The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch52 - Brother Si, this represents my deep love for you

The players standing aside, feeling like ignored background characters, couldn’t understand You Wusi’s behaviour. When they saw Jiang Shi Shi holding the puppet innocently like a child, they became even more silent.

Maybe it wasn’t just because they didn’t have a beautiful wife. QtUqad

It was because You Wusi was really weird! He wanted the whole world to know that he had a wife. His actions and display of affection weren’t just casual; they seemed deliberate, as if he enjoyed showing off his relationship.

Even Yan Tianyu thought You Wusi was very strange.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This strangeness wasn’t just in his behaviour; it permeated his entire presence. Everything about him felt out of place, as if he didn’t belong in the dungeon with them.

It was as if You Wusi had stepped out of a different world.
This sense of not fitting in was also very clear in Jiang Shishi. P5LsTG

As if they were not normal humans.

Maybe he got this feeling probably because both of them were too calm, treating the dungeon as if they were just playing a game. Like it didn’t matter to them if they passed or not.

He didn’t want to think about it too much, after all, people can be really strange.

Sometimes, sticking your nose into other people’s business can cause problems. It’s normal for the big guys to have their own special hobbies and ideas.


For example, he enjoyed hugging the legs of the big shots and acting like a little brother, and he found the sweet and sour experience quite enjoyable!

Soon, You Wusi stood up, selected a low-key and elegant watch from the one-click outfit program, and walked behind the wheelchair.

As soon as his hand touched the armrest of the wheelchair, he heard someone calling him, “Brother Si.”

Zhang Wenbo pushed his glasses up and when noticed You Wusi looking over he said, “I left a monitoring puppet in that space earlier. The connection is still working fine. And it can transmit the footage from other space over here.” NMW49c

After that, he pulled out a small monitoring device from the system backpack. The puppet was pretty small, so the angle of the image was a bit weird. But even so, he could still see everything around it.

When the other experienced players heard this they immediately understood that Zhang Wenbo was trying to curry favour with You Wusi.

They weren’t fools.

After following You Wusi, who could effortlessly outmanoeuvre NPCs multiple times, and not to forget how the other party discovered the special space they had just entered, they all knew that You Wusi’s wisdom value was truly genuine. R4MA2L

The players in Endless weren’t dumb.

From the female ghost burning the paper money to the space change under the locust tree, gave them enough hints to make lots of guesses.

Thoughts of double spaces, reality, and ghosts raced through their minds quickly.

While old players, who knew more about the Black Factory dungeon, had deeper theories and guesses. FrvRHV

It was not that no players in Endless had studied the Black Factory dungeon when it opened almost every month.

Many assumed it was a haunted factory, but only a handful discovered genuinely useful clues amidst the rumours and speculation.

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Or, in other words, there were indeed players who had obtained these clues, but they all used special props to block the live broadcast records.

For Endless players, the behaviour of wanting to tear up other people’s umbrellas after getting caught in the rain was simply commonplace. rL4f97

And with the Black Factory being a place of both mental and physical torment, it was even more commonplace.

Players who have experienced it often wish to send everyone to the Black Factory for an internship!

So far, all the clues uploaded on the black market were related to work without exception, and they conveyed, both explicitly and implicitly, that concentrating on work was the only way to survive.

Even so, it didn’t stop people from guessing the story of the Black Factory and sharing their ideas and theories on the black market. YjoQFz

For example, some people guessed that the faceless female ghost was Qian San’s daughter. Considering she first appeared sitting on “her own” bedside.

As for the increasing heat in the factory, it could be because there was a fire at the factory on the last day.

There were also countless ghost employees, who probably died in the fire.

As for Qian San and his wife, their obsession ran so deep that they continue to repeat the events of their final month even in death.

These ideas were carefully looked at by the players, because figuring out and collecting clues could impact the points and items they got when they finished the dungeon. Skp3P2

The harder the dungeon plot was, the more likely they could find special items!

But in the Black Factory there was no clear proof to back up these ideas, no matter how hard they looked.

It was not that the players didn’t want to start with Qian San and his wife. Even the beauty trap had been attempted before.

