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with determination.

She had endured these twenty days, and today was the last day for employees with negative attitudes. The dungeon was about to be over! She couldn’t afford to fall down now! uz2Wx7

Zhao Siqing didn’t want to die quietly at her workstation like the previous newcomer!

She wanted to live, she will live!!!!

Thinking about this, she suddenly lifted her head and stared closely at You Wusi. If he could save Ning Jingshan, maybe he could save her too! It doesn’t matter if she goes crazy in the process—still she wants to live!

You Wusi glanced at the human player, noticing the fierce determination to survive shining in her eyes. It reminded him of the intense resilience he had witnessed long ago, when humans fought desperately against zombies to stay alive. BHUh41

Even though they were different races, he still admired the strength and beauty of their determination to survive.

If they have the will to survive he doesn’t mind giving a little help.

You Wusi suddenly said, “Qian San needs employees who can work effectively. Maybe you could go to Wan Caixin and get some medicinal wine.”

“Thank you!” Zhao Siqing quickly understood You Wusi’s hint. As long as she could continue working, Qian San and his wife would surely find a way to support her. The couple held the most authority in the harsh electronics factory, even the ghost employees had to heed their commands! 4osjVi

Thinking about this, she smiled. She turned to Yan Tianyu, who was helping her, and said, “Could you please help me go to the cafeteria first?”

“Oh, of course.”

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Yan Tianyu very gentlemanly assisted the young girl, who appeared as though she had just started college, to the cafeteria and helped her sit down. He also called Wan Caixin over to assist her.

Soon, Zhao Siqing used 576 yuan from her salary to buy two small bottles of medicine from Wan Caixin for cleaning wounds and stopping bleeding. A5IePR

She didn’t understand how it worked. However after applying it, the wound quickly healed and stopped hurting. By dinnertime, her complexion had improved a lot, though she still felt a bit weak.

Seeing this, many players were interested.

But when they asked again, Wan Caixin said the price of the medicinal wines had risen to 1,000 yuan. She also mentioned that the items were rare and the price would only go up later.

The players thought it was better to use it at 29 yuan each time. Unlike Zhao Siqing, who struggled with ghosts, they decided to set aside this idea for now. lWnc7E

After dinner, You Wusi took Jiang Shishi to the locust tree as usual to help digest their food.

It was as if he had activated a strange ability, akin to a mother duck guiding her ducklings. The players obediently followed him in a line, like ducklings following their mother.

Once they reached under the locust tree, they crowded together closely, seeking shade or comfort.

He had originally intended to go elsewhere to digest his food, but when he saw Zhao Siqing approaching looking pale, he decided not to go. iwQrHf

Forget it.

It’s been too long since he acted human, so he’ll be a good person for now.

The locust tree was indeed a good spot to rejuvenate. Since it was possible to communicate between the living and the dead around, it shows that this place was a special area within the ghost factory which was rich in ghostly energy and easy to absorb.

Even though the players weren’t ghosts, working in the ghost electronics factory made them almost like ghosts. Oq12aj

Although the players were not ghosts in terms of their physical attributes, in a certain sense, those who could work in the ghost factory weren’t much different from ghosts.

After standing for less than fifteen minutes, the players clearly felt much more refreshed, and Zhao Siqing’s complexion even turned rosy.

Soon, the perceptive players connected the effects of the locust tree with Zhao Siqing and Ning Jingshan, who had nearly lost his life that night.

Just thinking deeply. Suddenly, their sight darkened. The scene around them changed a little. BEdMjn

Unlike the stark, sudden shift between the underworld and the living world from the previous night, this time the factory seemed to be in a balanced state where both realms were in harmony and not easily disrupted.

In the ghost factory, the sunset cast a dim yellowish hue, making the sky slightly dark.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Meanwhile, in the world of the living over there, the sun had not yet risen; it was just about to dawn.

It seemed like daytime in the electronics factory corresponded exactly to nighttime in another space. No wonder the faceless female ghost always appeared at night—over there it was daytime, so why wouldn't she be active?

Author’s note: cPVChA

Jiang Shishi: Catching the bad brother to repair the road! So annoyed!!

You Wusi: It’s been a while since I acted human, today I’ll be a good person.

The author with a grass hat: Hmph, Shishi is so silly, doesn’t like to use his brain. If you can’t understand the clues I’ve hidden, then I’ll write them clearer!

Jiang Shishi: But I study every day! I don’t know what you’re doing! QiJ2BF

Translator's Note

The sentence means that in the electronics factory, the time of day corresponds exactly to nighttime in a different place or dimension. This explains why the faceless female ghost is frequently seen during nighttime in the factory—it coincides with daytime in her realm, making it a time when she is active.

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  1. Cute little wife will be smart and become the best student

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. My guess is the older sis fall in love with worker, the factory burned with both parents and lil bro die so noe older sis is burning paper money/gift for her family.

    So, get rid of the obsession and the factory should disappear?