The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch24 - Welcome to join my team

The players don’t believe they’re allowed to feel that way. Even though they’re confused, they still feel like they’re just pieces of skin that You Wusi is gripping onto. This conversation feels very familiar.

“It seems like you guys need more time to think, and that’s okay. I’m in no rush.” You Wusi smiled, noticing the flickering fireworks on Lin Haoguang’s fingertips. He approached him and politely asked, “Mr. Lin, could you lend me your fire?” dmTa n

Upon hearing this, Lin Haoguang, who usually had a cigarette in hand, tensed up slightly.

He understood that this new player was merciless, and he also recognized the opponent’s intelligence. However, he never imagined he would be grappling with a creature made of human skin… or rather, tearing human skin apart unilaterally!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

There are plenty of strong players in Endless, but being a newbie in the game, this guy’s fierceness without using any power-ups to boost his strength was a big surprise. Lin Haoguang stood up quietly and offered his lit fire to You Wusi.

The way Lin Haoguang was standing and offering cigarettes was very typical, similar to how younger characters pass cigarettes to their boss in TV shows and movies. jDXt4A

“Thanks.” You Wusi said as he placed the piece of human skin into the fire, then continued speaking: “See, this little thing is just a trick. Actually, as long as…”

The flames caught the edge of the human-skinned monster, causing only the edge to curl up slightly, interrupting most of his sentence.

You Wusi had to halt his unfinished sentence. He gazed directly at Lin Haoguang, his smile unwavering, and remarked, “Could you please increase the power of fire? I’m afraid I’m not equipped to handle things that are beyond the realm of science for now.”

Lin Haoguang considered speaking but ultimately stayed silent, following You Wusi’s instruction to level up the skill by one level.

0 FuTA

Shortly after, under the intense flames, the human skin began to ignite slowly. It took nearly half a minute to burn completely and another three minutes to turn into charcoal.

You Wusi looked at Lin Haoguang with a gentle expression, who seemed unsure. He then twisted the blackened human skin in his hand, turning it into ashes, before turning to the other players.

He went on, saying, “Just use your skills wisely, and you’ll be able to handle these things just fine. Remember what the mentors said earlier? This is just a white copy. It’s a good opportunity to practice while it’s still easy.”

Everyone understood You Wusi’s hint. spVRUd

If they can’t handle white copy now, how can they survive in the next dungeon?

The current Endless isn’t as forgiving anymore.

No one spoke; they all knew what was at stake.

That human skin monster just now didn’t seem to react much even after being lit for a while, yet it still turned to ashes. But it doesn’t seem easy. OrELYa

Regardless, what You Wusi said still holds true.

The white copies were indeed the simplest version and more easier to deal as compared to others.

[I have to admit, You Wusi really knows his stuff. He can handle not only the devouring human skin monster but can also easily convince others.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[But that doesn’t mean every player has the skill to deal with these monsters!] uEANlK

[It’s possible he wants to watch other players die on their own.]

[But in the end, it’s all about death. Using a lottery to hide this ruthless selection seems like a good idea for newcomers.]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Am I the only one who thinks the black pearl has actually turned into a white copy?]

[So what? Everyone noticed that the danger after being identified hadn’t decreased, but this player seemed to handle it effortlessly. If it were someone else, blood would’ve been spilled right after identification!] o7J8KU

[Yeah, not every player can tear human skin off with their bare hands.]

[Regardless, I just want to see them die!]

Gfrqlaf atf mbecaifrr mglalmlrwr, la rffwfv Tbe Qerl’r jmalbcr tjv rbwftbk vlnfgafv atflg jaafcalbc. Zjcs bo atf tjgrt jcv qgbnbmjalnf kbgvr aegcfv lcab vlrmerrlbcr.

“Po sbe cffv ab, sbe mjc mbwf ab wf jcv afra sbeg rxliir yfobgftjcv. Po cb bcf bypfmar joafg vlccfg, la wfjcr fnfgsbcf tjr jugffv ab ws reuufralbc.” Tbe Qerl olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, cbalmlcu atja tlr ilaaif klof kjr rajgalcu ab offi ecfjrs. wER0Nq

With bright and alert eyes, he frequently glanced at the food in front of him, his hand poised to act.

Ignoring the concerned players, he returned to Jiang Shishi with the ‘Sunny Baby,’ who had now completely calmed down.

You Wusi attached the long linen rope to Jiang Shishi’s wheelchair and tapped the inflated ball floating in the air with the back of his hand, signaling to begin work. Then, he removed his gloves, washed his hands with tea, and dried them with napkins.