The first time they used normal tricks, the players became a negative employee. And those who tried the beauty trap… got dragged out of the factory by a green NPC and kicked out. The ending didn’t need much talking. 5d98CY

Now the dungeon time of the Black Factory was past for most of the time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Seeing that the clearance was just around the corner, everyone wanted to try again to gather the dungeon plot. Even if they didn’t get any props, they could still earn more points!

Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, atf biv qijsfgr ibbxfv ja Tbe Qerl.

Ktfs tjv cb ugevuf jujlcra atf ylu ues. Xlnfc atf batfg qjgas’r kliilcucfrr ab rtjgf, la kjrc’a lwqbrrlyif ab ufa j ofk wbgf miefr jcv qblcar. d3W2Mu

“Dgbatfg Vl, P jirb ifoa rbwfatlcu atfgf. Pa wjs cba yf nfgs erfoei gluta cbk, yea la tjr j ibcu jmalnjalbc qfglbv. Ycmf la xlmxr lc…”

“I left something there too! Brother Si, my item is much more versatile than theirs. It’s a living thing and can move on…!”

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“Brother Si, my item can detect the concentration of ghost energy around! Since entering the factory, this item hasn’t failed to give a single prompt that is not true!”

“Are you dumb? Who are you trying to fool? Everyone knows this is a ghost factory by now. Your prop is useless. Brother Si, you might as well look at mine. Mine is…” dwPtQI

“Ouch… it hurts…”

A painful shout stopped the players from showing off.

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from. They saw that the player who had just patted his chest and claimed his prop can move around suddenly had black smoke coming out of his body.

In the blink of an eye, he was burned alive by the smoke that only burned on the outside of his body. Bright red blood oozed from the charred black. Even though his clothes still looked fine, his body had no good skin left. W9qzvR

This old player reacted quickly. He immediately took out his healing tool from his backpack and drank three bottles of medicine. Even after using it, it was obviously too late.

The clear bottle rolled to the ground, spun around twice, and then bumped into You Wusi’s sneakers.

At the same time, the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground echoed in everyone’s ears.

You Wusi glanced at the unfortunate player, thought for a moment, then waved at the Sunny Doll and said, “Backbone, take him to the tree branch to rest for a bit. Looks like he’s worn out. I wonder if there are any mosquitoes around. Also, leave the little yellow flag here to soak up the moonlight.” 2dK0Oo

The good employees usually start moving the second the boss gives the order.

Backbone quickly carried the player, who was blackened and still bleeding, to the tree that the boss pointed towards.

Seeing that the locust tree branch, which had a big part like a speaker placed. Backbone carefully let the player lean against it.

He then placed the little yellow flag into the player’s tightly clenched palm and gently waved the edge of the human skin over it a couple of times, signalling him to be quiet. RWrFKO

Then backbone rolled up into a sunny doll again and obediently hung it back on the wheelchair.

The other players couldn’t truly understand what You Wusi was going to do, so they guessed he probably wanted to help the player whose hair got burned.

“He tried to move around in another space.” Zhang Wenbo said. Noticing that several players around him were a bit anxious, he raised his head and looked at the large locust tree next to him, and added, “He has walked out of the range of this tree.”

After that, he looked straight at You Wusi, as if waiting for his input. GvQKxz

First You Wusi didn’t intend to speak, but when he met Zhang Wenbo’s gaze, which seemed to be asking, “Brother Si, what do you think?”, he gave a slight nod to acknowledge his consideration.

Seeing that the person still didn’t look away, he continued to stare. Only then You Wusi spoke, “It’s not a good thing to break into someone’s house. If you mess it up again, I’m afraid the owner won’t be pleased,” he said.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Thank you, Brother Si, for your advice.” Zhang Wenbo operated the palm-sized surveillance equipment, and soon, he frowned and added, “The connection is lost.”

He raised his head and continued to look at You Wusi. wrhVuM

The serious expression with his glasses on made him look like an employee waiting for his boss’s instructions.

You Wusi, who was stared again, regretted not moving his eyes away sooner. In the end he could only pretend he hadn’t noticed the other person’s questioning eyes at all.

Although it wasn’t in line with his motto of low-profile, since Zhang Wenbo was so earnest in seeking his advice, You Wusi found it hard to simply brush it off.

Eventually, he nodded and said, “It's normal for the signal to be a little weaker when separated by Yin and Yang.CRko8v

Now even the new players understood this!!

Separated by Yin and Yang, it must be the underworld and the world of the living.

