I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh121 - The Kiss in the Haunted House

With Luo Feifei leading the way, Fei Bai and the others easily navigated through the haunted house. Eventually, some other lost tourists even started following them, giving Fei Bai the illusion that he was on a guided tour rather than navigating a haunted house.

He tugged at Luo Yusen’s clothes and asked, “Shixiong, don’t you think our trip to the haunted house was in vain?” 08JzRg

“Really?” Luo Yusen raised an eyebrow, grabbed Fei Bai’s hand, and gestured behind him with his chin. “Do you think that old woman in white is scary?”

Fei Bai turned around to look but saw nothing. “Wh-what old woman in white? I didn’t see anyone.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Luo Yusen didn’t say anything. Fei Bai suddenly felt something cold and wet on his waist. He screamed and jumped onto Luo Yusen, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck.

Luo Yusen chuckled and, with one hand, held Fei Bai’s legs to keep him from falling. He teased, “Little Shidi, are you still feeling bored now?” xJC1FI

Trembling, Fei Bai looked down and saw that Luo Yusen was pressing a bottle of ice water, which they had bought before entering, against his waist.

“Shixiong!” Fei Bai, embarrassed and angry, squeezed Luo Yusen’s waist with his legs.

The smile on Luo Yusen’s face froze instantly. He leaned in close to Fei Bai’s ear and whispered, “Don’t move.”

Fei Bai sensed what was happening, and his face turned a bit red. Thankfully, the dim light in the haunted house hid it. He quickly jumped off Luo Yusen and muttered, “Pervert.”


Luo Yusen glanced at Luo Feifei, who was walking confidently ahead. Suddenly, he grabbed Fei Bai’s hand and pulled him away. Before Fei Bai could react, Luo Yusen dragged him into a small room inside the haunted house.

Fei Bai whispered, “Shixiong, what are you going to do… mmph…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oeb Terfc mjqaegfv Mfl Djl’r ilqr, qgfrrlcu tlr kglrar jybnf tlr tfjv jujlcra atf vbbg jcv xlrrlcu tlw vffqis lc atf mbcolcfv rqjmf.

Ktf vlw ugffc iluta lc atf gbbw oilmxfgfv lcafgwlaafcais. Mfl Djl’r fsfr klvfcfv, cbalmlcu j utbra milwylcu bea bo j nfgalmji mboolc yftlcv Oeb Terfc. Ktf utbra tfrlajafv, rajcvlcu atfgf klat klvf fsfr, ecregf ktfatfg ab mbwf bnfg jcv rmjgf atfw. ZM1UgN

After a while, the ghost silently retreated back into the coffin, closing the lid. Fei Bai thought he heard a sorrowful sigh.

The kiss didn’t last long. After stopping, Luo Yusen still felt unsatisfied and kissed the corner of Fei Bai’s mouth again. He whispered in his ear, “Let’s head back early today.”

Although they had fallen a bit behind Feifei, Luo Yusen had a good sense of direction and, within a few minutes, managed to lead Fei Bai back to the group, seamlessly blending in with the crowd.

“Shixiong, could you not be so sudden next time…” Fei Bai said, feeling dizzy. The kiss in the haunted house left him a little breathless. 9n5hcI

“Didn’t little Shidi call me a pervert?” Luo Yusen teased, rubbing Fei Bai’s neck.  “I can’t let that reputation go to waste.”

As they neared the exit, a female ghost tried to scare Feifei by reaching out to touch her braid, saying, “Little sister, don’t go—”

Feifei paused and looked up at the female ghost, saying something in response.

The female ghost didn’t understand, so Fei Bai translated, “She asked if you wanted to invite her for a meal.” a9oiOt

The female ghost wiped her sweat and replied, “…This little sister is quite brave.”

After leaving the haunted house, it was time for dinner. Fei Bai asked Feifei if she wanted to go back to the children’s restaurant they had visited before. Feifei shook her head, pointed to the “Around the World” themed restaurant not far away, and ran off towards it.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Yan, whose legs were still wobbly from being scared in the haunted house, couldn’t keep up with Feifei. She grabbed Qiao Li’s shirt, making him lead her forward. Qiao Li, struggling with his collar being pulled to the side and finding it hard to breathe, finally couldn’t hold back and said, “Yan Yan, let go of me first. Stop grabbing my shirt, okay?”

Yan Yan glared at him. “What’s with your attitude?” uhErWx

“What’s wrong with my attitude?” Qiao Li defended, protecting his neck.

After a moment’s thought, Yan Yan said, “At least call me something like ‘darling.'”

“Oh, don’t grab my darling shirt,” Qiao Li replied.

Then Fei Bai heard Qiao Li let out a scream, even more pitiful than the one he heard in the haunted house just moments ago. UcaYJj

The restaurant Feifei chose had a very high-tech decor. The walls were embedded with LED screens displaying scenic spots from around the world in a continuous loop. The five of them picked a table near the center of the restaurant and sat down. Yan Yan handed the menu to Feifei first.

She looked at Fei Bai and Luo Yusen, saying, “I never imagined I’d sit at the same table with my cousin and Fei Bai one day.”

After a pause, she asked again, “Cousin, how about bringing Fei Bai with you when you come to my house for Chinese New Year this year?”

Since the death of Luo Yusen’s parents, his aunt has invited him to their place for the New Year’s Eve dinner every year, and whenever Feifei was feeling well, she would join in too. Despite having many such dinners together, Yan Yan had never gotten close to her cousin. But now that Fei Bai had become her little sister-in-law, she felt much closer to Luo Yusen and dared to speak to him more casually. O5Dnmi

Luo Yusen glanced at Fei Bai and smirked. “Ask him if he’s willing.”

Fei Bai knew he should say yes at this moment but hesitated when he remembered his mother asking him to spend New Year’s with his grandmother.

Qiao Li seemed to have had the same thought. The two exchanged a look, and Qiao Li quickly said to Yan Yan, “Aren’t you rushing things? Will your parents be okay with it?”

“Of course,” Yan Yan said matter-of-factly. “I’ve already told them. My mom even said she’d like to meet Fei Bai. So, Fei Bai, are you coming?” xUi2kr

Qiao Li noticed Yan Yan’s insistence on getting Fei Bai to agree right then and there. He swiftly changed the topic. “Hey, why are you so concerned about whether Fei Bai comes to your place for New Year? Why don’t you invite me instead?”

“If you want to come, that’s fine,” Yan Yan said, her attention diverted. “But you better be ready for my parents to interrogate you like they’re checking your household registration.”

While they bantered back and forth nearby, Luo Yusen still noticed the subtle changes in Fei Bai’s mood. He lowered his head and asked Fei Bai softly, “Don’t you want to go?”

“It’s not that…” Fei Bai trailed off, looking hesitant and uncertain. hquGcz

Luo Yusen squeezed his hand gently. “It’s okay. We can stay home with Feifei and even bring Grandma over. How does that sound?”

Fei Bai felt even more conflicted when Luo Yusen mentioned his grandmother. He didn’t know how to respond. He wanted to say yes but feared he might change his mind later.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Luo Yusen could see the turmoil in Fei Bai’s eyes. He frowned slightly, recalling the day Fei Bai hid his phone and the unusual reaction of Fei Bai and his grandmother when his parents were mentioned. He hadn’t looked into the issues between Fei Bai and his parents, thinking the boy could handle it. But now, it seemed like something had changed.

After some thought, Luo Yusen asked Fei Bai again, “Is it because you want to spend Chinese New Year with your mom and dad?” 3QDun


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  1. Communication is the key, to a good and stable relationship, Fei Bai. I love you please, keep that in your mind