I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 22

Jiang Lili is a sophomore at Haishi University.

She’s not extremely beautiful, but with makeup, she could be considered a pretty little beauty that catches one’s eye. tmvHE2

She didn’t get along well with her roommate, so as soon as she became a sophomore, she applied to move out of the school dorm and lived off-campus.

Zhao Chunyi is someone Jiang Lili met in a game.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the game lobby, Jiang Lili was looking for a “cpdd,” played a few games with Zhao Chunyi, and then they added each other on WeChat. After chatting for four or five months and finding each other quite agreeable, they confirmed their relationship. During their chats, Jiang Lili learned that Zhao Chunyi was also in Haishi and arranged to meet him in person.

Click [cpdd]

It stands for “couple diǎn diǎn” (couple 点点), which translates to “looking for a game partner” or “seeking a couple for gaming.”] IG2hyV

Zhao Chunyi is a local from Haishi; his family owns a chain of supermarkets, making him a minor wealthy second-generation. It was his first online romance, and after talking to Jiang Lili for a few months and finding her warm and cheerful, he felt quite good about her. Coincidentally, there were many holidays in these months, and he transferred quite a bit of money to Jiang Lili in succession.

He was also handsome, fitting perfectly the criteria Jiang Lili had for a boyfriend.

Little did they know, the apocalypse would strike on the very day they met in person.

Zhao Chunyi took Jiang Lili to the milk tea shop where they met and hid there for several days. There was nothing else to eat in the shop, and they were almost sick of drinking milk tea.


The milk tea shop was located on the fifth floor of Hualai Department Store, an area full of food venues, but the unknown dangers outside deterred them from leaving. Zhao Chunyi wanted to venture out, but Jiang Lili was terrified of those things and adamantly refused to go out.

After several days, thinking of his family, Zhao Chunyi could no longer stay put and insisted on leaving. Jiang Lili, afraid of being left alone and realizing her anger wouldn’t change the outcome, had no choice but to follow.

As soon as they went out, they grabbed a firefighter’s axe hanging by the staircase. Zhao Chunyi killed two zombies blocking the escalator, and just as they reached the third floor, Jiang Lili heard footsteps. Fearing it was zombies, she pulled Zhao Chunyi and hid inside the store selling down jackets.

Little did she know, her luck was really bad as there were many zombies inside the store. Zhao Chunyi, being strong, protected Jiang Lili and killed a few. But being outnumbered, and with Jiang Lili scared out of her wits, only clinging to Zhao Chunyi and not only being of no help but also hindering him, they had no choice but to temporarily hide in the fitting room. 8eclBm

Trapped for three or four hours, Zhou Ruiyi and his group arrived, coincidentally solving their dilemma.

Zhao Chunyi called out to them to express his gratitude, even though they hadn’t intended to help, but it had still inadvertently saved them.

But Jiang Lili thought differently.

Seeing the strong performance of the three people just now, she had an idea. mvj4 G

Sticking with them would definitely be better than just her and Zhao Chunyi alone.

“Thank you. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know how long we’d be stuck here…” While speaking, Jiang Lili casually flipped her hair back, showing an effortless charm, with a very grateful expression on her face.

Unexpectedly, the man with the fire ability didn’t react as she had hoped, simply responding coldly and turning to leave.

Jiang Lili thought this wouldn’t do, so she quickly jogged a few steps to catch up: “Are you here looking for supplies? Chunyi’s family owns a supermarket, and he has the keys. The supermarket was closed due to the outbreak, so it’s fully stocked. It’s not far from here, we can help you get there.” As for the basement supermarket downstairs, one could imagine it was probably already looted thoroughly. ro3X5h

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lfjglcu tfg kbgvr, Itjb Jtecsl’r fsfr klvfcfv, vewyobecvfv.

Aljcu Olil kjr rqfjxlcu klatbea atlcxlcu.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ktf reqfgwjgxfa kjr lcvffv mibrfv, jcv tf vlv tjnf atf xfsr, yea la kjrc’a mibrf ja jii.

Lf bqfcfv tlr wbeat, jybea ab rjs rbwfatlcu, ktfc Aljcu Olil cevufv tlw lc atf mtfra. 63t8cR

Ktf sbecu ijvs’r fiybk kjrc’a ufcaif, jiwbra wjxlcu Itjb Jtecsl mgs bea.

“If we were lacking supplies, do you think we would come to the third floor to collect clothes first?”

Zhou Ruiyi’s face remained impassive, unaffected by the situation.