As for which one is Yin and which one is Yang…

Clearly, a certain unlucky black charcoal player has personally verified it. 0xoCiy

“Then… it turns out that we are all…”

Yan Tianyu looked down at the scars still on his arm, feeling the warmth of his blood.

He hadn’t expected that the Black Factory dungeon would give them a ghost identity, especially since his blood was still hot and bright red.

You Wusi just smiled and didn’t answer. Noticing that the players were still thinking, he gently pushed Jiang Shi Shi to walk slowly through the quiet factory. djEAmo

They can’t rely on just him, a corpse to clear the dungeon.

They still have to walk the path themselves.

After all, he and his little wife are still being hunted by the main system! It’s fine to have excellent scores at the settlement, but they need to be low-key and give some opportunities for the players with regular brains to perform.

Yan Tianyu saw that the boss had already started walking and hurried to catch up. TGZd W

The other players also quickly follow behind You Wusi, moving as fast as they could to avoid missing any new clues about the dungeon plot if they were too slow.

In this way, You Wusi led a dozen players and walked leisurely under the moon, passing by the bright street lights, and strolling around the factory.

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No one spoke during the process. And the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Luckily, the entire electronics factory was quiet. If anyone had seen this ghostly group walking around, they might have been terrified out of their minds. Thankfully, there were no people in the factory, just ghosts, and so far, no scary accidents had occurred. qLdp21

The factory gate was right in front of them. The players then remembered what You Wusi had said not long ago: “Get some fresh air.”

Seeing that there was no other gain tonight, Zhang Wenbo looked at You Wusi and said, “Brother Si, more than 20 days have passed since the internship started. The later it gets, the hotter the weather gets, and the more ghosts would start to appear, and they become more demanding. Besides targeting the selected players, they will also attack other players when they trigger the conditions of ‘excellent’ and ‘negative attitude.'”

“Isn’t this just indiscriminate attacks?” A new player who loved to complain sighed. Seeing that everyone’s expressions weren’t very good, he quickly covered his mouth.

Hearing this, Zhang Wenbo glanced at the new player and then continued, “Not only that, if a player’s daily piece count doesn’t meet Qian San’s requirements, even if they leave the workshop, the ghost employees will still follow them.” 1Grd45

When Yan Tianyu thought of the ghost employees and the vengeful souls of previous players who died in this dungeon eyeing him closely with that he also had to ensure that each day’s piece count was higher than the previous day under these conditions.

A chill ran down his back.

What kind of suffering is this! They’ve already ended up in the Endless World, so why do they still have to endure the misery of working?

“When the last five days of the internship come, the whole workshop will be crowded with ghosts. As soon as there’s any abnormality, they’ll rush up and tear the players to pieces.” SlHoMs

Zhang Wenbo adjusted his glasses subconsciously and continued, “The later it gets, the harder it is for players to leave the workshop. They can only be forced to stay at their workstations and work nonstop until… The last day of the internship is over.”

As Zhang Wenbo completed speaking, You Wusi also pushed Jiang Shishi into the workshop. When he turned around and planned to go back to his workstation, he noticed the players were in a very low mood. So, he said, “There’s always a way out if you keep going. I don’t think you want to give up the progress you’ve made in the first twenty days, right?”

Hearing this, the players also remembered how hard they worked day and night.

Yeah! They’ve come this far and done almost all the work they needed to do. JTnScE

They can’t be like those unlucky souls who have to work for that damn black-hearted boss even after they die, right? No, they have to get out of here alive! Even if they die, they absolutely cannot die in this ghost place!

The players who suddenly became energetic thanked You Wusi one after another and hurried back to their workstations. They planned what to do next and thought about how to keep the piece count steady.

They can’t and won’t die—they have to keep going!

Another sleepy night went by. The number of ghosts in the workshop were indeed increased as Zhang Wenbo said. They had increased without them realising it. The corners were crowded, and they were starting to move toward the walls. HS1dWK

The factory’s temperature was getting hotter. The ball of sun outside the window seemed to be sending all the heat inside.

When the players went to have breakfast, they saw a hairless, unlucky, charred corpse fall from the locust tree. With a cry of “Ouch,” the charred player who was still wearing fairly neat clothes stood up and looked around at the players.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even if he jumped and shouted, “I’m still alive,” it was still very creepy.

