The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch20 - [What’s even scarier is seeing a lovey-dovey couple honeymooning in the Black Pearl.]

“Is this villa… truly an illusion?” Lin Qiyue questioned, reaching out to tug at Yi Jiangnan, who stood beside her holding an umbrella. If her hands weren’t occupied, she would have wanted to rub her eyes.

So she could open her eyes and see clearly the difference between the so-called “breaking the illusion” before and after. Q3jWFo

In fact, huge white characters floated over the villa, and to the naked eye, there weren’t many significant changes in the surroundings.

But the thunder ceased, and the rain eased.

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At the same time, the black mist trailing them also gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of the puppet snake.

Until the last strand of black mist cleared, the huge puppet suddenly transformed into a python, its triangular head thicker than a human waist! Half-hidden in the grass, it stood upright, glaring menacingly! 4BdJVl

“It’s huge, snake…”

Yi Jiangnan had never seen such a big snake before. He was sure it could eat them whole.

No surprise those old players ended up in awful situations. Who wouldn’t feel miserable getting tangled up with a huge python and bitten a few times? It’s totally understandable!

After hearing that, the other players glanced towards the black mist. Suddenly, everyone froze except for You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who calmly extended his arms to catch the rain.


They didn’t believe they could move faster than the giant python, which was just about ten meters away.

“Brother Si… Didn’t you mention this was just a fake snake?” Jiang Zuo whispered nervously, as if afraid of alarming the giant snake in the distance. He lowered his voice even more and added, “If we make a move now, will it react to us?”

They always thought the skeletons and human skin monsters in the dungeon were scary, but they never expected there were such venomous snakes and beasts guarding outside!!!!

There’s no way for them to survive at all!!!! ZxAILB

You Wusi, who was occupied watching his little wife’s paws happily playing in the water, glanced at the giant python in the distance after hearing Jiang Zuo’s words. “Didn’t we discuss breaking the illusion? Perhaps that layer of puppets resembling toys is part of its own illusion.”

Seeing the words above the villa gradually fading away and the sky becoming extremely dim, he continued, “Let’s go, it’s almost time, and it’s also time to return to the villa. As for that snake, it seems quite tame. As long as you don’t provoke it, it probably won’t come near.”

Hearing this, Zhou Qingxing, who was in a daze for a movement, quickly pulled out the cotton key he found from the body of the big teddy bear, Mr. Wang.

Sure enough, the cotton cloth had transformed into solid steel. lvgWHQ

As night approached, the group dared not linger any longer. They cautiously watched the giant python, with its emerald green eyes fixed on them, as they briskly headed towards the main entrance of the villa.

Everything went smoothly. Upon opening the villa, they didn’t see any skeletons or human skins on the staircase. It was spotless, not a trace of dust, as if all the monsters were nothing but a fleeting nightmare.

After they closed the villa’s gate again, the giant python at the edge of the bushes remained motionless, still standing half upright.

The players who had narrowly escaped the snake’s jaws didn’t even have time to catch their breath. lMQmfn

Like waves of red splashes, barrage messages kept flooding in one after another, filling the entire living room to the brim.

[Did they actually stumble upon a different path by accident?]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[What? The Black Pearl also has illusions?]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[So, all these years, what has everyone been searching for in the Black Pearl? Just an illusion? All those players who have lost their lives were for nothing?!] aLsRnM


[After dispelling the illusion, there’s still a new mission! Didn’t they say only those hell-level dungeons would have hidden tasks? Why do even white-level dungeons have hidden tasks…]

[Actually, we are talking about “The Black Pearl”, not some other white-level dungeon.]

[I remember a big shot once brought out a small boss’s ghost doll toy as a reward from a semi-white dungeon. Will those players also be getting something similar in return???] 2YQrPx

[Heh, the bigger the reward, the greater the risk. I bet they just got lucky!!]

