The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch49 - He didn’t expect big boss to be a conservative person

Jiang Shishi raised his little head and stared at the chin of his bad brother as he tried to recall the explanation of the term “husband and wife” from the learning video.

First, two people have to spend a long time together. Eq2DF0

Had he known his bad brother for a long time?

Jiang Shishi, who had learned to count, began counting the days he had known Yu Wusi on his fingers. No matter how he counted, it didn’t seem to add up to even a month.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But how long is a long time??

For a little zombie who had spent countless years immersed in endless darkness without any contact with anything, it did seem like a long time. mNOeTw

According to the learning video, after being together for a long period of time, one would develop beautiful feelings and then confirm the marital relationship under the witness of the civil affairs bureau.

Jiang Shishi was sure he hadn’t remembered it wrong, but even though he knew every word, he couldn’t figure out what it all meant when put together!

Also, if he was Yu Wusi’s wife, then why did he call him Gege?

According to the learning video, a brother is someone who is supposed to have the same parents.


Wait, parents?

Why didn’t he have a father and mother? Was he like the little monkey that came out of a stone?

Jiang Shishi’s little head was filled with doubts. He began to wonder why he was called Jiang Shishi. Shouldn’t a name be given by one’s parents? He didn’t have a mom or dad, so where did his name come from? Why was he named Jiang Shishi?

Only the little monkey’s name was given by his master! fhz1aP

And his name seemed to be given by his bad brother! Why was that? Why didn’t his parents name him? Why was it his bad brother who gave him his name?

“Shishi should go to bed. If you go to bed on time the grapevines will be able to grow quickly.” Yu Wusi stretched out his hand and gently covered his little wife’s beautiful and curious eyes which had been looking at him for quite a time. He spoke softly, his voice soothing: “Good night.”

After listening to his bad brother’s words about the grapevines growing quickly, Jiang Shishi quickly pushed all those countless strange questions to the back of his mind.

Anyway, he couldn’t figure them out, so he decided not to think about them anymore. lZ Ad6

However, the other players returned to the dormitory one after another. Though the noise was not too loud and didn’t disturb anyone else, it really bothered the corpses who were trying to fall asleep.

Yu Wusi took a pair of fluffy fox earplugs from the one-click outfit program and gently placed them on the head of his little wife, who had quietly opened his eyes.

When Jiang Shishi finally fell asleep, Yu Wusi slowly closed his eyes as well.

This time, all the players slept very deeply. The night was also very long. However, before dawn, all the traps set up by the old players in every dormitory for safety were triggered. N7Myk9

Almost all the players woke up from their drowsy dreams.

Yu Wusi also opened his eyes and slowly looked toward the corridor.

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The corridor and dormitory were separated by just a door, with no windows. At this moment, there were loud, otherworldly roars outside the door.

Listening closely, only a few sounds that resembled wolves or dogs could be distinguished. OXNyt3

Without giving the players time to think too much, a series of eerie ghosts burst through the door of the dormitory!

The most terrifying one was a sharp-mouthed monster. Its legs moved fast, rushing to the nearest lower bunk in just a few steps and opening its mouth to bite the player in bed.

While the other roaring ghosts also attacked others.

Suddenly, all the players started to dodge desperately. 62zKwc

Some players tried to attack the monsters, but the attacks only caused the shadows to momentarily stop and disperse.

Soon, they gathered again! Those scattered shadows even became monsters on their own, like cell mitosis—more and more of them!

“Don’t attack! Run! Run out of the dormitory building!”

Zhang Wenbo, who had some knowledge about the dungeon, yelled loudly and even used a voice-amplifying skill to make sure the other dormitories nearby could hear him! pix3eo

His behaviour also angered the ghosts around him, and they all attacked him.

Zhang Wenbo, who had expected this, quickly climbed onto the bed, dodging the ghostly hands and the sudden attack from the sharp-mouthed monster.

He wasn’t motivated by kindness. He knew that the more the monsters split, the lower the success rate of escaping the dormitory building! And they need to work on quickly before it’s too late.

Compared to the chaos in other dormitories where players were scrambling to avoid ghosts, 404 was surprisingly “orderly.” QA9mP

The ghosts seemed solely focused on breaking through to the innermost bunk beds..

Or perhaps it was more accurate to say they had a clear target—only had their sights set on You Wusi and Jiang Shishi.

Especially the sharp-mouthed creature, which relentlessly focused on Jiang Shishi, trying to jab her with its pointed mouth. Even when You Wusi managed to shut its mouth, the creature stubbornly lifted its foot and tried to crush Jiang Shishi.

