The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch31 - Real culprit has been identified

The whole Medical Miracle thing was over for now. Everyone started talking about all the clues and hints they got there today.

All these clues show that Mr. Wang wasn’t a good guy. His wife willingly gave up her life to save their daughter, but Mr. Wang took the sacrifice for himself instead of letting it help their daughter. KJXqDP

No wonder the body in the study looked like he was in his twenties. He was actually way older than his actual age and was the so-called ‘immortal’ mentioned in the “old friend” letters.

“So, that black pearl is the token of the sea god?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Qingxing always felt like something was off, probably because there’s this ‘sea god’ element in the case that goes beyond science, making him feel like he’s losing control of the situation.

So, who’s the one who killed Mr. Wang? WsieZ3

He frowned a bit, glanced at the two mentors, and said, “If I’m right, no matter which badge holder is identified, this game won’t end. The nine days and nine nights will keep going. We have to continue.”

After hearing this, Wen Qingxue nodded and replied, “Yes, some players have speculated whether there was another murderer hidden in the villa apart from the badge holders. All the players so far who have entered this copy had not even managed to break the illusion. This is the first time we have done it, so naturally, there isn’t much information available.”

Actually, before the illusion was broken, there were too many crises. The overwhelming presence of bones and human skin didn’t allow anyone to rest for even half a second in the following days.

And unless someone sought help from the police during the nightly identifications, rest would be in a certain death situation.


In such circumstances, even if a player obtained different information or a high-level player used props to briefly avoid the audience’s camera and open the door to another room, no one would reveal it at all.

“So, the one who killed Mr. Wang was Sea God?”

Jiang Zuozuo wondered, recalling the ‘fish-headed tentacle monster’ Wan Weimao mentioned. Could it be the so-called Sea God?

And let’s not forget, Mr. Wang dug his own chest out with a smile on his face… zsQEqp

That doesn’t seem like something a human could do. Even under hypnosis, he would wake up from the severe pain of self-mutilation.

All of these things seem to provide a more plausible explanation for the ‘Sea god’ being able to commit the crime.

Seeing everyone’s thoughts turn to Sea god, Lin Haoguang suddenly said, “I have a piece of news about the Black Pearl in the blind box of the dungeon clue of the Endless System. It came from one of the top thirty players in the rankings. But I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

At first, he actually didn’t want to reveal the clue when the players were still working together. But he was also worried that everyone would take the wrong approach and mistakenly identify the sea god, whose existence was uncertain. If things went wrong, he feared it might trigger some negative consequences… Gpqjhu

Thinking about this, Lin Haoguang continued, “The clue clearly stated that the murderer of Mr. Wang was among the identity cards held by the players. It’s just a rule. If the conditions aren’t met, it won’t be triggered.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone looked at each other, casting suspicious glances at each identity card, feeling like a potential murderer.

After all, each identity either desired the black pearl or Mr. Wang’s life.

Was it really all identities? N8dfZ3

The players who reacted first glanced at Zhou Qingxing, who seemed too innocent as a police officer, and then turned their attention to Yi Jiangnan, who hadn’t provided half of useful information so far.

“Look at what I’m doing. This musician has no intention of stealing the black pearl, nor does he have any mortal enmity with Mr. Wang. He just wants to come here to persuade his former teacher to continue pursuing her dream of music.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The plot experienced by Yi Jiangnan doesn’t count.
There was no useful news in his room, but there was a memo on his phone, in which it had “I miss my teacher every day.”

If there is something… GtP8Ya

He thought for a long time before continuing: “I think the musician may have some special feelings for the girlfriend. He even remembers what kind of fish the girlfriend likes to eat. Oh, also Yes, on the night when the incident happened, he actually sang in his room for most of the night! At that time the girlfriend came over to give him water and asked him to go to bed early.”

Zhou Qingxing also said, “The plot I experienced was very long and very clear. First, the policeman carefully interrogated everyone in the villa, and then we had a simple meal in the living room. During this period, a policeman saw the nanny going out carrying a heavy bucket. She kept coughing because of the rain. When she came back with an empty bucket, she also brought cold medicine.”

He touched his chin, continuing to recall the details.

“Before returning to the room, the policeman saw Miss An An appearing alone in a wheelchair in the corridor. He stepped forward and asked if she needed help. When An An silently shook her head in refusal, he returned to the guest room, and soon fell asleep to the melodious singing.” FPWU8S

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes turned to Jiang Shishi, who was staring intently at the learning equipment, and quickly shifted away.

They really can’t expect Jiang Shishi to provide any information; after all, her mental condition was obviously different from that of a normal person.

But Mr. Wang’s black pearl did indeed appear in An An’s room.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As they thought about it, their eyes moved to You Wusi unconsciously. i2S8de

Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, You Wusi said with a smile, If you have anything to say, just ask. Shishi and I are not man-eating tigers.

