The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch27 - Red ants

[Die early, you’re just wasting air by being alive!]

[It’s pointless for such a moron player to exist in the Endless world. So what if he clings to big boss thighs? Even the big boss has its own problems to deal with.] l3uoXS

[Well, even so, he’s her legal husband, not just any thigh.]

[What can such a husband do? He’s just sending her to die. Everyone can see it clearly. This guy named You Wusi probably doesn’t want to carry a burden anymore.]

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[Whether he’s a husband or not is uncertain. Maybe she was deceived into it! After all, that idiot doesn’t seem to have much of a brain.]

[I think this player wants to teach his wife how to face challenges on her own.] 329Uw0

[How can you call it sending her to her death when he’s right there watching?]

[What’s up with this live broadcast? Suddenly so many ‘good people’ have popped up? I’ve been in Endless for so long and I’ve never seen a few ‘good people’ who can survive in a dungeon!]

[Yes, who knew he might have quietly pushed this idiot to death a long time ago.]

The comments were filled with negativity, and other players present also felt concerned for Jiang Shishi, who was always being bullied.


Jiang Shishi, suddenly wearing tight plastic gloves, looked up at his bad brother, his clear eyes filled with confusion.

His hand felt so uncomfortable. This thing called a glove was weird, and he didn’t like it.

But the bad brother said he couldn’t break it.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should quietly remove it from his beautiful nails, a piece of skin was handed to him by the bad brother. gdo6 H

Jiang Shishi didn’t want to play with it, but the human skin insisted on coming after his claws. He didn’t like this strange thing, so he slowly dodged it.

The human skin piece that was thrown away returned, this time aiming at his head.

He raised his claws, pinched a large piece of skin from behind with the tips of his nails through his gloves, and threw it to the ground.

However, that monster still refused to let go of Jiang Shishi. K50J9u

Probably because it finally met someone who looked easy to bully, it was not discouraged even after being thrown out. It floated up again and flew towards Jiang Shishi’s still outstretched hand.

It seems determined like its only goal was revenge.

Jiang Shishi initially had no interest in human-skinned monsters, but the image of the bad brother wandering around with a piece of white paper floating around appeared in his mind. So, he also stretched out his claws and began to spin the human skin monster.

After just a few rounds, the skin suddenly changed its trajectory and was about to hit his little tomato. AduC3d

This made Jiang Shishi unhappy!

He raised his hands and lightly pulled at the approaching piece of human skin. With a tear, it split into two halves.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The hearts of the players suddenly sank, and the barrage from the audience seemed to pause for a moment.

[Is this really a mentally disabled person?] LT3XOy

[Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and no brains are not afraid of ghosts?)

[Isn’t this idiot too powerful?]

[I’m reporting this, I’m seriously going to report these two!!!! There’s definitely something fishy about these two players!]

[How come no other players are speaking about this?!?> bBetZq

[Upstairs must be inexperienced. They’ve never seen players go wild as soon as they enter the game? When those big shots were around before, you probably didn’t even get a chance to speak!]

[Big shots? Hilarious. You mean those players who are forever trapped in the dungeon?]

[If they were really your so-called gods, why would they be forever stuck in a dungeon? Some are dead, some are crippled, and the living ones are worse off than the dead. That’s what I call miserable.]

[Still boasting about gods? Aren’t most of them dead by now?] qPM6UD

[Hey, don’t go too far. R God is still around!]

[Isn’t he obsessed with going through dungeons? He just got lucky with a high dungeon entry count when he first started the game, barely making it to the end. He didn’t even have a title back then, and now he’s being treated like a god.]

[Isn’t he obsessed with clearing dungeons? When he first entered the game, he was ranked at the bottom because of how many times he entered dungeons. He didn’t even have a name, but now he’s being praised as a god.]

[I’m afraid you don’t know, but God R is trapped in the Land of Gentleness, he won’t be able to get out.] isX3nw

[If you guys are awesome and have good skills, why don’t you say it in front of R God!!]

[Um, let me add a word, so everyone is discussing whether R is God or not. Do you think this little mentally challenged person can climb to the top 99 in the rankings? Become a big shot? Oh no, it seems that the new big shots now have to stay in the top thirty.]