Next, he asked the little mermaid for a larger spoon and fed his wife a mixture of meat and vegetables with one spoonful. Occasionally, he would glance at the scarred “Sunny Day Baby” to check if he was working diligently. Rf76kU

What can the human-skin monster aka Sunny doll do in this?

It cannot speak, otherwise it would have burst into tears on the spot.

Is it easy to be a ghost?

If they can’t be human anymore, who would choose to be a ghost? 0pVhuB

But to save its remaining skins no matter how tough it gets, it has to keep going!!!

[Why is this monster so obedient?]

[Aren’t the pieces of its human skin already floating out of the tattered cloth? Why bother coming back to work?]

[This is the first time I’ve seen a monster in Endless work so hard to protect the player from harm!] k0mqa8

[I don’t get it! Is there something wrong with this copy?]

[I want to report!!!]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Anyone who tries to report will find that the system doesn’t detect any problems with the level.]

[The problem lies with this player! Why can’t I report him? Doesn’t the Endless system even have this function?] hXQI2d

[If you don’t like him, buy a specific item for the next dungeon and take care of him there.]

(Oh, the one above wants to freeload?)

The human-skinned monster that tirelessly protected You Wusi was so exhausted that it couldn’t even glance at the surrounding barrages. It recalls that it was once a renowned figure on the leaderboard.

Now, half of its consciousness has turned into a ghost. qCDRrM

Similarly, it had dreams and ambitions, wanting to climb up and become a boss or something, which seemed like a promising future.

But it never expected that this time, when the dungeon opened, it would face such calamities.

It managed to survive under the lightning strike of the dungeon, but it met this ruthless man, who wanted to tear it into pieces and even enslaved it to work!

No one can bear this kind of thing. qc2t4f

Sadly, it’s no longer human. To keep its form, it must honestly fulfill the contract.

It’s quite unimaginable for a human-skinned monster to admit that.

The moment it obeyed this player, it sensed a very peculiar power. It was the power of the contract that it had encountered in an Endless dungeon in its fragmented memories of its lifetime.

The human-skinned monster has no doubt that if it doesn’t do its best to help this player, its consciousness will vanish! RS9dJp

Amidst its hectic schedule, the once fifth-ranked Human Skin reimagined its future career as a ghost.

It aims to take advantage of chaos as a ghost and be a salted ghost.

The boss was too dangerous. Just look, it made a mistake today and nearly died. It’s indeed plain and simple!

After this, it wouldn’t be taking such terrible jobs!!!!! wJfojF

Dinner time of feeding his wife, quickly came to an end.

After wiping Jiang Shishi’s mouth, You Wusi glanced up at the tattered “Sunny Baby,” whose consciousness was fluctuating strongly, and nodded with great satisfaction.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He smiled and said, “You did a good job. Why don’t you come with me from now on? There’s clearly no future in this dungeon. The world is vast, and I doubt anyone would not want to explore it, right?”

Exhausted, the human-skinned monster was so terrified that pieces of it scattered in all directions. ZqdI4o

In an instant, only the torn white cloth on the ground, full of holes, showed that a human-skinned monster had been there.

[Isn’t he… overdoing things?]

[Is this really a new player? Why does it seem like I’m watching some strange live broadcast about the big boss’s comeback?]

[Damn, even the monsters can’t tolerate him!] 4jOPzB

[I really can’t stand this player named You Wusi! I’ll offer 800 points to whoever successfully assassinated him!]

[Aren’t you being too cheap? Just eight hundred?]

[To be frank, considering the situation, no one will take the eight thousand.]

[Well, if you’re so impressed with this new guy, let’s see if he can come out of Black Pearl alive first!] edhOY2

[That’s true, I think this guy is incredibly foolish. He should die soon. I don’t want to see his disgusting face again.]

[Oops, I don’t know whose vinegar is spilled, I can smell it through the screen.]

[I told you guys, why are you so interested in licking? He’s not a real boss, just a newcomer. Is it necessary to treat him like this?]

[It seems like many people have betted on You Wusi’s death, they’re probably worried about having to pay compensation.] uAErPY

You Wusi’s gaze cut through the barrage surrounding him, focusing on the bone chair in the distance. He smiled and said, “If you change your mind, you’re welcome to come back to me anytime. You’ll be the first to join the team and you will be the key member, and the benefits won’t be shabby.”

The author has something to say:

You Wusi: I think it’s time to hire some employees, otherwise we won’t be able to eat quietly.

The author with a straw hat in his mouth: Yes, yes. 5ETLUQ

Translator's Note

The sentence suggests that the person mentioned is trying to benefit or enjoy something without contributing or paying for it

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  1. He has priorities

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. I really don’t like the comment section in the story, There’s so mean for now reason. They’re probably just bitter that they’re not as smart as Wusi.