I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 17

The number of zombies surged like a tide, swarming endlessly; the end was not visible at a glance, and the scent of blood and decay almost pervaded the entire street. This sight continuously escalated the fear in people’s hearts, chilling them to the core.

Watching as his companions were continuously overtaken, a blonde-haired male student tripped and fell, unable to even crawl, lying on the ground as the zombies closed in. RdFBec

Once he fell, he never got back up.

The zombies did not chase the Hummer that disappeared from sight but instead rushed directly towards the direction Hu Wenbin fled.

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Their numbers were so vast that the sound of their footsteps could give the illusion of the earth trembling, causing hearts to tremble with the sound.

Returning to Shui Yi Fang, Bai Yunlai directly stowed the car into his space. uWvbLx

Zhao Chenggong was somewhat surprised, looking at the place where the car had been parked, then back at Bai Yunlai.

The short guy who could only produce small flames hadn’t been much of a threat, but the trick Bai Yunlai showed off had Zhao Chenggong somewhat longing.

This, this ability.

When can I have it?


A bit excited.

Seeing Zhao Chenggong continuously glancing at Yunlai, Zhou Ruiyi flicked his forehead, “What are you looking at?”

As if looking at a rare animal.

The latter blinked, somewhat speechless, and glared at Zhou Ruiyi. tQyb9i

No way, no way.

Surely no one gets jealous because someone else looked at their boyfriend a few extra times?

Zhou Ruiyi raised an eyebrow, catching all the speculations in Zhao Chenggong’s eyes.

The two engaged in a silent battle of gazes, and Bai Yunlai was initially somewhat puzzled, but a quick thought made him understand the underlying meaning, and a smile couldn’t help but spread across his face. n0Y6zr

He reached out and tugged at Zhou Ruiyi’s sleeve.

“Let’s go up first.”

The group quietly entered the lobby.

Unexpectedly, the lobby no longer looked the same as when they had left. There were even a few pools of blood on the floor, strikingly conspicuous, and a body lay toppled over where the room cards were kept at the front desk. PEXQYa

These changes made the expressions on Zhou Ruiyi’s and Bai Yunlai’s faces, which had been relaxed, become serious, and their backs tensed slightly.

Zhao Chenggong was somewhat confused, but seeing their expressions, he guessed something and silently gripped his knife tighter.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Ruiyi said, “Don’t worry about these, hurry upstairs.” Then, still uneasy, he cautioned, “Be careful, everyone.”

There were marks of chopping on the ornate walls of the lobby, and blood traces scattered from the entrance all the way to the front of the emergency staircase, which had started to dry. p0gfq

Out of caution, Zhou Ruiyi still chose not to use the elevator.

After turning into the staircase, they saw that the handle of the emergency staircase was covered with quite a bit of blood, likely left by someone who was injured, scattered sporadically.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The bloodstains extended all the way to the seventh floor, where they disappeared.

Aevulcu ys atf vlgfmalbc ktfgf atf yibbv vgbqifar fcvfv, atf rfnfcat oibbg kjr ilxfis atf olcji rabq bo atja qfgrbc, atf ibmjalbc bo atf gbbw mjgvr. 0hs4wo

Efjilhlcu atlr, Itbe Eelsl lwqfgmfqalyis rlutfv lc gfilfo.

Rba yflcu bc atf rjwf oibbg wfjca atja atflg glrx kjr rilutais gfvemfv.

Ktf atbeuta atja fnfc kfii-fvemjafv raevfcar mbeiv gfrbga ab wegvfg jcv mjgpjmxlcu bc pera atf atlgv vjs bo atf jqbmjisqrf wjvf Itbe Eelsl fnfc wbgf kjgs bo batfg regnlnbgr.

They didn’t stay on the seventh floor for long and quickly hastened up to the floor where their room was located. CQ7ABJ

With a beep—

The bright lights, luxurious decor, and the faint scent in the room were all environments Zhao Chenggong was extremely accustomed to.

Now, experiencing them again felt somewhat surreal, bringing tears to his eyes.

He even warmly gave Zhou Ruiyi, who was next to him, a hug, “Brother, you are like my real brother!” 6yZoRB

Being embraced, Zhou Ruiyi was slightly disgusted.

“Let go.”

He tried to break free from Zhao Chenggong’s arms.

But Zhao Chenggong reacted quickly and released him before he could act. IKvAUy

“I’m just a bit excited,” he explained calmly.