Klufgr vbc’a fja tewjcr, yea tewjcr fjalcu tewjcr lrc’a ectfjgv bo, frqfmljiis jwbcu hbwylfr.

Coafg jii, tewjcr jgf mifjgis bcf bo atf lcugfvlfcar obg atf hbwylfr. qmFNBR

Yo mbegrf, jr jc lcafiilufca tewjcblv mgfjaegf ilxf tlw, atf ibk-fcv jmalnlas bo mjcclyjilrw tjr ibcu yffc vlrmbcalcefv.

Lf vlvc’a kjla obg batfg qijsfgr ab rqfjx jcv rjlv ogjcxis, “Pc ws qiba, P kjr jmaejiis jriffq ys wlvcluta. Cr obg ktfatfg Zlrr Cc Cc kfca bea ijafg, bcis rtf xcbkr. P atlcx la rtbeiv tjnf tjqqfcfv, joafg jii, Zg. Qjcu lr cba bcis tfg ojatfg yea jirb atf rbegmf bo atlr agjufvs.”

The words had just fallen.

The familiar feeling of hunger washed over them like a tide, and the symphony from their abdomen was still so loud. Ydhmt7

But they knew the food prepared by the Little Mermaid would come soon.

This time, it was still a fried chicken burger set in a paper bag. The drink was a large glass of orange juice, and it also came with French fries, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob.

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Yu Wusi opened the paper bag and found a small shell toy inside.

Players didn’t believe it when they were told that NPCs had no selfish motives. They thought it was just a gimmick, like a children’s meal. AFn0jZ

This was clearly to impress someone!!!!!!!!

But the Little Mermaid didn’t care about what the players thought. She held up a shell that was obviously brighter and larger and placed it next to the electronic device on Jiang Shishi’s lap. Then, it lazily lies down on her head.

She raised her head and looked quietly at Jiang Shishi.

She saw the other party attentively and seriously eating the burger, which had four extra slices of tomato, in small bites. i3gpJB

“Ah! The source of tragedy!” Lin Qiyue, munching on her burger, suddenly murmured. She began to dance around, her mouth full, but she insisted on speaking: “This seems… like the source of tragic hiccups!”

After saying it, she realized she sounded a bit silly.

In a hurry, she quickly chewed her burger a few times and swallowed it down. Because she was so rushed, she almost choked on it. Then, she hurriedly picked up her drink and took a few big sips before continuing, “Do you remember what mechanical voice said before? ‘Find the true culprit behind this tragedy!’”

Lin Qiyue spoke firmly again, “The real culprit that caused this tragedy! Isn’t it Mr. Wang? Everything started from his fraudulent marriage. It was doomed that Mrs. Yun and her pen pal would not be happy, and An An was doomed to be born with diseases and unable to walk! Later, when Mrs. Yun passed away, he even took away the health that should have been An An’s and pretended to mourn his deceased wife!” uFrtaB

After saying this, she clenched her fists and sneered. Filled with righteous anger, she continued: “His death was all because of his own greed. He wanted Mrs. Yun’s youth and beauty, and he wanted health and a long life. That’s what caused the tragedy in the study.”

“Nicely said,” You Wu Si applauded lightly.

Although the younger generation may not be as experienced as the older one, they’re not completely useless.

Being bolder, being more attentive, and having a better memory will always help one acing the copies. E1HqTO

Of course, the prerequisite is that the copy has to be the normal one, but who knows how many normal copies are left in the endless now.

As he casually thought about it, he continued, “I agree with this view. The tasks given by Endless didn’t directly lead us to find the murderer of Mr. Wang. Instead, they played a word game.”

The misleading words made the players point fingers at each other.

Players who didn’t have a chance to access the clues found it difficult to unravel this not-so-complicated message amid various crises. Many players might have had similar thoughts, but in the midst of uncertain accusations, they couldn’t proceed smoothly. Gacq3T

“I think it makes sense too!” Jiang Zuozuo, holding his burger with one hand, chimed in. He continued, “The murderer who killed Mr. Wang may indeed be among the identity cards we hold. This further proves that all the grudges, conflicts, and disputes are entangled with Mr. Wang. When it comes to the source of the tragedy, it definitely cannot be separated from him.”

Zhou Qingxing and Yi Jiangnan also think it makes sense, but due to their unique professions, they can’t help but consider more possibilities. The word game might be true or false.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

All decisions rest with those who set the rules.

Anyway, Yi Jiangnan, who often encountered ghosts, felt it couldn’t be that simple. O7aHvZ

These ghosts and monsters are the sneakiest. Even though the copies seem less, they’re even trickier to deal with.

The two new mentors didn’t say much. After all, considering the malicious nature of the Endless Game, even if the real murderer was identified, it would still be extremely difficult.

