I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 15

Not only that, Hu Wenbin could also feel his strength increase significantly, and even his severely myopic eyes seemed to have been replaced, turning a blurry world into clarity in an instant.

He walked out with his head held high and strutted in front of everyone, showcasing his new skills. WoeqJD

Sparking small flames.

Of course, it’s just a small flame for now, but Hu Wenbin believes that one day it will become a big fireball.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Everyone hiding here are college students who adapt quickly to new things. They revered supernatural abilities, which they had only seen in movies and novels. With this power on his side, they readily accepted Hu Wenbin as their leader.

The restaurant owner’s family was no exception. Being in the minority, they felt they couldn’t stand against the group of vigorous and youthful students. pdClox

Having secured his position, the first objective Hu Wenbin declared was — to hijack cars.

The group found it hard to accept, knowing that in this apocalyptic world, they must fight not only zombies but also other humans. Yet, they didn’t want to become the villains who strike first.

Anticipating this reaction, Hu Wenbin said, “Don’t you all want to go out, live better, want to go home?”

“Besides, we’re not killing them by hijacking their cars. If they’re wise enough to join us, we’re willing to let them come with us.”


Hu Wenbin rambled on about this topic for over two hours.

Having been trapped here for three days, even with sufficient food and drink, many were nearing their psychological breaking point.

Stirred by Hu Wenbin’s words and the sudden emergence of his supernatural abilities, which seemed to give him a protagonist’s halo, they were moved by his speech.

So, they decided… let’s do it. ngbPXY

In such times, they would have to take this step sooner or later.

Their target was to hijack five vehicles.

Zhou Ruiyi’s group was the first one.

A successful start. bt UCl

Armed, several people rubbed their hands together and slowly approached the big guy trapped behind the spikes.

They also studied cars when they had nothing else to do in the dormitory.

For cars with an average price of several million, previously they could only feast their eyes online. Now, having the opportunity to own one, the excitement and joy nearly overwhelmed their fear of committing a crime.

Students, being easily swayed, yet still somewhat aware of right and wrong. RY5KIk

The three people sitting in the car looked quite distressed. Zhou Ruiyi lowered his eyes to the sharp knives in the car, his gaze betraying a struggle.

He had no psychological pressure killing zombies, but killing people…

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

While conflicted, a warm hand covered the back of his hand.

Obbxlcu eq, tf wfa Djl Tecijl’r fsfr oeii bo mbcmfgc. rCpnUT

Vevvfcis, Itbe Eelsl ofia mjiw.

Lf ugjrqfv Djl Tecijl’r tjcv lc gfaegc jcv tjcvfv atf xclof ab Itjb Jtfcuubcu lc atf yjmx rfja.

“Bffq la tlvvfc bc sbe, bcis ajxf la bea lo cfmfrrjgs.”

Itjb Jtfcuubcu rbifwcis abbx atf xclof. 265gCq

This was certainly more useful than his two beer bottles.

Zhao Chenggong was more accepting of killing than Zhou Ruiyi.

His family had many political enemies, and he was almost kidnapped as a child. Thus, his family’s elders made a tough decision to send him to the military district for training for a few years, where he frequently handled guns and even personally killed someone who tried to kidnap him.

For killing those who deserved it, Zhao Chenggong felt no guilt at all. o8BwiW

If this group intended to rob, they must be prepared to be killed.

“Get out of the car.”

Zhou Ruiyi said sternly.


Three people sequentially got out of the Hummer.

The students, who had planned to deal with these individuals thoroughly, were startled and stared blankly.


They must have. 0N3dcD

Robbed three celebrities.

Zhao Chenggong’s trendy purple hair might sound quite unusual, but paired with a handsome face, it really fits his description of a high street decadent style.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Needless to say about Zhou Ruiyi and Bai Yunlai, one more attractive than the other, at first glance they make one feel as if their style is different from ordinary people, shining brilliantly.

Students always subconsciously give more favorable treatment to good-looking people. V4G Yq

“There is food and water in the car, we can give all these to you.”

After scanning the group of students, Zhou Ruiyi said.

They didn’t seem like they had blood on their hands, probably the first batch this group had robbed.

The key was the guy giving orders to these people, that short fellow who looked only about 1.7 meters tall. 8YNprV

A flame appeared in his palm… a fire attribute supernatural ability?

Zhou Ruiyi silently breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

This meant that Yunlai was not the only person with supernatural abilities in the world, and he could be more confident and bold when using his powers in the future.

The students looked at each other, you look at me and I look at you, their rhythm disrupted by this unusual move. jyYrPd

After all, it was their first time doing this kind of thing, and they were not very skilled.

Finally, these few turned their pleading gazes towards Hu Wenbin, who was standing behind.

Boss, how should we handle this situation?

Hu Wenbin under their focused gaze: “…” aENcGO

Utterly useless! Utterly useless!!

How could they turn into dumb ducks just because these people are good-looking.

And what about giving us water and food, are you guys dumb?! If we rob this car, everything on it becomes ours too!

Can a face be eaten?! t qMKc

He felt a mix of disappointment and frustration, yet he also knew that if he didn’t speak up, he might lose his leadership position within the team. So, Hu Wenbin clenched his fist, held it to his mouth, and gently coughed twice before slowly walking up to the front of the confrontation spot.

“You don’t seem to have the right to negotiate terms with us. As for water and food… we’re not lacking.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He intentionally stood up straight, afraid of losing ground in this confrontation.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ‘male celebrity’ across from him raised an eyebrow, his tone laced with mockery: “Do you really think that if a fight breaks out, you can rob us of our car without any harm?” After a pause, he added: “Or do you think, just with your boss’s little flame, you can scare us into submission?” 5RvQwl

The sarcasm in his tone made Hu Wenbin somewhat embarrassed.

Ever since he discovered his supernatural ability, he had always considered himself a chosen one, with his pride swelling continuously.

Just like this ability.

Possessing infinite potential. K2 Z8c

Ruling the world might seem a far-off goal, but becoming the leader of all survivors in Haimarket is something he believes he can strive towards.

Yet, Zhou Ruiyi’s words struck his overly inflated confidence, instantly igniting a fire of anger within him.

Hu Wenbin snorted coldly, “Just the three of you?”

His eyebrows lifted, making his ordinary features appear more pointed. 6qWv7d

“The car, I’m taking it; and none of you are going anywhere.”

He intended to use these three to set an example, further boosting his authority and leadership within the team.

He had to prove to his subordinates that he is the undisputed leader!

The conquest of Haimarket starts here! mT3UPy

Hearing his fierce words, let alone Zhou Ruiyi, even Zhao Chenggong felt this short guy deserved a beating.

Though he had never seen any supernatural abilities before, just a tiny flame the size of a lighter really couldn’t inspire any awe in him.

He immediately started mocking, “Not very tall, but your talk is big, huh?”

Hearing this, Hu Wenbin: “…” gKBX4n


Hit where it hurts.

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Initially just wanting to assert his authority, these words provoked him into having a deadly intent.

This purple-haired non-mainstream, I must kill him myself! ZwjLu0

I’ll scatter your ashes!


The author has something to say:

Hu Wenbin: You’re not right 🙁 BAbZJo

[Translator’s announcement: The schedule of this novel has been changed. It will be updated only on Mondays and Wednesdays (twice a week). Happy reading~]

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