Jiang Shishi stared at the strange black creature. He was confused about how something so ugly could jump and talk! kXDIw3

The whole body was black and cracked! There was no hair, no eyebrows, no eyelashes. The only thing left that was normal were the eyes, but they were tiny and thin that one wouldn’t notice them unless they looked closely!

Especially when that thing started to do weird movements.

“Shishi, don’t learn those strange behaviours.”

You Wusi gently turned his little wife’s focused head in a different direction and he was about to say something else when a charred player jumped in front of them. hvdof3

He wanted to turn his wheelchair but there was no extra space.

So he quietly stepped back two steps, then two more steps when it wasn’t enough!

“Brother Si! Brother Si! From today, you’re my only brother!” Ning Jingshan wasn’t stupid. Seeing the little yellow flag in his hand, he knew who had helped him. Even though he didn’t understand how he managed to survive, he figured surviving was a win. He felt really happy!

Waving the little yellow flag, he slid down to You Wusi in front of him. He said, “Broyher Si If you tell me to go east, I’ll never go west. If you tell me to go up to the sky, I’ll never go down to the ground! You both are like my second parents in this world…” tidcpZ

The other players also remembered this black charcoal—no, this player named Ning Jingshan, whose skill was called “leaping from rooftops and walking on walls.”

It might sound a bit unrealistic, but actually, many players had unique skills.

You Wusi hadn’t seen someone as dramatic as this for a long time.

He held down his little wife’s hands that were reaching out to touch the charred player. He put on a polite but awkward smile, and said to the player who was still speaking nonsense, “I think you should take care of your injuries first and get some medicine. If possible, check it carefully.” dOsHv5

It didn’t seem like a simple injury. It was very likely that his brain was burned in the process.

“Flag, Brother Si, your little yellow flag.” Ning Jingshan, who had escaped death, handed over the little yellow flag. A floating sunny doll flashed quickly, and he took the flag away.

Then he smiled foolishly and held out a big bouquet of flowers, “Brother Si, you are the beacon on the road of my life. This bouquet of flowers represents my gratitude. Although it is a useless simple bouquet of flowers. But it represents my deep love for you…”

You Wusi raised his hand slightly, signalling the sunny doll to collect the flowers quickly. He interrupted the other party and said, “The breakfast time is running out; I think we should hurry over, don’t you think?” dnzuq9

Ning Jingshan stood up, unsure if he was too excited or dizzy, and his steps wobbled, making it seem like he was drunk.

While the players felt that this guy had become abnormal due to last night’s incident, they quietly stepped away from him, maintaining distance.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Only Jiang Shishi kept turning his head to continue watching that ugly talking creature. Though he found it really weird but couldn’t help taking a few more glances.

Quickly, the players reached the cafeteria. TI7kGO

They thought that Qian San and his wife would be frightened by Ning Jingshan’s appearance, but instead they just stared at him in astonishment.

It wasn’t until the meal was served that Wan Caixin said to Ning Jingshan, who was holding his rice bowl, “Young man, listen to me. Don’t mess around with your hair. Otherwise it might never grow back!”

“Thank you, Sister Wan! You are so kind! Not many people care about me like you do! Your rice is so delicious. It reminds me of my aunt who lived in the village next to my house. She also loved to make a pot of meat porridge like this. It’s a pity I’ll never see her again…” When Ning Jingshan’’s eyes started to fill with tears. A few tears almost fell out of his eyes.

Wan Caixin was so focused on him she even forgot her hand which would tremble while serving. Bc0ACp

Looking at the drama, You Wusi realised that this player was definitely not normal and hurriedly sped up feeding his little wife. However, no matter how fast he tried, it was still late.

Ning Jingshan, with his cracked skin, held the bowl and sat next to You Wusi. While gulping down the porridge, he said with his mouth full, “Brother Si! You’re so good-looking! Sister-in-law is also so beautiful, like a fairy from heaven. She’s unique in the mortal world! She’s way prettier than those big stars I’ve seen. Oh no, comparing them to you two is like an insult…”

Yan Tianyu had never seen someone so superficial! Seeing how the other party was already praising the beauty of husband and wife with extremely exaggerated words, and watching how Boss was feeding Sister Shishi quickly, he figured that the boss must be tired of this guy and wanting to move away soon.