[Eventually, they’ll all be wiped out! Who knows how to navigate the Black Pearl after dispelling the illusion. The calmer it seems, the more dangerous it is!]

[Those sour grapes probably just couldn't handle getting wiped out. Look at you, all red-eyed.)

[Don’t you have red eyes too?”] 3vjEJn

[Came here out of curiosity, heard the Black Pearl was about to get wrecked by newcomers?]

[Get lost!]

“Lfs, fnfgsbcf, mbwf bnfg tfgf delmxis! Rlutaojii’r jqqgbjmtlcu.” Ktf Olaaif Zfgwjlv, rlaalcu lc j ktffimtjlg jcv kfjglcu j meaf ilaaif nfra, mjiifv bea ab atf qijsfgr, kjnlcu fcaterljralmjiis.

Pa ibbxr fnfc wbgf fifujca jcv yfjealoei cbk. 9PVu4h

Ktf Olaaif Zfgwjlv tjr atlmx, kjns tjlg ilxf jiujf jcv ylu, gbecv fsfr atja ibbx ilxf rtlcs qfjgir.

Now, it’s not in the spotlight. Instead, it’s busy moving around the dinner plates. Every time it touches a plate, delicious food appears magically. Sometimes, it moves its wheelchair too quickly and has to quickly back up a few steps.

It looks like a helpful elf, bustling around.

Although everyone was surprised by the Little Mermaid’s unusual behavior, they quickly took their seats before the sky got completely dark. No one forgot the rules for nightfall. Yaw BV

Now, it was time to identify once again.

[Congratulations to the eight players for successfully surviving.]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[The Linhai Mid-Levels Villa has been successfully unlocked, and you each receive three skill cards as rewards. Settlement will be processed after the level is cleared.]

[Why will they get skill cards? And not just one but three of them?] 17KXir

[If you can survive the Black Pearl, I’ll not only give you skill cards, but also throw in an extra item for you!]

[The current time is night four.”]

[I always found the Black Pearl strange. It’s supposed to be a white-level dungeon, yet it’s full of danger. Now, it’s even stranger. Despite the danger, it let a group of newcomers survive until the fifth day and even opened up a new path!]

[A group of newcomers… What about the two veteran players?] L7lW0F

[Oh, there are veteran players here? Is it the one holding the pretty girl?]

[See, I told you there are no veteran players here.]

[Even Brother Lian called You Wusi brother. I guess there’s not much difference between them and the newcomers.]

[So, who do you think will be identified tonight? Even though the police have the right to exempt someone from identification, going through this process is still tough.] 5zi0FS

[That You Wusi guy might be in danger.]

[Or maybe it’s that useless 100% lucky girl who hasn’t done anything?]

As the barrage of messages flashed before everyone’s eyes, they were more silent this time, their gazes lowered, and no one spoke first.

The Little Mermaid puppet was still busy on the dining table, just swirling around the plate in front of Jiang Shishi with a soft sound. JrgDq7

Jiang Shishi, holding a small paper cup with a tomato design, raised his head slowly and silently watched the Little Mermaid puppet moving. Unconsciously, he let go of the wet, greasy duck in his hand.

Just as he was about to reach out, the Little Mermaid puppet slipped in front of the bad brother.

Seeing the bad brother looking over, Jiang Shishi silently lowered his head again, picked up the fat duck, and discreetly tucked it, along with his hand, back into his large pocket.

The Little Mermaid finally finished preparing the last dinner and wheeled back to the center of the dining table. It wiped the nonexistent sweat off its forehead and said in a sweet voice, “Dear guests, the feast is ready. Please enjoy your meal.” 6HYRD2

[This thing seems like it’s a lose-lose situation, eat or die, right?]

[If it were me, I’d boldly refuse! After all, it’s not me who’s going to die!]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Following the usual endless routine, it’s probably a feast of deception.]