However, since the Black Pearl dungeon contained something legendary like the ‘Sea God’, it suggested that the reward at the end of the dungeon was likely related to the ‘Sea God’. For that unique reward, they were willing to give it a try!

After lunch, everyone reviewed all the current clues several times and connected them one by one. 5Ns4QH

Only Lin Qiyue and Jiang Shishi didn’t understand the connection behind fish scales on their bodies.

Wen Qingxue’s snake pattern was related to the big snake which was connected to the nanny’s identity.

As for the fish scales, they could only guess that they were related to the Sea God.

Lin Qiyue noticed that the players were discussing her. She had special restrictions in the dungeon and couldn’t directly give hints. She could only wave her hands from side to side when everyone mentioned Sea god. iZJlCA

Not daring to hint too obviously, she tugged at the hem of Yi Jiangnan’s clothes again and blinked.

“You’re suggesting that your girlfriend’s identity is the God of Sea?” Yi Jiangnan understood the subtle hint. He pressed down Lin Qiyue’s swaying hand, frowned, and said, “Probably not. According to the Music teacher notes, you come from a big family, and you’ve been taking care of your younger siblings. You’re often bailing out or paying bills for your troublemaking siblings.”

Lin Qiyue felt it was outrageous. She tugged hard at Yi Jiangnan’s clothes, seeing that he remained unchanged, she couldn’t help but become anxious. She said directly, “Can’t you…”

Before she could speak, Wen Qingxue, quick to act, covered her mouth. At the same time, she offered a very serious suggestion, “If you have special restrictions on your identity, you can choose not to speak. Say less, make fewer mistakes.” 2imCxJ

She glanced at Lin Qiyue’s skin, where the fish scales were clearly visible beneath the half-wet blanket.

Continuing, she said, “Seeing you like this, you probably didn’t get many clues. Anyway, your girlfriend’s identity must be related to the Sea God. Perhaps she’s a believer, or she’s exchanged health and longevity, or… she’s possessed.”

You Wusi only listened quietly to the players’ speculations and didn’t have anything to add.

Seeing that his wife had finished his meal and was looking up at him eagerly, as if expecting something. So, You Wusi opened the story of the Little Mermaid for the little zombie to listen. bIokJW

However, Jiang Shishi wanted something more than just hearing stories.

He stretched out his hand, quickly grabbed his bad brother’s hand as he (YW) was about to take it back, and then pressed it onto the not-so-green tomato seedlings.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

There were no small green tomatoes or large red tomatoes today!

“You ate the last one yesterday,” You Wusi explained patiently. He smiled and put the half-withered yellow leaves that had accidentally fallen into the paper cup. Then he said, “Now we have to wait for the little tomatoes to grow again. They’ll come out soon.” kiuS 4

Jiang Shishi didn’t want to wait. He remembered that his bad brother could make little tomatoes appear just by turning his hand!!!

So, there was no need to wait for the tomato plant to grow!

Being smart, Jiang Shishi grasped You Wusi’s big hand with both claws. He pinched here, poked there, and turned it over and over as he tried to bring the tomatoes out of it. But no matter how hard he tried, no big red tomatoes appeared.

You Wusi looked at his little wife who gradually stopped moving and said gently: “Always be patient. The small tomatoes gege gave you before were also grown from the pot. As long as you protect the tomato seedlings at all times, believe me they will grow into small tomatoes.” wXFPt2

But the little mermaid sitting on Jiang Shishi’s knees suddenly said, “This plant is going to die. A dead plant can’t bear fruit.” She didn’t understand why this man wanted to lie to his wife.

Cheating was something that cannot be tolerated, and she considered Jiang Shishi as her friend. She can’t let this man fool her friend!!!

The Little Mermaid slapped Jiang Shishi’s knees with her tail and said loudly in a childish voice, “Shishi, he is lying to you! The tomato plant is about to wither, and it is impossible to grow tomatoes from a withered plant.”

As You Wusi glanced at the evil little NPC who had unwittingly revealed his intentions, he found himself unable to react in time. Before he could say anything, his fierce little wife, baring his teeth in anger, swiftly grabbed his hand and sank his teeth into it. PeoZvY

Those beautiful eyes widened further with surprise and anger.

Looking at those mist and bright eyes, he tenderly stroked his little wife’s head with his other hand, murmuring softly to calm him down, “There, there, Shishi, don’t bite so hard. The tomato seedlings are just a bit wilted and yellow. If we water them now, they’ll be back to green tomorrow. Shall we go water the tomato plant together?”

You Wusi coaxed Jiang Shishi and led him to the bathroom. With a certain Little Mermaid NPC silently watching him with cold eyes, he gently taught Jiang Shishi how to water the tomato plant.