[Who said that?]

[Are you saying tearing someone’s skin makes you a god? Who here doesn’t have a few props and tricks to tear skin?] DSYw3h

[But that idiot didn’t use any props.]

[Bah, aren’t the gloves in his hands just props?]

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[Isn’t that a decoration?]

The barrage descended into chaos due to Jiang Shishi’s argument, with insults piling up. Mykfn8

You Wusi gaze skimmed through the red letters and paused on a particular sentence, “Eternal Trapped Copy,” for two seconds, and the barrage also mentioned how the Endless players seemed to deteriorate after that copy.

It seems that group really got wiped out.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Forget it, Shi Shi isn’t cut out for such violent activities. Just play peacefully with the red ants.”

Tbe Qerl abbx atf abgc tewjc rxlc ogbw Aljcu Vtlrtl’r tjcv, qea la lcab atf yju-ilxf vbii, jcv alfv la rtea.
Lf gfwbnfv tlr ilaaif klof’r uibnfr jcv ifa tlw jcv atf yjggjuf fcafgajlc atfwrfinfr. NJkudt

Coafg mbwqifalcu atfrf ajrxr, tf uijcmfv ja atf Olaaif Zfgwjlv, ktb kjr kjamtlcu klat lcafgfra, jcv jrxfv, “Deaifg Cc Cc, ktfgf’r atf ealilas gbbw?”

The Little Mermaid pointed in the direction and said, “Over there. And the switch is behind the curtain. The utility room can be a bit dark, so it’s better to turn on the light before going in.”

After thanking the little mermaid politely, everyone headed towards the utility room.

Despite its name, the utility room was surprisingly spacious, even bigger than the kitchen. However, without windows, it suffered from poor ventilation and darkness. 1NkuAX

Fortunately, the light was bright enough for them to see clearly.

As they looked around, they spotted all sorts of items, some useful, others seemingly pointless, all neatly organized.

The new players opted for items that could offer protection, like iron rods and similar objects, preferring longer ones.

Since they lack experience in handling monsters, their first priority is to prevent the monsters from getting too close. T2PGpI

While on the other hand, the two mentors don’t rely as much on these typical self-defense tools.

Even though they weren’t very experienced, they still had skill cards and props that could help them fend off threats. As long as they didn’t trigger the death rules, keeping themselves alive shouldn’t be a major issue.

You Wusi walked around the utility room, checking out different things. Eventually, he grabbed a soft fly swatter swatter and casually waved it around to see how it felt.

Then he hurried out of the utility room. kz dq4

Seeing that Jiang Shishi was still struggling against the barrage, he placed the fly swatter into his wife’s hand, held her paw, and helped fend off the barrage.

He smiled and said, “Use this, it will save more effort and won’t dirty your hands.”

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[Damn it]

[If you can’t handle it, don’t get involved!] RjH0ps

[We’re enjoying ourselves with the idiot, why do you have to jump in!]

[Who the hell are you calling dirty?]

After getting a new toy, Jiang happily chased away the bad ants who wanted to steal his tomatoes! With a soft wave, the messy red letters vanished, which was more fun than using his paws.

He quickly grew fond of this new game. 96K8sf

Sadly, good times never last.

Seeing the players still searching in the utility room, You Wusi seemed eager to test something. He gently guided Jiang Shishi to the dining table.

He picked up the electronic device resting on his little wife’s lap.

Opening the course that had been repeated almost twice, he reached out and lightly touched the little zombie’s head, “Let’s see how you did. If you had done your studies today and answered all the questions, you’ll get two tomatoes after dinner.” h6KVya

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shishi’s eyes widened with excitement and understanding.

He could get two tomatoes!!!

He got it!!!!!

“Alright, now it’s time to test what you learned about objects yesterday,” You Wusi said gently. He pulled out a chair and sat next to Jiang Shishi, smiling as he looked at his wife. “Shishi is so smart, I’m sure he can do it, right?” OXCajt

This time, Jiang Shishi really understood. He felt a bit puzzled, wondering why they were suddenly talking about yesterday’s lesson.

He also understood that bad brother praised him for being smart.

For the sake of those little tomatoes, he was determined to succeed!

