The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch22 - I identify Doctor

“Brother Si, stop teasing us, it’s creepy,” Jiang Zuo exhaled deeply, then resumed his steps, walking up to Mr. Wang, who used to be the giant teddy bear but now laid as a human.

Perhaps due to the nature of his profession, death wasn’t too unfamiliar to him, so his courage remained intact. tCuU1G

Even when facing this corpse that seemed like it could open its eyes any second, he could still maintain his composure.

Even though Jiang Zuo didn’t study forensic medicine specifically, his college days involved learning from an anatomy teacher. After graduation, he worked in the emergency department where he encountered various accidents, big and small.

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He was keenly aware of all the oddities surrounding the corpse in front of him. Its appearance was incredibly lifelike, with a peaceful expression that seemed almost too real.

He squatted down and bravely reached out to lift the corpse’s arm. The skin felt elastic, the movement wasn’t stiff, and it didn’t feel heavy at all. In reality, this only happens when someone has recently lost their vital signs. I9dPqC

In the magical dungeon, such a situation seemed… quite common…

Lin Qiyue was too afraid to glance at the corpse, fearing that if she looked again, it might suddenly move. Her gaze wandered around the study, and she quickly noticed that the museum shelf looked different. Tugging at Yi Jiangnan’s clothes, she pointed at the shelf and exclaimed, “Look over there, there are so many extra things!”

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their attention to where Lin Qiyue was pointing.

They saw that the museum shelves, previously sparse with objects, were now filled with various items, mostly picture frames.


As they approached, they found photos of Mr. Wang and his family. The pictures appeared to be in order by time, with happy kids on the left and Mr. Wang as a young man on the right. He looked handsome and hadn’t changed much over the years, just grown more mature and stable.

“Wow, Mrs. Yun looks really pretty!” Lin Qiyue whispered in awe. Even in the photos, the girl’s beauty and impressive presence caught her attention.

This kind of beauty never fades with time. She glanced quietly at You Wusi and Jiang Shishi on the balcony and couldn’t help but admire silently; each person’s beauty was unique in its own way!

Her gaze returned back to the photo. The second picture depicted a wedding, with a talented man and a beautiful woman, seemingly a perfect match. yJo mh

Then, there was a picture of Mrs. Yun, gently touching her slightly round belly with a soft smile on her face.

In the next photo, Mrs. Yun stood at the villa door with Mr. Wang, holding their newborn baby. In this picture, Mrs. Yun’s smile was different. It wasn’t as radiant as before; instead, her lips were gently curved, showing a more steady and dignified expression. Sometimes, when she looked down at her growing children, her true emotions would shine through.

Lin Qiyue examined each photo closely, focusing on the slightly worn-out last picture of Mrs. Yun. She said with a puzzled expression, “Why does it seem like she’s suffering from postpartum depression? After having the baby, Mrs. Yun in the photo doesn’t look… truly happy.”

“Maybe she was concerned about the baby’s health, or something went wrong during the pregnancy,” Jiang Zuo speculated, glancing at the child who always sat in a wheelchair. JdNUAe

Lin Qiyue stayed quiet. She felt there was more to it, especially when she remembered the strange items that appeared in her room last night. This made her even more silent.

For a while, no one in the study said anything. But the players didn’t just stand around; they kept searching for the things that appeared after the illusion was lifted in the study room.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, they couldn’t find any useful information. All they found was a dusty photo of Mr. Zhang Wang with his friends from his college days tucked away in a corner.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The dark red barrages floating around seemed to carry a lot of hostility. 8M17GD

Ktfs mjerfv atf qijsfgr, ktb jigfjvs tjv atflg bkc kbgglfr, ab jiwbra rabq mbwweclmjalcu, mgfjalcu j revvfc ragjcuf jawbrqtfgf.

Nlfkfgr klat wjilmlber lcafcalbcr kfgf boafc atf bcfr wbra fjufg ab ralg eq agbeyif jcv wevvs atf kjafgr.

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Fcobgaecjafis, atf jevlfcmf kjr delmx, yea Tbe Qerl kjr fnfc delmxfg.

“Pa rffwr ilxf la’r cba pera wf; sbe jii ujlcfv rbwfatlcu lc atf gbbw,” Tbe Qerl rjlv klat j iluta rwlif tbkfnfg tf vlvc’a lcafcv ab lcnfralujaf jcsatlcu ja atf wbwfca
instead looked at Zhou Qingxing and asked, “Did the officer find out anything from the little mermaid yesterday? Like if the steward betrayed the master or something?” L6rFjX

Zhou Qingxing felt relieved at You Wusi’s words and responded, “It doesn’t seem to know either. Maybe I should ask again? However, the little mermaid has been emphasizing that she can’t betray the master. Maybe we should start with the steward’s identity card.”

After speaking, he sighed inwardly.

It was too harsh to identify one player as being the murderer every day, so everyone was keeping their information tightly guarded.

The crucial point now was to focus on the two roles of steward and business partner. After all, the holders of their identity cards were no longer here. ubcxnz

“Then let’s start by checking the steward’s room to see if we find anything useful. Since it’s lunchtime after, we’ll stop by the living room on the way,” You Wusi suggested, gently touching his little wife’s hand. With a glance, he could tell that his little wife hadn’t been studying carefully at all; he was just tapping the screen repeatedly without any emotion, pretending to be diligent and serious.

Come to think of it, small tomatoes aren’t enticing enough for his little wife to study.

Maybe when there are only three left, he’ll start studying seriously.