You Wusi held his sleepy wife in his arms, lightly sprang to his feet, and kicked the monster that disturbed his sleep against the wall. d6mpUC

He heard the noise coming from the dormitory next door, where he could hear the frantic movement and muffled shouts from the other players dealing with the other ghosts.

He turned to a few players who appeared wary but helpless and said, “You all go open the door. Let me teach these trespassers a lesson for breaking in.”

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf batfg qijsfgr kfgfc’a tbivlcu yjmx flatfg; atfs delmxis vbvufv atf agfrqjrrfgr jcv tfjvfv abkjgv atf vbgwlabgs vbbg.

Lbkfnfg, atf vbbg vlvc’a bqfc jr rwbbatis jr atfs’v tbqfv. dADmn0

Cr rbbc jr atfs abemtfv atf vbbg tjcvif, la yfmjwf lcmgfvlyis tba ab atf abemt, jr lo la tjv yffc tfjafv. Qtja kjr fnfc wbgf ragjcuf kjr atja atf ibmx jqqfjgfv ab tjnf aegcfv bqfc, yea atf fcalgf vbbg ofia jr lo la kjr kfivfv ab atf gbbw ogjwf jcv kbeivc’a wbnf cb wjaafg tbk tjgv atfs aglfv ab bqfc la.

Several experienced players quickly used their skills and successfully managed to open the door.

However as soon as they rushed out, they spotted a ghostly general in armour, holding a machete, standing at the entrance of the stairs! Behind the ghostly general was a faceless female ghost in a white dress!

Clearly, these two were part of the same group. WxTCcf

The ghost general swung his machete and rushed toward the players!

The closest ones were the players who had just walked out of 404. Seeing the sharp, bone-chilling blade so close, they quickly made a decision and swiftly stepped back into the dormitory, closing the door tightly behind them.

They didn’t think the old wooden door would stop the general ghost. But surprisingly, after waiting for a while, the ghost general didn’t break down the door.

“What were you all doing here?”
You Wusi asked while holding the sleeping Jiang Shishi he stepped on the hands of the sharp-mouthed monster that had tried to attack. 8HlDJx

Suddenly a cute sunny doll floated on his shoulder. He appeared calm and composed despite the tense situation.

The players were puzzled about why the other monsters in the room had disappeared. Then they heard the muffled howling of a small dog coming from somewhere across the screen. Looking in the direction of the sound, they discovered that the sunny doll was clutching a transparent glass bottle filled with dark mist in its arms.

Clearly, the “small dog” was inside that.

“There’s a ghost general outside! From my years of watching live streams, even if it’s not at the level of a ghost king, it’s still not easy to deal with!” Yu Lang spoke quickly. After explaining, he flashed a bright smile, showing off his eight perfectly white teeth, then went to pick up the wheelchair in the corner, taking over the task from Yan Tianyu. 2IQYUA

“Let’s go out first,” You Wusi raised his foot and kicked the lethargic and bruised sharp-mouthed monster under the bed. Listening to the persistent banging outside, he added, “If they really want to come in, this door won’t be able to stop them.”

Others also understood this clearly. After all, the faceless woman and other ghosts could easily come and go, let alone a ghost general with a big knife!

After preparing themselves mentally, they each took out various props. Even Zhao Siqing, a new player, managed to pull an iron rod from the iron bed to use as a tool to protect herself.

As soon as the door opened, the players from 404 realised that the ghost general had already forced the other players into the bathroom. Three sharp-mouthed monsters and countless shadows were relentlessly attacking the players’ protective gear. JV3eyU

Just then You Wusi had just reached the corridor, holding Jiang Shi Shi in his arms. The ghost general turned abruptly and looked directly at Jiang Shi Shi, who was sound asleep. The ghost general shifted the machete in his hand and quickly moved toward Jiang Shi Shi.

Faster than the ghost general were the ghost soldiers who suddenly appeared. There were two beside the ghost general and two beside the faceless female ghost at the stairwell.

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They each wielded sharp arrows and encircled him, launching an array of arrows from both sides!

“Backbone, put on a small dog.” You Wusi said calmly. 8tWX3F

Following the command, the backbone opened the glass bottle and quickly stretched out the small dog into a long, flat shape, instantly transforming it into a black cloth-like material and putting it on.

After dressing, it circled around the boss.

As it wrapped around the sharp arrows and sent them all back, a few of the monsters charged toward You Wusi. He lifted his foot and kicked each large monster one by one toward the ghost general.

Each one landed squarely on the ghost general’s face, causing him to stumble backward several steps. yUt3H2

You Wusi didn’t want to keep standing around. He turned and walked toward the stairs. As he lifted his foot, the faceless female ghost, hiding behind the two ghost soldiers, quickly retreated to a corner.