“Go take a shower.”

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Zhou Ruiyi waved his hand, squeezing out a look of disdain.

The smell of blood mixed with other odors, and he had been too embarrassed to mention it until now. YtzS1d

The guest bedroom had a separate bathroom, and Zhao Chenggong agreed quickly, slipping inside and disappearing.

His departing figure looked somewhat eager, clearly fed up with the mess on himself.

The door to the guest bedroom clicked shut.

Bai Yunlai sighed in relief, relaxed his body and leaned on Zhou Ruiyi. After receiving a comforting head rub from the latter, he softly said, “I’ll cook some lavish dishes today.” 2KdZGu

Maybe celebrate a little.

Zhou Ruiyi: “…”

He lowered his head and kissed his little darling on the cheek.

“Okay, but you have to pay me.” 0Lqdfc

Bai Yunlai was puzzled.

Pay you? Me?

Zhou Ruiyi looked aggrieved: “You cook lavish meals for other men…”

He pouted, “I get jealous.” wHfmP2

Bai Yunlai was moved.

He thought the man in front of him was excessively cute.

“…Is this okay?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yunlai wrapped his arms around Zhou Ruiyi’s neck, lifted his head, and kissed the corner of his lips. Rx2JdY

He intended it to be a brief touch, but the next second, Bai Yunlai’s head was firmly held and the kiss deepened.

The fragrance in the air seemed to change, becoming even sweeter than before.

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After the kiss ended, Bai Yunlai’s lips appeared more vibrant than before, and his ears turned red.

Zhou Ruiyi lowered his head and nuzzled his nose against him, his eyes rarely curving into crescents. dNtvU3

“This payment isn’t bad.”

—”I really like it.”

Made bashful by his words, Bai Yunlai hummed, slightly shy.

He had been a bit dazed by the kiss just now. uAnya6

What’s it like having a boyfriend who’s great at kissing?


It’s pretty amazing.


Zhao Chenggong got dressed in a bathrobe and came out looking completely rejuvenated, as if reborn.

The feeling of the hot water cascading over his body was almost too comfortable, which inevitably extended his bathing time by quite a bit.

“It smells so good.”

When he saw the food on the dining table, Zhao Chenggong’s eyes lit up. upF2Zr

He didn’t hesitate, simply choosing a seat and sitting down, his eyes practically glowing as he looked at the dishes.

Which one to eat first?

Dish number one looks good, dish number two seems delicious, but he couldn’t bear to pass up on dish number three.

Damn it. EsRxy8

I really am a fickle man.

Zhou Ruiyi: “Of course, didn’t you see who made it?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhao Chenggong looked at Zhou Ruiyi suspiciously, sizing him up: “You made it?”

Is the sky falling? 5WugLJ

Zhou Ruiyi shook his head and put his arm around Bai Yunlai’s shoulder, his tone full of pride: “Yunlai made it.”

“I knew it.”

After saying this, Zhao Chenggong smiled brightly at Bai Yunlai: “It looks delicious.”

Bai Yunlai smiled, “Thank you.” MHsj8U

This meal was completely devoured.

While eating, Zhao Chenggong kept praising without repeating a single word.

He was used to being in the entertainment scene and had a whole vocabulary of compliments in his head.

Of course, it was mainly because he really found the meal delicious. oACNt0

Zhou Ruiyi was a bit jealous of others praising more than him. He then thought, since the person is his own, he felt relieved and did not force himself to compete with Zhao Chenggong using cheesy love phrases.

At night, back in their room, the two lay on the big bed. Zhou Ruiyi pulled him into his arms again and whispered a complaint in Bai Yunlai’s ear.

“Am I sweet?”

Bai Yunlai was taken aback by his question. WxYUOJ

After two seconds, he replied: “The sweetest in the world.”

Zhou Ruiyi hummed twice, then contentedly cuddled up and fell asleep.

Bai Yunlai widened his eyes, not quite understanding what his boyfriend was up to.

After thinking for a minute and still not understanding, he stopped thinking and snuggled closer into the warm embrace. NOXaQU

The next morning, Bai Yunlai felt the chest hugging him from behind was a bit hot.

He was still a bit groggy when he woke up and reached out to touch Zhou Ruiyi’s forehead.

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With that touch, Bai Yunlai’s mind instantly cleared.

The sweetest boyfriend in the world had a fever! 9gPfza

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