The two little tomatoes were his!!!! WdCBMj

You Wusi smiled as he watched Jiang Shishi’s determination. He opened up the panel from yesterday and randomly picked something. Then, he asked his wife what it was, and if he knew it, he would point it out.

Jiang Shishi, who was feeling very confident, made an incorrect decision the first time around.

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Undeterred, he tried again but unfortunately made another mistake. It wasn’t until the third attempt that he finally clicked on the right choice.

Without realizing it, the Little Mermaid also turned her wheelchair around during this time. Sqv9BD

As Jiang Shishi calmly took the random test, he proceeded without haste. However, the Little Mermaid, who was watching, couldn’t help but start muttering to herself, “Hmm, this seems quite simple. If you think about it again, it’s related to hair, so it could be the solution.”

Jiang Shishi tried really hard to remember, but all he could think of was the quick look of this thing when he saw it on the screen.

Finally, he figured out what it was!

“One minute’s up, the answer is a comb,” You Wusi declared, having figured out the pattern. The little zombie indeed proved to be intelligent and a fast learner. He almost seemed to remember things just by looking at them, but he simply didn’t want to learn about things he wasn’t interested in. UdPWbu

To test his theory, he switched to the words he’d learned that day. As expected, the little zombie didn’t miss a beat, accurately selecting the correct words and effortlessly constructing sentences.

But his method wouldn’t work if it was something the little zombie hadn’t seen before.

He had a strong suspicion that Jiang Shishi simply remembered it without truly understanding its meaning.

“Alright, let’s call it a day,” You Wusi said as he switched off the learning equipment. Turning to his little zombie, he remarked, “Shishi did well today, but you made quite a few mistakes earlier, so you’ll only get one tomato as a reward after dinner. As for the other one, it depends on whether Shishi behaves or not. If he behaves, he’ll get it soon.” FRe4z1

The older brother’s explanation was a bit confusing. But after thinking about it, Jiang Shishi understood that he would get one tomato after dinner, and the other one would come soon.

Now he will have two small tomatoes! He was happy!!!!

You Wusi looked at the silly and cheerful Jiang Shishi in front of him, realizing that the other party didn’t understand at all.

Unaware that the second tomato had already been taken, he helplessly pinched his little wife’s cheek and softly sighed, “Knowledge is really important. I think Shishi will soon understand this principle.” tVZ8gE

[Congratulations to the eight players for surviving successfully]

[Current time, the sixth night]

As night falls, the electronic mechanical voice punctually appears in the living room with white text, while the Little Mermaid also turns her wheelchair back to the center of the dining table.

Everyone had already taken their seats long before the Little Mermaid joined in. W2guE

“So, did the guests find the murderer today?” The Little Mermaid had just finished speaking. However, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten to prepare the food beforehand, which was a lapse in her duties as a diligent butler.

Feeling embarrassed by her oversight, the Little Mermaid quickly composed herself by clasping her hands in front of her, a gesture of apology and humility.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The melodious music transformed into notes one by one, landing on the plates in front of each player, transforming into delicious food.

She stopped singing with satisfaction and instead asked, “Who is the murderer?” kbSVPl

“Can we borrow butler An An’s time for a bit?” You Wusi asked politely. When the Little Mermaid nodded, he went on, “We’d like An An to get the tools for drawing lots ready, and you can be the person who makes sure everything is fair. What do you think?”

Finding the idea interesting, the Little Mermaid asked You Wusi what he needed, then transformed it into a cup and chopsticks with everyone’s name on them.

“Those who had already been identified didn’t need to take part in the lottery anymore. This made things fairer. What did everyone think?” You Wusi suggested.

Of course, no player objected to You Wusi’s opinion. K2DR3A

When You Wusi directly retrieved the lottery that belonged to Jiang Shishi, signaling that he would participate in the next lottery game on behalf of his wife.

Everyone present was not surprised. They had already speculated about this outcome, and they had no reason to object.

After all, You Wusi had endured the eighteen hours of punishment, so it wasn’t surprising for him to take his wife’s place.