Even the ghost soldiers stepped back.

He smiled and ignored these three small figures and started going down with sleeping Jiang Shishi.

The other players in Dorm 404 noticed that the three ghosts in the hallway were shrinking back in fear, so they quickly followed You Wusi. Blsaep

The fastest among them was Yu Lang, who carried a wheelchair. Instead of walking down the stairs like everyone else, he jumped down seven or eight steps at a time. Within moments, he and the wheelchair were already out of the dormitory building.

Even though You Wusi and Jiang Shishi had already reached downstairs, the ghost general had no intention of letting them go. He ignored the players hiding in the toilet and started going in the same direction as You Wusi.

Even the ghost soldiers kept firing sharp arrows one after another. In the process blackbone’s “black clothes” were worn out in two pieces.

While the players in the bathroom quickly searched for a way out when they saw what was happening. nJo kL

Some considered jumping out of the fourth-floor window, but the balcony seemed like it had a transparent barrier. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t break through.

They had no choice but to follow the ghost general and the ghost soldiers from a distance.

All this happened very quickly.

It took less than half a minute to go downstairs. When they reached the door, the general ghost climbed down the stairs and jumped in front of You Wusi and swung the sharp blade at him. LfUWqI

Originally You Wusi wanted to kick him down the stairs, but he looked up at the ghost general, who wasn’t very tall and even a little thin. He noticed the white beard under the heavy iron armour mask. After a moment of thinking, he quickly dodged from the side of the ghost general and left the dormitory building in three steps.

Maybe there were some restrictions in the dormitory, so the ghost general just stood there and stared at him, angrily waving the hilt of the knife.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He didn’t even pay attention to the more than ten players who quickly slipped past him.

However there were some unlucky ones. yOUmMX

Those who didn’t escape in time were in serious trouble. The ghost general attacked viciously, aiming for fatal spots. It seemed like he was unleashing all the anger he had built up from dealing with You Wusi.

You Wusi stopped running and hugged Jiang Shi Shi, glancing at the ghost general. He lowered his eyes, intending to check if his little wife was sleeping peacefully. Instead, he found Jiang Shi Shi’s curious eyes staring at the ghost general in the distance.

He was silent for a moment.
Then he spoke seriously: “Shishi must learn to respect the elderly and love the young. It’s not easy for them to make a living.”

The players who had barely escaped from the ghost general’s clutches heard this and felt their wounds ache. dOVo2g

Respect the elderly and love the young? What living????

What nonsense was he speaking!

That ghost general has nothing to do with these things! He doesn’t seem to connect with any of these things at all!!!!!!!

On the contrary, it was them who truly worked hard to survive. They worked both day and night and even had to deal with ghosts! It was really tough for them! 7ANugV

When the last surviving player ran out of the stairs, the ghost general, ghost soldiers, and the faceless woman were still wandering in the corridor. After about ten minutes, they gradually disappeared.

Except for You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, the others who ran out were also more or less injured.

The more serious injuries were caused by the ghost general’s machete, which cut their hands, legs, or other parts, and by the sharp-mouthed monster, which left stab wounds.

The less serious injuries were from ghost shadows biting them, and ghost soldiers’ sharp arrows, which left bright red scars on their bodies. xcShyU

The players finally stopped panting and began to treat their wounds. Suddenly, one of them looked at Zhang Wenbo and asked why he hadn’t warned them about the ghost general in advance.

Although the question seemed casual, the timing of it suggested that the player asking was trying to take advantage of the group’s injuries. By raising the issue now, he was likely aiming to put pressure on Zhang Wenbo, the player who obviously had insider knowledge of the dungeon’s key plot.

“Do I have this obligation? Reminding you to leave the dormitory is already a sign of my good mood today,” Zhang Wenbo replied, tending to the wound on his leg without making eye contact.

He simply replied, “Besides, I’m not the only one who knew this. Why question me? Why not question everyone else? Why didn’t they say anything?” fdRKdm

The player who asked didn’t say anything else, and no one else did either.

Zhang Wenbo just smiled and looked up. He looked at the remaining players and finally his gaze settled on You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who had attracted the ghost general’s attention the most.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Then he said knowingly, “The ghost general usually appears on the 21st day of the internship. I don’t know why it showed up early this time. Maybe… one of you triggered something to make it happen.”

Everyone frowned when they heard this and eventually turned their eyes to You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who were sitting in a wheelchair. Sw0nJv

Each of them was busy with their own tasks, leaving no time to tamper with the dungeon’s plot. And with their daily workload consuming all their energy, how could they possibly have time to trigger anything?