Zhao Chenggong spoke up from the side: “Thanks, sister, but we don’t need it right now.” sPJNuM

Seeing that her bargaining chip had not had the intended effect, Jiang Lili was momentarily at a loss for words and then said: “Chunyi is very strong, and I… I’m good at cooking and can do household chores.”

“We can be very useful, please take us with you, okay?”

She no longer hid her intentions, making them clear.

“No.” cet64O

Zhou Ruiyi decisively refused.

In a panic, Jiang Lili, thinking they were afraid because Zhao Chunyi was big and tall and might team up with her for a scam, blurted out in desperation: “I know where the supermarket is, I can take you there. You have supernatural abilities, right? It’s okay to just take me!”

Zhao Chunyi: “…”

??? ZavKGL

He looked incredulously at his ruthless girlfriend, feeling like the world was playing a huge joke on him.


He exclaimed in shock.

Jiang Lili stiffened her back, but within two seconds, she adjusted her mindset, turned to Zhao Chunyi, and said: “I… I just want to survive, you understand, right?” kx8Idq

Zhao Chunyi did not understand.

Since the outbreak, he had been protecting her, truly treating this girl as a girlfriend who needed protection and love.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the milk tea shop, too, Jiang Lili had been sweet-talking him, saying that once they got out, she would go with him to the city center to rescue his parents, and then they would go to her grandfather’s house in the countryside where there were fewer people and certainly fewer zombies, thus making survival easier than in the city.

One by one, as he listened, he felt dizzy, but his heart was happy. ptdW2H

He was protecting Lili, and she, in turn, was planning their future together.

Seeing him, a tall and strong man, now pale and staggering from the blow, Zhao Chenggong grimaced, thinking to himself what a mess this was.

It seemed like they were villains splitting up a pair of lovers.

This sister is really something, Zhou Ruiyi hadn’t made any promises to her, and she was ready to abandon her boyfriend who had been protecting her for days. hEQVjz

A stranger with no prior acquaintance and a boyfriend she knows well— even a fool would know which to choose.

But there’s some sense in it.

Zhao Chenggong rolled his eyes.

Jiang Lili was probably dazzled by how fiercely Zhou Ruiyi had killed the zombies just now. UdbK6F

Bai Yunlai was also confused by how things unfolded, but being sharp, it took him only a few seconds to grasp the implications, looking up at Zhou Ruiyi thoughtfully.

In this kind of world, Zhou Ruiyi could be seen as a golden catch in some people’s eyes.


Keeping an eye on his expression and seeing Bai Yunlai’s delicate eyebrows knit together, Zhou Ruiyi got a jolt, and his back muscles tensed, feeling a bit nervous. iashuK

Firmly holding his little darling’s hand, Zhou Ruiyi spoke righteously: “It’s not for any other reason, but you’re not a good fit with us. My friend has gynophobia; he feels uncomfortable seeing women. Stay right there! Yes, right there, don’t come any closer, or he’s going to faint.”

Zhao Chenggong, supposedly afflicted with gynophobia: “…”

Ah, this.

He immediately covered his mouth with one hand, making a distressed and nauseous expression, his face pale; his acting was very convincing, supporting Zhou Ruiyi’s performance. R0962F


I never thought my acting skills could be so amazing, a truly unique talent.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Why didn’t I think to enroll in a film academy back then?

Damn, I almost convinced myself. 6USd7

Jiang Lili: “…”

After a moment of silence, she could only step back two steps.

She bumped into a wall of flesh behind her, looked up, and it was Zhao Chunyi.

His face was somber at that moment, Jiang Lili was a bit scared, but having been protected by him for several days, she still had some confidence, and immediately made a tearful expression. cpv5JZ

“Chun… Chunyi.”

Zhao Chunyi’s expression did not improve at all.

Jiang Lili tried to reach for his arm, but Zhao Chunyi quickly shook her off.

“Don’t be like this… I, I’m scared.” ucfiEL

“Jiang Lili.”

Zhao Chunyi stepped back further.

“Let’s break up.”

Angry! f9aTUv


But I cannot cry!

I will be the man you cannot reach!

Regret it, you wretched woman! qOAmkZ

I don’t need you anymore.

After saying this, Zhao Chunyi walked towards the escalator without looking back, Jiang Lili tried to reach for him again, but he ruthlessly slapped her hand away.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Zhao Chunyi did not want to stay there for another second.

All Advanced Chapters Available!


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