Each player took their chopstick, which had their name on it, and dropped it into the cup. After that, they passed the cup around, shaking it in their hands to mix up the chopsticks inside. Jiang Shishi also participated, following the same process as everyone else. Eventually, the cup, now filled with chopsticks, made its way into the Little Mermaid’s hands. MyL3UC

The Little Mermaid also shook the cup to further mix the chopsticks inside. Then, she turned her wheelchair and positioned the cup in front of the players, signaling them to start pulling out chopsticks.

As per You Wusi’s rules, the players would continue drawing lots until the last chopstick was drawn. Whoever’s name was on the last chopstick would be identified as the chosen person.

Soon, when the porcelain cup reached him, there was only one chopstick left inside.

Without looking at it, he requested the Little Mermaid to bring it to the center of the table for everyone to see. N87Knl

The chopsticks weren’t very long, but everyone could clearly see the name written on it – Lin Qiyue.

Lin Qiyue held the chopsticks tightly, shaking a little. She wanted to say something but felt it wouldn’t matter now.

She noticed Yi Jiangnan’s frowning as if he wanted to speak up.

She quickly said with a shaky voice, “I identify the “girlfriend”. My evidence is that she’s been mad at Mr. Wang for a while and hasn’t been happy. Because of this, Mr. Wang died!” ijwNO6

The new players sighed inwardly and followed suit, agreeing with the identification.

Then there were You Wusi and the two mentors.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yi Jiangnan remained silent for a while. Knowing that the Little Mermaid would take everyone’s thoughts into account, he didn’t want to keep Lin Qiyue waiting any longer, which would only increase her anxiety.

Finally, he spoke up to make his identification. y 51H0

“She is not the murderer,” the Little Mermaid said plainly, displaying her dissatisfaction with the players’ lack of action. Her gaze scanned the players before settling on Lin Qiyue.

She continued, “The evidence is clear. The punishment time is three hours.”

[Only three hours?]

[What’s happening? That’s even half of You Wusi’s punishment! Is this NPC okay?] bqkJr6

[You think three hours is not enough?]

[Three hours isn’t short. Just look at this player, do you think she can even survive three minutes.]

[Yeah, this person looks completely useless.]

[We’ve been waiting so long just to see someone die. I almost thought I was watching a reality show about a fancy house and its different parts.] 6xEDJO

[What’s the point of having luck? In the end, luck can’t do anything!]

[It’s time to cash in those points which I bet on!]

[Finally!!!! The movement I have been eagerly waiting for here!!!]

Lin Qiyue, who was trembling all over, however when she saw the barrage in front of her, she suddenly realized something and said to the Little Mermaid, “Wait a minute, I have something else to say!” V f8so

She hurriedly took out the powder pack she brought into the game from her personal system’s small backpack.

Rummaging through it, she found a blue gem. Quickly standing up, she handed it to the Little Mermaid and said, “Here, I have this for you. Can you shorten the punishment time in return?…”

However, the Little Mermaid who was facing Lin Qiyue, did not say anything.

Noticing this, Lin Qiyue searched through her bag again and found a small shell hairpin with broken brick inlays. She added, “And this one, it’ll look great in your hair!” JYi5sK

She was determined to take a chance.

Three hours was too long. And she knew better than anyone else that there was no way she could survive it!

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Her skills could be used effectively, but only if the person using them had no ill intentions towards her. Otherwise, their requests would be insatiable. If they weren’t satisfied, they would demand her life to fill the gap.

So, she took a chance. SvUfIr

Lin Qiyue was betting that this Little Mermaid NPC didn’t have much malicious intent!

After all, the other party prepared dinner for them, showed them the way to the utility room, and even stood next to Brother Si to give directions and answers to Jiang Shishi.

No matter what the audience said, she trusted her own judgment.

“Okay,” the little mermaid responded. She took both Lin Qiyue’s hairpin and ring. First, she carefully pinned the hairpin onto her own wavy hair, ensuring it was secure and looked just right. Then, she delicately slid the ring through her fishtail, adding a touch of elegance to her appearance. Finally, with a childish tone, she announced, “The punishment time is for 30 minutes.” K3d6ZD

[What the hell????]

[What’s going on? Is this even allowed?]

[Going from three hours to thirty minutes, is this NPC serious?]