Soon, everyone left the study. Lin Qiyue was truly afraid of the bloody corpse, so she pulled Yi Jiangnan along and squeezed in beside You Wusi. hvlUdA

Sticking close to the boss she felt safer.

Observing the tomato plant Jiang Shishi was holding, much larger than a paper cup, Lin Qiyue held back her words until she couldn’t anymore. Turning to You Wusi, she said, “Brother Si, you’re amazing at growing tomatoes. It’s only been a few days, and it’s grown so big…”

Even though she’s never done farming, she knows plants can’t grow that fast! It’s even more unbelievable than if they were given hormones!

Hearing this, You Wusi smiled casually and said, “Actually, I was a bit surprised at first, but after reading the skill introduction carefully, it didn’t seem strange anymore. Anything related to love for my wife will get a boost, making tasks easier.” zw1H2d

The players who heard this and the viewers who were hidden felt confused.

Could his skill of “loving your wife as much as your life” really have such an effect? They sensed that something was off but couldn’t quite put their finger on it. They had to be cautious in their explanations, but they couldn’t voice their suspicions openly.

You Wusi didn’t bother explaining to the other players. He simply opened the steward’s room and pushed his little wife.

Then, he grabbed a chair and sat down, ready to make sure the lazy Jiang Shishi actually studied. h6UCAv

When lunchtime came, he stood up and called the players to the living room to have lunch together and find the Little Mermaid.

The players had just stumbled upon some info they weren’t sure was a clue or not. Before they could chat about it, they saw You Wusi pushing Jiang Shishi out of the room. At the same time, their stomachs growled with hunger, so they reluctantly put aside the stuff they found for now.

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After all, hot food was still super tempting, especially when hunger was heightened from exploring the dungeon.

This lunch turned out to be quite filling. 8ZBu71

Maybe the Little Mermaid was really surprised by how the players practically licked their plates clean last night. Today’s meal was Chinese food. The rice was aromatic and covered in sauce. The porcelain bowl was bigger than a person’s face, filled with a mix of meat and vegetables, and topped with a fried egg.

“Everyone needs to be careful to find the murderer!” The Little Mermaid repeated, wiping imaginary sweat from her forehead.

When the players finished eating, she turned her wheelchair and glided across the table, urging everyone to find the murderer as soon as possible.

The Little Mermaid started shooing people away, and the players didn’t argue. They soon went back to the steward’s room to talk about what they found. Ea3jO9

Firstly, they found lots of big, round black pearls hidden in the closet.

The steward had an odd habit; he stored many fake pearls in his closet that looked a lot like Mr. Wang’s real collection. At first glance, the fakes seemed quite authentic. They had shiny colors on the surface, even brighter than real black pearls. However, their texture was definitely not the same.

Next, they found out about the critical illness reports.

Judging by his age, in his early thirties, he seemed to be the son of the steward’s. LhdxlJ

And the messages sent one after another on the mobile phone, all trying to express that they must save the son’s life at all cost.

Of course, doubts still linger.

For instance, this steward doesn’t seem to be lacking in money. The balance on his bank card leaves Jiang Zuo, a doctor, speechless. And the steward’s son… has somehow managed to survive day by day.

Everyone spent most of the day analyzing but still couldn’t understand why the steward wanted to steal the black pearl. hZUSjW

You Wusi didn’t join the discussion but suggested checking the business partner’s room for any surprises.

So they opened the door and began searching.

Sure enough, there was a surprise. Black pearl appeared to have been distributed in batches, and there was one in this room.

Additionally, this partner had a lot of old newspapers. They included small magazines and newspapers featuring Mrs. Yun’s engagement years ago, her art exhibition, her declining health, Miss Wang’s hidden illness, and countless articles about Black Pearl and Mr. Wang. O5Xf2s

They couldn’t find anything else.

However, both of them were suspicious.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

One of them had a cell phone, but they couldn’t unlock it or read the messages inside. While the other has a replica of the black pearl.

With night approaching, no one’s mind was focused on exchanging clues. 1mjSVg

Even though the storm seemed to be easing up today, the storm in their hearts only grew stronger.

Amidst the heavy atmosphere, You Wusi remained quite relaxed. He even rewarded his diligently studying wife by listening to the story of “The Little Mermaid” twice.

As the story reached its conclusion, darkness descended.

The players gathered in the living room in silence. Even though the food on the dining table looked delicious and exquisite, they had no interest in it. w26cS8

The last person sat down, and the Little Mermaid spoke in a sweet voice.

“So, have the guests found the murderer today? Butler An An can’t wait! Let’s start identifying him!”

For a moment, all the new players lowered their heads and stared at the plate of dishes in front of them, but their eyes remained fixed, unable to find a resting point.

They couldn’t bear the weight of their conscience. Hsn0Ad

They just felt like no matter what they did, it would be wrong.

They also didn’t dare to casually glance at others, afraid that it might give the wrong impression to the other players.

The two mentors hesitated to speak, even if they already had the answer in mind. But at this moment, whoever spoke first would likely be identified as the culprit the next day.

After all, new players needed to find a way to deal with their conscience and moral condemnation. EmYXfq

Evil often needs an excuse to start.

The Little Mermaid, lacking patience, continued, “Why aren’t you talking? Are the guests not taking this seriously today…”

At that moment, You Wusi suddenly and calmly interrupted the Little Mermaid, “I identify the doctor.”

The author has something to say: EHaqI6

You Wusi: I identify myself.

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  1. If everyone is a murderer, does it mean that no one is murder?

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