[Oh, it’s truly a dilemma!] AXnpVj

[Eight players are still alive, wow! In other dungeons, even with ten-mans can’t guarantee eight people will make it to the fourth day! So disappointing!]

[If nobody dies soon, I’ll start suspecting there’s a bug in the Black Pearl!]

[Almost there, almost there. After this meal, all of them will be wiped out!]

The floating barrage of messages felt like stones thrown into the hearts of the new players, causing ripples of unease among them. zdXl9q

While two mentors, who had experienced numerous dungeons, remained relatively calm. After exchanging glances, they decided to test the rules with cautious inquiries.

However, unexpectedly before they could test the ground, You Wusi spoke up first.

“Thank you for your hospitality, but shouldn’t we identify the killer first?” You Wusi said as he picked up his knife and fork, cutting a small piece of steak and tasting it.

Upon hearing this, the Little Mermaid scratched its head and said, “Oh, right! I almost forgot that we need to identify first before enjoying dinner! Oh, you’ve already started eating! Well, I guess we can identify the killer while enjoying dinner.” 1sqVpr

“I remember our police friend has some new ideas to verify. Perhaps we can enjoy this dinner more comfortably, right, Officer Zhou?” You Wusi felt that the dinner arranged by the Little Mermaid was quite delicious and didn’t want to waste too much time while enjoying the tasty meal. So, he made a small suggestion.

He cut another piece and handed it to Jiang Shishi, who was still carefully hiding his claws. He waited until he caught the other’s gaze before leaning close to his wife’s ear and whispered softly: “This tastes good, give it a try, but don’t bite down too hard. You might damage your teeth, and they’ll snap and break.”

After hearing this, Jiang Shishi didn’t want to open his mouth at all.

Because the bad brother keeps bringing up things that might break his teeth! jvdXoL

It seems like everything is a potential threat to his sharp teeth.

He felt like this bad brother was the worst, he was always talking about breaking his teeth!!!!

If he doesn’t eat it, it won’t break his teeth! And except for the cherry tomatoes, they always taste terrible anyway!

bad!!! ddWBpS

Bad food!!!

Bad brother!!!

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

While You Wusi was patiently coaxing his bad-tempered little wife to eat.

Zhou Qingxing, understanding the subtle hint, quickly responded, “I do have some clues, but I still need to verify them thoroughly before reaching a conclusion. This case is quite complex. I don’t want to falsely accuse innocent people, nor can I let the guilty ones go free. So, for today, let’s hold off on the identification.” He didn’t phrase it as a question but as a statement. Kc6Yl5

Psychologically, this approach can increase the effectiveness of achieving his goals.

“Okay,” the Little Mermaid agreed quickly. She lifted her chin slightly, and there was a hint of melancholy in her beautiful round eyes. She spoke softly, almost like a sigh, “Uncle policeman must verify carefully, and don’t let the bad guys go.”

[What’s going on?]

[What the hell!!!?????] xUKt5y

[Darn it, where did that puppet that used to threaten players with eerie vibes go? Since when did it become so easy to talk to?]

[Did someone switch out this NPC? What did it say just now?????]

[Now I truly believe the Black Pearl is a white-level dungeon.]

[Let me tell you a scary joke, monsters in the Black Pearl don’t kill people.] FXTy9E

[What’s even scarier is seeing a lovey-dovey couple honeymooning in the Black Pearl.]

Jiang Shishi’s eyes drifted over the strange red letters that appeared before him.

He opened his mouth and cautiously took a bite of the food handed to him by his bad brother.

He didn’t really want to eat it, but seeing how much his bad brother enjoyed it made him take a small bite. eNFl8Z

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

In simpler words, it means: “I’m sure those jealous people are feeling pretty upset and defeated. Just look at how jealous they are.”

Translator's Note

In Chinese, red eyes, 红眼 is often used figuratively to describe someone who is envious or jealous. It implies that someone is feeling resentful or bitter towards others who have achieved success or obtained something desirable

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  1. Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