[Damn, there’s definitely something fishy about this little mermaid!] tdd6EO

[This woman’s skills are very likely negotiable with NPCs!]

[Thirty minutes, I can wait that long. After all, she’s going to die.]

[A delicate lady like her won’t survive this dungeon even if it is for 30 minutes!]

Lin Qiyue also felt that thirty minutes was too long and was about to say something more, but she didn’t expect the Little Mermaid to speak first. akU o2

“Butler An An, doesn’t accept bribes,” the Little Mermaid said in a sweet voice, waving the beautiful ring on her tail. “I just felt that the punishment time was unfair, so I made a slight adjustment. Thirty minutes is already the limit.”

After hearing the Little Mermaid’s refusal to accept bribes, both the audience and the players were left speechless.

Why would she accept bribes in the first place??

She even put those items on her body and seemed to appreciate them! 6kEqXs

Lin Qiyue understood not to push it further, so she returned her bag to her personal system. Just as she was about to grab the iron rod nearby, she tripped and fell onto the chair.

Out of nowhere the shiny knife suddenly appeared and brushed past her shoulder.

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She was so startled that she raised her hand and accidentally knocked over the plate and juice in front of her.

The two types of food mixed on the table, causing a mess and creating a hole. DoYwHT

Now Lin Qiyue was even more panicked. She stood up and gripped the iron rod tightly. She instinctively wanted to move towards Yi Jiangnan, but she was afraid of accidentally hurting him.

In her nervousness, she didn’t even notice when the stick hit the human skin monster.

As she walked towards an empty spot, the skin tore open, revealing a torn monster that was about to emerge from the floor where she had just been standing.

Despite her panic, Lin Qiyue couldn’t help but notice that something was off. 2TMdez

Her luck seemed to be unusually good, considering the circumstances.

[Now I’m starting to wonder if there are any normal players in this copy!]

[What’s the matter with this woman? Avoiding the danger once is accidental, twice is coincidence, and three times is luck. So many times, and she doesn’t didn’t use props, right?]

[Everyone might have forgotten that this woman’s luck value is 100, and not just that, it’s different from others—it’s golden!] BW5doM

[Has Endless opened the back door?]

[Fuck, why didn’t anyone mention that she has a golden luck value?]

Upon seeing this scene, Yi Jiangnan suddenly remembered a certain phrase he had once read.

if someone is bad for nine lifetimes, they will go to hell in the tenth lifetime and become a demon’s food. But if someone is good for nine lifetimes, they will receive special blessings from nature and be protected from all evil. 7RqJ9A

The game of Endless was said to be worse than hell.

Despite having some suspicions, he couldn’t let go of his concern and kept a close watch on Lin Qiyue as she ran around the living room.

The other players didn’t feel like eating, not just because they were watching Lin Qiyue run around, but also because of a meal that melted the table.

Only You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who weren’t bothered by the situation, remained calm. 3 dVUz

You Wusi took a few bites of food himself before starting to feed his little wife. As he fed his little wife, he also shared the story of the idiom they learned on the learning equipment today.

It was so heartwarming that it felt different from the atmosphere of the game.

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At some point, the Little Mermaid approached the two of them in her wheelchair to listen to the story. Her tail swayed gently, and the big blue gem on her tail glowed brightly under the light.

Soon, You Wusi finished feeding his little wife. o1b834

Lin Qiyue also spent half an hour in a thrilling manner, at the same time she also sustained some injuries on her arms, legs, and feet. However, it didn’t seem to affect her movements.

After confirming that there would be no sudden player losses in the dungeon, You Wusi picked up the well-behaved Jiang Shishi, whose mouth was wiped by him.

Just as he was about to take his well-behaved wife back to the room, he noticed that his little wife seemed to be holding something shiny in his hand.

He glanced down and took a look. Just then, he caught the eye of the Little Mermaid, who had been forced to leave her wheelchair. TnVhe1

Author has something to say:

Jiang Shishi: (I like the Little Mermaid who can talk)

The author with the straw hat: I also like Jiang Shishi who can’t talk!


Translator's Note

The phrase means that inexperienced or ignorant individuals may not be afraid of dangerous situations because they are unaware of the risks involved.

Translator's Note

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  1. Lol, stole the mermaid)))

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