Only these two bosses, who appeared to be on some sort of “honeymoon” in the factory, seemed more likely to have done something unusual. After all, who else had so much time on their hands?

You Wusi calmly accepted the players’ stares.

He glanced at Yan Tianyu, who was also staring at him. Just as he was about to say something, the wake-up song suddenly started playing in the factory. 1MLWKQ

The people resting under the loudspeaker were almost deafened by the bell. They ignored their wounds and quickly moved away from the loudspeaker hidden among the branches above them.

They didn’t dare to return to the dormitory for the time being, and there was nothing there worth going back for. Seeing the old employees quickly leaving the dormitory, they all decided to follow them and walked towards the old canteen.

Probably because they arrived early, the door of the small canteen was open, but Wan Caixin, who usually showed up on time every day, was not there.

Naturally, the breakfast cart was also missing. So the players found a place to sit down and continued to tend to their injuries. r4LU1e

Jiang Shishi looked around and saw that it was almost morning. Just like his bad brother would do, he took out a cup, toothbrush, and toothpaste from his system panel.

He obediently waited for the daily brushing time.

Only with healthy teeth can he be happy every day!

Soon, You Wusi gently guided his little wife toward the sink meant for washing dishes. He carefully brushed Jiang Shishi’s teeth, who obediently kept his mouth open. Once he finished, he activated the one-click outfit program. Noticing there were still bandages, he took out seven or eight bundles and handed them to Yan Tianyu, who had just pulled out a large bowl nearby. sdFreX

After finishing, he began to pick out clothes for the day.

After spending so many days working at the factory without trying the Working Person Set so when You Wusi noticed an outfit option called Urban Chic. He quickly selected it without hesitation.

However, as he looked at his wife’s tight skirt that exposed large patches of smooth, fair skin of the little zombie he furrowed his brows.

Without hesitating, You Wusi quickly picked the youthful, vibrant high schooler outfit instead. Seeing the longer, black pleated skirt that went past the knee on the little zombie, covering the smooth, fair skin, he thought it looked much more appealing. RFyvd3

He also picked a youthful and energetic high school student male version for himself. He adjusted his black glasses, then let his wife choose a nail art design while he washed the bowl for breakfast later.

The player wanted to thank You Wusi for the bandages, but before he could say anything, he saw the big boss helping his wife change her outfit.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The player who saw this didn’t expect the big boss to be a very conservative person.

…… Pid1qw

“What’s wrong with all of you? Didn’t you go to sleep last night? I heard the older employees complaining this morning about how wild you young people are at night! If you can’t sleep, don’t keep others awake! If you need to burn off energy, go to the factory and work all night! At least you’ll make money!” Qian San’s voice burst into the old canteen impatiently before he even arrived.

If he hadn’t been walking quickly with a cane, he would have rushed in to beat those little troublemakers who only knew how to cause trouble!

When he finally made it to the canteen, he found that these guys were actually bandaged. It was surprising to see them in such a state.

Looking at the bandaged players, Qian San furrowed his brow and said, “What happened? Did you all cause trouble and get into a fight last night? Did anyone hurt their hands? Is it serious? This can’t be counted as a work injury! It’s all on you!” 43haIP

There weren’t many days left, and it was really bad when they hurt their hands!

He hired these students to complete the big shipment at the end of the month! Missing even one would mean a shortage of millions of items!!

Thinking of this, he quickly said, “I have medicinal wine, disinfectant. If you hurt your hand, don’t ignore it—treat it! It’s not expensive, only 20 or 30 yuan. Just buy it on credit first!”

Qian San didn’t wait for the players to speak. He immediately called Wan Caixin on the phone and asked her to bring medicine. His expression showed more concern for their injuries rather than the players themselves. X68xJq

As soon as the phone was hung up, Qian San seemed to be lost in thought. The worry on his face quickly turned into suspicion, and he scrutinised every player carefully. Finally, he said, “You’ve all been injured like this. Did you also make a mess in the dormitory?”

As soon as these words were spoken, the players suddenly remembered the memory of escaping from the ghosts not long ago.

At that time, with the ghosts chasing them, the players didn’t have time to think about much else. It was just a matter of getting out safely!

They used anything they could find to block the dormitory door—furniture, clothes, anything they could move to create a barrier. If the attacks hadn’t caused the shadow to split into multiple forms, they might have even used the bed to protect themselves. And not to forget the dormitory door they broke down. yT2Kad

Seeing that these little troublemakers weren’t saying anything, Qian San sneered and said, “I don’t care what you did to the dormitory. The compensation money will be deducted from your salaries. I’ll check it later and don’t even try to refuse payment.”