Throughout this time, his distrustful little wife continued to ignore him. zfS0YZ

Despite his scientific explanations that it was normal for the plant’s leaves to turn yellow, his little wife never looked up again. He didn’t even open the electronic device to learn or cut fruit. He just stared at the wilted tomato plant in the paper cup.

The little mermaid sitting on Jiang Shishi’s arm lifted her head slightly, meeting You Wusi’s somewhat angry and murderous gaze. She then swayed her tail and turned away.

Bad man! Getting angry at her without any reason.

Lin Qiyue had already noticed this scene. Seeing that You Wusi was not ignored by Jiang Shishi and the little mermaid, she finally understood why she had felt strange before. 2SWhZs

It seemed that You Wusi had been quietly bullying his beautiful wife! Not only did he not allow her to eat more tomatoes, but he also neglected to water the tomato plant. He even took away her game!

Men are really not good things! Just one word, to describe them all, that is despicable!!!!!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that he couldn’t coax his little wife, You Wusi glanced at his watch and then said to the players, “Time is passing faster now. We still have forty minutes until identification time, but judging by the current pace, I suggest everyone go to the living room first.”

“Is it that fast?” Jiang Zuo glanced at the time on his phone. It was indeed close to six o’clock. He frowned slightly and continued, “It hasn’t been that long! Will the time pass even faster later?” 9wa5eu

“Very likely,” Wen Qingxue said as she helped Jiang Zuo pack up his notebook.

The players didn’t intend to delay any longer. They gathered their things and hurried to the living room. They all knew that if they continued like this, time in the dungeon would only pass faster and faster.

Wen Qingxue was the last one to leave the art room.

Before leaving, she also gave a command to the big snake to follow from a distance. 3Vfp1

Even though the monstrous creature looked ferocious, after knowing the connection between nanny and it, she didn’t dare to let the other out of sight.

When they arrived in the living room, there was still some time left.

Ignoring the sarcastic comments in the surroundings, they began discussing whether to identify Mr. Wang.

Except for Zhou Qingxing and Jiang Shishi, who were unable to give an opinion, everyone else agreed to identify him. fbCyd3

Zhou Qingxing thought the phrase ‘find the real culprit that caused this tragedy’ was too unclear, so he preferred to be cautious. After all, in such a risky place, anything could happen.

“You don’t have to be so careful, policeman. You need to be brave and take risks,” You Wusi said as he handed the fly swatter to his young wife. “It’s better to try now than wait until the last day. We don’t know if the illusion will still be there after nine days and nights. It’s better to be proactive.”

[Congratulations to the eight players for their successful survival]

[Current time, night eight] UPKt4X

“”We identify Mr. Wang!”

With the weighty task entrusted to her, Lin Qiyue spoke out firmly. Seizing on the anger still lingering against the scoundrel, she meticulously recounted Mr. Wang’s suspected deceit in marrying and then harming Mrs. Yun to gain health and longevity.

Finally, she declared angrily, “He is the real culprit behind this tragedy!”

One by one, everyone identified. 3oO7HS

“Identification confirmed, the culprit is Mr. Wang!”

The Little Mermaid’s voice became sharp. She suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, as if intending to do something. But in the end, she calmed down abruptly. Her dark eyes swept over each player, and she spoke softly, “Evidence is questionable. Please submit genuine evidence as soon as possible.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Just as the Little Mermaid finished speaking, the familiar mechanical voice echoed again.

[Congratulations to the eight players for dispelling the illusion of the villa] ddlc9k

[Please escape the illusion before it collapses]

Suddenly, blue flames appeared on the walls all around the villa, trapping everyone inside. Surprisingly, these flames weren’t hot at all, but rather cold, like being underwater.

The players quickly stood up, looking for a way out, but both the doors and windows were blocked by the eerie blue fire.

Wen Qingxue quickly glanced at the giant snake left on the stairs, but when she looked again, it was gone. 5kyDMP

Where did the snake go?

There was a slight cold sweat on her forehead. The snake must still be around, as the faint pain in her body hadn’t vanished yet.

When the blue flames appeared, Lin Haoguang quickly threw a test prop at the wall. As soon as the prop touched the flame, it melted instantly.

Seeing this, he stopped cautiously. rIJLfg

“An An is pleased that the guests have identified the real culprit, but unfortunately, the evidence you provided is not entirely accurate,” the Little Mermaid said earnestly.

Translator's Note

He is Music teacher

Translator's Note

The idiom “不是吃人的老虎” (bù shì chī rén de lǎo hǔ) translates to “not a man-eating tiger” in English. This phrase is used metaphorically to assure others that someone is not as fierce or dangerous as they may seem.

In the context above, You Wusi is using this idiom to reassure others that he and Jiang Shishi are approachable and not threatening, despite the intense scrutiny they are under. He’s essentially saying, “Don’t be afraid to ask us anything; we won’t bite.”

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