Unexpectedly, You Wusi’s feeding action slowed down! T80t2J

It actually slowed down!!!!!

He never thought the boss would be such a person.

But thinking about it carefully, it didn’t seem very surprising!

Not long after, the work bell of the factory rang, and the players started to return to the workshop. qfDFxO

Ning Jingshan, who seemed a bit crazy, kept following You Wusi, mumbling thank you’s. When he heard the scary work bell, he trembled, and two pieces of his burnt skin fell off, showing red, new skin underneath.

It was like he was back to normal in an instant. He rushed to his usual workstation. Even though his eyes were still confused and he didn’t have a chance to sit down yet, his hands were already working automatically.

You Wusi glanced at him and saw that Ning Jingshan was already working. Except for his frantic movements, there was nothing unusual. Then he took out the copybook and began teaching his little wife calligraphy.

Since he had already saved someone he couldn’t just watch something go wrong. RiNno

Although there seemed to be some minor problems, at least the other person was alive.

After several “hints” from You Wusi, the players spent their rest time after dinner trying to get information from the old employees about the factory and Qian San and his wife’s daughter.

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When everyone compared the information they had obtained from the old employees, they realised that the employees seemed to have been ghosts for so long that they repeated the same phrases every day.

And oddly enough, in their words, Qian San and his wife’s daughter was a no-good, lazy layabout who only cared about enjoying herself outside and didn’t want to come home. She only came back around the holidays. bTlcEa

They also say that the tuition fees for prestigious universities were expensive, and the little girl insisted on working outside by herself, trying to be independent, and she was unwilling to come back and help the factory.

While on the other hand Yan Tianyu took a different approach. Instead of trying to pry information from the old employees, he brought a small pack of the cheapest compressed biscuits from the system’s shop and purposely walked past Qian Dabao, who was gliding on his skateboard.

He didn’t speak first. Instead, he feigned enjoying the not-so-tasty biscuits in front of Qian Dabao, making it look incredibly delicious.

Sure enough, the little punk dropped his skateboard and approached, reaching out with a sense of greed to snatch the biscuits! ExTld0

However, Yan Tianyu came prepared, and he didn’t even want to put too much of the compressed biscuits, so he only put five or six pieces. How could he let such a brat easily grab them?

He also knew that the little guy was hard to deal with. After all, he took out ghost eyeballs before, and he was really weird!

He was worried about upsetting him.

He led the brat to the vicinity of the locust tree and made sure he was in the boss’s sight. Then he stopped letting the kid have it before he began to talk. dbWFOU

He pretended to be aggrieved, but in fact, he didn’t want to listen at all. He just made up an excuse to avoid losing his dignity and letting the kid snatch his things. He even changed his mind halfway through and asked if he could keep a piece.

Yan Tianyu struggled for a while to get the kid under control. After successfully settling him down, he didn’t hesitate and just straight-up asked the kid about his sister.

“My sister is so pretty! She looks just like my mom, but she’s way prettier! She always brings me lots of yummy food and toys when she comes back.” When Qian Dabao talked about his sister, he looked really happy and proud.

But soon he got upset and his face darkened. KD6Jyd

He said, “Sister Niu hasn’t come back for a really long time! She used to call me every day to ask if I did my homework and she would scold me if I didn’t. But I haven’t gotten a call from her in forever! Bad Sister Niu! She has such a bad temper! If she doesn’t come back soon, I’m going to tell mom that she likes the workers in the factory better! Humph! She always says I’m wrong! It’s really her favouritism! When serving food, she secretly gives more to the employees and tells me not to tell mom…”

Author’s note:

Jiang Shishi: (staring)

You Wusi: Don’t look at strange things, it will hurt your eyes if you look at them too much! gEbPLh

Translator's Note

The phrase means that the spirits of Qian San and his wife continue to be trapped in the loop of their final month, unable to move on from the past. It suggests that they are still bound by the events and experiences they had during that time.

Translator's Note

In Chinese culture, a “beauty trap” (美人计) refers to using beauty to manipulate or influence someone for personal gain.

Translator's Note

It implies that it’s common for the signal quality to decrease when there’s a division or separation between different entities or forces, such as positive and negative elements, which are often represented by Yin and Yang in Chinese philosophy.

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  1. Bro completely broken now

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