It’s not like they actually tore down the dormitory. As long as it’s still livable, they can make do with it.

As for compensation, well, of course, it can’t be less. Even if there are just a couple of extra scratches on the wall, they’ll have to pay up!

The players were also to blame. Even though they could see that Qian San wanted to make money off them, they couldn’t avoid it. They couldn’t just say they had to do all of these in the middle of the night just to escape from the ghosts, right? oQLBdK

“Here I am, here I am. Hey, how did you all get injured like this? Poor things, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think there was an earthquake last night!” Wan Caixin entered with a large backpack on her back and a dining cart in tow. Seeing the condition of the students, she quickly opened her backpack and placed the medicine inside in the empty space on the dining cart.

“Everything costs 29 yuan, use these medicines freely—they work effectively! Just look at your uncle, who’s always tripping and falling, and he always uses these things to heal!!”

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Qian San, who had fallen more than ten times in half a month, heard his wife say this, his face turned red. But since the sales pitch wasn’t too bad, he kept his mouth shut and didn’t say anything.

Okay, for now he would accept this bad luck status. rI0AFs

Zhang Wenbo was the first to buy medicine on credit from Wan Caixin, but he didn’t sign anything; he just told her to remember it.

When the other players saw this, they also stepped forward and bought medicine in the same way as Zhang Wenbo.

They weren’t sure if it was out of concern that they were too injured to work, but the effect of these medicines was truly impressive. They followed Wan Caixin’s instructions, and immediately the bleeding stopped, the swelling instantly reduced, and after applying the medicine, the intense pain ceased. It was incredibly effective.

Some players even wanted to buy some to take out of the dungeon. However, they were immediately denied. o kPHe

“This medicine is incredibly expensive. It’s the secret recipe of an old Chinese doctor in our town that’s been passed down for hundreds of years. One bottle is worth 500 yuan! Otherwise, I wouldn’t charge you 29 yuan for a single use. Plus, these medicines can’t be used alone. They must be matched with other herbs properly. There are more than a dozen bottles in this set. How about I give you a discount and offer it for 4,500 yuan?”

Wan Caixin said with a smile, adding that she only had one set left and had to keep this one for the factory.

Now none of the players dared to say they would buy it. A set of these medicines cost exactly the amount needed for their dungeon mission. Right now, they didn’t even know how much compensation Qian San would demand for the dormitory damage!

If they bought it, they feared they might not be able to leave the dungeon. nI9jKZ

No wonder this copy was called a black factory—their greed knows no bounds.

While the players were buying medicine to treat their wounds, You Wusi suddenly asked Qian San, “Boss Qian, some of our classmates have disappeared and we haven’t been able to find them for several days. Have you seen them? Should we notify the internship department of the school?”

Qian San frowned when he heard this and looked at You Wusi, who was causing unnecessary trouble.

However, in the next movement he was stunned. x iu6D

If he hadn’t remembered this voice so well, he might not have recognized the person in front of him—wearing black-framed glasses and sitting quietly on a chair like a good student. He was dressed in a white tennis shirt and black pants similar to his, and his hair was combed back. While his handsome features were covered by framed glasses. At first glance, he could have sworn he was a high school student!

It was not until his eyes stopped at the luxurious watch on the other person’s wrist, a style he never wore himself, that Qian San confirmed he hadn’t recognized the wrong person.

Cursing under his breath, he realised he had underestimated the good student act.

This little bastard was really pretentious! 56P7zQ

So what if he has money? Even if he has money, he still has to work in this factory?

Author’s Note:

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Players: Huh? A tennis shirt like yours?

Qian San: Of course! They’re all the same, aren’t they? The only difference is the colour of the first two buttons. KGkC3n



Only a few more chapters left before this arc is over.

Also question for reader ⁉️ 9KImxw

1) Would you like to read little angst with HE. (Time travel)

2) Angst based on school bullying, very realistic and evey chapter would break your heart. (No time travel nothing)

3) Sweet fluffy novel about succubus


Translator's Note

For those who don’t know:He was the first person to be chosen as outstanding employee

Leave a Comment


  1. I’ll take the sweet fluffy novel about the succubus

    Or! Any one that is 90+ chapters

  2. Shishi is learning how to use the one-click system!

    First requirement is HE regardless of angst level. Otherwise anything is good 👍

  3. Thank you for the chapter !

    I’ll vote for the first story ! (also interest by the fluffy one)

  4. I will go with one and three… Are you considering translating another novel? Please let us know we will also read that one ☺️

  5. Everything except my heart breaking!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